Mongoose Model.deleteMany() only deletes first element of matches - mongodb

I'm trying to use the Model.deleteMany() function from mongoose. I'm trying to do something like this:
MyModel.deleteMany({"_id": {$in: ['objectid 1', 'objectid 2'
But this only deletes the first element of the matches from DB (in this case, if 'objectid 1' exists in the DB, it deletes that, but if it isn't nothing happens (both n and deletedCount is 0 in the returned data from the function). I tried using something other than the _id as a query, and this worked. If I had three elements with the same 'name' field, I could delete these.
I tried _id both with and without quotation marks. I also tried converting the object id strings to actual object ids before passing them to deleteMany, but this had no difference either. I have also of course tried to google this, but everything I've found are examples of usage, where it looks like I'm doing the exact same thing as the various blog posts.
I haven't added much code here because I don't really see what else I could be adding. I'm already printing out the input to the $in object, and this is correct. The strangest thing, I think, is that the first element of the list is deleted. Is it treated as a deleteOne request for some reason? are there any config options I need?
As per request, I've added the query and the documents I'd hope to delete:
MemberModel.deleteMany({"_id": {$in: [
//Expected to be deleted
"_id": "5ee4f62f8631dc413c7f04b5",
"firstName": "Name",
"lastName": "Nameson",
"__v": 0
"_id": "5ee4f62f8631dc413c7f04b6",
"firstName": "Other",
"lastName": "Person",
"__v": 0
If you have any ideas for what I could try, that would be much appreciated.


Mongodb use foreach on query and update results its results

I have a mongo collection where a field is supposed to point to another document's id in the same collection, but instead it is pointing to its "number". I need to perform an update on them but I'm having some problems on forming the query. Could you help me?
The structure of the document is like this:
"_id": "269410e2-cebf-40f1-a81f-fdce34185cdc",
"number": 1471,
"alternativeLocationId": "9871",
"locationType": "DUMMY"
"_id": "2945b24a-b82f-45a9-ad06-a884379b5597",
"number": 9871,
"locationType": "MAIN"
So as asked, I'd need to make document with number 1471 "alternativeLocationId" to be "2945b24a-b82f-45a9-ad06-a884379b5597" instead of 9871 (Note that the referenced documents are not locationType "DUMMY" nor have this alternativeLocationId field).
The query I've done so far goes like this, but when executed its not doing any changes:
db.location.find({alternativeLocationId: {$exists:true}}).forEach(
function (loc) {
var correctLocation = db.location.findOne({number: loc.alternativeLocationId});
{_id: loc._id},
{$set: {alternativeLocationId: correctLocation._id} }
As mentioned by user20042973 the issue was the type mismatch between alternativeLocationId and locationNumber, after converting the value to int when looking for it, it works perfectly.

Mongodb query getting slow even after indexing

I have a collection let's say Fruits in db. which has following fields
"_id": ObjectId(...),
"item": "Banana",
"category": ["food", "produce", "grocery"],
"location": "4th Street Store",
"stock": 4,
"type": "cases"
There is an index by default on _id, and i added another index which is,
"item": "1",
"category": "1",
"stock": "1",
"type": "1"
this collection has data of thousands , and my query response is slow. My query is.
After the index which I mentioned above, Do I need to add all these
checks in my query or I can use any on the keys added in the index ?
Like, currently my queries are like
fruits.find({item: 'new'});
fruits.find({item: 'new', category: 'history'});
fruits.find({stock: '5', category: 'drama'});
fruits.find({type: 'new'});
Is my index which has all these keys is enough for this or I need to
created different indexes for all these combination of keys which I
mentioned above?
Sometimes I am using query and sometimes I am using aggregation on some other collections and lookup for this fruits collections and then doing search etc..
"item": "1",
"category": "1",
"stock": "1",
"type": "1"
This index will partially work for the following.
fruits.find({item: 'new'}); **Will work (Partially)**
fruits.find({item: 'new', category: 'history'}); **Will work (Partially)**
fruits.find({stock: '5', category: 'drama'}); **Won't work**
fruits.find({type: 'new'}); **Won't work**
Partially => The index is basically an addition in a B-Tree data structure in MongoDB which maps a document in the system. The index prefix on item allows the index to work for first and second query you mentioned but it would be a collection scan for third and last one.
Read about prefixes here.
You need to properly understand indexes in the long run, for queries specifically you can seek help but the knowledge gap will become a problem. This brief read will be really useful.
Aggregation => Depends on part of the query, mostly only for match you can use index thereafter everything else happens in memory(Check this for more details). For lookup you fetch the data using index on other collection if you have the index on it (again the match part) but after fetching that data whatever you do extra on it would be done in memory. Logically, mostly the fetching of data will be where indexes will be used anyway, for sorting part read the document linked above.

get the particular field value from mongodb

In mongodb i saved document like this.
"Angela_Merkel": {
"birthPlace": "Hamburg,West_Germany",
"thumbnail": "",
"almaMater": "Leipzig_University",
"birthDate": "1954-07-17",
"spouse": "Joachim_Sauer"
There are many person's information like this way. Now if I want to get all the information of "Angela_Merkel" or only a particular like "birthdDate" of "Angela_Merkel" then what will be the query?
Like chridam says would be more practical that you refactor your documents like this:
{"name": "Angela_Merkel",
"birthPlace": "Hamburg,West_Germany",
"thumbnail": "",
"almaMater": "Leipzig_University",
"birthDate": "1954-07-17",
"spouse": "Joachim_Sauer"
Inside the "people" collection (Its a convention name the collections as plurals, beeing a set of documents)
Then you could do:
db.people.find({"name":"Angela Merkel"},{"_id":0," "birthdDate":1 })
To get:
{"birthDate": "1954-07-17"}
Anyway you can get with your document what you want this way:
db.person.find({"Angela_Merkel.birthDate": "1954-07-17"})
or all the info:
db.person.find({"Angela_Merkel": { $exists: true}})
But doesn't have much sense do it this way.
PD: Edited to include last part.

How do I manage a sublist in Mongodb?

I have different types of data that would be difficult to model and scale with a relational database (e.g., a product type)
I'm interested in using Mongodb to solve this problem.
I am referencing the documentation at mongodb's website:
For the data type that I am storing, I need to also maintain a relational list of id's where this particular product is available (e.g., store location id's).
In their example regarding "one-to-many relationships with embedded documents", they have the following:
name: "O'Reilly Media",
founded: 1980,
location: "CA",
books: [12346789, 234567890, ...]
I am currently importing the data with a spreadsheet, and want to use a batchInsert.
To avoid duplicates, I assume that:
1) I need to do an ensure index on the ID, and ignore errors on the insert?
2) Do I then need to loop through all the ID's to insert a new related ID to the books?
Your question could possibly be defined a little better, but let's consider the case that you have rows in a spreadsheet or other source that are all de-normalized in some way. So in a JSON representation the rows would be something like this:
"publisher": "O'Reilly Media",
"founded": 1980,
"location": "CA",
"book": 12346789
"publisher": "O'Reilly Media",
"founded": 1980,
"location": "CA",
"book": 234567890
So in order to get those sort of row results into the structure you wanted, one way to do this would be using the "upsert" functionality of the .update() method:
So assuming you have some way of looping the input values and they are identified with some structure then an analog to this would be something like:
books.forEach(function(book) {
"name": book.publisher
"$setOnInsert": {
"founded": book.founded,
"location": book.location,
"$addToSet": { "books": }
{ "upsert": true }
This essentially simplified the code so that MongoDB is doing all of the data collection work for you. So where the "name" of the publisher is considered to be unique, what the statement does is first search for a document in the collection that matches the query condition given, as the "name".
In the case where that document is not found, then a new document is inserted. So either the database or driver will take care of creating the new _id value for this document and your "condition" is also automatically inserted to the new document since it was an implied value that should exist.
The usage of the $setOnInsert operator is to say that those fields will only be set when a new document is created. The final part uses $addToSet in order to "push" the book values that have not already been found into the "books" array (or set).
The reason for the separation is for when a document is actually found to exist with the specified "publisher" name. In this case, all of the fields under the $setOnInsert will be ignored as they should already be in the document. So only the $addToSet operation is processed and sent to the server in order to add the new entry to the "books" array (set) and where it does not already exist.
So that would be simplified logic compared to aggregating the new records in code before sending a new insert operation. However it is not very "batch" like as you are still performing some operation to the server for each row.
This is fixed in MongoDB version 2.6 and above as there is now the ability to do "batch" updates. So with a similar analog:
var batch = [];
books.forEach(function(book) {
"q": { "name": book.publisher },
"u": {
"$setOnInsert": {
"founded": book.founded,
"location": book.location,
"$addToSet": { "books": }
"upsert": true
if ( ( batch.length % 500 ) == 0 ) {
db.runCommand( "update", "updates": batch );
batch = [];
db.runCommand( "update", "updates": batch );
So what is doing in setting up all of the constructed update statements into a single call to the server with a sensible size of operations sent in the batch, in this case once every 500 items processed. The actual limit is the BSON document maximum of 16MB so this can be altered appropriate to your data.
If your MongoDB version is lower than 2.6 then you either use the first form or do something similar to the second form using the existing batch insert functionality. But if you choose to insert then you need to do all the pre-aggregation work within your code.
All of the methods are of course supported with the PHP driver, so it is just a matter of adapting this to your actual code and which course you want to take.

How do I rename a nested key in mongodb

I want rename to rename my dict key in mongodb.
normally it works like that db.update({'_id':id},{$rename:{'oldfieldname':newfieldname}})
My document structure looks like that
if i want to set
a new field in field 1 i do db.update({'_id':id},{$set:{'':'peter'}})
for field two it is 'field''
i thought with the rename it should be similar but it isn't ... (like $rename:{'field'.0.1': 2}
Here's a flexible method for renaming keys in a database
Given a document structure like this...
"_id": ObjectId("4ee5e9079b14f74ef14ddd2f"),
"code": "130.4",
"description": "4'' Socket Plug",
"technicalData": {
"Drawing No": "50",
"length": "200mm",
"diameter: "20mm"
I want to loop through all documents and rename technicalData["Drawing No"] to technicalData["Drawing Number"]
Run the following javascript in the execute panel in (the excellent) RockMongo
function remap(x){
dNo = x.technicalData["Drawing No"];
db.products.update({"_id":x._id}, {
$set: {"technicalData.Drawing Number" : dNo},
$unset: {"technicalData.Drawing No":1}
db.products.find({"technicalData.Drawing No":{$ne:null}}).forEach(remap);
The code will also run in a mongo shell
Your question is unclear but it seems you'd like to rename a field name within an array.
The short answer is you can't. As stated in the docs, $rename doesn't expand arrays to find a matching name. It only works on top level fields.
What you can do to simulate rename is by copying the field and its data to the new name, and then deleting the original field. You might also need a way to account for potentially concurrent writes if you have a lot of writes to that object/field.