DWG/DXF import in QGis fails - import

I have a dwg-file and want to import it into QGIS (3.12.3) using Project >> Import DWG/DXF. The import cannot be started with the failure:
Cannot open layer list
I converted the dwg in to a dxf using the ODA file converter 21.4.0, but the same error occurs.
After that I tried to import a dwg sample file with the same result, so I guess the file itself is not the problem.
I am new to QGIS - does anyone know why this error occurs?

There was a bug in QGis 3.4 that generated this message(1); it should be fixed by now, but it's maybe related to your problem. The problem was in the GeoPackage database: it was impossible to create a new GeoPackage from the interface, you had to select an existing one, but then it didn't have the expected structure.
Do you create a new GeoPackage database or do you provide an existing one?
Just a guess; importing from dwg can fail for several reasons.
(1) https://issues.qgis.org/issues/20305
P.S. I was in fact able to reproduce the error by separatly creating a new GeoPackage and import a dwg in it; the same dwg is imported with no errors when the geopackage is created directly in the importing dialog.


Can't use pyrevit forms

I am trying (for a long time) to use pyrevit forms to open excel files, but everytime I try to use it, a different error appears. The most recent error is the one in the image.
If I try 'from pyrevit import *', the error is:
Exception : System.MissingMemberException: 'module' object has no attribute 'compat'
Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I don't know what else to do... Sorry for my ignorance.
Thank you very much in advance!
new error message:
It looks like some links are missing. Have you tried reinstalling .NET Framework or pyrevit?
The problem may be with from pyrevit import * because it is not in your PATH. I was able to use pyRevit forms by adding its library and additional packages folders like this:
import sys
from pyrevit import forms
Just replace <username> and paste into RevitPythonShell, provided pyRevit is installed in the default location. Other pyrevit modules should work similarly.

distilbert model is not working at ktrain

I tried to use distilbert classifier. but I am getting the following error.
This is my code
and here is the error
OSError: Model name 'distilbert-base-uncased' was not found in tokenizers model name list (distilbert-base-uncased, distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad, distilbert-base-cased, distilbert-base-cased-distilled-squad, distilbert-base-german-cased, distilbert-base-multilingual-cased). We assumed 'distilbert-base-uncased' was a path, a model identifier, or url to a directory containing vocabulary files named ['vocab.txt'] but couldn't find such vocabulary files at this path or url._
Due to my office current environmental issue, I can only work on tf 2.2 and python 3.8. Right now I am using 0.19.
Do you think it will affect my current environment if I downgrade it to 0.16?
This error may happen if there is a network or firewall issue preventing download of the tokenizer files. See this FAQ entry for remedies.
Also, when you use preprocess_mode='distilbert', texts_from* functions return TransformerDataset instances, not arrays. You'll need to replace (X_train, y_train) with train_data, for example. See this example notebook.

Typo3 Tree Import fail

I'm using Typo3 6.2 and I want move my Projekt to another Computer with Typo3 6.2 but I'm failing to import the tree structure ...
When I'm import a single page it works but when if the page has a subpages it doesnt work.
After I uploading a receive this Error:
"Possible error: pages:15 had no new id assigned to it. This indicates that the record was not added to database during import. Please check changelog!"
Here is the import file, maybe it just doesnt work on my system...
File leist.t3d
I had this error, too.
In my case, I got an error message after enabling error messages, it was a missing field in table "pages", after a "DB compare", the import worked.
Not sure, but is sounds like a known bug:
Or more specific (copy pasted from that bug):
When I change uniqid('NEW'); to uniqid('NEW', TRUE); in class
ImportExport the functional tests aren't failing and I assume
introduction extension is imported correctly (no errors in typo3.log).
(again not totally certain) but you might wanna patch it for testing or fetching a patched source for

Weka EM cluster get "Error: Could not find or load main class test" in eclipse

I want to use weka to cluster tweets in the database in JSP. In GUI, I find only HierarchiccalClusterer and Filteredcluster available for string clustering. Then I find this clusteringdemo sample code from weka official website: https://svn.scms.waikato.ac.nz/svn/weka/trunk/wekaexamples/src/main/java/wekaexamples/clusterers/ClusteringDemo.java
However, after set up the sample arff code in weka directory, I get this error "Error: Could not find or load main class ClusteringDemo".
Can anyone help me to find out the reason?
I only change filename in the sentence data = DataSource.read(filename);. Besides, my classpath set up correctly for I already done some classifier.
1.- Maybe the ClusteringDemo.class is not in your classpath.
You should add the class of jar file to your project.
2.- Anyway, you can download the java code from: http://weka.wikispaces.com/file/detail/ClusteringDemo.java
Compile and run it (make sure that weka.jar is in your classpath).
3.- If you have added ClusteringDemo.java to your project. Make sure that it has the "package" line (the first line) according to its location. Otherwise Java will not be able to find it.
Good luck using EM, maybe you can also try N-grams + Naive Bayes.

Import Shapefile to Postgres

I am trying to import a shapefile to Postgres using the following:
shp2pgsql c:\location\water_areas.shp water > water.sql
I am receiving the following message:
c:\location\water_areas.shp: shape (.shp) or index file (.shx) can not be opened, will just import attribute data.
Unfortunately I need more than just attribute data. I need the geometry column. Please help. Why won't it open the shapefile for the conversion.
Without any extra information, there's no way to answer your question. The error message is indicating the app is not finding one or more of the file components. Try running the app inside the 'location' directory with a relative path and see if that changes.