Parameter format not correct - flutter run - flutter

Even when I run a new project in my device or emulator, during Assemble debug process a message appears in Debug Console 'Parameter Format not correct', but the app seems to run properly.
when I add 1-2 dependencies/ plugins, countless redlines occurs in Debug Console...
I don't know what is the reason and solution.

Sorry guys this happens every time you run a project build by the previous version of flutter... and this error is not a big deal... dont worry...

I have also faced the same issue. It started coming when I upgraded the flutter SDK to version 1.17.3. The easiest solution I can come up with is to downgrade the flutter SDK.
If you are using VS code then you easily switch between flutter SDKs from the bottom bar.
To add flutter SDK -
Goto file -> settings -> flutter SDK -> Add item
then you can give the path of other SDK.
If you are not using the VS code, change the path of SDK from environment variables.
If this doesn't work out, try changing the drive for SDK of flutter and android both.
Example- From D:\flutter to E:\flutter. I have not tried this but for my friend, it worked.
If none of these workes, just ignore this error. They might fix this in future upgrades.

it may be possible ,you have cloned the repo from github and trying to run on your local machine. just change the compileSdkVersion in android>app>build.gradle file, i was facing this issue and get it fixed now
android {
compileSdkVersion 30

I had the same issue, but it was fixed by running flutter doctor --android-licenses

I had the same issue try to change Your Environment variable path

If you're using VS Code, then you can try this process: Go to Settings -> Flutter SDK Paths -> click on Add Item. Then put the Flutter SDK location from your drive.
For example: C:\Flutter\flutter_windows_2.5.2-stable\flutter.
I hope it worked!!

Same problem, but it was fixed by running following command in terminal.
flutter doctor --android-licenses


Emulator not running the application

I am trying to setup flutter on my device, so far I have been able to download the flutter SDK and android studio and satisfy the conditions of flutter doctor to start learning android application development:-
flutter doctor
I ignored the absence of visual studio as I don't want my app to be compatible with windows(as I am trying to develop for Android) but I am not able to fix the missing java bundle, any help on how would I do that?
I just ignored it for a second and moved on to set up my emulator but on running, it shows a pop up which says "Attach a debugger or ESC to cancel"(the pop-up is something like this.) how would I fix it.
This doesn't run the app on the emulator so how would I fix that?
Also on trying to debug, it throws this error, I am totally confused on how to proceed further to at least run my app so that I could start developing and learning flutter?
I am following along this to run my application.
I have the java bundle in place but don't know how would I configure Android Studio to get it.
java's prescence
Also that the emulator is now showing that the System UI is not responding and on closing it, it further shows this.
It's been a week since I am trying to work out the setup of flutter but some way or the other some issue happens, please help.
Thanks in advance.
you have to install java runtime environment and It'll work. get from here
it'll show like this if you have JDK installed properly.

Breakpoints not working with Flutter in Android Studio

I can set breakpoints, but when I run in Debug mode the breakpoint's icon change with this:
I think that the problem is the new version of Flutter plugin in Android Studio, but I'm not sure. How to fix this?
What I've tried:
flutter clean
android studio cache clean and restart
Upgrade to the latest version of the flutter plugin 65.1.3 solved my problem.
need to roll back the version of the flutter plugin to 64.1.2.
Confirmed: plug-in was one thing.
The other problem is that IntelliJ (same for Android Studio) distinguish between:
import '../../viewmodel/**m**essages
import '../../viewmodel/**M**essages
Compiling, running, Dart analysis ... everything's fine. However, breakpoints don't work!
To be more precise: some breakpoints don't work, only in some files!
Tip: If a breakpoint does not work, remove all imports in the file. Click the bulb to get suggestions - and you will see the duplicate imports.
See wrong imports
Btw.: I am on Windows. And the file system does not distinguish between upper and lower case filenames.
Faced to this issue today as well: looks like for me the solution was to update Flutter / Dart SDK and their Plugins for Android Studio.
Some users report the problem is linked to the Chrom Version >=100 due to API change, but on my side it was not working with Edge as well.
After update problem has gone
There is indeed also an issue with Chrome Version >=100. Running flutter upgrade (to flutter 2.10.5) fixed this for me as described here

VSCode, Flutter SDK Version Erroneous?

I believe my Flutter SDK version is being erroneously reported and do not know where the conflict is.
When running flutter doctor it reports Flutter 2.2.3 • channel stable. However, the bottom toolbar in VSCode displays Flutter: 2.0.4.
Is there a reason VSCode and terminal would report the Flutter version differently? And how can I ensure I am running the correct SDK version?
Look into "dart.flutterSdkPath" setting in vscode and change if needed. The problem could be with you having multiple versions of Flutter on the disk and auto-find fails to find the correct one (last version), manually override.
In my case my path( environment variables) of SDK was set wrong check yours first
and if still not worked try running commands
Flutter clean
Flutter upgrade

I'm not able to run any flutter app on my emulator (VSC & Android Studio)

So basically the problem is that I created a new flutter app, and the I opened the emulator(from android studio), and I clicked on run.
I had multiple problems that were related to heap memory and such, but I managed to solved most of then using all kind of methods from the internet.
I even deleted and installed Java and android studio multiple times, I changed the Enviromental Variables as the Internet suggested, but now, the current error that I get is this:
The Error Image
my flutter doctor -v:
flutter doctor -v image
I'm about to lose my mind, I'm on this issuse for a few weeks. please help me fix it
after your seggestion to add "" and adding "org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1024m" to it (without the " "):
Perhaps you shoud add a line at end of file org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1024m then clean the project, also validate cache and restart the android studio. It should works then.

Flutter 'cannot find symbol'

What can I do to fix this issue, when trying to debug on android phone OR emulator?
Ive tried reinstalling whole flutter, and still the same issue.
the project is on flutter version 1.7.8. Tried going to latest versions, still the same.
Try running flutter clean to clear the build artifacts - If the project was copied from another computer, or if you were using different version of flutter, that could help.