How do you run the official flutter animations example package - flutter

I am trying to run the examples shown on the official animations plugin page for flutter here
The instructions are seemingly simple but I can’t seem to do it. It says
“ To see examples of the following animations on a device or simulator:
cd example/
flutter run --release# “
My question is how do you do the above instruction exactly?
I tried creating a new Flutter project and tried cd example/ assuming it was hidden file.
I also tried looking for a url to clone the git repo but found nothing...
In short how do I get those examples on the animations as a flutter project and run them?

the example folder is not hidden, it is the folder of your project you should cd 'your flutter project path here' and then run the command run --release.
you will get the starter boilerplate for a flutter project, if you want the actual examples you should check the examples tab and copy what's in there in your main.dart file
also if you want the link to the github repo press on the link in blue that says example/lib/main.dart.


How to delete then reinstall Flutter

Whenever I have a problem with Flutter I often find answers saying 'reinstall the Flutter SDK'.
However I cannot find any clear instructions on how to do this (please direct me to them if I am wrong).
General Questions
By 'clear' instructions, I mean ones that answer the following questions:
What folder(s) should be deleted to remove Flutter from my computer?
Do any files need to be copied and added to the new Flutter folder once I reinstall it?
Do I need to make any changes to my Flutter projects either before or after reinstalling Flutter?
Will I need to download the same channel (stable, beta, dev, master) as what I am currently on?
Will I need to make any changes to my PATH?
Are these the correct steps to reinstall?
Go to
Download the zip of the release you want (safest to use latest stable version)
Open Flutter zip in SAME location as the previous Flutter folder was
Done - I should now be able to run Flutter projects without any further steps
Apologies if these seem like very basic questions but for someone fairly new it isn't obvious what the answers are.
I'm new to Flutter and had similar issues. I will outline what worked for me but meanwhile, to answer your questions:
What folder(s) should be deleted to remove Flutter from my computer?
The Flutter folder which you unzipped and, presumably added to $PATH. Although not deleting it isn't going to pose an issue. I have separate folders of different versions of Flutter on my computer and it's fine.
Do any files need to be copied and added to the new Flutter folder
once I reinstall it?
Try a fresh download of Flutter and unzip it? There is no need to copy or add any files to the Flutter folder once you've (re)installed it.
Do I need to make any changes to my Flutter projects either before or
after reinstalling Flutter?
Not exactly sure what you mean by make changes to your Flutter projects. If you ran flutter doctor and didn't get any errors, then it's good to go. When you create a new Flutter project either in Android Studio, VS Code or Terminal, it will automatically handle whatever file copying business.
Will I need to download the same channel (stable, beta, dev, master)
as what I am currently on?
No, you only need one. I suggest you download one from Stable unless you need web support, which would be Beta.
Will I need to make any changes to my PATH?
After you've unzipped your fresh copy of Flutter (note the folder destination), open Terminal and change the path to said folder destination but make sure it's the /bin folder you're mapping to.
Are these the correct steps to reinstall?
Go to
Download the zip of the release you want (safest to use latest stable
version) Open Flutter zip in SAME location as the previous Flutter
folder was Done - I should now be able to run Flutter projects without
any further steps
Yes and no. You're missing a number of steps. Please follow the full Flutter installation guide depending on your OS.
It took me about 10 hours over two days and a VPN to finally get it working in China with an old install from two years ago when I was in Montréal.

How to create/provide multiple example apps for a flutter plugin?

Flutter seems to have a very strict/rigid structure for plugins with example folder and all contents inside that folder.
I want to provide multiple examples with my plugin. Something like examples folder and then examples/demo1 and examples/demo2 as two different app examples.
I tried doing this but flutter run or pub get command breaks with this change. it's gets stuck with below error which wasn't thrown with exact same code in previous structure before change. Also my app actually follow embedding v2 code so this error is completely false too.
The plugin `<MY PLUGIN>` requires your app to be migrated to the Android embedding v2. Follow the steps on and re-run this command.
Somehow is it expecting that there should be only one example and that too with example folder only ?
Can someone help, and if possible point me to a plugin project where it's using multiple examples ?
After trying multiple ways to deal with the situation,
I ended up with a good enough solution.
I moved entire flutter repo inside an sdk directory, and then Introduced a samples folder at root level which can contain multiple sample applications.
sdk itself has a default sample app under example folder which I kept so sdk can ship with one example project.
Final structure look like below,
- Root
- sdk
- Flutter plugin project (like android/example/ios/lib directory etc.)
- samples
- sampleOne
- sampleTwo
I then mentioned relative path to sdk for sampleOne or sampleTwo inside their pubspec.yaml like path: ../../sdk/
When I want to open sampleOne in AndroidStudio, I import sampleOne directory and it works like charm. Make sure you don't import entire samples directory or sampleOne/Android.
For any regular Flutter commands for plugin, I run them inside sdk directory and everything works fine as expected. So I would run publish or pub get inside root/sdk directory

How come "flutter create ." adds desktop support?

I created a Flutter project within Android Studio, and then later found out that Flutter supports desktop. After searching the web, I did things like switching to "dev", adding config for desktop, etc. But when I tried to ran it, I got "No Windows desktop project configured", even though I enabled the configuration.
The documentation page had
To add desktop support to an existing Flutter project, run the following command in a terminal from the root project directory:
flutter create .
This adds the necessary desktop files and directories to your existing Flutter project.
But what is the meaning of .? How come that . means "adding desktop support"?
The command to add desktop support are those one:
flutter config --enable-windows-desktop
flutter config --enable-macos-desktop
flutter config --enable-linux-desktop
Once you used them, you change your flutter config.
Then, the usage of flutter create . simply mean "Create a new flutter project in my current folder".
If you're already in a Flutter project, it will just "recreate" your project by adding the new support for Desktop since you specify in your flutter config.
flutter config --enable-[windows,linux,macos]-desktop
flutter create .
if there is some error with second command, remove - sign from parent folder name, and run this command:
flutter create --org com.example.myapp .
Run this command it works fine for me.
flutter config --enable-windows-desktop
then run
flutter create .
if flutter create . generate error, probably there is - in your root project directory.
for example it will generate error if your project is like below
to work it fine rename your project directory like below
then run the following command
flutter create --platforms=windows .
NB: Please change the name according to your preference.
flutter create --platforms=windows,macos,linux .
you can use this line instead

I cannot initialize Flutter for web after adding flavors to my project

I have a Flutter project that currently builds for iOS and Android. I created the project around Flutter v1.9 or so. Since creating the project, I have added flavor support to my project (dev, prod) via the guide found here
However, after having done this, it doesn't seem like I am able to add web support to my project. Following Flutter's official instructions to enable web for a pre-existing project, I try to run flutter create . in the root directory of the project. When I do this I get the output:
The Xcode project defines schemes: dev, prod You must specify a --flavor option to select one of the available schemes.
So I try to run: flutter create . --flavor=dev and get Multiple output directories specified. Try moving --flavor=dev to be immediately following create
Soooo, I try: flutter create --flavor=dev . and get Could not find an option named "flavor".
Does anyone know how I can initialize web for this project? Thanks.
You need to do the following:
Goto root folder and rename manually ios folder temporarily to something like ios1
Goto terminal and make sure you are standing in root, then run this line:
flutter create --platforms=web .
Return to project folder and rename back manually ios1 to ios

Flutter does not working even after Path update

I tried to install flutter, i followed excat steps in official docs. Installed SDK from github and added path to my bashrc file, As shown below picture, even though path successfully updated, flutter commands not recognizing and not working.
I recommend clearing the android-studio-dir and android-sdk settings, and let flutter automatically detects their path instead: This works for me .
flutter config --android-studio-dir=""
flutter config --android-sdk=""