yield BLoC state inside a timer's recurring callback - flutter

How can I yield a state from the recurring callback of a Timer?
I have a Timer object in my class and when user hits start, a new object of it is created, and inside it's callback I need to call yield ....
This is the code I have so far, but it's not doing anything:
if (event is CounterETimerStart) {
timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) async* {
yield CounterNewSecond(++m.passedTime);

With help from #RollyPeres from github, this is one approach:
You can add an event and react to it.
if (event is CounterETimerStart) {
timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) {
if (event is TimerTicked) {
yield CounterNewSecond(++m.passedTime);


Timer does not stop

I'm doing a chat. I want the program to try to get messages again every 5 seconds if there are no messages.
My solution
I'have created a Timer in my stateful widget.
Timer timer;
When I build a widget, I check for messages. If there are none, I start the timer. I want the timer to stop at the next check, in case of existing messages
void onBuild() {
if (state.messages.isEmpty) {
timer = Timer.periodic(
Duration(seconds: 5), (Timer t) => _checkEmptyMessages());
void _checkEmptyMessages() {
print('MES789 ${state.messages.isEmpty}');
if (state.messages.isEmpty) {
add(ChatEventLoadFirstPage()); // This adds an event to the BLoC
} else {
if (timer != null) timer.cancel();
timer = null;
Also I've tried
I've tried to remove timer = null; and await for timer.cancel();, but it didn't help.
Actual output
So in the Debug Console I get this every 5 seconds:
I/flutter (13387): MES789 false
I/flutter (13387): MES789 false
I/flutter (13387): MES789 false
I/flutter (13387): MES789 false
How can I stop the Timer?
Because 'Timer.periodic' is called, new Timer instance is created and stored same timer variable.
It means that not canceled timer's instance will be lost when 'Timer.periodic' is called.
So you need to check whether Timer instance is exist.
void onBuild() {
if (state.messages.isEmpty) {
if (timer == null) {
timer = Timer.periodic(
Duration(seconds: 5), (Timer t) => add(ChatEventLoadFirstPage()));
} else {
if (timer != null) timer.cancel();
timer = null;
this code is dead code, it will never work because you have if (state.messages.isEmpty) before _checkEmptyMessages() and if (state.messages.isEmpty) again, try to remove first if (state.messages.isEmpty)

Dart/Flutter Yield state after timer

I am using flutter_bloc and I am not sure how to yield state from within a callback.
Am trying to start timer and return a new state after a pause. Reason I am using a timer is to get the ability to cancel previous timer so it always returns a new state after an idle state.
Stream<VerseState> mapEventToState(
VerseEvent event,
) async* {
if (event is ABCEvent) {
Timer(const Duration(seconds: 3), () {
_onTimerEnd(); // adding yield here returns an error.
Stream<XYZState> _onTimerEnd() async* {
print("Yielding a state");
yield myNewState();
I can see that the code is getting inside the timer callback as I can see the print statements in the callback but not in the timerEnd() method.
State should be yielded by the stream used in bloc that you are current working on. Like

Flutteronic method of scheduling code to run on the next event loop

This is common in other languages. setTimeout(fn, 0) in JavaScript, and DispatchQueue.main.async() {} in Swift.
How best to do this in Flutter?
I have used Future.delayed(Duration.zero).then(fn), but I don't like it because like JS's setTimeout and unlike swifts DispatchQueue.main.async() {} it doesn't really express the intent, only the behaviour. Is there a way of doing this that is the correct way to do this in Flutter.
Use addPostFrameCallback
.addPostFrameCallback((timestamp) {
print("I'm running after the frame was built");
This will cause your callback function to run right after flutter has finished building the current frame.
Note that the callback will only run once, if you want to reschedule it for each build, set the callback at the beginning of the build function.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
.addPostFrameCallback((timestamp) {
print("I'm running after the frame was built");
return Container();
You can also use Timer from flutter.
Timer(Duration(seconds: 1), () {
Duration gives you options with seconds,milliseconds,days,hours,minutes.
You can achieve setInterval also using Timer
Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (Timer timer) {
But keep in mind that to cancel the timer on dispose.This would save you from hitting memory
Timer timer;
timer = Timer(Duration(seconds: 1), () {
void dispose() {

Flutter BLoC mapEventToState gets called only the first time for an event and not called each next time that event is fired

I have Courses and Tasks. Each Course has many Tasks. That is why I am using different screens in the app to show a list of courses and after a tap on a course, I am navigating to the next screen - a list of tasks. Here is my onTap method of the list of courses:
onTap: () {
TasksPageLoadedEvent pageLoadedEvent =
courseId: state.courses[index].id,
truckNumber: this.truckNumber,
params: {
Routes.truckNumber: this.truckNumber,
Routes.courseId: state.courses[index].id,
I create a TasksPageLoadedEvent, pass it to the TaskBloc and navigate to the Tasks page.
Here is the TaskBloc and how it handles the mapping Event - State:
Stream<TaskState> mapEventToState(
TaskEvent event,
) async* {
if (event is TasksLoadingEvent) {
yield TasksLoadingState();
} else if (event is TasksReloadingErrorEvent) {
yield TasksErrorState();
} else if (event is TasksFetchedFailureEvent) {
yield TaskFetchedStateFailureState(error: event.failure);
} else if (event is TasksPulledFromServerEvent) {
yield TasksPulledFromServerState(
truckNumber: event.truckNumber,
courseNumber: event.courseNumber,
courseId: event.courseId,
} else if (event is TasksPageLoadedEvent) {
yield TasksLoadingState();
final networkInfoEither = await this.getNetworkInfoQuery(NoQueryParams());
yield* networkInfoEither.fold((failure) async* {
yield TasksErrorState();
}, (success) async* {
if (success) {
final getTasksEither = await getTasksQuery(
truckNumber: event.truckNumber,
courseId: event.courseId,
yield* getTasksEither.fold((failure) async* {
yield TaskFetchedStateFailureState(error: "coursesDatabaseError");
}, (result) async* {
if (result != null) {
yield TasksFetchedState(tasks: result);
} else {
yield TaskFetchedStateFailureState(
error: "coursesFetchFromDatabaseError");
} else {
yield TasksNoInternetState();
When I get navigated to the Tasks page, the BlocBuilder checks the state and handles the building accordingly. I have a Go Back functionality that navigates back to the Courses page:
onPressed: () {
CoursesPageLoadedEvent(truckNumber: this.truckNumber),
This fires the similar event for the previous page and it gets re-loaded.
The problem I am facing happens if I want to go to another course and see its tasks. If I tap on another item in the list and therefore fire a new TasksPageLoadedEvent (with new properties) the mapEventToState() doesn't get called at all.
I have had similar issues with BLoC before, but they were regarding the BlocListener and states extending Equatable. That is why I had my events NOT extending Equatable (although I am not sure whether this was the issue here). But still nothing happens.
Here are my Events:
abstract class TaskEvent {
const TaskEvent();
class TasksPageLoadedEvent extends TaskEvent {
final String truckNumber;
final int courseId;
class TasksFetchedFailureEvent extends TaskEvent {
final String failure;
class TasksLoadingEvent extends TaskEvent {}
class TasksReloadingErrorEvent extends TaskEvent {}
class TasksPulledFromServerEvent extends TaskEvent {
final String courseNumber;
final String truckNumber;
final int courseId;
#required this.courseNumber,
#required this.truckNumber,
#required this.courseId,
How should I handle my back-and-forth between the two pages using two BLoCs for each page?
OK, I found an answer myself!
The problem, of course, as Federick Jonathan implied - the instance of the bloc. I am using a singleton instance created by the flutter package get_it. Which is really useful if you are implementing dependency injection (for a clean architecture for example).
So the one instance was the problem.
Luckily the package has implemented the neat method resetLazySingleton<T>.
Calling it upon going back resets the bloc used in that widget. Therefore when I navigate again to the Tasks page I am working with the same but reset instance of that bloc.
Future<bool> _onWillPop() async {
instance: serviceLocator<TaskBloc>(),
return true;
I hope this answer would help someone in trouble with singletons, dependency injections and going back and forth within a flutter app with bloc.
for anyone else who has similar issue:
in case you are listening to a repository stream and looping through emitted object, it cause mapEventToState gets blocked. because the loop never ends.
Stream<LoaderState<Failure, ViewModel>> mapEventToState(
LoaderEvent event) async* {
yield* event.when(load: () async* {
yield const LoaderState.loadInProgress();
await for (final Either<Failure, Entity> failureOrItems in repository.getAll()) {
yield failureOrItems.fold((l) => LoaderState.loadFailure(l),
(r) => LoaderState.loadSuccess(mapToViewModel(r)));
what you should do instead of await for the stream, listen to stream and then raise another event, and then process the event:
watchAllStarted: (e) async* {
yield const NoteWatcherState.loadInProgress();
_noteStreamSubscription = _noteRepository.watchAll().listen(
(failureOrNotes) =>
notesReceived: (e) async* {
yield e.failureOrNotes.fold(
(failure) => NoteWatcherState.loadFailure(failure),
(right) => NoteWatcherState.loadSuccess(right));

Is there a way I can continuously change some text in certain interval of time?

In some area, I want a list of objects to be continuously appeared replacing the previous one in a gap of 2 secs. And in that interval I wanna do some logic.
I tried Flutter.delayed but it doesn't work accordingly in a while loop.
In your initState method, use Timer.periodic(...)
void initState() {
// this code runs after every 2 seconds.
Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 2), (timer) {
if (_someCondition) {
timer.cancel(); // if you want to stop this loop use cancel
setState(() {
_string = "new value"; // your logic here
Create a timer and put your logic in the function that handles the timer event.
initstate() {
Timer.periodic( Duration(seconds: 2), (Timer t) {
setState(() => displayTheNextElementOfTheList());
//your logic here