Statelessness of JWT and the definition of state - jwt

I have read quite a bit about JWT. I understand that using JWT, you do not need a central database to check tokens against, which is great. However, do we not need to securely store the JWT secret key in different services in sync? Why is this not considered "state" (albeit a much smaller one than a token database)?

Because the secret key is static, it doesn't change regularly. The main problem of stateful applications is that you have to sync the state between your app server instances (for example through a database, as you said), which has the potential to create a big bottleneck. With the secret, you can just have it in a text file which exists on every server instance and not worry about having it synchronized between servers.


How do you save API keys without exposing them in the first place?

If I save API keys to Flutter_secure_storage, they must be exposed in the first place. How could they be pre-encrypted or saved to secure storage without exposing them initially?
I want to add a slight layer of security where keys are stored securely, only to be exposed when making an API call. But if I have keys hardcoded then they are exposed even if only at initial app run. How do you get around this logic?
To avoid exposing API key, you should store keys in a '.env' file and use flutter_dotenv package to access it while making API calls. Although this method will not help when making API call. If you really want to secure exposing keys, you should move the API calls to the backend so those network calls cannot be seen by the client.
If this is a web project, you could use something like base64 on both ends, then debase and save like this:
apiKeyEncoded = base64_encode(apiKeyGenerator());
apiKeyEncoded = await getApiKey();
apiKeyDecoded = base64Decode(apiKeyEncoded).toString(); //this is the usable one, save it.
Now, if the project is focused on mobile use, I don't think you actually need to implement this, tho the code would be the same.
I will add some input to this. I am using Parse Back4App which exposes app API keys in the same way that firebase does. I have discovered a few very important security designs which may help with this.
Client side
Don't worry about app API keys being abused. Firebase/Back4App both have some security features in place for this including DoS & DDoS security features.
Move ALL actual API calls to server and call from client via cloud code. If you want to go to the extreme, create a user-device hash code for custom client rate limiting.
Server side
LOCK DOWN ALL CLPs, ALL ACLs, basically lock ALL PERMISSIONS and ONLY allow cloud calls with heavy security checks authorized access to anything server side including outside API calls.
Make API calls from your server only. Better yet, move your API calls outside cloud calls & create "cloudJobs", these run on schedule with Back4App and you can periodically call whatever API from server. Example: a crypto currency app might update prices once per second, once per minute etc. server gets these updates and pushes to clients. No risk of someone getting your crypto API keys and running the limits.
Put in a custom rate-limiting design & design around this so your rate limits would never trip under normal circumstances. If they do trip in excess, ban user & drop their requests.
Also put API keys in .env file on server. Go a step further & use a key encryption hardware service.
It would be a tell-tale sign that your server is compromised if your API keys get abused with this structure.
Want further DoS & DDoS protection? Mirror your server a few times and create a structure whereby client requests can be redirected under attack times or non-DDos/DoS attacking clients receive new app API keys.
... I could go on and on about security & what I've learned but I'll leave it at that.

Deploying IdentityServer3 on Load Balancer

We are moving right along with building out our custom IdentityServer solution based on IdentityServer3. We will be deploying in a load balanced environment.
According to there are a number of services and stores that need to be implemented.
I have implemented the mandatory user service, client and scope stores.
The document says there are other mandatory items to implement but that there are default InMemory versions.
We were planning on using the default in memory for the other stuff but am concerned that not all will work in a load balanced scenario.
What are the other mandatory services and stores we must implement for things to work properly when load balanced?
With multiple Identity Server installations serving the same requests (e.g. load balanced) you won't be able to use the various in-memory token stores, otherwise authorization codes, refresh tokens and reference tokens issued by one server won't be recognized by the other, nor will user consent be persisted. If you are using IIS, machine key synchronization is also necessary to have tokens work across all instances.
There's an entity framework package available for the token stores. You'll need the operational data.
There's also a very useful guide to going live here.

Encrypt data to hide them to web hosting provider

I have a web application in which registered users enter data in a few forms and then, when they log in at a later stage, they see forms populated with their data. Data is stored on Postgresql server of the same hosting provider of the web server.
I'd like to encrypted data stored on Postgresql to prevent them to be read by the hosting provider.
I don't think this is possible to do, because whenever is the encryption key kept, if the webserver has to access it in order to serve pages to users, then it can use it to decrypt data to read them. Anyway I preferred to ask just to be sure I'm not missing something.
You could encrypt every piece of data put into the database, but for most applications it would be impractical - slow and extremely inconvenient.
Much better option would be to use dm-crypt encrypted block device for PostgreSQL data directory. It would be transparent for a database, so all features would work fine.
But you'd have to save encryption key somewhere in the database server filesystem or your server won't start with no interaction. So malicious hosting provider can still access all your data. Even if you don't store the key in the filesystem and type it yourself while mounting a data volume, then the key would have to reside in server memory, so malicious hosting provider can still read it.
There's not much you can do - you have to trust your hosting provider somewhat. You can only make a malicious one's live a little bit harder.

how do I store the HMAC key irretrievably in the database?

I'm trying to build a API service for a system that (due to many reasons) does not have the main database in a completely secured fashion.
So, my question is - how do I salt the HMAC in such a manner such that even if the main database is compromised, you still cannot use the API key. This effectively means that the HMAC key is not preshared in plaintext but in some other way, but I'm not able to figure out how.
If your storage is insecure, you're going to have an impossible time encrypting it and still being able to decrypt it later unless you either store its encryption key somewhere (which, from your description, would still be insecure), or receive the key from the remote side of your service.

Best practice to detect iPhone app only access for web services?

I am developing an iPhone app together with web services. The iPhone app will use GET or POST to retrieve data from the web services such as to get data for top ten songs for example.
There is no user account and password for the iPhone app. What is the best practice to ensure that only my iPhone app have access to the web API iPhone SDK's UIDevice uniqueueIdentifier is not sufficient as anyone can fake the device id as parameter making the API call using wget, curl or web browsers.
The web services API will not be published. The data of the web services is not secret and private, I just want to prevent abuse as there are also API to write some data to the server such as usage log.
What you can do is get a secret key that only you know, Include that in an md5 hashed signature, typically you can structure signatures as a s tring of your parameters a nd values and the secret appended at the end, then take the md5 hash of that...Do this both in your client and service side and match the signature string, only if the signatures match do you get granted access...Since t he secret is only present i n the signature it w ill be hard to reverse engineer and crack..
Here's an expansion on Daniel's suggestion.
Have some shared secret that the server and client know. Say some long random string.
Then, when the client connects, have the client generate another random string, append that to the end of the shared string, then calculate the MD5 hash.
Send both the randomly generated string and the hash as parameters in the request. The server knows the secret string, so it can generate a hash of its own and make sure it matches the one it received from the client.
It's not completely secure, as someone could decompile your app to determine the secret string, but it's probably the best you'll get without a lot of extra work.
Use some form of digital signatures in your request. While it's rather hard to make this completely tamper proof (as is anything with regard to security). It's not that hard to get it 'good enough' to prevent most abuse.
Of course this highly depends on the sensitivity of the data, if your data transactions involve million dollar transactions, you'll want it a lot more secure than some simple usage statistic logging (if it's hard enough to tamper and it will gain little to no gain to the attacker except piss you of, it's safe to assume people won't bother...)
I asked an Apple security engineer about this at WWDC and he said that there is no unassailable way to accomplish this. The best you can do is to make it not worth the effort involved.
I also asked him about possibly using push notifications as a means of doing this and he thought it was a very good idea. The basic idea is that the first access would trigger a push notification in your server that would be sent to the user's iPhone. Since your application is open, it would call into the application:didReceiveRemoteNotification: method and deliver a payload of your own choosing. If you make that payload a nonce, then your application can send the nonce on the next request and you've completed the circle.
You can store the UDID after that and discard any requests bearing unverified UDIDs. As far as brute-force guessing of necessary parameters, you should be implementing a rate-limiting algorithm no matter what.
A very cheap way to do this could be getting the iPhone software to send extra data with the query, such as a long password string so that someone can't access the feed.
Someone could reverse engineer what you have done or listen to data sent over the network to discover the password and if bandwidth limitations are the reason for doing this, then a simple password should be good enough.
Of course this method has it's problems and certificate based authentication will actually be secure, although it will be harder to code.
The most secure solution is probably a digital signature on the request. You can keep a secret key inside the iPhone app, and use it to sign the requests, which you can then verify on the server side. This avoids sending the key/password to the server, which would allow someone to capture it with a network sniffer.
A simple solution might be just to use HTTPS - keeping the contents of your messages secure despite the presence of potential eavesdroppers is the whole point of HTTPS. I'm not sure if you can do self-signed certificates with the standard NSURLConnection stuff, but if you have a server-side certificate, you're at least protected from eavesdropping. And it's a lot less code for you to write (actually, none).
I suppose if you use HTTPS as your only security, then you're potentially open to someone guessing the URL. If that's a concern, adding just about any kind of parameter validation to the web service will take care of that.
The problem with most if not all solutions here is that they are rather prone to breaking once you add proxies in the mix. If a proxy connects to your webservice, is that OK? After all, it is probably doing so on behalf of an iPhone somewhere - perhaps in China? And if it's OK for a proxy to impersonate an iPhone, then how do you determine which impersonations are OK?
Have some kind of key that changes every 5 minutes based on an algorithm which uses the current time (GMT). Always allow the last two keys in. This isn't perfect, of course, but it keeps the target moving, and you can combine it with other strategies and tactics.
I assume you just want to dissuade use of your service. Obviously you haven't set up your app to be secure.