Ansible vars inventory - server

I'm learning Ansible. And I was following the official docs:
But I have a little question. How use the vars in the inventories?
I have try to use some of the default parameters like self_destruct_countdown.
MY-SERVER-IP self_destruct_countdown=60
And using the apply variables to all group. With a own var.
But my problem is that in both cases I try to check the var with:
$ ansible pruebascomandos -m shell -a "echo $self_destruct_countdown"
$ ansible pruebascomandos -m shell -a "echo $example"
And in both cases I get a blank response. I don't sure why.
If someone can explain why or tell me where to read it it would be great. Thank to everyone!

Double braces {{ }} are needed to evaluate the variable. Try this
shell> ansible pruebascomandos -i hosts -m shell -a "echo {{ example }}"
test_01 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
test_02 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
shell> ansible pruebascomandos -i hosts -m shell -a "echo {{ self_destruct_countdown }}"
test_02 | FAILED | rc=-1 >>
The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: self_destruct_countdown is undefined
test_01 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
The host test_02 failed because the variable self_destruct_countdown had been defined for test_01 only.
shell> cat hosts
test_01 self_destruct_countdown=60


Grep failing in GitHub Action, working locally

The output of aws cloudformation list-stack-instances --stack-set-name ${{ matrix.stack }} --query 'Summaries[*].Account' is like:
I'm interested in the account IDs, so actually the full command is aws cloudformation list-stack-instances --stack-set-name ${{ matrix.stack }} --query 'Summaries[*].Account' | grep -E "\d+" | tr -d '", '.
This just works locally. However, it was returning an empty response in GitHub Action.
After further debugging, I found out that the reason is that the grep is failing in GHA, and I don't have any clue why.
Basically, aws cloudformation list-stack-instances --stack-set-name ${{ matrix.stack }} --query 'Summaries[*].Account' returns the expected output as the example above. But then | grep -E "\d+" exits with an error.
Full log of the step:
Run $(aws cloudformation list-stack-instances --stack-set-name foo --query 'Summaries[*].Account' | grep -E "\d+")
aws cloudformation list-stack-instances --stack-set-name foo --query 'Summaries[*].Account' | grep -E "\d+"
shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
Any ideas?
Found this similar question with no answer.
For now, I managed to workaround this by also passing [] to the tr, but I'm leaving the question open because I'm quite curious about why the hell grep is not working.
I spent countless hours on this myself. You will have to use [0-9] instead of \d

PostgreSQL in Docker - GUI with internal connection to specific database? [duplicate]

I'd love to run pgadmin4 in our infrastructure in a way, that postgres servers would be preconfigured during docker build/ start.
I've tried to modify the internaly used /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db sqlite DB on the start, which however results in an error in the UI (once selecting the particular postgres server:
definition of service "" not found
I've tried following:
Directory structure:
find ./ -print | sed -e 's;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g'
| |____servergroup.csv
| |____server.csv
| |
Where Dockerfile is:
cat Dockerfile
# rebuild:
# docker build -t pgadmin4:3.0-custom .
# run:
# docker run --rm -it -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=admin -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=admin -p8081:80 docker build -t pgadmin4:3.0-custom
FROM dpage/pgadmin4:3.0
COPY dump/ /dump
apk add --no-cache sqlite && \
chmod +x /dump/ && \
# re rely on the current impl
sed -i '/python \/dump\/' / && \
cat /
In fact it just modifies the to run script on the start.
Where dump/ is:
cat dump/
echo ".tables" | sqlite3 -csv /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db
# remove header and `1,1,Servers` entry (would cause duplicates)
cat /dump/servergroup.csv | sed '1d' | grep -v 1,1,Servers > /tmp/
echo "csv servergroup:"
cat /tmp/
echo "DB servergroup:"
sqlite3 -csv -header /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db "select * from servergroup;"
echo ".import /tmp/ servergroup" | sqlite3 -csv /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db
# remove header
cat /dump/server.csv | sed '1d' > /dump/
echo "csv server:"
cat /dump/
echo "DB server:"
sqlite3 -csv -header /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db "select * from server;"
echo ".import /dump/ server" | sqlite3 -csv /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db
Csv files contents:
cat dump/server.csv
cat dump/servergroup.csv
Any idea how to fix my error? Or of any other approach that could provide me the pre-configured pgadmin4 docker container?
The current version of image dpage/pgadmin is 4.24. This version has support for external configuration of server definition list (servers.json):
"Servers": {
"test": {
"Name": "test",
"Group": "Servers",
"Port": 5432,
"Username": "postgres",
"Host": "postgres",
"SSLMode": "prefer",
"MaintenanceDB": "postgres"
Volume binding can be configured as below:
- ./servers.json:/pgadmin4/servers.json
First time container is started server groups and servers will be configured automaticaly.
UPD. JSON format has more fields which are optional. It's important that password can not be imported/exported in such way due to the obvious security reasons.
Looks this change the service column value to an empty string instead of NULL.
Can you try updating the value of service column to NULL
sqlite> UPDATE server SET service = NULL;
commit the changes and Restart pgAdmin4 & try again connecting to that server.

How to mask a environment set in GitHub Workflow

I am using the following to set a env variable:
- name: get root token
run: |
echo "ROOT_TOKEN=$(some command | base64 --decode)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
Then I use it in another run within a Python script:
- name: init
run: |
python3 scripts/
Actually this works great, but the value of ROOT_TOKEN is printed in the Workflow console:
Run python3 scripts/
python3 scripts/
shell: /usr/bin/bash -e ***0***
DATA: ***
CONFIG: /home/debian/runner/_work/_temp/config_1646400032032
ROOT_TOKEN: <this is shown>
I tried to mask it using ::add-mask:: like this (but unfortunately that does not work):
- name: get root token
run: |
echo "::add-mask::ROOT_TOKEN=$(some command | base64 --decode)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
Does anyone know how to mask the value of ROOT_TOKEN in the Workflow console?

running pgadmin4 in docker with pre-configured servers

I'd love to run pgadmin4 in our infrastructure in a way, that postgres servers would be preconfigured during docker build/ start.
I've tried to modify the internaly used /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db sqlite DB on the start, which however results in an error in the UI (once selecting the particular postgres server:
definition of service "" not found
I've tried following:
Directory structure:
find ./ -print | sed -e 's;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g'
| |____servergroup.csv
| |____server.csv
| |
Where Dockerfile is:
cat Dockerfile
# rebuild:
# docker build -t pgadmin4:3.0-custom .
# run:
# docker run --rm -it -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=admin -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=admin -p8081:80 docker build -t pgadmin4:3.0-custom
FROM dpage/pgadmin4:3.0
COPY dump/ /dump
apk add --no-cache sqlite && \
chmod +x /dump/ && \
# re rely on the current impl
sed -i '/python \/dump\/' / && \
cat /
In fact it just modifies the to run script on the start.
Where dump/ is:
cat dump/
echo ".tables" | sqlite3 -csv /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db
# remove header and `1,1,Servers` entry (would cause duplicates)
cat /dump/servergroup.csv | sed '1d' | grep -v 1,1,Servers > /tmp/
echo "csv servergroup:"
cat /tmp/
echo "DB servergroup:"
sqlite3 -csv -header /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db "select * from servergroup;"
echo ".import /tmp/ servergroup" | sqlite3 -csv /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db
# remove header
cat /dump/server.csv | sed '1d' > /dump/
echo "csv server:"
cat /dump/
echo "DB server:"
sqlite3 -csv -header /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db "select * from server;"
echo ".import /dump/ server" | sqlite3 -csv /var/lib/pgadmin/pgadmin4.db
Csv files contents:
cat dump/server.csv
cat dump/servergroup.csv
Any idea how to fix my error? Or of any other approach that could provide me the pre-configured pgadmin4 docker container?
The current version of image dpage/pgadmin is 4.24. This version has support for external configuration of server definition list (servers.json):
"Servers": {
"test": {
"Name": "test",
"Group": "Servers",
"Port": 5432,
"Username": "postgres",
"Host": "postgres",
"SSLMode": "prefer",
"MaintenanceDB": "postgres"
Volume binding can be configured as below:
- ./servers.json:/pgadmin4/servers.json
First time container is started server groups and servers will be configured automaticaly.
UPD. JSON format has more fields which are optional. It's important that password can not be imported/exported in such way due to the obvious security reasons.
Looks this change the service column value to an empty string instead of NULL.
Can you try updating the value of service column to NULL
sqlite> UPDATE server SET service = NULL;
commit the changes and Restart pgAdmin4 & try again connecting to that server.

upstart script. shell arithmetic in script stanza producing incorrect values. equivalent /bin/sh script works

I have an upstart init script, but my dev/testing/production have different numbers of cpus/cores. I'd like to compute the number of worker processes to be 4 * number of cores within the init script
The upstart docs say that the script stanzas use /bin/sh syntax.
I created /bin/sh script to see what was going on. I'm getting drastically different results than my upstart script.
script stanza from my upstart script:
# get the number of cores
CORES=`lscpu | grep -v '#' | wc -l`
# set the number of worker processes to 4 * num cores
echo exec gunicorn -b localhost:8000 --workers $WORKERS tutalk_site.wsgi > tmp/gunicorn.txt
end script
which outputs:
exec gunicorn -b localhost:8000 --workers 76 tutalk_site.wsgi
my equivalent /bin/sh script
CORES=`lscpu -p | grep -v '#' | wc -l`
echo exec gunicorn -b localhost:8000 --workers $WORKERS tutalk_site.wsgi
which outputs:
exec gunicorn -b localhost:8000 --workers 8 tutalk_site.wsgi
I'm hoping this is a rather simple problem and a few other pairs of eyes will locate the issue.
Any help would be appreciated.
I suppose I should have answered this several days ago. I first attempted using environment variables instead but didn't have any luck.
I solved the issue by replacing the computation with a python one-liner
WORKERS=$(python -c "import os; print os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN') * 2")
and that worked out just fine.
still curious why my bourne-shell script came up with the correct value while the upstart script, whose docs say use bourne-shell syntax didn't