We are using py.test 2.8.7 and I have the below method which creates a separate log file for every test-case. However this does not handle unhandled Exceptions. So if a code snippet throws an Exception instead of failing with an assert, the stack-trace of the Exception is not logged into the separate file. Can someone please help me in how I could capture these Exceptions?
def remove_special_chars(input):
Replaces all special characters which ideally shout not be included in the name of a file
Such characters will be replaced with a dot so we know there was something useful there
for special_ch in ["/", "\\", "<", ">", "|", "&", ":", "*", "?", "\"", "'"]:
input = input.replace(special_ch, ".")
return input
def assemble_test_fqn(node):
Assembles a fully-qualified name for our test-case which will be used as its test log file name
current_node = node
result = ""
while current_node is not None:
if current_node.name == "()":
current_node = current_node.parent
if result != "":
result = "." + result
result = current_node.name + result
current_node = current_node.parent
return remove_special_chars(result)
# This fixture creates a logger per test-case
#pytest.yield_fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def set_log_file_per_method(request):
Creates a separate file logging handler for each test method
# Assembling the location of the log folder
test_log_dir = "%s/all_test_logs" % (request.config.getoption("--output-dir"))
# Creating the log folder if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(test_log_dir):
# Adding a file handler
test_log_file = "%s/%s.log" % (test_log_dir, assemble_test_fqn(request.node))
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=test_log_file, mode="w")
log_format = request.config.getoption("--log-format")
log_formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)
# After the test finished, we remove the file handler
I have ended-up with a custom plugin:
import io
import os
import pytest
def remove_special_chars(text):
Replaces all special characters which ideally shout not be included in the name of a file
Such characters will be replaced with a dot so we know there was something useful there
for special_ch in ["/", "\\", "<", ">", "|", "&", ":", "*", "?", "\"", "'"]:
text = text.replace(special_ch, ".")
return text
def assemble_test_fqn(node):
Assembles a fully-qualified name for our test-case which will be used as its test log file name
The result will also include the potential path of the log file as the parents are appended to the fqn with a /
current_node = node
result = ""
while current_node is not None:
if current_node.name == "()":
current_node = current_node.parent
if result != "":
result = "/" + result
result = remove_special_chars(current_node.name) + result
current_node = current_node.parent
return result
def as_unicode(text):
Encodes a text into unicode
If it's already unicode, we do not touch it
if isinstance(text, unicode):
return text
return unicode(str(text))
class TestReport:
Holds a test-report
def __init__(self, fqn):
self._fqn = fqn
self._errors = []
self._sections = []
def add_error(self, error):
Adds an error (either an Exception or an assertion error) to the list of errors
def add_sections(self, sections):
Adds captured sections to our internal list of sections
Since tests can have multiple phases (setup, call, teardown) this will be invoked for all phases
If for a newer phase we already captured a section, we override it in our already existing internal list
interim = []
for current_section in self._sections:
section_to_add = current_section
# If the current section we already have is also present in the input parameter,
# we override our existing section with the one from the input as that's newer
for index, input_section in enumerate(sections):
if current_section[0] == input_section[0]:
section_to_add = input_section
# Adding the new sections from the input parameter to our internal list
for input_section in sections:
# And finally overriding our internal list of sections
self._sections = interim
def save_to_file(self, log_folder):
Saves the current report to a log file
# Adding a file handler
test_log_file = "%s/%s.log" % (log_folder, self._fqn)
# Creating the log folder if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(test_log_file)):
# Saving the report to the given log file
with io.open(test_log_file, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
for error in self._errors:
for index, section in enumerate(self._sections):
f.write((u"=" * (len(section[0]) + 1)) + u"\n")
if index < len(self._sections) - 1:
class ReportGenerator:
A py.test plugin which collects the test-reports and saves them to a separate file per test
def __init__(self, output_dir):
self._reports = {}
self._output_dir = output_dir
#pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True)
def pytest_runtest_makereport(self, item, call):
outcome = yield
# Generating the fully-qualified name of the underlying test
fqn = assemble_test_fqn(item)
# Getting the already existing report for the given test from our internal dict or creating a new one if it's not already present
# We need to do this as this method will be invoked for each phase (setup, call, teardown)
if fqn not in self._reports:
report = TestReport(fqn)
self._reports.update({fqn: report})
report = self._reports[fqn]
result = outcome.result
# Appending the sections for the current phase to the test-report
# If we have an error, we add that as well to the test-report
if hasattr(result, "longrepr") and result.longrepr is not None:
error = result.longrepr
error_text = ""
if isinstance(error, str) or isinstance(error, unicode):
error_text = as_unicode(error)
elif isinstance(error, tuple):
error_text = u"\n".join([as_unicode(e) for e in error])
elif hasattr(error, "reprcrash") and hasattr(error, "reprtraceback"):
if error.reprcrash is not None:
error_text += str(error.reprcrash)
if error.reprtraceback is not None:
if error_text != "":
error_text += "\n\n"
error_text += str(error.reprtraceback)
error_text = as_unicode(error)
# Finally saving the report
# We need to do this for all phases as we don't know if and when a test would fail
# This will essentially override the previous log file for a test if we are in a newer phase
report.save_to_file("%s/all_test_logs" % self._output_dir)
def pytest_configure(config):
config._report_generator = ReportGenerator("result")
I want to use a function to read inputs file paths from a dataframe and send them to my snakemake rule. I also have a helper function to select the remote from which to pull the files.
from snakemake.remote.GS import RemoteProvider as GSRemoteProvider
from snakemake.remote.SFTP import RemoteProvider as SFTPRemoteProvider
from os.path import join
import pandas as pd
configfile: "config.yaml"
units = pd.read_csv(config["units"]).set_index(["library", "unit"], drop=False)
TMP= join('data', 'tmp')
def access_remote(local_path):
""" Connnects to remote as defined in config file"""
provider = config['provider']
if provider == 'GS':
GS = GSRemoteProvider()
remote_path = GS.remote(join("gs://" + config['bucket'], local_path))
elif provider == 'SFTP':
SFTP = SFTPRemoteProvider(
remote_path = SFTP.remote(
config['host'] + ":22" + join(base_path, local_path)
remote_path = local_path
return remote_path
def get_fastqs(wc):
Get fastq files (units) of a particular library - sample
combination from the unit sheet.
fqs = units.loc[
(units.library == wc.library) &
(units.libtype == wc.libtype),
return {
"r1": list(map(access_remote, fqs.fq1.values)),
# Combine all fastq files from the same sample / library type combination
rule combine_units:
input: unpack(get_fastqs)
r1 = join(TMP, "reads", "{library}_{libtype}.end1.fq.gz")
threads: 12
shell("cat {i1} > {o1}".format(i1=input['r1'], o1=output['r1']))
My config file contains the bucket name and provider, which are passed to the function. This works as expected when running simply snakemake.
However, I would like to use the kubernetes integration, which requires passing the provider and bucket name in the command line. But when I run:
snakemake -n --kubernetes --default-remote-provider GS --default-remote-prefix bucket-name
I get this error:
ERROR :: MissingInputException in line 19 of Snakefile:
Missing input files for rule combine_units:
bucket-name/['bucket-name/lib1-unit1.end1.fastq.gz', 'bucket-name/lib1-unit2.end1.fastq.gz', 'bucket-name/lib1-unit3.end1.fastq.gz']
The bucket is applied twice (once mapped correctly to each element, and once before the whole list (which gets converted to a string). Did I miss something ? Is there a good way to work around this ?
I'm attempting to deploy an oracle service bus project to my locally hosted weblogic 12c server in an internet-restricted VM but the tools are indicating my JAR file isn't a valid application file. What is the proper way of building and deploying OSB projects to the weblogic host?
I've attempted to build use both the configjar utility to create jar files as well as exported directly from JDeveloper to a jar file. I've also attempted to use the ant task jwsc to build the osb project, but haven't been successful.
I've attempted to deploy via the deploy() WLST command, the wldeploy ANT task, and the the wldeploy utility tool but they run into an error and quit. I am able to take the .jar file and manually upload it through the service bus console without issue, though.
connect(username, password, adminUrl)
I was expecting that the above sample code would deploy the application successfully, but instead the following error code is returned every time:
Deployment Message : weblogic.management.DeploymentException:
[J2EE:160177]The application at
"C:\jdeveloper\mywork\CommonServicesOSB\CrmConnections\test3.jar" was
not recognized as a valid application type. If this is an EAR file,
please ensure the META-INF/application.xml exists. EJB-JARs should
have a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml or corresponding annotations exist. If
this is an exploded WAR, the name of directory must be end with
".war". RARs require a META-INF/ra.xml. A JMS deployment should be an
XML file whose name ends with "-jms.xml". A JDBC deployment should be
an XML file whose name ends with "-jdbc.xml". For other application
types, consult the WebLogic Server documentation.
I'm guessing that I'm missing a crucial file or step, but the documentation I can find hasn't made this any clearer. Does anyone know how this is supposed to work?
In Weblogic 11c i used the following script.
Command to run script:
./oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh script.py import.properties path_jar.jar
from java.util import HashMap
from java.util import HashSet
from java.util import ArrayList
from java.io import FileInputStream
from com.bea.wli.sb.util import Refs
from com.bea.wli.config.customization import Customization
from com.bea.wli.sb.management.importexport import ALSBImportOperation
import sys
# Entry function to deploy project configuration and resources
# into a ALSB domain
def importToALSBDomain(importConfigFile, importJarPath):
SessionMBean = None
print 'Loading Deployment config from :', importConfigFile
exportConfigProp = loadProps(importConfigFile)
adminUrl = exportConfigProp.get("adminUrl")
importUser = exportConfigProp.get("importUser")
importPassword = exportConfigProp.get("importPassword")
#importJar = exportConfigProp.get("importJar")
customFile = exportConfigProp.get("customizationFile")
passphrase = exportConfigProp.get("passphrase")
project = exportConfigProp.get("project")
connectToServer(importUser, importPassword, adminUrl)
print 'Attempting to import :', importJarPath, "on ALSB Admin Server listening on :", adminUrl
theBytes = readBinaryFile(importJarPath)
print 'Read file', importJarPath
sessionName = createSessionName()
print 'Created session', sessionName
SessionMBean = getSessionManagementMBean(sessionName)
print 'SessionMBean started session'
ALSBConfigurationMBean = findService(String("ALSBConfiguration.").concat(sessionName), "com.bea.wli.sb.management.configuration.ALSBConfigurationMBean")
print "ALSBConfiguration MBean found", ALSBConfigurationMBean
print 'Jar Uploaded'
if project == None:
print 'No project specified, additive deployment performed'
alsbJarInfo = ALSBConfigurationMBean.getImportJarInfo()
alsbImportPlan = alsbJarInfo.getDefaultImportPlan()
importResult = ALSBConfigurationMBean.importUploaded(alsbImportPlan)
SessionMBean.activateSession(sessionName, "Complete test import with customization using wlst")
print 'ALSB project', project, 'will get overlaid'
alsbJarInfo = ALSBConfigurationMBean.getImportJarInfo()
alsbImportPlan = alsbJarInfo.getDefaultImportPlan()
operationMap = alsbImportPlan.getOperations()
print 'Default importPlan'
set = operationMap.entrySet()
abort = false
#list of created ref
createdRef = ArrayList()
for entry in set:
ref = entry.getKey()
op = entry.getValue()
#set different logic based on the resource type
type = ref.getTypeId
if op.getOperation() == ALSBImportOperation.Operation.Create:
print 'Unable to import a service account or a service provider on a target system', ref
abort = true
elif op.getOperation() == ALSBImportOperation.Operation.Create:
#keep the list of created resources
if abort == true :
print 'This jar must be imported manually to resolve the service account and service provider dependencies'
print 'Modified importPlan'
importResult = ALSBConfigurationMBean.importUploaded(alsbImportPlan)
if importResult.getFailed().isEmpty() == false:
print 'One or more resources could not be imported properly'
#customize if a customization file is specified
#affects only the created resources
if customFile != None :
print 'Loading customization File', customFile
print 'Customization applied to the created resources only', createdRef
iStream = FileInputStream(customFile)
customizationList = Customization.fromXML(iStream)
filteredCustomizationList = ArrayList()
setRef = HashSet(createdRef)
# apply a filter to all the customizations to narrow the target to the created resources
for customization in customizationList:
print customization
newcustomization = customization.clone(setRef)
SessionMBean.activateSession(sessionName, "Complete test import with customization using wlst")
print "Deployment of : " + importJarPath + " successful"
print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
if SessionMBean != None:
# Utility function to print the list of operations
def printOpMap(map):
set = map.entrySet()
for entry in set:
op = entry.getValue()
print op.getOperation(),
ref = entry.getKey()
print ref
# Utility function to print the diagnostics
def printDiagMap(map):
set = map.entrySet()
for entry in set:
diag = entry.getValue().toString()
print diag
# Utility function to load properties from a config file
def loadProps(configPropFile):
propInputStream = FileInputStream(configPropFile)
configProps = Properties()
return configProps
# Connect to the Admin Server
def connectToServer(username, password, url):
connect(username, password, url)
# Utility function to read a binary file
def readBinaryFile(fileName):
file = open(fileName, 'rb')
bytes = file.read()
return bytes
# Utility function to create an arbitrary session name
def createSessionName():
sessionName = String("SessionScript"+Long(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString())
return sessionName
# Utility function to load a session MBeans
def getSessionManagementMBean(sessionName):
SessionMBean = findService("SessionManagement", "com.bea.wli.sb.management.configuration.SessionManagementMBean")
return SessionMBean
# IMPORT script init
# import the service bus configuration
# argv[1] is the export config properties file
importToALSBDomain(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
and with the following import.properties file:
# OSB Admin Configuration #
We use juniper hardware with junos version 15. In this version we can export our config as "json" or "xml" which we want to use to edit it with our automation tooling.
Importing however is only possible in "set" or "show" format.
Is there a tool to convert "json" or "xml" format to "set" or "show" format?
I can only find converters between "show" and "set".
We can't upgrade to version 16 where the import of "json" would be possible.
Here's a script I made at work, throw it in your bin and you can it via providing a filename or piping output. This assumes linux or mac so the os.isatty function works, but the logic can work anywhere:
usage demo:
person#laptop ~ > head router.cfg
## Last commit: 2021-04-20 21:21:39 UTC by vit
version 15.1X12.2;
groups {
interfaces {
<*> {
mtu 9216;
unit <*> {
family inet {
mtu 9150;
person#laptop ~ > convert.py router.cfg | head
set groups BACKBONE-PORT interfaces <*> mtu 9216
set groups BACKBONE-PORT interfaces <*> unit <*> family inet mtu 9150
set groups BACKBONE-PORT interfaces <*> unit <*> family inet6 mtu 9150
set groups BACKBONE-PORT interfaces <*> unit <*> family mpls maximum-labels 5
<... output removed... >
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Class that attempts to parse out Juniper JSON into set format
# I think it works? still testing
# accumulate annotations and provide them as commands at the end. Will be weird as annotations have to be done after an edit command
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter
import sys, os, re
class TokenStack():
def __init__(self):
self._tokens = []
def push(self, token):
def pop(self):
if not self._tokens:
return None
item = self._tokens[-1]
self._tokens = self._tokens[:-1]
return item
def peek(self):
if not self._tokens:
return None
return self._tokens[-1]
def __str__(self):
return " ".join(self._tokens)
def __repr__(self):
return " ".join(self._tokens)
def main():
# get file
a = ArgumentParser(prog="convert_jpr_json",
description="This program takes in Juniper style JSON (blah { format) and prints it in a copy pastable display set format",
epilog=f"Either supply with a filename or pipe config contents into this program and it'll print out the display set view.\nEx:\n{B}convert_jpr_json <FILENAME>\ncat <FILENAME> | convert_jpr_json{WHITE}",
a.add_argument('file', help="juniper config in JSON format", nargs="?")
args = a.parse_args()
if not args.file and os.isatty(0):
die("Please supply filename or provide piped input")
file_contents = None
if args.file:
file_contents = open(args.file, "r").readlines()
except IOError as e:
die(f"Issue opening file {args.file}: {e}")
file_contents = sys.stdin.readlines()
tokens = TokenStack()
in_comment = False
new_config = []
for line_num, line in enumerate(file_contents):
if line.startswith("version ") or len(line) == 0:
token = re.sub(r"^(.+?)#+[^\"]*$", r"\1", line.strip())
token = token.strip()
if (any(token.startswith(_) for _ in ["!", "#"])):
# annotations currently not supported
if token.startswith("/*"):
# we're in a comment now until the next token (this will break if a multiline comment with # style { happens, but hopefully no-one is that dumb
in_comment = True
if "inactive: " in token:
token = token.split("inactive: ")[1]
new_config.append(f"deactivate {tokens} {token}")
if token[-1] == "{":
in_comment = False
tokens.push(token.strip("{ "))
elif token[-1] == "}":
if not tokens.pop():
die("Invalid json supplied: unmatched closing } encountered on line " + f"{line_num}")
elif token[-1] == ";":
new_config.append(f"set {tokens} {token[:-1]}")
if tokens.peek():
die("Unbalanced JSON: expected closing }, but encountered EOF")
def die(msg): print(f"\n{B}{RED}FATAL ERROR{WHITE}: {msg}"); exit(1)
RED = "\033[31m"; GREEN = "\033[32m"; YELLOW = "\033[33m"; B = "\033[1m"; WHITE = "\033[0m"
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
You can load XML configuration using edit-config RPC or load-configuration RPC. For more details:
XML content can be loaded via an "op" script by placing the content inside a call to junos:load-configuration() template defined in "junos.xsl". Something like the following:
version 1.1;
ns jcs = "http://xml.juniper.net/junos/commit-scripts/1.0";
import "../import/junos.xsl";
var $arguments = {
<argument> {
<name> "file";
<description> "Filename of XML content to load";
<argument> {
<name> "action";
<description> "Mode for the load (override, replace, merge)";
param $file;
param $action = "replace";
match / {
<op-script-results> {
var $configuration = slax:document($file);
var $connection = jcs:open();
call jcs:load-configuration($connection, $configuration, $action);
I get 2 files in response of a SOAP request. I try to save these files with followig Groovy script. I use script as a script assertion for test step. First file is saved successfully in execution, but couldn't find second one.
def fileName = "C:\\<mydirectory>"+'/test.pdf'
def fileName1 = "C:\\<mydirectory>"+'/test1.pdf'
def response = messageExchange.response
assert null != response, "response is null"
def outFile = new FileOutputStream(new File(fileName))
def outFile1 = new FileOutputStream(new File(fileName1))
def ins = messageExchange.responseAttachments[0]?.inputStream
def ins1 = messageExchange.responseAttachments[0]?.inputStream
if (ins) {
com.eviware.soapui.support.Tools.writeAll(outFile, ins)
if (ins1) {
com.eviware.soapui.support.Tools.writeAll(outFile1, ins)
I'm new to web app and I want to check when there's a new version of dota map, I'll check links in getdota.com.
How can I do this and which language, I want it checks every time you start warcraft, and auto download new map to specific folder.
My question is : Can you give a link to a specific article about web automation or something like that.
Thanks first :)
Below is an example in Python.
It parses getdota.com page, reads parameters for POST request for downloading a map, gets the file and saves it in configured directory (by default current directory).
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib
import urllib2
import sgmllib
from pprint import pprint
import os.path
import sys
url = 'http://www.getdota.com/'
download_url = 'http://www.getdota.com/app/getmap/'
chunk = 10000
directory = '' #directory where file should be saved, if empty uses current dir
class DotaParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
def parse(self, s):
def __init__(self, verbose=0):
sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self, verbose)
self.URL = ''
self.post_args = {}
def getArgs(self):
return self.post_args
def start_input(self, attributes):
d = dict(attributes)
if d.get('id', None) == None:
if d['id'] in ["input_mirror2", "input_file_name2", "input_map_id2", "input_language2", "input_language_id2"]:
self.post_args[d['name']] = d['value']
if __name__ == '__main__':
dotap = DotaParser()
data = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('http://www.getdota.com/')).read()
data = urllib.urlencode(dotap.getArgs())
request = urllib2.Request(download_url, data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
page = response.read()
#download file
fname = directory + page.split('/')[-1]
if os.path.isfile(fname):
print "No newer file available"
f = open(fname, 'w')
print "New file available. Saving in: %s" % fname
webFile = urllib.urlopen(page)
c = webFile.read(chunk)
c = webFile.read(chunk)