Creating an atomic process for a netconf edit-config request - ietf-netmod-yang

I am creating a custom system that, when a user submits a netconf edit-config, it will initiate a set of actions in my system that will atomically alter the configuration of our system and then submit a notification to the user of its success or failure.
Think of it as a big SQL transaction that, at the end, either commits or rolls back.
So, steps
User submits an edit-config
System accepts config and works to implement this config
If the config is successful, sends by a thumbs up response (not sure the formal way of doing this)
If the config is a failure, sends by a thumbs down response (and I will have to make sure the config is rolled back internally)
All this is done atomically. So, if a user submits two configs in a row, they won't conflict with each other.
Our working idea (probably not the best one) to implement this was to go about this by accepting the edit-config and then, within sysrepo, we would edit parts of our leafs with the success or failure flags and they would happen within the same session as the initial change. We were hoping this would keep everything atomic; by doing edits outside of the session, multiple configuration changes could conflict with each other.
We weren't sure to go about this with pure netconf or to leverage sysrepo directly. We noticed all these plugins/bindings made for sysrepo and figured those could be used directly to talk to our datastore.
But that said, our working idea is most likely not best-practice approach. What would be the best way to achieve this?
Our system is:
netopeer 1.1.27
sysrepo 1.4.58
libyang 1.0.167
libnetconf2 1.1.24
And our yang file is
module rxmbn {
namespace "urn:com:zug:rxmbn";
prefix rxmbn;
container rxmbn-config {
config true;
leaf raw {
type string;
leaf raw_hashCode {
type int32;
leaf odl_last_processed_hashCode {
type int32;
leaf processed {
type boolean;
default "false";
Currently we can:
Execute an edit-config to netopeer server
We can see the new config register in the sysrepo datastore
We can capture the moment sysrepo registers the data via sysrepo's API
But we are having problems
Atomically editing the datastore during the update session (due to locks, which is normal. In fact, if there is no way to edit during an update session, that is fine and not necessary. The main goal is the next bullet)
Atomically reacting to the new edit-config and responding to the end user
We are all a bit new to netconf and yang, so I am sure there is some way to leverage the notification api or event api either through the netopeer session or sysrepo, we just don't know enough yet.
If there are any examples or implementation advice to create an atomic transaction for this, that'd be really useful.

I know nothing of sysrepo so this is from a NETCONF perspective.
NETCONF severs process requests serially within a single session in a request-response fashion, meaning that everything you do within a single NETCONF session should already be "atomic" - you cannot send two requests and have them applied in reverse order or in parallel no matter what you do. A well behaved client would also wait for each response from the server before sending a new request, especially if all updates must execute successfully and in specific order. The protocol also defines no way to cancel a request already sent to a server.
If you need to prevent other sessions from modifying a datatstore while another session is performing a multi- edit-config, you use <lock> and <unlock> NETCONF operations to lock the entire datastore. There is also RFC5717 and partial lock, which would only lock a specific branch of the datastore.
Using notifications to report success of an <edit-config> would be highly unusual - that's what <rpc-reply> and <rpc-error> are there for within the same session. You would use notifications to inform other sessions about what's happening. In fact, there are standard base notifications for config changes.
I suggest reading the entire RFC6241 before proceeding further. There are things like candidate datastores, confirmed-commits, etc. you should know about.

Which component are you developing? Netconf client/manager or Netconf server?
In general, the Netconf server should implement individual Netconf RPC operations in an atomic way.
When a Netconf client wants to perform a set of operations in an atomic way, it should follow the procedure explained in Apendix E.1 in RFC 6241.


Which HTTP Verb should I use to claim and lock an item in a job queue?

I plan on using an HTTP REST interface to connect to a Job Control service.
One key operation is to request a computational Job.
The caller does not know the ID of the Job; that is what it will be told.
The job will be marked in the database as locked by the service.
The data needed for processing of the job will be returned to the caller.
Later on, when the caller is done processing the job, it will send the results back via another REST call.
Now it knows the ID of the record to be updated.
The second REST call will update the Job record with the results.
and change the Job's status and release the lock.
Only the Success/Fail status needs to be returned.
I am leaning towards using PUT for each operation because no new record is being created; it is being updated in both cases.
Is this proper? Can the first PUT return a large JSON payload with the Job data or does it just return an HTTP status? Should I use a POST instead, even though I am not creating a record, just updating it?
I would have used a GET for the first operation, but a GET is not supposed to change any objects on the service, and I am locking it, which is a change. Is locking a record acceptable in a GET request?
Which HTTP Verb should I use to claim and lock an item in a job queue?
Key idea: a REST API is a facade - your application/service pretends to be an HTTP compliant document store. All of the interesting things that happen are side effects triggered by modifying documents. See Jim Webber, 2011.
With that in mind...
POST is fine. It's okay to use POST.
PUT/PATCH are a good for remote authoring; the client fetches your representation of a resource, makes edits to his local copy, and sends you a copy of the representation (PUT) or a patch document describing the changes (PATCH). The server can then apply those edits to its copy, or not.
So for your specific example, I would expect the client to GET a representation of your resource, change the information in that representation from unlocked to locked, and then to PUT the changed representation back to your server. You server would be expected to update your copy of the representation to match.
It may remind you of a declarative style - the client tells the server what the representation should look like, and it's up to the server to figure out how to do that.
Included for Completeness, NOT Recommened:
The HTTP method registry also includes a method LOCK, with a corresponding UNLOCK. The semantics for these method tokens are defined by the WebDAV specification. If your meaning of LOCK matches that of WebDAV, then using that might be an answer. Note that the specification includes comments like
Any resource that supports the LOCK method MUST, at minimum, support the XML request and response formats defined herein.
Unless you are already in a space where people are expecting to be able to use general-purpose WebDAV clients to interact with your API, that's probably not a good fit.
The HTTP method registry is extendable. So you could define the semantics of your own method token, then push to have it adopted as a standard.

HTTP GET for 'background' job creation and acquiring

I'm designing API for jobs scheduler. There is one scheduler with some set of resources and DB tables for them. Also there are multiple 'workers' that request 'jobs' from scheduler. Worker can't create job it must only request it. Job must be calculated on the server side. Also job is a dynamic entity and calculated using multiple DB tables and time. There is no 'job' table.
In general this system is very similar to task queue. But without queue. I need a method for worker to request next task. That task should be calculated and assigned for this agent.
Is it OK to use GET verb to retrieve and 'lock' job for the specific worker?
In terms of resources this query does not modify anything. Only internal DB state is updated. For client it looks like fetching records one by one. It doesn't know about internal modifications.
In pure REST style I probably should define a job table and CRUD api for it. Then I would need to create some auxilary service to POST jobs to that table. Then each agent would list jobs using GET and then lock it using PATCH. That approach requires multiple potential retries due to race-conditions. (Job can be already locked by another agent). Also it looks a little bit complicated if I need to assign job to specific agent based on server side logic. In that case I need to implement some check logic on client side to iterate through jobs based on different responces.
This approach looks complicated.
Is it OK to use GET verb to retrieve and 'lock' job for the specific worker?
Maybe? But probably not.
The important thing to understand about GET is that it is safe
The purpose of distinguishing between safe and unsafe methods is to
allow automated retrieval processes (spiders) and cache performance
optimization (pre-fetching) to work without fear of causing harm. In
addition, it allows a user agent to apply appropriate constraints on
the automated use of unsafe methods when processing potentially
untrusted content.
If aggressive cache performance optimization would make a mess in your system, then GET is not the http method you want triggering that behavior.
If you were designing your client interactions around resources, then you would probably have something like a list of jobs assigned to a worker. Reading the current representation of that resource doesn't require that a server change it, so GET is completely appropriate. And of course the server could update that resource for its own reasons at any time.
Requests to modify that resource should not be safe. For instance, if the client is going to signal that some job was completed, that should be done via an unsafe method (POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE/...)
I don't have such resource. It's an ephymeric resource which is spread across the tables. There is no DB table for that and there is no ID column to update that job. That's another question why I don't have such table but it's current requirement and limitation.
Fair enough, though the main lesson still stands.
Another way of thinking about it is to think about failure. The network is unreliable. In a distributed environment, the client cannot distinguish a lost request from a lost response. All it knows is that it didn't receive an acknowledgement for the request.
When you use GET, you are implicitly telling the client that it is safe (there's that word again) to resend the request. Not only that, but you are also implicitly telling any intermediate components that it is safe to repeat the request.
If there are no adverse effects to handling multiple copies of the same request, the GET is fine. But if processing multiple copies of the same request is expensive, then you should probably be using POST instead.
It's not required that the GET handler be safe -- the standard only describes the semantics of the messages; it doesn't constraint the implementation at all. But any loss of property incurred is properly understood to be the responsibility of the server.

How to keep state consistent across distributed systems

When building distributed systems, it must be ensured the client and the server eventually ends up with consistent view of the data they are operating on, i.e they never get out of sync. Extra care is needed, because network can not be considered reliable. In other words, in the case of network failure, client never knows if the operation was successful, and may decide to retry the call.
Consider a microservice, which exposes simple CRUD API, and unbounded set of clients, maintained in-house by the same team, by different teams and by different companies also.
In the example, client request a creation of new entity, which the microservice successfully creates and persists, but the network fails and client connection times out. The client will most probably retry, unknowingly persisting the same entity second time. Here is one possible solution to this I came up with:
Use client-generated identifier to prevent duplicate post
This could mean the primary key as it is, the half of the client and server -generated composite key, or the token issued by the service. A service would either persist the entity, or reply with OK message in the case the entity with that identifier is already present.
But there is more to this: What if the client gives up after network failure (but entity got persisted), mutates it's internal view of the entity, and later decides to persist it in the service with the same id. At this point and generally, would it be reasonable for the service just silently:
Update the existing entity with the state that client posted
Or should the service answer with some more specific status code about what happened? The point is, developer of the service couldn't really influence the client design solutions.
So, what are some sensible practices to keep the state consistent across distributed systems and avoid most common pitfalls in the case of network and system failure?
There are some things that you can do to minimize the impact of the client-server out-of-sync situation.
The first measure that you can take is to let the client generate the entity IDs, for example by using GUIDs. This prevents the server to generate a new entity every time the client retries a CreateEntityCommand.
In addition, you can make the command handing idempotent. This means that if the server receives a second CreateEntityCommand, it just silently ignores it (i.e. it does not throw an exception). This depends on every use case; some commands cannot be made idempotent (like updateEntity).
Another thing that you can do is to de-duplicate commands. This means that every command that you send to a server must be tagged with an unique ID. This can also be a GUID. When the server receives a command with an ID that it already had processed then it ignores it and gives a positive response (i.e. 200), maybe including some meta-information about the fact that the command was already processed. The command de-duplication can be placed on top of the stack, as a separate layer, independent of the domain (i.e. in front of the Application layer).

Avoid duplicate POSTs with REST

I have been using POST in a REST API to create objects. Every once in a while, the server will create the object, but the client will be disconnected before it receives the 201 Created response. The client only sees a failed POST request, and tries again later, and the server happily creates a duplicate object...
Others must have had this problem, right? But I google around, and everyone just seems to ignore it.
I have 2 solutions:
A) Use PUT instead, and create the (GU)ID on the client.
B) Add a GUID to all objects created on the client, and have the server enforce their UNIQUE-ness.
A doesn't match existing frameworks very well, and B feels like a hack. How does other people solve this, in the real world?
With Backbone.js, you can set a GUID as the id when you create an object on the client. When it is saved, Backbone will do a PUT request. Make your REST backend handle PUT to non-existing id's, and you're set.
Another solution that's been proposed for this is POST Once Exactly (POE), in which the server generates single-use POST URIs that, when used more than once, will cause the server to return a 405 response.
The downsides are that 1) the POE draft was allowed to expire without any further progress on standardization, and thus 2) implementing it requires changes to clients to make use of the new POE headers, and extra work by servers to implement the POE semantics.
By googling you can find a few APIs that are using it though.
Another idea I had for solving this problem is that of a conditional POST, which I described and asked for feedback on here.
There seems to be no consensus on the best way to prevent duplicate resource creation in cases where the unique URI generation is unable to be PUT on the client and hence POST is needed.
I always use B -- detection of dups due to whatever problem belongs on the server side.
Detection of duplicates is a kludge, and can get very complicated. Genuine distinct but similar requests can arrive at the same time, perhaps because a network connection is restored. And repeat requests can arrive hours or days apart if a network connection drops out.
All of the discussion of identifiers in the other anwsers is with the goal of giving an error in response to duplicate requests, but this will normally just incite a client to get or generate a new id and try again.
A simple and robust pattern to solve this problem is as follows: Server applications should store all responses to unsafe requests, then, if they see a duplicate request, they can repeat the previous response and do nothing else. Do this for all unsafe requests and you will solve a bunch of thorny problems. Repeat DELETE requests will get the original confirmation, not a 404 error. Repeat POSTS do not create duplicates. Repeated updates do not overwrite subsequent changes etc. etc.
"Duplicate" is determined by an application-level id (that serves just to identify the action, not the underlying resource). This can be either a client-generated GUID or a server-generated sequence number. In this second case, a request-response should be dedicated just to exchanging the id. I like this solution because the dedicated step makes clients think they're getting something precious that they need to look after. If they can generate their own identifiers, they're more likely to put this line inside the loop and every bloody request will have a new id.
Using this scheme, all POSTs are empty, and POST is used only for retrieving an action identifier. All PUTs and DELETEs are fully idempotent: successive requests get the same (stored and replayed) response and cause nothing further to happen. The nicest thing about this pattern is its Kung-Fu (Panda) quality. It takes a weakness: the propensity for clients to repeat a request any time they get an unexpected response, and turns it into a force :-)
I have a little google doc here if any-one cares.
You could try a two step approach. You request an object to be created, which returns a token. Then in a second request, ask for a status using the token. Until the status is requested using the token, you leave it in a "staged" state.
If the client disconnects after the first request, they won't have the token and the object stays "staged" indefinitely or until you remove it with another process.
If the first request succeeds, you have a valid token and you can grab the created object as many times as you want without it recreating anything.
There's no reason why the token can't be the ID of the object in the data store. You can create the object during the first request. The second request really just updates the "staged" field.
Server-issued Identifiers
If you are dealing with the case where it is the server that issues the identifiers, create the object in a temporary, staged state. (This is an inherently non-idempotent operation, so it should be done with POST.) The client then has to do a further operation on it to transfer it from the staged state into the active/preserved state (which might be a PUT of a property of the resource, or a suitable POST to the resource).
Each client ought to be able to GET a list of their resources in the staged state somehow (maybe mixed with other resources) and ought to be able to DELETE resources they've created if they're still just staged. You can also periodically delete staged resources that have been inactive for some time.
You do not need to reveal one client's staged resources to any other client; they need exist globally only after the confirmatory step.
Client-issued Identifiers
The alternative is for the client to issue the identifiers. This is mainly useful where you are modeling something like a filestore, as the names of files are typically significant to user code. In this case, you can use PUT to do the creation of the resource as you can do it all idempotently.
The down-side of this is that clients are able to create IDs, and so you have no control at all over what IDs they use.
There is another variation of this problem. Having a client generate a unique id indicates that we are asking a customer to solve this problem for us. Consider an environment where we have a publicly exposed APIs and have 100s of clients integrating with these APIs. Practically, we have no control over the client code and the correctness of his implementation of uniqueness. Hence, it would probably be better to have intelligence in understanding if a request is a duplicate. One simple approach here would be to calculate and store check-sum of every request based on attributes from a user input, define some time threshold (x mins) and compare every new request from the same client against the ones received in past x mins. If the checksum matches, it could be a duplicate request and add some challenge mechanism for a client to resolve this.
If a client is making two different requests with same parameters within x mins, it might be worth to ensure that this is intentional even if it's coming with a unique request id.
This approach may not be suitable for every use case, however, I think this will be useful for cases where the business impact of executing the second call is high and can potentially cost a customer. Consider a situation of payment processing engine where an intermediate layer ends up in retrying a failed requests OR a customer double clicked resulting in submitting two requests by client layer.
Automatic (without the need to maintain a manual black list)
Memory optimized
Disk optimized
Algorithm [solution 1]
REST arrives with UUID
Web server checks if UUID is in Memory cache black list table (if yes, answer 409)
Server writes the request to DB (if was not filtered by ETS)
DB checks if the UUID is repeated before writing
If yes, answer 409 for the server, and blacklist to Memory Cache and Disk
If not repeated write to DB and answer 200
Algorithm [solution 2]
REST arrives with UUID
Save the UUID in the Memory Cache table (expire for 30 days)
Web server checks if UUID is in Memory Cache black list table [return HTTP 409]
Server writes the request to DB [return HTTP 200]
In solution 2, the threshold to create the Memory Cache blacklist is created ONLY in memory, so DB will never be checked for duplicates. The definition of 'duplication' is "any request that comes into a period of time". We also replicate the Memory Cache table on the disk, so we fill it before starting up the server.
In solution 1, there will be never a duplicate, because we always check in the disk ONLY once before writing, and if it's duplicated, the next roundtrips will be treated by the Memory Cache. This solution is better for Big Query, because requests there are not imdepotents, but it's also less optmized.
HTTP response code for POST when resource already exists

How do you ensure consistent client reads in an eventual consistent system?

I'm digging into CQRS and I am looking for articles on how to solve client reads in an eventual consistent system. Consider for example a web shop where users can add items to their cart. How can you ensure that the client displays items in the cart if the actual processing of the command "AddItemToCart" is done async? I understand the principles of dispatching commands async and updating the read model async based on domain events, but I fail to see how this is handled from the clients perspective.
There are a few different ways of doing it;
Wait at user till consistent
Just poll the server until you get the read model updated. This is similar to what Ben showed.
Ensure consistency through 2PC
You have a queue that supports DTC; and your commands are put there first. They are then; executed, events sent, read model updated; all inside a single transaction. You have not actually gained anything with this method though, so don't do it this way.
Fool the client
Place the read models in local storage at the client and update them when the corresponding event is sent -- but you were expecting this event anyway, so you had already updated the javascript view of the shopping cart.
I'd recommend you have a look at the Microsoft Patterns & Practices team's guidance on CQRS. Although this is still work-in-progress they have given one solution to the issue you've raised.
Their approach for commands requiring feedback is to submit the command asynchronously, redirect to another controller action and then poll the read model for the expected change or a time-out occurs. This is using the Post-Redirect-Get pattern which works better with the browser's forward and back navigation buttons, and gives the infrastructure more time to process the command before the MVC controller starts polling.
Example code from the RegistrationController using ASP.NET MVC 4 asynchronous controllers.
[OutputCache(Duration = 0, NoStore = true)]
public Task<ActionResult> SpecifyRegistrantAndPaymentDetails(Guid orderId, int orderVersion)
return this.WaitUntilOrderIsPriced(orderId, orderVersion)
private Task<PricedOrder> WaitUntilOrderIsPriced(Guid orderId, int lastOrderVersion)
() => this.orderDao.FindPricedOrder(orderId),
order => order != null && order.OrderVersion > lastOrderVersion,
I'd probably use AJAX polling instead of having a blocked web request at the server.
You're hoping that the save command executes on time before Get is called. What if the command takes 10 seconds to complete in the back end but Get is called in 1 second?
Local Storage
With storing the result of the command on the client while the command goes off to execute, you're assuming that the command will go through without errors. What if the back-end runs into an error while processing the command? Then what you have locally isn't consistent.
Polling seems to be the option that is actually in line with eventual consistency; you're not faking or assuming. Your polling mechanism can be an asynchronous as a part of your page, e.g. shopping cart page component polls until it gets an update without refreshing the page.
You could introduce something like web hooks to make a call back to the client if the client is capable of receiving such. By providing a correlation Id once the command is accepted by the back-end, once the command has finished processing, the back-end can notify the front end of the command's status along with the correlation Id on whether the command went through successfully or not. There is no need for any kind of polling with this approach.