VSCode - where can I find the color codes used in default theme - visual-studio-code

I am using VSCODE 1.46.1.
My OS is Linux Mint 19.3
I am using the default Default Light+ theme.
I want see which colors it has used in the status bar. Where can I find the files which has the color codes of Default Light+.
I have search both ~/.vscode & ~/.config/Code for files where text containing statusBar.background, but could not find anything useful.

You can simply go to the source code at light_plus.json
Or in the case of linux, usually is stored at: /usr/share/code/resources/app/extensions/theme-defaults/themes/light_plus.json
cd /usr/share/code/resources/app/extensions/theme-defaults/themes/
Will put you in the folder where all the default themes are. but we warned - future updates might overwrites those files.
Important note: there's an hierarchy: light_plus -> light_vs -> light_defaults -> etc. common which is the base is in the code theme.ts, so if you can't find a setting, look at the parent.

There are in resources\app\extensions\theme-defaults\themes of you vscode install
Find which by using which code in your terminal


VSCode individualize every instance? [duplicate]

Is it possible to show the last folder in the title bar? If you have multiple instances of VS Code open, it is difficult to distinguish between them from the task bar. If both instances are open on say a file called 'main.ts', you will see 'main.ts' in the taskbar item.
Currently, the title would be [filename open] - [folder open] (e.g main.ts - angular2-training. Is it possible to invert them to become [folder open] - [filename open] (e.g angular2-training - main.ts?
Use window.title in user/workspace settings
The documentation is here with the full list of options of what can be shown. It's quite flexible.
In your case, to display angular2-training - main.ts you can use this
"window.title": "${rootName}${separator}${activeEditorShort}"
Older VS Code versions
The above only works in v1.10 and up. Here's how to do it in older versions:
v1.9, v1.8 - "window.showFullPath": true shows the full path to the current file, so you can at least see the project folder. Note this config is unsupported after v1.10
v1.7 and below - it's not possible
On version 1.13
Go to settings, inside UserSettings add this line to the json blob:
"window.title": "${activeEditorLong}"
On version 1.41.1
based uploaded image:
1,2: Go to Setting
3: Search windows title in search box
4: Type this statement in windows title box:
If you want to be able to identify which project you are working on by looking at the window title bar, one option is to set "window.title" to a custom value in the workspace settings file at
If the file doesn't exist, create it, then add the following to it:
"window.title": "<PROJECT NAME> : ${rootName}${separator}${activeEditorShort}"
This is a simple solution that works rather well.
Tested in 1.44
The setting which matches the OPs problem... not being able to tell which VS Code editor is which from the taskbar... is:
"window.title": "${folderName} ${separator} ${activeEditorShort}"
I prefer the simpler
"window.title": "${folderName}"
${activeFolderShort} and friends, don't do what I want, as these follow the folder the active file is in. Whereas I want the folder of the whole "project" shown at all times.
Also, when browsing from the taskbar, I don't care what file is active - it is just noise. I care about the project (i.e. folder). On many occasions, every open VS Code will "main.rs" as the active file, so it is pointless to show it!
Editing the settings in json format even includes intellisense now, so you can see all the options without even having to look them up, and they appear as soon you save the settings file. No need to reload. Awesome!
v1.31 of vscode added these options to window.title:
There are three new variables that can be used within the window.title
${activeFolderShort}: The name of the folder the file is contained in.
${activeFolderMedium}: The path of the folder the file is contained
in, relative to the workspace folder.
${activeFolderLong}: The full
path of the folder the file is contained in.
In addition of the setting:
"window.title": "${rootName}${separator}${activeEditorShort}"
You now can configure the separator as well with VSCode 1.45 (April 2020)
Allow customize the window title separator
A new setting window.titleSeparator allows to change the separator that is used in the window title.
By default a dash is used.
Just some tweaks i found out:
// will not work on workspace settings.json -> only global
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom",
// show only the name of the workspace folder in the title bar
"window.title": "${folderName}",
// remove the useless icons on the top-right
"window.commandCenter": false,
// make left & top green :-)
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"activityBar.background": "#1e2127",
"activityBar.foreground": "#95C085",
"titleBar.activeBackground": "#165900",
"titleBar.activeForeground": "#ffffff",

Markdown file path complete in VSCode

Is there any path-autocompletion extension for Markdown in VSCode?
I tried Path Intellisense but this seems to be effective only when using (double) quotation.
I want to use autocompletion when insert images stored in local directory, e.g.:
Yes, you can make that happen by using this extension on VS Code.
Relative Path extension
Juste type ctrl (or cmd on mac) + shift + H and type your file name.
It should be built-in to vscode soon, hopefully v1.64.
New setting: markdown.suggest.paths.enabled default is true
from Commit: Add basic markdown link completions
Only normal links for now. Will add reference links later. Should
support the forms:
The paths suggestions work similarly to path IntelliSense in CSS and
HTML files. Paths starting with / are resolved relative to the current
workspace, while paths staring with ./ or without any prefix are
resolved relative to the current file. Path suggestions are
automatically shown when you type / or can be manually invoked by
using kb(editor.action.triggerSuggest).
Path IntelliSense can also help you link to headers within the current
file or within another Markdown file. Start the path with # to see
completions for all the headers in the file (depending on your
settings, you may need to use kb(editor.action.triggerSuggest) to see
-from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_64.md#markdown-path-intellisense
For anyone else stumbling upon this answer, the Markdown All in One extension is able to perform this sort of autocomplete.

How to set default file type to be All Files(*.*) in VS Code?

Now my default file type of Visual Studio Code is Plain Text.
If I save a new file with name like a.in, it will save as a.in.txt. I have to change the dropdown to All Files.
I find the same problems in github: 1, 2. However, they seem not solve my problem.
This is not possible in the general case in VSCode.
The issue is that you cannot assign "no extension" to a language, and as per the links you mentioned, the All Files (*.*) option is disabled by upstream (electron).
Therefore, you will either have to remove the extension manually, OR you can create the file first (using the terminal, Explorer, an extension, etc.) and then open that existing file.
There is a way to change the default extension (but not to All Files)
Add the following line to your settings.json
"files.defaultLanguage": "<language>",
Replace <language> with the language of your choice.
Now, whenever you make a new a file, the default file language will be <language>.
A special value for <language> is ${activeEditorLanguage} which is the language of the file last opened (useful if, say, you copy a piece of code from one file to save as another).
Unfortunately, this does not fully answer the question, but provides a partial solution.

Set encoding permanently in Visual Studio Code

I am using Visual Studio Code to write a LaTeX file with the LaTeX Workspace plugin.
However everytime that I open VS Code it insists that the encoding of the TeX file is UTF-8 and makes all the special characters go bezerk, but for some reason TeX Live doesn't compile in that encoding even if I convert it. Since another person is using the file too and their editor is set in Windows 1252 encoding, I want to keep using that.
How to set a encoding to a file permantly (or to an extension) in VS Code?
There are language-specific configurations. CTRL-Shift-P and see "Preferences: Configure Language Specific Settings... However, I do not see a LaTex choice there. But you may because of the LaText Plugin. So you could do something like:
"[latex]": {
"files.encoding": "windows1252"
If you don't see one perhaps you could associate your file extension (.tex?) with one on the list and then the above setting?
I assume you have
"files.autoGuessEncoding": false
already set to false - the default. WTH, try "true".
And see Allow to set files.encoding as language specific setting for files on startup so the lanuage-specific setting should work better on start-up.
Your settings.json per user or per workspace can contain an encoding directive.
If you want Java files opened in UTF-8,
then the following has no effect
"files.encoding" : "utf8",
but this works
"[java]": {
"files.encoding": "utf8"
The existing answers show a possible solution for single files or file types. However, you can define the charset standard in VS Code by following this path:
File > Preferences > Settings > Encoding > Choose your option
This will define a character set as default.
VSCode set default file encoding
Sven Eschlbeck's answer illustrated:
The following page will be opened. There are many settings. To get to the desired item without scrolling through all entries, type "Encod" in the search box. Observe that the item "Files: Encoding" is presented to us. Now we can change the setting.
Tips to share with you: "GB18030" applies fairly well universally for source code files containing Chinese characters.
More tips:
The encoding being applied to the current file is shown in the status bar. Mouse right-click this to call up the options as shown.
Here, you can switch encoding ad-hoc.
Having autoGuessEncoding true in USER and autoGuessEncoding false, "files.encoding": "windows1250" in WorkSpace was still giving me windows1252.
I do not uderstand why User overchanged WorkSpace. I have to disable autoGuessEncoding also in USER to finally get "files.encoding": "windows1250" work everytime.
So you can face the same issue and this could help.

How can I change the file sorting of VS Code?

In my project I have files labeled as such day1.txt, day2.txt, day3.txt, etc.
Now in my normal file system they are listed in the correct order:
In VS Code they are listed like so:
Is there a setting somewhere to change this? It is driving me mad.
I've given the settings a search and I didn't see any obvious parameter to change that would affect this.
Yes there is a way.
In your Settings (File → Preferences → Settings) search for: explorer.sortOrder
A small pen will appear on the left side of the setting. Select the way you want to sort the files. There are five options available:
Files first
Unfortunately, there's no option that will allow you to sort all of the open editors alphabetically.
No, unfortunately there's no such option as of yet, but there's already a feature request.
Maddening having to constantly search for the file in the OPEN EDITORS section. Such a nice program otherwise. What a shame.