Powerhsell/Unix Bash - Find missing numbers for a set of files - powershell

I'm currently trying to detect some missing files for batches.
This batch generates files with following convention:
File_1_01.txt (first hour, first iteration)
I want to create a script to find out which iteration is missing.
I found this piece of code in powershell
function missingNumbers {
Get-ChildItem -path ./* -include *.txt
| Where{$_.Name -match '\d+'}
| ForEach{$Matches[0]}
| sort {[int]$_} |% {$i = 1}
{while ($i -lt $_){$i;$i++};$i++}}
However when i use this script against
It doesn't return entry 03
Remove hourly occurrence File_<1>_helps and script behaves as expected.
If i concatenate hour and occurrence, script will display all numbers before 101.
I'm open to having sth in Unix as well.
I had another approach in mind, removing the common text between all files but have no idea how to do it.

Instead of matching the 1 every time, you can match the 2 digits \d\d at the end. Putting the pipe symbol on the next line like that will only work in powershell 7.
Get-ChildItem -path ./* -include *.txt |
Where Name -match \d\d |
ForEach{ $Matches[0] } |
sort {[int]$_} |
% { $i = 1 } { while ($i -lt $_){ $i;$i++ }; $i++ }
You could put all the numbers together like this, but then they'd have to all be right after each other. Adjust the match pattern or get-childitem for your needs.
Get-ChildItem -path ./* -include *.txt |
Where Name -match '(\d).(\d\d)' |
ForEach{ $Matches[1] + $Matches[2] }


PowerShell script to write out recursive list of files without the root directory

Is there an easy way of stripping the root directory when retrieving a recursive list of files in a directory?
Get-ChildItem -Recurse "C:\Test\Folder" | Where { ! $_.PSIsContainer } | Select FullName | Out-File "C:\Test\Folder\items.txt"
But instead of this giving me:
It gives me:
Is this possible in one line or do I have to write a loop?
Also is there an output method that doesn't create gaps between lines or also spit out the name of the select property at the top? (In this case 'FullName'), or would I just have to loop manually and ignore them?
The problem you're having with the "gap" is because of Powershell's formatting when displaying objects. If you want to get the plain values, you could use the -ExpandProperty switch:
select -Expand FullName
As for your problem though, you could do something like this:
$dir = "C:\Test\Folder"
Get-ChildItem $dir -Recurse -File | foreach {
$_.FullName.Replace("$dir\", "")
} | Out-File "C:\Test\Folder\items.txt"
Note that this would be case sensitive. If that's an issue, you could use regex:
$dir = "d:\tmp"
$pattern = [Regex]::Escape($dir) + "\\?"
Get-ChildItem $dir -Recurse -File | foreach {
$_.FullName -replace $pattern, ""
This does what you ask:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse "C:\Test\Folder" | Where { ! $_.PSIsContainer } | Select -ExpandProperty FullName | % { $_.Split("\")[2..1000] -Join "\" }
The result of Get-ChildItem is split on the \ character which returns an array. The next bit [2..1000] slices the array from element 2 (and the rest of the array up until the specified number, so just take a sufficiently large number). Finally we join the array into a new string with the -Join operator.

How to take a list of partial file names and return a list of the full file names with PowerShell

I’m wondering how to take a list of partial document names and return a list of the full document names with PowerShell.
I have ton of documents to do this with. We have a naming scheme: HG-xx-xx-###
The full naming scheme for the actual files is: HG-xx-xx-###.x.x_File_Name
I have a lot of different lists of file names like so:
I'm trying to have program return a list of the full file names like so:
I've included both methods I've tried. I give it a list or even just one partial file name and I get nothing back.
I've tried two different ways and I'm at the end of my programming and googling capabilities, any ideas?
$myPath = 'P:\'
$_DocList = READ-HOST "Enter list of document ID's"
$_DocList = $_DocList.Split(',').Split(' ')
#Here I'm not sure if I should do it like so:
$output =
ForEach($_Doc in $_DocList)
$find = gci $myPath -Recurse |where{$_.name -contains $($_Doc)}
Write-Host "$find"
$output | clip
#or like this:
$_DocList | ForEach-Object
gci -Path $myPath -Filter $_ -Recurse
$info = Get-ChildItem $_.FullName | Measure-Object
if ($info.Count -ne 0) {
Write-Output "$($_.Name)"
} | clip
Doug Maurer's helpful answer shows a solution based on a wildcard pattern based to the -Filter parameter.
Since this parameter only accepts a single pattern, the Get-ChildItem -Recurse call must be called multiple times, in a loop.
However, since you're using -Recurse, you can take advantage of the -Include parameter, which accepts multiple patterns, so you can get away with one Get-ChildItem call.
While for a single Get-ChildItem call -Filter performs better than -Include, a single Get-ChildItem -Include call with an array of pattern is likely to outperform multiple Get-ChildItem -Filter calls, especially with many patterns.
# Sample name prefixes to search for.
$namePrefixes = 'HG-SP-HG-001', 'HG-WI-BE-005', 'HG-GD-BB-043'
# Append '*' to all prefixes to form wildcard patterns: 'HG-SP-HG-001*', ...
$namePatterns = $namePrefixes -replace '$', '*'
# Combine Get-ChildItem -Recurse with -Include and all patterns.
# .Name returns the file name part of all matching files.
$names = (Get-ChildItem $myPath -File -Recurse -Include $namePatterns).Name
Maybe something like this?
$docList = #('HG-SP-HG-*','HG-WI-BE-*','HG-GD-BB-*')
foreach($item in $docList)
$check = Get-ChildItem -Filter $item P:\ -File
Maybe something like this?
$docList = #('HG-SP-HG','HG-WI-BE','HG-GD-BB')
$docList | Get-ChildItem -File -Filter $_ -Recurse | select Name
When using the filter with partial names you'll need to specify wildcard
$names = 'HG-SP-HG','HG-WI-BE','HG-GD-BB'
$names | Foreach-Object {
Get-ChildItem -File -Filter $_* -Recurse
And if you only want the full path back, simply select it.
$names = 'HG-SP-HG','HG-WI-BE','HG-GD-BB'
$names | Foreach-Object {
Get-ChildItem -File -Filter $_* -Recurse
} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
If you have an established pattern of what the files look like, why not regex it?
# Use these instead to specify a docID
#$docID = "005"
#pattern = "^HG(-\w{2}){2}-$docID"
$pattern = "^HG(-\w{2}){2}-\d{3}"
Get-ChildItem -Path "P:\" -Recurse | ?{$_ -match $pattern}
Granted, there may be more efficient ways to do this, but it should be quick enough for a few thousand files.
EDIT: This is the breakdown of the regex pattern's hieroglyphics.
^ Start at the beginning
HG literal characters "HG"
( start of a grouping
- literal "-" character (hyphen)
\w any word character
{2} exactly 2 times
) End of the grouping
{2} exactly 2 times
- literal "-" character (hyphen)
\d any digit 0 through 9
{3} Exactly 3 times

How to remove last X number of character from file name

Looking for help writing a script that will remove a specific number of characters from the end of a file name. In my specific dilemma, I have dozens of files with the following format:
1234567 XKJDFDA.pdf
5413874 KJDFSXZ.pdf
... etc. etc.
I need to remove the last 7 alpha characters to leave the 7 digits standing as the file name. Through another posted question I was able to find a script that would remove the first X number of digits from the beginning of the file name but I'm having an incredibly difficult time modifying it to remove from the end:
get-childitem *.pdf | rename-item -newname { [string]($_.name).substring(x) }
Any and all relevant help would be greatly appreciated.
$RootFolder = '\\server.domain.local\share\folder'
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $RootFolder -Filter '*.pdf' |
Where-Object { $_.psIsContainer -eq $false } | # No folders
ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Name -match '^(?<BeginningDigits>\d{7})\s.+\.pdf$' ) {
$local:newName = "$($Matches['BeginningDigits'])$($_.Extension)"
return Rename-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName -NewName $local:newName -PassThru
} |
ForEach-Object {Write-Host "New name: $($_.Name)"}
If file name matches "<FilenameBegin><SevenDigits><Space><Something>.pdf<FilenameEnd>", then rename it to "<SevenDigits>.<KeepExtension>". This uses Regular Expressions with Named Selection groups ( <BeginningDigits> is group name ). Take a note that due to RegExp usage, this is most CPU-taking algorythm, but if you have one-time run or you have little amount of files, there is no sense. Otherwise, if you have many files, I'd recommend adding Where-Object { $_.BaseName.Length -gt 7 } | before if (.. -match ..) to filter out files shorter than 7 symbols before RegExp check to minimize CPU Usage ( string length check is less CPU consumable than RegExp ). Also you can remove \.pdf from RegExp to minimize CPU usage, because you already have this filter in Get-ChildItem
If you strictly need match "<7digits><space><7alpha>.pdf", you should replace RegExp expression with '^(?<BeginningDigits>\d{7})\s[A-Z]{7}\.pdf$'
$RootFolder = '\\server.domain.local\share\folder'
#( Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $RootFolder -Filter '*.pdf' ) |
Where-Object { $_.psIsContainer -eq $false } | # No folders
Where-Object { $_.BaseName.Length -gt 7 } | # For files where basename (name without extension) have more than 7 symbols)
ForEach-Object {
$local:newName = [string]::Join('', $_.BaseName.ToCharArray()[0..6] )
return Rename-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName -NewName $local:newName -PassThru
} |
ForEach-Object {Write-Host "New name: $($_.Name)"}
Alternative: Using string split-join: Rename all files, whose name without extension > 7 symbols to first 7 symbols ( not taking in account if digits or not ), keeping extension.
This is idiotic algorythm, because Substring is faster. This just can help learning subarray selection using [x..y]
Please take note that we check string length > 7 before using [x..y] in Where-Object { $_.BaseName.Length -gt 7 }. Otherwise we cat hit error when name is shorter than 7 symbols and we trying to take 7th symbol.
$RootFolder = '\\server.domain.local\share\folder'
#( Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $RootFolder -Filter '*.pdf' ) |
Where-Object { $_.psIsContainer -eq $false }
Where-Object { $_.BaseName.Length -gt 7 } | # For files where basename (name without extension) have more than 7 symbols)
ForEach-Object {
$local:newName = $x[0].BaseName.Substring(0,7)
return Rename-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName -NewName $local:newName -PassThru
} |
ForEach-Object {Write-Host "New name: $($_.Name)"}
Alternative: Using substring. Rename all files, whose name without extension > 7 symbols to first 7 symbols ( not taking in account if digits or not ), keeping extension.
.Substring(0,7) # 0 - position of first symbol, 7 - how many symbols to take. Please take note that we check string length > 7 before using substring in Where-Object { $_.BaseName.Length -gt 7 }. Otherwise we cat hit error when name is shorter than 7 symbols
A much simpler alternative to PowerShell is using Command Prompt. If your filenames are along the lines of "00001_01.jpg", "00002_01.jpg", "00003_01.jpg", you can use the following command:
ren ?????_0.jpg ?????.jpg
where the number of ? matches the first part of the filename that you want to keep.
You can read more about this and other Command Prompt methods of batch renaming files in Windows at this useful website.
EDIT: edited to preserve the extension
There's another substring() method that takes 2 args, startIndex and length. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.string.substring?view=netframework-4.8
string Substring(int startIndex)
string Substring(int startIndex, int length)
Thus, to delete a total of 8 characters from the right of the basename, including the space:
get-childitem *.pdf | rename-item -newname { $_.basename.substring(0,
$_.basename.length-8) + $_.extension } -whatif
What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target
"Item: /Users/js/1234567890.pdf
Destination: /Users/js/12.pdf".
You can write a quick bash function for this.
function fileNameShortener() {
mv "$1" ${1:0:4}
This will take the first Argument. which is stored in $1, and create a substring from index 0 to the index 4 characters to the left. This is then used in the move command to move the initial file to the new filename. To Further generalise:
function fileNameShortener2() {
mv "$1" ${1:$2:$3}
This can be used, to give starting point, and length of the Substring as second and third function argument.
fileNameShortener fileName.txt 0 -5
This sample would remove the last 5 characters from the Filename.

How to rename files with sequential even and odd numbers in PowerShell?

I would like to know how I can rename the files from a specific folder with a sequence of only even and odds numbers in PowerShell. E.g. Folder1: pag_001.jpg, pag_003.jpg, pag_005.jpg.... pag_201.jpg , Folder2: pag_002.jpg, pag_004.jpg, pag_006.jpg.... pag_200.jpg. It is because I have a document that was scanned first the odds pages and secondly the even pages, therefore their file names are in a consecutive sequence from 1 to 201. Then I separated one half of the files which are the odds pages in a new place: Folder1, and the second half,the even pages in the Folder2. That is why I would like change the names first and the join again together with their new names.
I have tried this based in a similar post:
At the moment I could generate even number sequences like that:
ForEach ($number in 1..100 ) { $number * 2}
and odd numbers like that:
ForEach ($number in 0..100 ) { $number *2+1}
and wanted apply the sequences generated before to rename my files like that:
cd C:\test\Folder1
$i = $number * 2
Get-ChildItem *.jpg | %{Rename-Item $_ -NewName ('pag_{0:D3}.jpg' -f $i++)}
but it doesn't works! Any suggestions are welcome
Your $i++ adds 1 each time, this is why it also add even numbers,
You can create array of Odd Numbers then use the $i++ to step one item in the array, like this:
$path = "C:\test\Folder1"
$oddNumbersArray = 0..100 | % {$_ *2 +1}
$i = 0
Get-ChildItem $path -Filter *.jpg | % {Rename-Item $_ -NewName ("pag_$($oddNumbersArray[$i]).jpg") ;$i++}
For Even Numbers change the $oddNumbersArray line to {$_ *2}
Bunch of ways to do this. For mine we add each index as a member so that it is more easily accessible in the rename item script block.
$index = 0
Get-ChildItem $path -Filter "*.jpg" | ForEach-Object{
$index = $index +2
$_ | Add-Member -Name "Index" -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $index -PassThru
} | Rename-Item -NewName {'pag_{0:D3}.jpg' -f $_.Index} -WhatIf
Using Add-Member in a ForEach-Object we update the value of index and then add it as a property of the same name. Then in your rename-item scriptblock we can call that property. Remove the -WhatIf after you verified the new names are what you wanted. Switch $index between 0 and -1 for even and odd respectively.
Another method using a global index variable and mitigating the pipeline by using calculated properties to create the pipeline variables that Rename-Item uses.
$path = "C:\Temp\csv"
$global:index = 0 # Use -1 for odd
Get-ChildItem $path -Filter "*.csv" |
Select-Object #{Name="Path";Expression={$_.FullName}},
#{Name="NewName";Expression={$global:index = $global:index + 2; 'pag_{0:D3}.jpg' -f $global:index}} |
Rename-Item -WhatIf

How to use Powershell to list duplicate files in a folder structure that exist in one of the folders

I have a source tree, say c:\s, with many sub-folders. One of the sub-folders is called "c:\s\Includes" which can contain one or more .cs files recursively.
I want to make sure that none of the .cs files in the c:\s\Includes... path exist in any other folder under c:\s, recursively.
I wrote the following PowerShell script which works, but I'm not sure if there's an easier way to do it. I've had less than 24 hours experience with PowerShell so I have a feeling there's a better way.
I can assume at least PowerShell 3 being used.
I will accept any answer that improves my script, but I'll wait a few days before accepting the answer. When I say "improve", I mean it makes it shorter, more elegant or with better performance.
Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.
The current code:
$excludeFolder = "Includes"
$h = #{}
foreach ($i in ls $pwd.path *.cs -r -file | ? DirectoryName -notlike ("*\" + $excludeFolder + "\*")) { $h[$i.Name]=$i.DirectoryName }
ls ($pwd.path + "\" + $excludeFolder) *.cs -r -file | ? { $h.Contains($_.Name) } | Select #{Name="Duplicate";Expression={$h[$_.Name] + " has file with same name as " + $_.Fullname}}
I stared at this for a while, determined to write it without studying the existing answers, but I'd already glanced at the first sentence of Matt's answer mentioning Group-Object. After some different approaches, I get basically the same answer, except his is long-form and robust with regex character escaping and setup variables, mine is terse because you asked for shorter answers and because that's more fun.
$inc = '^c:\\s\\includes'
$cs = (gci -R 'c:\s' -File -I *.cs) | group name
$nopes = $cs |?{($_.Group.FullName -notmatch $inc)-and($_.Group.FullName -match $inc)}
$nopes | % {$_.Name; $_.Group.FullName}
Example output:
The concept is:
Get all the .cs files in the whole source tree
Split them into groups of {filename: {files which share this filename}}
For each group, keep only those where the set of files contains any file with a path that matches the include folder and contains any file with a path that does not match the includes folder. This step covers
duplicates (if a file only exists once it cannot pass both tests)
duplicates across the {includes/not-includes} divide, instead of being duplicated within one branch
handles triplicates, n-tuplicates, as well.
Edit: I added the ^ to $inc to say it has to match at the start of the string, so the regex engine can fail faster for paths that don't match. Maybe this counts as premature optimization.
After that pretty dense attempt, the shape of a cleaner answer is much much easier:
Get all the files, split them into include, not-include arrays.
Nested for-loop testing every file against every other file.
Longer, but enormously quicker to write (it runs slower, though) and I imagine easier to read for someone who doesn't know what it does.
$sourceTree = 'c:\\s'
$allFiles = Get-ChildItem $sourceTree -Include '*.cs' -File -Recurse
$includeFiles = $allFiles | where FullName -imatch "$($sourceTree)\\includes"
$otherFiles = $allFiles | where FullName -inotmatch "$($sourceTree)\\includes"
foreach ($incFile in $includeFiles) {
foreach ($oFile in $otherFiles) {
if ($incFile.Name -ieq $oFile.Name) {
write "$($incFile.Name) clash"
write "* $($incFile.FullName)"
write "* $($oFile.FullName)"
write "`n"
Because code-golf is fun. If the hashtables are faster, what about this even less tested one-liner...
$h=#{};gci c:\s -R -file -Filt *.cs|%{$h[$_.Name]+=#($_.FullName)};$h.Values|?{$_.Count-gt1-and$_-like'c:\s\includes*'}
Edit: explanation of this version: It's doing much the same solution approach as version 1, but the grouping operation happens explicitly in the hashtable. The shape of the hashtable becomes:
$h = {
'fileA.cs': #('c:\cs\wherever\fileA.cs', 'c:\cs\includes\fileA.cs'),
'file2.cs': #('c:\cs\somewhere\file2.cs'),
'file3.cs': #('c:\cs\includes\file3.cs', 'c:\cs\x\file3.cs', 'c:\cs\z\file3.cs')
It hits the disk once for all the .cs files, iterates the whole list to build the hashtable. I don't think it can do less work than this for that bit.
It uses +=, so it can add files to the existing array for that filename, otherwise it would overwrite each of the hashtable lists and they would be one item long for only the most recently seen file.
It uses #() - because when it hits a filename for the first time, $h[$_.Name] won't return anything, and the script needs put an array into the hashtable at first, not a string. If it was +=$_.FullName then the first file would go into the hashtable as a string and the += next time would do string concatenation and that's no use to me. This forces the first file in the hashtable to start an array by forcing every file to be a one item array. The least-code way to get this result is with +=#(..) but that churn of creating throwaway arrays for every single file is needless work. Maybe changing it to longer code which does less array creation would help?
Changing the section
to something like
%{if (!$h.ContainsKey($_.Name)){$h[$_.Name]=#()};$h[$_.Name]+=$_.FullName}
(I'm guessing, I don't have much intuition for what's most likely to be slow PowerShell code, and haven't tested).
After that, using h.Values isn't going over every file for a second time, it's going over every array in the hashtable - one per unique filename. That's got to happen to check the array size and prune the not-duplicates, but the -and operation short circuits - when the Count -gt 1 fails, the so the bit on the right checking the path name doesn't run.
If the array has two or more files in it, the -and $_ -like ... executes and pattern matches to see if at least one of the duplicates is in the includes path. (Bug: if all the duplicates are in c:\cs\includes and none anywhere else, it will still show them).
This is edited version 3 with the hashtable initialization tweak, and now it keeps track of seen files in $s, and then only considers those it's seen more than once.
$h=#{};$s=#{};gci 'c:\s' -R -file -Filt *.cs|%{if($h.ContainsKey($_.Name)){$s[$_.Name]=1}else{$h[$_.Name]=#()}$h[$_.Name]+=$_.FullName};$s.Keys|%{if ($h[$_]-like 'c:\s\includes*'){$h[$_]}}
Assuming it works, that's what it does, anyway.
Edit branch of topic; I keep thinking there ought to be a way to do this with the things in the System.Data namespace. Anyone know if you can connect System.Data.DataTable().ReadXML() to gci | ConvertTo-Xml without reams of boilerplate?
I'd do more or less the same, except I'd build the hashtable from the contents of the includes folder and then run over everything else to check for duplicates:
$root = 'C:\s'
$includes = "$root\includes"
$includeList = #{}
Get-ChildItem -Path $includes -Filter '*.cs' -Recurse -File |
% { $includeList[$_.Name] = $_.DirectoryName }
Get-ChildItem -Path $root -Filter '*.cs' -Recurse -File |
? { $_.FullName -notlike "$includes\*" -and $includeList.Contains($_.Name) } |
% { "Duplicate of '{0}': {1}" -f $includeList[$_.Name], $_.FullName }
I'm not as impressed with this as I would like but I thought that Group-Object might have a place in this question so I present the following:
$base = 'C:\s'
$unique = "$base\includes"
$extension = "*.cs"
Get-ChildItem -Path $base -Filter $extension -Recurse |
Group-Object $_.Name |
Where-Object{($_.Count -gt 1) -and (($_.Group).FullName -match [regex]::Escape($unique))} |
ForEach-Object {
$filename = $_.Name
($_.Group).FullName -notmatch [regex]::Escape($unique) | ForEach-Object{
"'{0}' has file with same name as '{1}'" -f (Split-Path $_),$filename
Collect all the files with the extension filter $extension. Group the files based on their names. Then of those groups find every group where there are more than one of that particular file and one of the group members is at least in the directory $unique. Take those groups and print out all the files that are not from the unique directory.
From Comment
For what its worth this is what I used for testing to create a bunch of files. (I know the folder 9 is empty)
$base = "E:\Temp\dev\cs"
Remove-Item "$base\*" -Recurse -Force
0..9 | %{[void](New-Item -ItemType directory "$base\$_")}
1..1000 | %{
$number = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 100
$folder = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 9
[void](New-Item -Path $base\$folder -ItemType File -Name "$number.txt" -Force)
After looking at all the others, I thought I would try a different approach.
$includes = "C:\s\includes"
$root = "C:\s"
# First script
Measure-Command {
[string[]]$filter = ls $includes -Filter *.cs -Recurse | % name
ls $root -include $filter -Recurse -Filter *.cs |
Where-object{$_.FullName -notlike "$includes*"}
# Second Script
Measure-Command {
$filter2 = ls $includes -Filter *.cs -Recurse
ls $root -Recurse -Filter *.cs |
Where-object{$filter2.name -eq $_.name -and $_.FullName -notlike "$includes*"}
In my first script, I get all the include files into a string array. Then i use that string array as a include param on the get-childitem. In the end, I filter out the include folder from the results.
In my second script, I enumerate everything and then filter after the pipe.
Remove the measure-command to see the results. I was using that to check the speed. With my dataset, the first one was 40% faster.
$FilesToFind = Get-ChildItem -Recurse 'c:\s\includes' -File -Include *.cs | Select Name
Get-ChildItem -Recurse C:\S -File -Include *.cs | ? { $_.Name -in $FilesToFind -and $_.Directory -notmatch '^c:\s\includes' } | Select Name, Directory
Create a list of file names to look for.
Find all files that are in the list but not part of the directory the list was generated from
Print their name and directory