How do I keep my widget state when reordering them via Draggable&DragTarget? - flutter

I'm using this reorderables package. This package works by having a list of children widgets that are each wrapped with a Draggable and put inside a DragTarget. Before that the childs key is assigned to a GlobalObjectKey.
After the dragTarget is created, it is assigned(or rebuild?) to a KeyedSubTree:
dragTarget = KeyedSubtree(key: keyIndexGlobalKey, child: dragTarget);
According to the comments in the package source code, this should preserve the child widgets state (toWrap) when being dragged:
// We pass the toWrapWithGlobalKey into the Draggable so that when a list
// item gets dragged, the accessibility framework can preserve the selected
// state of the dragging item.
final GlobalObjectKey keyIndexGlobalKey = GlobalObjectKey(toWrap.key);
The reordering itself happens not with the DragTarget accepting the Draggable dragged into it, but rather by using the DragTarget around each child to get index of the current position the Draggable is hovering over. When the Draggable is let go, a reorder function will get called, which removes the widget (that was being dragged) from the list and inserting it into the new position.
Now comes my problem: The state of the widget is not being preserved. I made a simple TestWidget to test this:
class TestWidget extends StatefulWidget{
_TestWidgetState createState() => _TestWidgetState();
class _TestWidgetState extends State<TestWidget> {
Color boxColor;
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
decoration: BoxDecoration(color: boxColor),
child: Text("Test"),
onPressed: (){
setState(() {
boxColor =;
padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Text("Change to Red"),
color: Colors.grey,
This widget has a Container with a initial blue background (boxColor) and a button. When the button is pressed, it will change the boxColor to red. The moment the dragging on the widget is initiated, it is rebuild and defaults to the initial state (at least the Draggable feedback is). After the reordering that doesn't change and the widget is still in it's default state.
My plan here is to have a list of different custom widgets, where the User can modify their content and if they are not happy with the order, they can drag those widgets around and rearrange them.
My question is: How do I preserve the state of my widgets?
I'm thinking of creating a class for each widget with all state relevant variables and use that to build my widgets but that seems very bloated and not really in the mind of flutter. Isn't that supposed to be the role of the state of the StatefulWidget?
So I solved my problem by creating an additional class for my widget state with ChangeNotifier and then moving all my variables that I want to keep track of into this class. So I basically now have two lists, one for my widgets in the reorderable list and one for their states. I still think that this is kinda scuffed. If a widget in my list has additional children of its own, I would need to create separate state classes for each of them that need it and save them somewhere. This can get very messy, very quickly.


How does Text Widget get marked for rebuild on parent setState()

When setState is called in a widget's state, the corresponding element in the element tree gets marked as dirty, and the widget gets rebuilt. However, how does it handle descendents? For example, the Text widget below gets rebuilt when its ancestor SampleWidgetState gets rebuilt.
class SampleWidget extends StatefulWidget {
SampleWidgetState createState() => SampleWidgetState();
class SampleWidgetState extends State<SampleWidget> {
String text = "text1";
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
child: Text('call SetState'),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
text = "text2";
from Flutter's official documentation, inside Flutter:
In response to user input (or other stimuli), an element can become dirty, for example if the developer calls setState() on the associated state object. The framework keeps a list of dirty elements and jumps directly to them during the build phase, skipping over clean elements. During the build phase, information flows unidirectionally down the element tree, which means each element is visited at most once during the build phase. Once cleaned, an element cannot become dirty again because, by induction, all its ancestor elements are also clean.
I guess this answer what Flutter does under the hood in the updating process of the widget's descendents.
SampleWidgetState is a state class, when you calling the setState() its mean build() method will reinvoke, everything inside will rebuild. thats how its works.
if you want to prevent the descendents to not rebuild, there is several ways,
use const keyword.
warp the widget you want to change its own state, example use StatefullBuilder
refactor widget to statefulwidget so its have its own state
in your case, Text widget consume SampleWidgetState : String text = "text1";, its mean Text widget is not independent, its dependent on that state.

Scroll position lost if tab changed while scrolling animation is still ongoing

I have 3 views which are accessible via the bottom navigation tab. Each view has its own ListView, which looks like this:
// primary = bottomTabNavigation.index //
controller: primary ? null : scrollController,
key: const PageStorageKey<String>('view1'),
primary: primary,
physics: primary
? AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics()
: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
children: const [
SizedBox(height: 1000),
If I start a big swipe on view1, and switch to view2 via bottom tab navigator, the scroll position when I come back to view1 is still at the top. Somehow, the scroll position only saves upon the scrolling animation completing.
Is there some way to switch tabs and store the last position (without waiting for animation)?
Create a Key outside the build method
final _key = GlobalKey();
Step 1: make your widgets staefulWidget.
Step 2: now use AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin using with keyword.
class _DealListState extends
State<DealList> with
bool get wantKeepAlive => true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// your current widget build
It will keep your listview and other states when you moves from one page to another.
Note: if it's impossible to change every page to stateful widget then just make a new StatefulWidget that use AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin and will take a child widget from outside and now you can use this widget to wrap your already present widget and can be used through the app.

Custom Event listeners in flutter

I have a widget with a list and a button with a tree dot icon in every row that shows and hides a panel in its own row. I only want one panel open in the list. When I click on a row button, I'd like to close the panels of the other rows list.  All the buttons in the list are siblings. I'd like to send an event to the other rows' code to close the panels. Which is the correct manner of flutter?  
I have tried NotificationListener but it does not work because the components to be notified are not their parents.
The question is if the correct thing to do is to use the event_listener library or to use streams. I'm new to flutter/dart and streams seem too complex to me. It's a very simple use case and in this entry
Flutter: Stream<Null> is allowed?
they say
Some peoples use streams as a flux of events instead of a value
changing over time, but the class isn't designed with this in mind.
They typically try to represent the following method as a stream:
So with simple events with 0 or 1 argument. event_listener or Streams?
This is the screen I'm working on. I want that when one yellow button panel opens the other one closes.
Your question is broad and it seems to be a design question, i.e. it doesn't have a right answer.
However, I don't think you should use Streams or EventListeners at all in this case, because you should not make components in the same layer communicate with each other. Components should only communicate with their parents and children, otherwise your code will increase in complexity really fast. That's even documented in flutter_bloc.
Other than that, if you don't lift state up, i.e. move the responsibility of triggering the removal of the other rows to a parent Widget, than you're fighting against Flutter instead of letting it help you.
It's easy to create a parent Widget, just wrap one Widget around it. What you want to do is hard, so why would try to communicate with sibling widgets instead of using what's Flutter designed to do?
This is a suggestion:
class _NewsSectionState extends State<NewsSection> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: newsInSection.length;
itemBuilder: (_, int index) => NewsTile(
title: Text('${newsInSection[index].title}')
onDismiss: () => onDismiss(index),
// I don't know how you set this up,
// but () => onDismiss(Index)
// should animate the dismiss of the Row with said index
class NewsRow extends StatefulWidget {
final void Function() onDismiss;
State<NewsRow> _createState => _NewsRowState();
class _NewsRowState extends State<NewsRow> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Row(
children: [
// title
// home button
// fav button
// remove button
onPressed: widget.onDismiss,

In Flutter can I make the children of a DropdownButton a widget other than DropdownMenuItem

I have a Flutter web app, which includes a web view on some pages.
I'm using the PointerInterceptor to prevent my web view from absorbing click events.
This works well,
but I have a situation now where I've got a DropdownButton and clicking it creates a bunch of DropdownMenuItems - I want to wrap those items in the same PointerInterceptor, like this :
items: => PointerInterceptor( child: DropdownMenuItem(
value: e,
child: Text(,
The problem is that this results in the following error :
The argument type 'List' can't be assigned to the
parameter type 'List<DropdownMenuItem>?'.
But I have put my DropdownButton in the app bar, and the DropdownMenuItems are injected into the Widget tree directly under the MaterialApp widget, so there isn't a higher level widget I can wrap.
How can I use the PointerInterceptor widget when the DropdownButton expects items to be DropdownMenuItems?
I was able to achieve this by making another class that wrapped the DropdownMenuItems , and then use that as the items in the DropdownButton in its place.
(ie. replace DropdownMenuItems with PointerInterceptedDropdownMenuItem)
Here is the definition of my wrapper class :
class PointerInterceptedDropdownMenuItem<T> extends DropdownMenuItem {
final VoidCallback? onTap;
final T? value;
final bool enabled;
const PointerInterceptedDropdownMenuItem({
Key? key,
this.enabled = true,
AlignmentGeometry alignment = AlignmentDirectional.centerStart,
required Widget child,
}) : super(key: key, alignment:alignment, child: child);
#override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return PointerInterceptor( child: );
NB: This is a good, tidy solution for the part of the question asking about having the children of a DropdownButton be other than a DropdownMenuItem,
but it is not a good solution for the specific part of wrapping the items in the PointerInterceptor class, and that is because having that many PointerInceptors (I have a long list) has a bad impact on performance, therefore the solution for that part will be to move the PointerInterceptor to the top level of the scaffold and then making it conditional, and updating some state (reflecting the dropdown list being open)to say if the PointerInterceptor should cover the whole screen or not.

Adding OverlayEntry in Flutter

I am trying to insert a Container to the Overlay, but I had an error with this code.
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
void didChangeDependencies() {
final entry = OverlayEntry(builder: (BuildContext overlayContext) {
return Container(
height: 50.0,
width: 50.0,
void _addOverlay(OverlayEntry entry) async {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Flutter'),
body: Center(),
This is error
setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during build. This Overlay widget cannot be marked as needing to build because the framework is already in the process of building widgets. A widget can be marked as needing to be built during the build phase only if one of its ancestors is currently building. This exception is allowed because the framework builds parent widgets before children, which means a dirty descendant will always be built. Otherwise, the framework might not visit this widget during this build phase...
Thank you in advance.
Since the last update to flutter 0.8.1 I noticed this change too. I fixed this to add the overlay after a minimal delay { Overlay.of(context).insert(calendarOverlay);});
Now this works but it feels like a hack...
So in my build i use this code when the overlay should present itself..
If anyone has a better solution, I am interested ;-)
UPDATE: I found this code to be working too:
final overlay = Overlay.of(context);
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) => overlay.insert(entry));
It saves me from including timers...
Just share some of my findings. I am about to implement overlay in my app too. So found this SO question by searching.
Many people build overlay before the normal widget. For example, in your code, the overlay insert in didChangeDependencies is called before building the Scaffold. This is the cause of all the async problems. I found people do this (couple the overlay insert and corresponding normal widget in a stateful widget) is because they want to find the corresponding child widget's position, but the child widget is build after the overlay insert call, thus the overlay insert has to be in an async function.
But If you just call overlay insert after building the normal widget (make overlay insert call independent from building the base widget. Separate/decouple them), you won't need any async or Timer functions at all. In my current implementation, I separate them just to make the code safe (I feel it's safer). So no need for any async calls.