Django OneToOne Reverse Relation gives RelatedObjectDoesNotExist if though it exists - python-3.7

I have the following models
class SimulationStatus(models.Model):
simulation = models.ForeignKey(Simulation, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
name = models.CharField(
# Simulation time
time = models.PositiveIntegerField(
null=True, blank=True,
verbose_name="time (in seconds)",
help_text="simulation time in seconds"
# Field to track the active_status
active_simulation = models.OneToOneField(
Simulation, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='active_status',
null=True, blank=True
class Simulation(models.Model):
Simulation model
uuid = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4)
organisation = models.ForeignKey(
Organisation, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=False, blank=False
user = models.ForeignKey(
User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=False, blank=False
The reverse lookup on the active_status throws an exception even though the instance does exist.
from api.simulations.models import Simulation
s = Simulation.objects.get(id=852)
# exception
RelatedObjectDoesNotExist Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-bbd6df757cc6> in <module>
----> 1 s.active_status
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ in __get__(self, instance, cls)
413 "%s has no %s." % (
414 instance.__class__.__name__,
--> 415 self.related.get_accessor_name()
416 )
417 )
RelatedObjectDoesNotExist: Simulation has no active_status.
from api.simulations.statuses.models import SimulationStatus
ss = SimulationStatus.objects.get(simulation=s)
<SimulationStatus: created 0 sec, simulation: weir>
I don't really understand why this is. I've read this post but my relation is not empty.

I had similar problem, in my case I was saving one instance, but it wasn't reverse-added, hence the one-sided relation. As I remmeber it was caused by null=True, blank=True on the OneToOneField which I deleted and re-modelled app.


Use different pandas version for different tasks in the same DAG (Airflow)

Say I have two tasks which uses two versions of, say, pandas
import pandas as pd #Pandas 1.0.0
def f1(data):
return 0
import pandas as pd #version 2.0.0
def f2(data):
return 0
In my airflow (local, no Docker), is there a way to create a venv or requirement-file for each task e.g
t1 = PythonOperator(
task_id = "t1",
python_callable = f1,
requirements = "my_task_one_requirement.txt" #How to set requirements for this task?
t2 = PythonOperator(
task_id = "t2",
python_callable = f2,
requirements = "my_task_two_requirement.txt" #How to set requirements for this task?
In case it can't be in the same DAG-file, is there a way to specify the requirements for a given DAG-file e.g placing t1 and t2 in DAG1 and DAG2 respectively, but with different packages/requirement-file?
Airflow has PythonVirtualenvOperator that is suitable for this use case.
t1 = PythonVirtualenvOperator(
t2 = PythonVirtualenvOperator(

Airflow default variables - Incremental load setup

I am trying to implement a incremental data load for a data extract from rds postgres to another postgres rds
I am using airflow, to implement the ETL. So, after reading for a while about airflow macros, I decided I'll set up the incremental flow with airflow default variables.
So, the algorithm is this way,
if my previous execution date is None or null or '':
pick data from the beginning of time(in our case its a year back)
pick the previous execution date
end if
Note : the following code is to understand default variables at first, and this is not yet implemented to the problem I have mentioned above
The corresponding code for that is as shown below. When I run the dag for the first time, I always end up printing 'None' for previoussuccessfulexecutiondate variable and never the historical date like what I have mentioned. I am unable to figure this out. Any ideas on this would be of great help
from datetime import *
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
default_args={'owner':'airflow','start_date': days_ago(1),'depends_on_past':'False'}
dag = DAG('jinja_trial_10',default_args=default_args,schedule_interval=timedelta(minutes=5))
def printexecutiontimes(**kwargs):
executiondate = kwargs.get('execution_date')
previoussuccessfulexecutiondate = kwargs.get('prev_execution_date_success')
previousexecutiondate = kwargs.get('prev_ds_nodash')
if (previoussuccessfulexecutiondate == 'None' or previoussuccessfulexecutiondate is None):
previoussuccessfulexecutiondate = datetime.strftime( - timedelta(days = 365),'%Y-%m-%d')
print('Execution Date : {0}'.format(executiondate))
print('Previous successful execution date : {0}'.format(previoussuccessfulexecutiondate))
print('Previous execution date : {0}'.format(previousexecutiondate))
task_start = DummyOperator(task_id = 'start',dag=dag)
jinja_task= PythonOperator(task_id = 'TryingoutJinjatemplates',
python_callable =printexecutiontimes,
provide_context = 'True',
dag=dag )
task_end = DummyOperator(task_id = 'end',dag=dag)
task_start >>jinja_task >> task_end
I had to something very similar recently and following code is what i have ended up creating a custom function using DagRun details.
Refer to this answer - if you just want to get last DAG run (irrespective of status).
For me, i had to get the last date of successful run, hence created below function:
def get_last_dag_run(dag_id):
dag_runs = DagRun.find(dag_id=dag_id)
dag_runs.sort(key=lambda x: x.execution_date, reverse=True)
for dag_run in dag_runs:
#print all dag runs - debug only
print(f"All ----- state: {dag_run.state} , run_id: {dag_run.run_id} , execution_date: {dag_run.execution_date}")
print('Success runs ---------------------------------')
dag_runs = list(filter(lambda x: x.state == 'success', dag_runs))
for dag_run in dag_runs:
#print successfull dag runs - debug only
print(f"Success - state: {dag_run.state} , run_id: {dag_run.run_id} , execution_date: {dag_run.execution_date}")
# return last execution run or default value (01-01-1970)
return dag_runs[0].execution_date if dag_runs else datetime(1970, 1, 1)
After a few experiments and a lot of reading, I came up with the following code and it worked for me
Create a variable in Airflow UI and assign it a value 0
Use Airflow’s predefined variables, to determine whether it is a full
load or a incremental load
Pseudo code -
value of Variable created = 0
set Variable = 1
set the start data to point in time in the past(a date-time from the inception of a certain process)
set the end date to the value of the "execution_date" (defined as a part of airflow's predefined variables)
set the start date to "prev_execution_date_success" (defined as a part of airflow's predefined variables)
set the end date to "execution_date" (defined as a part of airflow's predefined variables)
Below is the code snippet for the same
from datetime import *
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
from airflow.models import Variable
default_args={'owner':'airflow','start_date': datetime(2020,11,3,12,5),'depends_on_past':'False'}
dag = DAG('airflow_incremental_load_setup',default_args=default_args,schedule_interval=timedelta(minutes=5))
def printexecutiontimes(**kwargs):
# Variable to be created before the running of dag
full_load_check = Variable.get('full_load_completion')
print('full_load_check : {0}'.format(full_load_check))
if full_load_check == '0':
print('First execution')
print('Execution date : {0}'.format(kwargs.get('execution_date')))
print('Actual start date : {0}'.format(kwargs.get('ds')))
print('Previous successful execution date : {0}'.format(kwargs.get('prev_execution_date_success')))
print('Calculated field : {0}'.format(datetime.strftime( - timedelta(days=365), '%Y-%m-%d')))
Variable.set('full_load_check', '1')
start_date = datetime.strftime( - timedelta(days=365), '%Y-%m-%d')
end_date = datetime.strftime(kwargs.get('execution_date'), '%Y-%m-%d')
print('After the first execution ..')
print('Execution date : {0}'.format(kwargs.get('execution_date')))
print('Actual start date : {0}'.format(kwargs.get('ds')))
print('Previous successful execution date : {0}'.format(kwargs.get('prev_execution_date_success')))
print('Calculated field : {0}'.format(kwargs.get('prev_execution_date_success')))
start_date = kwargs.get('prev_execution_date_success')
start_date = parse(str(start_date))
end_date = kwargs.get('execution_date')
end_date = parse(str(end_date))
print('Type of start_date_check : {0}'.format(type(start_date)))
start_date = datetime.strftime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
end_date = datetime.strftime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
task_start = DummyOperator(task_id = 'start',dag=dag)
main_task= PythonOperator(task_id = 'IncrementalJobTask',
python_callable =printexecutiontimes,
provide_context = 'True',
dag=dag )
task_end = DummyOperator(task_id = 'end',dag=dag)
task_start >>main_task >> task_end
It helped me:
if isinstance(context['prev_execution_date_success'], type(None)):

Exporting PySpark Dataframe to Azure Data Lake Takes Forever

The code below ran perfectly well on the standalone version of PySpark 2.4 on Mac OS (Python 3.7) when the size of the input data (around 6 GB) was small. However, when I ran the code on HDInsight cluster (HDI 4.0, i.e. Python 3.5, PySpark 2.4, 4 worker nodes and each has 64 cores and 432 GB of RAM, 2 header nodes and each has 4 cores and 28 GB of RAM, 2nd generation of data lake) with larger input data (169 GB), the last step, which is, writing data to the data lake, took forever (I killed it after 24 hours of execution) to complete. Given the fact that HDInsight is not popular in the cloud computing community, I could only reference posts that complained about the low speed when writing dataframe to S3. Some suggested to repartition the dataset, which I did, but it did not help.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, StringType, IntegerType, BooleanType
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, regexp_extract, collect_set, array_remove, col, size, asc, desc
from import FPGrowth
import os
os.environ["PYSPARK_PYTHON"] = "/usr/bin/python3.5"
os.environ["PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON"] = "/usr/bin/python3.5"
def work(order_path, beer_path, corpus_path, output_path, FREQ_THRESHOLD=1000, LIFT_THRESHOLD=1):
print("Creating Spark Environment...")
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Menu").getOrCreate()
print("Spark Environment Created!")
print("Working on Checkpoint1...")
orders =
orders = spark.sql(
"SELECT _c14 AS order_id, _c31 AS in_menu_id, _c32 AS in_menu_name FROM orders"
beer =
beer = spark.sql(
order_id AS beer_order_id,
in_menu_id AS beer_in_menu_id,
'-999' AS beer_in_menu_name
FROM beer
orders = spark.sql(
WITH orders_beer AS (
FROM orders
ON orders.in_menu_id = beer.beer_in_menu_id
WHEN beer_in_menu_name IS NOT NULL THEN beer_in_menu_name
WHEN beer_in_menu_name IS NULL THEN in_menu_name
END AS menu_name
FROM orders_beer
print("Checkpoint1 Completed!")
print("Working on Checkpoint2...")
corpus =
keywords ="Food_Name").rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()
orders = orders.withColumn(
"(?=^|\s)(" + "|".join(keywords) + ")(?=\s|$)",
orders = spark.sql("""
SELECT order_id, in_menu_id, keyword
FROM orders
WHERE keyword != ''
orders = orders.groupBy("order_id").agg(
print("Checkpoint2 Completed!")
print("Working on Checkpoint3...")
fpGrowth = FPGrowth(
model =
print("Checkpoint3 Completed!")
print("Working on Checkpoint4...")
frequency = model.freqItemsets
frequency = frequency.filter(col("freq") > FREQ_THRESHOLD)
frequency = frequency.withColumn(
array_remove("items", "-999")
frequency = frequency.filter(size(col("items")) > 0)
frequency = frequency.orderBy(asc("items"), desc("freq"))
frequency = frequency.dropDuplicates(["items"])
frequency = frequency.withColumn(
lambda x: "|".join(sorted(x)), StringType()
lift = model.associationRules
lift = lift.drop("confidence")
lift = lift.filter(col("lift") > LIFT_THRESHOLD)
lift = lift.filter(
lambda x: x == ["-999"], BooleanType()
lift = lift.drop("consequent")
lift = lift.withColumn(
lambda x: "|".join(sorted(x)), StringType()
result = spark.sql(
SELECT lift.antecedent, freq AS frequency, lift
FROM lift
INNER JOIN frequency
ON lift.antecedent = frequency.antecedent
print("Checkpoint4 Completed!")
print("Writing Result to Data Lake...")
print("All Done!")
def main():
order_path=169.1 GB of txt,
beer_path=4.9 GB of csv,
corpus_path=210 KB of csv,
if __name__ == "__main__":
I first thought this was caused by the file format parquet. However, when I tried csv, I met with the same problem. I tried result.count() to see how many rows the table result has. It took forever to get the row number, just like writing the data to the data lake.
There was a suggestion to use broadcast hash join instead of the default sort-merge join if a large dataset is joined with a small dataset. I thought it was worth trying because the smaller samples in the pilot study told me the row number of frequency is roughly 0.09% of that of lift (See the query below if you have difficulty tracking frequency and lift).
SELECT lift.antecedent, freq AS frequency, lift
FROM lift
INNER JOIN frequency
ON lift.antecedent = frequency.antecedent
With that in mind, I revised my code:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, StringType, IntegerType, BooleanType
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, regexp_extract, collect_set, array_remove, col, size, asc, desc
from import FPGrowth
import os
os.environ["PYSPARK_PYTHON"] = "/usr/bin/python3.5"
os.environ["PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON"] = "/usr/bin/python3.5"
def work(order_path, beer_path, corpus_path, output_path, FREQ_THRESHOLD=1000, LIFT_THRESHOLD=1):
print("Creating Spark Environment...")
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Menu").getOrCreate()
print("Spark Environment Created!")
print("Working on Checkpoint1...")
orders =
orders = spark.sql(
"SELECT _c14 AS order_id, _c31 AS in_menu_id, _c32 AS in_menu_name FROM orders"
beer =
beer = spark.sql(
order_id AS beer_order_id,
in_menu_id AS beer_in_menu_id,
'-999' AS beer_in_menu_name
FROM beer
orders = spark.sql(
WITH orders_beer AS (
FROM orders
ON orders.in_menu_id = beer.beer_in_menu_id
WHEN beer_in_menu_name IS NOT NULL THEN beer_in_menu_name
WHEN beer_in_menu_name IS NULL THEN in_menu_name
END AS menu_name
FROM orders_beer
print("Checkpoint1 Completed!")
print("Working on Checkpoint2...")
corpus =
keywords ="Food_Name").rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()
orders = orders.withColumn(
"(?=^|\s)(" + "|".join(keywords) + ")(?=\s|$)",
orders = spark.sql("""
SELECT order_id, in_menu_id, keyword
FROM orders
WHERE keyword != ''
orders = orders.groupBy("order_id").agg(
print("Checkpoint2 Completed!")
print("Working on Checkpoint3...")
fpGrowth = FPGrowth(
model =
print("Checkpoint3 Completed!")
print("Working on Checkpoint4...")
frequency = model.freqItemsets
frequency = frequency.filter(col("freq") > FREQ_THRESHOLD)
frequency = frequency.withColumn(
array_remove("items", "-999")
frequency = frequency.drop("items")
frequency = frequency.filter(size(col("antecedent")) > 0)
frequency = frequency.orderBy(asc("antecedent"), desc("freq"))
frequency = frequency.dropDuplicates(["antecedent"])
frequency = frequency.withColumn(
lambda x: "|".join(sorted(x)), StringType()
lift = model.associationRules
lift = lift.drop("confidence")
lift = lift.filter(col("lift") > LIFT_THRESHOLD)
lift = lift.filter(
lambda x: x == ["-999"], BooleanType()
lift = lift.drop("consequent")
lift = lift.withColumn(
lambda x: "|".join(sorted(x)), StringType()
result = lift.join(
print("Checkpoint4 Completed!")
print("Writing Result to Data Lake...")
print("All Done!")
def main():
order_path=169.1 GB of txt,
beer_path=4.9 GB of csv,
corpus_path=210 KB of csv,
if __name__ == "__main__":
The code ran perfectly well with the same sample data on my Mac OS and as expected took less time (34 seconds vs. 26 seconds). Then I decided to run the code to HDInsight with full datasets. In the last step, which is writing data to the data lake, the task failed and I was told Job cancelled because SparkContext was shut down. I am rather new to big data and have no idea with this means. Posts on the internet said there could be many reasons behind it. Whatever the method I should use, how to optimize my code so I can get the desired output in the data lake within bearable amount of time?
I would try several things, ordered by the amount of energy they require:
Check if the ADL storage is in the same region as your HDInsight cluster.
Add calls for df = df.cache() after heavy calculations, or even write and then read the dataframes into and from a cache storage in between these calculations.
Replace your UDFs with "native" Spark code, since UDFs are one of the performance bad practices of Spark.
I have figured it out after five days' struggle. Here are the approaches that I took to optimize the code. The time of code execution dropped from more than 24 hours to around 10 minutes. Code optimization is really really important.
As David Taub below pointed out, use df.cache() after heavy computation or before feeding the data to the model. I used df.cache().count() since calling .cache() on its own is lazily evaluated but the following .count() forces an evaluation of the entire dataset.
Use flashtext instead of regular expression to extract keywords. This greatly improves code performance.
Be careful with joins / merge. It might get extremely slow due to data skewness. Always think about ways to avoid unnecessary joins.
Set minSupport for FPGrowth. This significantly reduces the time when calling model.freqItemsets.

Fetching data from a List

I am new to PySpark and have purchased a book to enhance my PySpark skills. I am stuck while using a function.
def filterDuplicates ( ( userID, ratings ) ):
(movie1, rating1) = ratings[0]
(movie2, rating2) = ratings[1]
return movie1 < movie2
I am getting error due to two continuous parenthesis. Step basically gets an RDD which is basically a list of touple as show below:
[(196, ((242, 3.0), (242, 3.0))), (196, ((242, 3.0), (393, 4.0)))]
The final result should be only distinct movie ID, rating BY each viewer.
So in the above-given example, 196 is viewer ID, 242 is movie ID and 3.0 is rating given by viewer.
Kindly advise if I need to download a different version of python to use double parenthesis. Presently I have Python 3.7 installed on my machine.
The variable names inside a tuple is of no use. If you really want the tuple to be parameter of the function, name the whole tuple like
def filterDuplicates ( userData ):
userId = userData[0]
ratings = userData[1]
movie1 = ratings[0][0]
rating1 = ratings[0][1]
movie2 = ratings[1][0]
rating2 = ratings[1][1]
return movie1 < movie2

How to add the Where clause in PostgreSQL psycopg2 Python execute statement

I'm trying to get the query to return a value but I get None!
selectstatement = "SELECT * FROM customer Where (('ID' =" +"%s"
data = 12345
cursor.execute(selectstatement, (data,))
records = cursor.fetchone()
Now I know it exists in the table but I get the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\yfevrier\Desktop\", line 86, in <module>
File "C:\Users\yfevrier\Desktop\", line 28, in StartClean
File "C:\Users\yfevrier\Desktop\", line 66, in Analyze
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
If i do this:
selectstatement = "SELECT * FROM customer
records = cursor.fetchall()
I get all the results but I can't find the resource to specify the where clause perfectly.
You are comparing the string ID to the passed value. This is the correct way:
selectstatement = "SELECT * FROM customer Where ID = %s"
But if the ID column name was created in upper case and wrapped in double quotes then it is necessary to always use double quotes:
selectstatement = '''SELECT * FROM customer Where "ID" = %s'''