MonogDB document structure: Map vs. Array for element-wise aggregations - mongodb

We want to store ratings of a metric (say sales, profit) for some category (say city) in MondoDB. Example rating scale: [RED, YELLOW, GREEN], the length will be fixed. We are considering the following two document structures:
Structure 1: Ratings as an array
"_id": 1,
"city": "X",
"metrics": ["sales", "profit"],
"ratings" : {
"sales" : [1, 2, 3], // frequency of RED, YELLOW, GREEN ratings, fixed length array
"profit": [4, 5, 6],
"_id": 2,
"city": "X",
"metrics": ["sales", "profit"],
"ratings" : {
"sales" : [1, 2, 3], // frequency of RED, YELLOW, GREEN ratings, fixed length array
"profit": [4, 5, 6],
Structure 2: Ratings as a map
"_id": 1,
"city": "X",
"metrics": ["sales", "profit"],
"ratings" : {
"sales" : { // map will always have "RED", "YELLOW", "GREEN" keys
"RED": 1,
"YELLOW": 2,
"GREEN": 3
"profit" : {
"YELLOW": 5,
"GREEN": 6
"_id": 2,
"city": "X",
"metrics": ["sales", "profit"],
"ratings" : {
"sales" : { // map will always have "RED", "YELLOW", "GREEN" keys
"RED": 1,
"YELLOW": 2,
"GREEN": 3
"profit" : {
"YELLOW": 5,
"GREEN": 6
Our use case:
aggregate ratings grouped by city and metric
we do not intend to index on the "ratings" field
So for structure 1, to aggregate ratings, I need element-wise aggregations and it seems it will likely involve unwind steps or maybe map-reduce and the resulting document would look something like this:
"city": "X",
"sales": [2, 4, 6]
"profit": [8, 10, 12]
For structure 2, I think aggregation would be relatively straightforward using the aggregation pipeline, ex (aggregating just sales):
$group: {
"_id": {"city": "$city" },
"sales_RED": {$sum: "$ratings.sales.RED"},
"sales_YELLOW": {$sum: "$ratings.sales.YELLOW"},
"sales_GREEN": {$sum: "$ratings.sales.GREEN"}
$project: {"_id": 0, "city": "$", "sales": ["$sales_RED", "$sales_YELLOW", "$sales_GREEN"]}
Would give the following result:
"city": "X",
"sales": [2, 4, 6]
I am tending towards the second structure mainly because I am not clear on how to achieve element-wise array aggregation in MOngoDB. From what I have seen it will probably involve unwinding. The second document structure will have a larger document size because of the repeated field names for the ratings but the aggregation itself is simple. Can you please point out, based on our use case, how would they compare in terms of computational efficiency, and if I am missing any points worth considering?

I was able to achieve the aggregation with the array structure using $arrayElemAt. (However, this still involves having to specify aggregations for individual array elements, which is the same as the case for document structure 2)
$group: {
"_id": {"city": "$city" },
"sales_RED": {$sum: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$ratings.sales", 0] }},
"sales_YELLOW": {$sum: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$ratings.sales", 1] }},
"sales_GREEN": {$sum: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$ratings.sales", 2] }},
$project: {"_id": 0, "city": "$", "sales": ["$sales_RED", "$sales_YELLOW", "$sales_GREEN"]}


Mongo db aggregation - $push and $slice top results

I have the following documents in my db:
{uid: 1, score: 10}
{uid: 2, score: 11}
{uid: 3, score: 1}
{uid: 4, score: 6}
{uid: 5, score: 2}
{uid: 6, score: 3}
{uid: 7, score: 8}
{uid: 8, score: 10}
I want to split them into buckets by score - i.e.:
(bucket name in aggregation)
For this, I created the following aggregation which works just fine:
groupBy: "$score",
boundaries: [0, 4, 7],
default: 7,
"total": {$sum: 1},
$push: {
"uid": "$uid", "score": "$score"
However, I would like to return only the top 3 of every bucket - i.e, buckets 0, 4 should be the same, but bucket 7 should have only uids 1,2,8 returned (as uid 7 has the lowest score) - but to include the total count of documents as well, i.e. output of bucket "7" should look like:
{ "total" : 4, "top_scores" :
{"uid" : 2, "score" : 11},
{"uid" : 1, "score" : 10},
{"uid" : 8, "score" : 10},
I tried using $addFields with $sortArray and $slice, but it either won't work or return errors.
I can of course use $project but I was wondering if there is a more efficient way.
I am using Amazon DocumentDB.
You can use the $topN accumulator, instead of $push, like this:
"$bucket": {
"groupBy": "$score",
"boundaries": [
"default": 7,
"output": {
"total": {
"$sum": 1
"top_frustrated": {
"$topN": {
"n": 3,
"sortBy": {
"score": -1
"output": {
"uid": "$uid",
"score": "$score"
Playground link.
The only catch here is this operator is present in MongoDB 5.2 and above.
For older versions, this will work:
"$sort": {
score: -1
$bucket: {
groupBy: "$score",
boundaries: [
default: 7,
output: {
"total": {
$sum: 1
"top_frustrated": {
$push: {
"uid": "$uid",
"score": "$score"
"$project": {
total: 1,
top_frustrated: {
"$slice": [
Playground link.

How to sort by a foreign field, the foreign field not using alphabetical/numerical order? [duplicate]

Following this question which #NeilLunn has gracefully answered, here is my problem in more detail.
This is the set of documents, some have user_id some don't. The user_id represent the user who created the document:
{ "user_id" : 11, "content" : "black", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 6, "content" : "blue", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 3, "content" : "red", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 4, "content" : "black", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 4, "content" : "blue", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 90, "content" : "red", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 7, "content" : "orange", "date": somedate }
{ "content" : "orange", "date": somedate }
{ "content" : "red", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 4, "content" : "orange", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 1, "content" : "orange", "date": somedate }
{ "content" : "red", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 90, "content" : "purple", "date": somedate }
The front end is pulling pages, so each page will have 10 items and I do that with limit and skip and it is working very well.
In case we have a logged in user, I would like to display to that current logged in user documents which he may find more interesting first, based on the users he interacted with.
The list of users which the current user may find interesting is sorted by score and is located outside of mongo. So the first element is the most important user which I would like to show his documents first, and the last user on the list is the least important.
The list is a simple array which looks like this:
The system which created this user score is not located within mongo, but I can copy the data if that will help. I can also change the array to include a score number.
What I would like accomplish is the following:
Get the documents sorted by importance of the user_id from the list, so that documents from user_id 4 will be the first to show up, documents from user_id 7 second and so on. When where are no users left on the list I would like to show the rest of the documents. Like this:
all documents with user_d:4
all documents with user_d:7
all documents with user_d:90
all documents with user_d:1
all the rest of the documents
How should I accomplish this? Am I asking too much from mongo?
Given the array [4,7,90,1] what you want in your query is this:
{ "$project": {
"user_id": 1,
"content": 1,
"date": 1,
"weight": { "$or": [
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 4] },
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 7] },
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 90] },
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 1] },
{ "$sort": { "weight": -1, "date": -1 } }
So what that does is, for every item contained in that $or condition, the user_id field is tested against the supplied value, and $eq returns 1 or 0 for true or false.
What you do in your code is for each item you have in the array you build the array condition of $or. So it's just creating a hash structure for each equals condition, passing it to an array and plugging that in as the array value for the $or condition.
I probably should have left the $cond operator out of the previous code so this part would have been clearer.
Here's some code for the Ruby Brain:
userList = [4, 7, 90, 1];
orCond = [];
userList.each do |userId|
orCond.push({ '$eq' => [ 'user_id', userId ] })
pipeline = [
{ '$project' => {
'user_id' => 1,
'content' => 1,
'date' => 1,
'weight' => { '$or' => orCond }
{ '$sort' => { 'weight' => -1, 'date' => -1 } }
If you want to have individual weights and we'll assume key value pairs, then you need to nest with $cond :
{ "$project": {
"user_id": 1,
"content": 1,
"date": 1,
"weight": { "$cond": [
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 4] },
{ "$cond": [
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 7] },
{ "$cond": [
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 90] },
{ "$cond": [
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 1] },
{ "$sort": { "weight": -1, "date": -1 } }
Note that it's just a return value, these do not need to be in order. And you can think about the generation of that.
For generating this structure see here:
Since mongoDB version 3.2 we can use a $filter which make this much easier to maintain in case there are more than 4 scores:
$addFields: {
weight: [
{key: 4, score: 10}, {key: 8, score: 9}, {key: 90, score: 8}, {key: 1, score: 7}
$addFields: {
weight: {
$filter: {
input: "$weight",
as: "item",
cond: {$eq: ["$$item.key", "$user_id"]}
$set: {
weight: {
$cond: [{$eq: [{$size: "$weight"}, 1]}, {$arrayElemAt: ["$weight", 0]}, {score: 1}]
{$set: {weight: "$weight.score"}},
{$sort: {weight: -1, date: -1}}
See how it works on the playground example

Alternative query for MongoDB aggregate function

Here is the sample data that I am working on:
"_id": 1,
"user": A,
"_id": 2,
"user": B,
"_id": 3,
"user": B,
What I am trying to get is the number of logs for each user and the distinct "nums" list for each user. So the result is something like this:
"user": A,
"total": 1,
"nums" : [1,2,3,4]
"user": B,
"total": 2,
"nums" : [1,2,4,5,7]
Is that possible to achieve in one aggregate query? I am now using two.
db.test.aggregate([{ $group: { _id:"$user", total:{$sum:1}}}])
db.test.aggregate([{$unwind:"$nums"}, { $group: { _id:"$user", nums:{$addToSet:"$nums"}}}])
Also, should one query be faster than two separate queries on large data set or I should just stay with two queries?
You can do this by assembling a list of the original _id values from the docs in the $group after the $unwind to provide a way to get the total count in a final $project:
{$unwind: '$nums'},
{$group: {
_id: '$user',
ids: {$addToSet: '$_id'},
nums: {$addToSet: '$nums'}
{$project: {
_id: 0,
user: '$_id',
total: {$size: '$ids'},
nums: 1
"nums": [
"user": "B",
"total": 2
"nums": [
"user": "A",
"total": 1
I would expect that doing it all in one aggregate pipeline instead of two will be faster, but it's always best to test it in your own environment to be sure.

Mongodb: aggregate array of integers for each array position without map/reduce

I am new to MongoDB. I am wondering if it is possible to aggregate each "column" in array. Assume we have below documents:
db.test.insert([{"player": "A", "year": 2010, "value": [1, 1 ]},
{"player": "A", "year": 2011, "value": [2, 1 ]},
{"player": "A", "year": 2012, "value": [2, 1 ]},
{"player": "B", "year": 2010, "value": [1, 2 ]}])
The expected result should be like :
"player": "A",
"sum_result": [
"player": "B",
"sum_result": [
Is it possible to do that without using Map/Reduce? Below link shows a map/reduce solution, but I am seeking an alternative way to achieve the same goal. Thanks!
Mongodb: aggregate array of integers for each array position
Most of the problems can be solved in aggregation only if the elements in the document, involved, can be reached by a path name.
In this example the values array elements cannot be reached by the path values.0 or values.1.
Hence to solve such problems you need to go for map-reduce, which provides more flexibility.
Unfortunately you cannot get the desired output using aggregation in this case, unless you change your schema. One such examples would be to make the values field - an array of documents. Here all the elements in the values array can be reached by a path name such as values.c1 (denoting values in column 1)
{"player":"A","year":2010,"value":[ {"c1":1}, {"c2":1}]},
{"player":"A","year":2011,"value":[ {"c1":2}, {"c2":1}]},
{"player":"A","year":2012,"value":[ {"c1":2}, {"c2":1}]},
{"player":"B","year":2010,"value":[ {"c1":1}, {"c2":2}]}
Then you could aggregate it as below:
{ "_id" : "A", "value" : [ { "c1" : 5 }, { "c2" : 3 } ] }
{ "_id" : "B", "value" : [ { "c2" : 2 }, { "c1" : 1 } ] }
Since the solution involves the $unwind operation, which is costly, i suggest you to measure the performance of both the solutions against your data set and choose the one which best suits your application.
Thanks for your reply. Changing the schema could be the best way for this problem. As you pointed, $unwind operation might be costly. I eventually decided to use below solution.
Revised document:
db.test.insert([{"player": "A", "year": 2010, "values": {"v1":1, "v2":1 }},
{"player": "A", "year": 2011, "values": {"v1":2, "v2":1 }},
{"player": "A", "year": 2012, "values": {"v1":2, "v2":1 }},
{"player": "B", "year": 2010, "values": {"v1":1, "v2":2 }}])
Query statement:
"result": [{
"_id": "B",
"values": {
"v1": 1,
"v2": 2
}, {
"_id": "A",
"values": {
"v1": 5,
"v2": 3
"ok": 1

Mongo: how to sort by external weight

Following this question which #NeilLunn has gracefully answered, here is my problem in more detail.
This is the set of documents, some have user_id some don't. The user_id represent the user who created the document:
{ "user_id" : 11, "content" : "black", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 6, "content" : "blue", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 3, "content" : "red", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 4, "content" : "black", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 4, "content" : "blue", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 90, "content" : "red", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 7, "content" : "orange", "date": somedate }
{ "content" : "orange", "date": somedate }
{ "content" : "red", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 4, "content" : "orange", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 1, "content" : "orange", "date": somedate }
{ "content" : "red", "date": somedate }
{ "user_id" : 90, "content" : "purple", "date": somedate }
The front end is pulling pages, so each page will have 10 items and I do that with limit and skip and it is working very well.
In case we have a logged in user, I would like to display to that current logged in user documents which he may find more interesting first, based on the users he interacted with.
The list of users which the current user may find interesting is sorted by score and is located outside of mongo. So the first element is the most important user which I would like to show his documents first, and the last user on the list is the least important.
The list is a simple array which looks like this:
The system which created this user score is not located within mongo, but I can copy the data if that will help. I can also change the array to include a score number.
What I would like accomplish is the following:
Get the documents sorted by importance of the user_id from the list, so that documents from user_id 4 will be the first to show up, documents from user_id 7 second and so on. When where are no users left on the list I would like to show the rest of the documents. Like this:
all documents with user_d:4
all documents with user_d:7
all documents with user_d:90
all documents with user_d:1
all the rest of the documents
How should I accomplish this? Am I asking too much from mongo?
Given the array [4,7,90,1] what you want in your query is this:
{ "$project": {
"user_id": 1,
"content": 1,
"date": 1,
"weight": { "$or": [
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 4] },
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 7] },
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 90] },
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 1] },
{ "$sort": { "weight": -1, "date": -1 } }
So what that does is, for every item contained in that $or condition, the user_id field is tested against the supplied value, and $eq returns 1 or 0 for true or false.
What you do in your code is for each item you have in the array you build the array condition of $or. So it's just creating a hash structure for each equals condition, passing it to an array and plugging that in as the array value for the $or condition.
I probably should have left the $cond operator out of the previous code so this part would have been clearer.
Here's some code for the Ruby Brain:
userList = [4, 7, 90, 1];
orCond = [];
userList.each do |userId|
orCond.push({ '$eq' => [ 'user_id', userId ] })
pipeline = [
{ '$project' => {
'user_id' => 1,
'content' => 1,
'date' => 1,
'weight' => { '$or' => orCond }
{ '$sort' => { 'weight' => -1, 'date' => -1 } }
If you want to have individual weights and we'll assume key value pairs, then you need to nest with $cond :
{ "$project": {
"user_id": 1,
"content": 1,
"date": 1,
"weight": { "$cond": [
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 4] },
{ "$cond": [
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 7] },
{ "$cond": [
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 90] },
{ "$cond": [
{ "$eq": ["$user_id": 1] },
{ "$sort": { "weight": -1, "date": -1 } }
Note that it's just a return value, these do not need to be in order. And you can think about the generation of that.
For generating this structure see here:
Since mongoDB version 3.2 we can use a $filter which make this much easier to maintain in case there are more than 4 scores:
$addFields: {
weight: [
{key: 4, score: 10}, {key: 8, score: 9}, {key: 90, score: 8}, {key: 1, score: 7}
$addFields: {
weight: {
$filter: {
input: "$weight",
as: "item",
cond: {$eq: ["$$item.key", "$user_id"]}
$set: {
weight: {
$cond: [{$eq: [{$size: "$weight"}, 1]}, {$arrayElemAt: ["$weight", 0]}, {score: 1}]
{$set: {weight: "$weight.score"}},
{$sort: {weight: -1, date: -1}}
See how it works on the playground example