Powershell if else condition ignore warning keep to continue - powershell

I would like to design a condition which is if the tcp connection result is return "true", will proceed install action and go next function. Otherwise, it will return a warning message, stop to proceed and pass to next function. I don't know how to implement keep to proceed next function if occurs any warning on current function.
Is there anybody can help to fix the issue?
Many Thanks.
function A(){
$printerIPAddress = ""
$sharedPrinter = "\\SERVERNAME\A"
$checkPrinterExists = Get-Printer -Name $sharedPrinter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ((Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $printerIPAddress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).PingSucceeded){
Write-Host "Succeed to connect - $printerIPAddress" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Gray
else {
Write-Warning "Failure to connect - $printerIPAddress"
if (-not $checkPrinterExists){
Write-Host "Installing a printer..."
Add-Printer -ConnectionName $sharedPrinter
Write-Host "Succeed to install - A Printer" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Gray
Write-Warning "Failure to install - A Printer already exist"
function B(){
$printerIPAddress = ""
$sharedPrinter = "\\SERVERNAME\B"
$checkPrinterExists = Get-Printer -Name $sharedPrinter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ((Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $printerIPAddress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).PingSucceeded){
Write-Host "Succeed to connect - $printerIPAddress" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Gray
else {
Write-Warning "Failure to connect - $printerIPAddress"
if (-not $checkPrinterExists){
Write-Host "Installing a printer..."
Add-Printer -ConnectionName $sharedPrinter
Write-Host "Succeed to install - B Printer" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Gray
Write-Warning "Failure to install - B Printer already exist"
Write-Host "Running...Please wait..."

I've attempted to simplify your code and also inherently handled the "stop to proceed if Test-NetConnection fails" scenario.
As your main objective is to install the printer, the function will error out if the parameter $sharedPrinter fails the defined ValidateScript criteria.
Function Install-Printer {
[ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })]
[ValidateScript({(Test-Path $_) -and ($Printer = Get-Printer -Name $_)})]
if ((Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $printerIPAddress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).PingSucceeded) {
Write-Host "Succeed to connect - $printerIPAddress" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Gray
Write-Host "Installing a printer..."
Add-Printer -ConnectionName $sharedPrinter
if($?){ # if previous command succeeded
Write-Host "Succeed to install - $($Printer.Name) Printer" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Gray
else {
Write-Warning "Failure to install - $($Printer.Name) Printer already exist"
else {
Write-Error "Failure to connect - $printerIPAddress"
Write-Host "Running...Please wait..."
# Install Printer A
Install-Printer -printerIPAddress "" -sharedPrinter "\\SERVERNAME\A"
# Install Printer B
Install-Printer -printerIPAddress "" -sharedPrinter "\\SERVERNAME\B"


Powershell Delete Computer Object

Can some one help me on the next code im trying to run..
it seem's to be ok for me but does not delete the Object when i execute-it
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Computer = Read-Host "Type in the Host to Delete"
$rute = Get-ADComputer -Identity:"CN=$Computadora,OU=GDL,OU=ClientComputers,OU=ZAP,OU=MX,DC=kabi,DC=ads,DC=fresenius,DC=com" -Server:"DCKABI02.kabi.ads.fresenius.com"
Remove-ADComputer -Identity=$Computadora,OU=GDL,OU=ClientComputers,OU=ZAP,OU=MX,DC=kabi,DC=ads,DC=fresenius,DC=com" -Server:"DCKABI02.kabi.ads.fresenius.com" -Confirm:$false
Write-Host "The Computer Exist and it has been deleted" -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
} else{
Write-Host "The Host does not exist on AD" -ForegroundColor Red
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
try to delete a Active directory object.. expected to work
Your code is not very clear and seems overengineered, $rute.Contains($Computer) will never ever be $true, you probably meant $rute.DistinguishedName.Contains($Computer) which could be $true but .Contains is case-sensitive so it could also be $false.
Your Read-Host statement is assigned to $Computer but then you're using $Computadora. Also, it's unclear why you are hardcoding OU=GDL,OU=ClientComputers,OU=ZAP,OU=MX,DC=kabi,DC=ads,DC=fresenius,DC=com, I would assume you want to use this OU as your -SearchBase.
Here is how you can approach and will most likely work:
$param = #{
SearchBase = "OU=GDL,OU=ClientComputers,OU=ZAP,OU=MX,DC=kabi,DC=ads,DC=fresenius,DC=com"
LDAPFilter = "(name={0})" -f (Read-Host "Type in the Host to Delete")
Server = "DCKABI02.kabi.ads.fresenius.com"
$computer = Get-ADComputer #param
if($computer) {
$computer | Remove-ADComputer -Server "DCKABI02.kabi.ads.fresenius.com" -Confirm:$false
Write-Host "The Computer Exist and it has been deleted" -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
else {
Write-Host "The Host does not exist on AD" -ForegroundColor Red
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

Powershell not reading .txt lines

I cannot get PowerShell to run this .txt file, what am I doing wrong? I tried changing the name of the .txt and checked passed scripts and everything seems to be the same but I keep getting an error saying that the ".txt in invalid"
$POSName = "$PSScriptRoot\Bex.txt"
foreach ($POS in (Get-Content $POSName)) {
$Bex = Get-Service -ComputerName $POSName | Where-Object { $_.name -eq "BexServ" }
If ($Bex -eq $null) {
# Service does not exist
Write-Host " doesn't exist." -ForegroundColor Red
Else {
# Service does exist
Write-Host "The $($Bex.Name) service found." -ForegroundColor Green
If ($Bex.Status -eq "Running") {
# Stop Service
Set-Service -status stopped -ComputerName $POSName -name $Box.Name -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "The $($Bex.Name) successfully stopped." -ForegroundColor Green
else {
#service already stopped
If ($Bex.Status -eq "Stopped") {
Write-Host "The $($Bex.Name) service already Stopped." -ForegroundColor Green
As commented, you are using the wrong variable in the loop. The code is reading the text file just fine, it is Get-Service that cannot deal with a path to a file in the -ComputerName parameter.
Also, the placing of the if..else should be inside the loop, not after.
$POSName = "$PSScriptRoot\Bex.txt"
foreach ($POS in (Get-Content $POSName)) {
$Bex = Get-Service -ComputerName $POS | Where-Object { $_.name -eq "BexServ" }
If (!$Bex) {
# Service does not exist
Write-Host " doesn't exist." -ForegroundColor Red
Else {
# Service does exist
Write-Host "The $($Bex.Name) service found." -ForegroundColor Green
If ($Bex.Status -eq "Running") {
# Stop Service
Set-Service -status stopped -ComputerName $POSName -name $Box.Name -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "The $($Bex.Name) successfully stopped." -ForegroundColor Green
else {
#service already stopped
If ($Bex.Status -eq "Stopped") {
Write-Host "The $($Bex.Name) service already Stopped." -ForegroundColor Green
It might also be a good idea to output the computername ($POS) in the Write-Host lines too

If/Else Help in Powershell

Running an IF/Else statement and if "false" I want it to run a search for the current NVIDIA driver and tell me the current version then stop the script. Tried a couple different things to no avail. Currently it is continuing the script and running the "Get-WmiObject" out of order in a subsequent function.
Function Namespace_Check
{ Write-Host "Checking available namepace" -ForegroundColor Green
if ((Get-CimInstance -namespace "root\cimv2" -ClassName __NAMESPACE).Name -match 'NV'){return}
else { return (Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver| select devicename, driverversion | where {$_.devicename -like "*nvidia*"})}
Write-Host "If Stopped, install latest NVIDIA driver from SWE"
Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
Here is the whole script, if there needs to be other changes to the logic
Function Namespace_Check
{ Write-Host "Checking available namepace" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
if ((Get-CimInstance -namespace "root\cimv2" -ClassName __NAMESPACE).Name -match 'NV'){return}
else {
exit (Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver| select devicename, driverversion | where {$_.devicename -like "*nvidia*"})
Write-Warning "Install latest NVIDIA driver from SWE"
Function InstallSWE
Write-Host "Installing SWE Icon..." -ForegroundColor Green
$ps = new-object System.Diagnostics.Process
$ps.StartInfo.FileName = "\\nt-iss-1\setools\xsetup.exe"
$ps.StartInfo.Arguments = " -Silent -NoPrompt -NoBanner"
Write-Host " Execute Software Express"
Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
Function CheckNVIDIADriver
Write-Host "Checking NVIDIA Drivers..." -ForegroundColor Green
$productName = Get-WmiObject -namespace "root\cimv2\nv" -Class Gpu | Select -ExpandProperty productName
$driverVersion = Get-Wmiobject -namespace "root\cimv2\nv" -class System | Select -ExpandProperty verDisplayDriver | Select -ExpandProperty strValue
Write-Host " Product Name : $productName"
Write-Host " Video Driver Version: $driverVersion"
Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
Function SetNVIDIA3DGlobalPreset
Write-Host "Setting NVIDIA 3D Global Preset..." -ForegroundColor Green
$global3DPreset = "Dassault Systemes CATIA - compatible"
$profileManager = Get-WmiObject -namespace "root\cimv2\nv" -Class ProfileManager
"Change Global 3D Preset to $global3DPreset"
[void](Invoke-WmiMethod -Path $profileManager.__PATH -Name setCurrentProfile3D -ArgumentList $global3DPreset, $null)
Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
Function SetScreenSaver
Write-Host "Setting Screen Saver..." -ForegroundColor Green
$regkeypath = "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop"
$screensaver = "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CORPOR~1.SCR"
Write-Host " Change Screen Saver to Corporate Screen Saver"
Set-ItemProperty -Path $regkeypath -Name "SCRNSAVE.EXE" -Value $screensaver
Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
Function ChangePowerSettings
Write-Host "Changing Power Settings..." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host " Disable Monitor Timeout"
powercfg -x -monitor-timeout-ac 10
powercfg -x -monitor-timeout-dc 10
Write-Host " Disable Disk Timeout"
powercfg -x -disk-timeout-ac 0
powercfg -x -disk-timeout-dc 0
Write-Host " Disable Standby Timeout"
powercfg -x -standby-timeout-ac 0
powercfg -x -standby-timeout-dc 0
Write-Host " Disable Hibernate and Hybrid Sleep"
powercfg -x -hibernate-timeout-ac 0
powercfg -x -hibernate-timeout-dc 0
powercfg -h off
Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
Function ChangeVirtualMemory
Write-Host "Changing Virtual Memory Settings..." -ForegroundColor Green
$mem = [Math]::Round((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem |Select -ExpandProperty TotalPhysicalMemory) / [Math]::pow(1024, 3))
$initialSize = 2048 * $mem
$maximumSize = 2 * $initialSize
Write-Host " Disable Automatic Managed Page File"
$System = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -EnableAllPrivileges
$System.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $False
Write-Host " Set Page File Size (Initial Size: $initialSize MB / Maximum Size: $maximumSize MB)"
$PageFile = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_PageFileSetting
$PageFile.InitialSize = $initialSize
$PageFile.MaximumSize = $maximumSize
Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
Function EnableRDP
Write-Host "Enabling Remote Desktop and User..." -ForegroundColor Green
$computername = $(gc env:computername)
$RDP = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_TerminalServiceSetting -Namespace root\CIMV2\TerminalServices
Write-Host " Enable Remote Desktop"
$result = $RDP.SetAllowTsConnections(1, 1)
$user ="CAxILABRemoteUsers"
$domain ='NW'
$objUser = [ADSI]("WinNT://$domain/$user")
$objGroup = [ADSI]("WinNT://$computername/Remote Desktop Users")
Write-Host " Add Remote Desktop User $domain\$user"
Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
Function CheckAdministrator
$user = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent();
(New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)
# Filename: CAxILab_Final_Config.ps1
$pshost = get-host
$pswindow = $pshost.ui.rawui
$newsize = $pswindow.buffersize
$newsize.height = 999
$pswindow.buffersize = $newsize
$newsize = $pswindow.windowsize
#$newsize.height = 60
#$pswindow.windowsize = $newsize
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "White"
$isAdmin = CheckAdministrator
if ($isAdmin)
Write-Warning "Administrator rights is required to run this script"
Write-Host "Press any key to continue ..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
# end of script
If you want the script stopped completely when the namespace is not found, change the function Namespace_Check into something like this:
Function Namespace_Check {
Write-Host "Checking available namepace" -ForegroundColor Green
if (!((Get-CimInstance -namespace "root\cimv2" -ClassName __NAMESPACE).Name -match 'NV')) {
# if we got here, the namespace is not found
# output the current version, then stop the script
$driver = Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver|
Select-Object devicename, driverversion |
Where-Object {$_.devicename -like "*nvidia*"}
Write-Host "If Stopped, install latest NVIDIA driver from SWE"
if ($driver) {
Write-Host "Current driver(s)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$driver | Format-Table -AutoSize
else {
Write-Warning "No nvidia drivers found"
Write-Host "Script Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
# stop the script
In your version you are trying to write to console after you have exited the function using a return statement. These lines will therefore never be executed.
Alternatively, you can have the function Namespace_Check return a value of $true of $false like this:
Function Namespace_Check {
Write-Host "Checking available namepace" -ForegroundColor Green
if (!((Get-CimInstance -namespace "root\cimv2" -ClassName __NAMESPACE).Name -match 'NV')) {
# if we got here, the namespace is not found
# output the current version, then stop the script
$driver = Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver|
Select-Object devicename, driverversion |
Where-Object {$_.devicename -like "*nvidia*"}
Write-Host "If Stopped, install latest NVIDIA driver from SWE"
if ($driver) {
Write-Host "Current driver(s)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$driver | Format-Table -AutoSize
else {
Write-Warning "No nvidia drivers found"
Write-Host "Script Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
return $false
return $true
and in the main part of your script do
if ($isAdmin) {
if (Namespace_Check) {
else {
Write-Warning "Administrator rights is required to run this script"
Write-Host "Press any key to continue ..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
# end of script
This will make the script end gracefully instead of when using the exit statement.

Mapped drive monitoring using PowerShell 2.0

I'm writing a PowerShell 2.0 script to monitor and reconnect network drives that should be mapped. It works...mostly. Once a drive is determined to be disconnected my logon script (ptt.vbs) is run and the drives are remapped. However, after that it continues to see that particular drive letter as disconnected even though it got remapped.
while($true) {
$disconnectedDrives = #()
$mappedDrives = 'J:', 'R:', 'S:', 'W:'
foreach ($drive in $mappedDrives) {
if (-Not (Test-Path $drive)) {
$disconnectedDrives += $drive
if ($disconnectedDrives) {
Write-Host "$disconnectedDrives not mapped."
Write-Eventlog -LogName 'Windows PowerShell' -Category 3 -source PowerShell -eventID 601 -EntryType Error -message "$disconnectedDrives OFFLINE and not available."
Start-Sleep 1
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
To me the mix of VBS and Powershell is suspicious.
But at least a would take a differnt way. First create a central file whch includes the network drive configuration. For example "\dc1\NETLOGON\ptt.csv" can look like this ...
This is the script ...
$Local:LogicalDiskStatus = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Management.ManagementObject]'
$Local:NetDrvConf_Path = "\\dc1\NETLOGON\ptt.csv"
$Local:NetDrvConf_List = #()
$Local:NetDrvConf_DrvType = [UInt32]4
$Local:WshNetworkObj = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network
while($true) {
# adding the logical disk status to a list indexed by DeviceID
Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_LogicalDisk" | ForEach-Object { $LogicalDiskStatus.Add((($_.DeviceID) -replace ":"), $_) }
if (!($NetDrvConf_List.Count)) {
Try {
$NetDrvConf_List = Import-Csv -Path $NetDrvConf_Path -Delimiter ";"
Catch [System.Exception] {
$Local:ErrorMsg = ("Cannot load network drive configuration file `"{0}`". Error message: {1}" -f $NetDrvConf_Path, ($_.Exception.Message))
Write-Host $ErrorMsg -ForegroundColor red
Write-Eventlog -LogName "Windows PowerShell" -Category 3 -Source PowerShell -EventId 601 -EntryType Error -Message $ErrorMsg
$NetDrvConf_List | ForEach-Object {
$Local:Current_DriveLetter = ($_.Drive).ToUpper()
$Local:Current_DriveID = ("{0}:" -f $Current_DriveLetter)
$Local:Current_UNCPath = $_.UNCPath
Write-Host ("Check configuration: {0} {1}" -f $Current_DriveID, $Current_UNCPath)
# drive in use?
if ( ($LogicalDiskStatus.ContainsKey($Current_DriveLetter)) ) {
# drive is a network drive?
if (!(($LogicalDiskStatus.$Current_DriveLetter.DriveType).Equals($NetDrvConf_DrvType))) {
$Local:ErrorMsg = ("Drive `"{0}`" is already in use, but not as a network drive! The current drive type is `"{1}`" not `"4`"." -f $Current_DriveID, ($LogicalDiskStatus.$Current_DriveLetter.DriveType) )
Write-Host $ErrorMsg -ForegroundColor red
Write-Eventlog -LogName "Windows PowerShell" -Category 3 -Source PowerShell -EventId 602 -EntryType Error -Message $ErrorMsg
# drive is NOT to the expected UNC path?
} elseif (!(($LogicalDiskStatus.$Current_DriveLetter.ProviderName).Equals($Current_UNCPath))) {
Try {
Write-Host ("Network drive `"{0}`" unexpectedly connected to `"{1}`". Trying to disconnect." -f $Current_DriveID, ($LogicalDiskStatus.$Current_DriveLetter.ProviderName)) -ForegroundColor yellow
$WshNetworkObj.RemoveNetworkDrive($Current_DriveID, $true, $true)
Write-Host ("=> successfully disconnected.") -ForegroundColor green
Catch [System.Exception] {
$Local:ErrorMsg = ("Error disconnecting `"{0}`". Connected to `"{1}`". Error message: {2}" -f $Current_DriveID, $Current_UNCPath, ($_.Exception.InnerException) )
Write-Host $ErrorMsg -ForegroundColor red
Write-Eventlog -LogName "Windows PowerShell" -Category 3 -Source PowerShell -EventId 603 -EntryType Error -Message $ErrorMsg
} else {
Write-Host "=> correct connected" -ForegroundColor green
# drive is unused?
if (!(((Get-PSProvider -PSProvider FileSystem).Drives.Name).Contains($Current_DriveLetter))) {
Try {
Write-Host ("Connecting network drive `"{0}`" to `"{1}`"." -f $Current_DriveID, $Current_UNCPath) -ForegroundColor yellow
$WshNetworkObj.MapNetworkDrive($Current_DriveID, $Current_UNCPath, $true)
Write-Host ("=> successfully connected.") -ForegroundColor green
Catch [System.Exception] {
$Local:ErrorMsg = ("Error connecting `"{0}`" to `"{1}`". Error message: {2}" -f $Current_UNCPath, $Current_DriveID, ($_.Exception.InnerException) )
Write-Host $ErrorMsg -ForegroundColor red
Write-Eventlog -LogName "Windows PowerShell" -Category 3 -Source PowerShell -EventId 604 -EntryType Error -Message $ErrorMsg
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

get-hotfix on single server

first time using powershell and I can't seem to get the below to work - nothing is displayed - I think the script work but I assume I need something to show the results? Any help please:
$hotfix1 = Get-HotFix -Id KB981872
$Output = "Hotfix is installed you may proceed"
$Output = "Hotfix is not installed"
$hotfix1 = Get-HotFix -Id KB981872
Thanks Shay - I have updated it as:
write-host "This will check if Hotfix KB979808 is installed on this Server." -ForegroundColor
Black -BackgroundColor Cyan
write-host "This is required for Windows Server 2008 R2 DFSR Pre-Seeding Robocopying" -
ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Cyan
Write-Host ""
$hotfix1 = Get-HotFix -Id KB979808 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If($hotfix1 -match "KB979808")
Write-Host "Hotfix is installed you may proceed" -foregroundcolor "green"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Hotfix is NOT installed - Please ensure you install this hotfix BEFORE"
Write-host "copying any data" -foregroundcolor "red"
Write-Host ""
The code doesn't output anything because you assign it to a variable. Remove the assignment. You are also assigning the command output to $hotfix1 but checking against $hotfix in the if statement. In addition, if the hot-fix cannot be found you'll get an error, so add the -ErrorAction parameter to suppress the error:
$hotfix1 = Get-HotFix -Id KB981872 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
"Hotfix is installed you may proceed"
"Hotfix is not installed"