How to get a comma separated list of files of all subfolders which are found automatically? - find

I want a list of all files which are in various subfolders.
Since subfolders are constantly added I need to update the list of subfolders automatically.
For the example I have added the subfolders html,pdf,md.
# I get all the subfolders of the folder DIR automatically as a list.
folder=$(ls -l DIR/ | awk '/^d/ { print $9 }' | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//g' )
echo "Folder: $folder"
# --> html,md,pdf
# Now get the files of the found subfolders
files=$(ls -m DIR/{$folder}/*)
echo "Files: $files"
# this works instead:
ls -m DIR/{html,md,pdf}/*
Putting in the subfolder’s names manually in the ls-command works fine.
The output I am hoping to get back from $files is (example):
DIR/html/dataStorage.html, DIR/md/, DIR/pdf/data.pdf, DIR/pdf/dataStorage.pdf
I am using zsh.

You don't need a comma-separated list (which wouldn't be of much use if an element can contain a comma) when you have proper arrays.
Using brace expansion to create three separate globs to expand
or using the KSHGLOB option to create one glob
setopt KSHGLOB

I found a solution. All files in all subfolders are automatically found. No need to check for subfolders first.
files=$(ls -R DIR | awk '
NF&&f{ print s"/"$0 }' | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//g' )
It is based on and slightly modified (piping to tr and using sed in the end).


How to rename a zero-padded file sequence efficiently in ZSH?

I have a picture sequence named with zero-padded numbers like so:
This is just an extract. It is thousands of files. I’d like to rename all files from a certain number on, adding / subtracting X. I’d love to use find with a regex.
seqnumstart="$(echo "$1" | grep -Eo "\d+")"
bn="$(basename $1)"
bbn="$(echo "${bn%_*}")"
ext="$(echo "${bn##*.}")"
find "$(dirname $1)" -name "$bbn*$ext" -print0 | while read -d $'\0' file
seqnum="$(echo "$file" | grep -Eo "\d+")"
seqnum="$(echo "${seqnum#"${seqnum%%[!0]*}"}")"
if [[ "$seqnum" -ge "$seqnumstart" ]]; then
seqnumnew=$(($seqnum + $shift))
seqnumnew=$(printf %05d $seqnumnew)
filenew="$(echo $file | sed -E 's [0-9]+ '$seqnumnew' g')"
mv "$file" "$filenew"
How can I improve my code? It is very slow. Im on a Mac (zsh).
zmv is a utility in zsh that can do a lot of filename manipulation and looping for you. Try this:
zmv -n 'p/file_(<7000-7999>).jpx' 'p/file_$(printf "%05d" $(($1 - 1000))).jpx'
Some of the pieces:
zmv: an autoload function; use autoload -Uz zmv to make it available (this is usually added to .zshrc).
-n: no-op. With this option, zmv will just print what would have happened, giving you an idea if the command is correct. Remove this to actually mv the files.
(...): grouping operator for zmv. This identifies sections in the name that you want to change; this section is referenced in the 'to' argument as $1.
<7000-7999>: glob operator for a range. Note that leading zeroes are not always required.
$(printf "%05d" ...): zero-padding.
$((...)): arithmetic.
$1: reference to the parenthetical value in the 'from' argument'. This is where zmv's magic happens - this is substituted for each matching filename.
As you likely know, you'll need to do the renaming in groups or in a specific order to avoid trying to change a name to a name that already exists. zmv will usually halt when it encounters collisions like that.
This is much faster:
seqnumstart="$(echo "$1" | grep -Eo "\d+")"
lastfile="$(find "$(dirname $1)" -name "*.jpx" | sort | tail -1)"
seqnumend="$(echo "$lastfile" | grep -Eo "\d+")"
bn="$(basename $1)"
bbn="$(echo "${bn%_*}")"
ext="$(echo "${bn##*.}")"
#basepath before the padded number
bp="$(echo "${1%_*}")"
function buildpath {
echo "$bp"_"$1"."$ext"
for i in {$seqnumstart..$seqnumend}
unpad="$(echo $i | sed 's/^0*//')"
seqnumnew="$(($unpad + $shift))"
seqnumnewpad="$(printf %05d $seqnumnew)"
op="$(buildpath "$i")"
np="$(buildpath "$seqnumnewpad")"
mv "$op" "$np"

How to rename all the files (without for loop) in a single line command?

I want to rename all the files in my home directory (example abc), in the format (abc_bkp) without using any loops and it should be a single line command in unix (bash script).
If the directory contains nothing but files, this should do it:
ls | xargs -I {} mv {} {}_bkp
If it contains subdirectories, links, and other things you don't want to rename, you must filter the output of ls. Here is a crude way to do it; maybe someone can suggest a more elegant approach:
ls -l | grep ^- | cut -d' ' -f 13 | xargs -I {} mv {} {}_bkp
If you don't want to use loops then I believe the BEST way could be find command, try following command as a DRY run first and once you are satisfy with results then you could remove echo from it to give a real shot.
find -type f -or -type d | xargs -I % echo mv % %_bkp
-I: From man xargs page:
-I replace-str
Replace occurrences of replace-str in the initial-arguments with names read from standard input. Also, unquoted blanks do not
input items; instead the separator is the newline character. Implies -x and -L 1.

finding most recent file version from list of file path names with jumbled file names

I recently lost a bunch of files from eclipse in an accidental copy/replace dilema. I was able to recover most of them but I found in the eclipse metadata folder a history of files, some of which are the ones I need. The path for the history is:
Inside there are a bunch of folders like 3e,2f,1a,ff, etc.. each with a couple files named like "2054f7f9a0d30012175be7013ca49f5b". I was able to do a recursive grep with a keyword i know would be in the file and return a list of file names (grep -R -l 'KEYWORD') and now I can't figure out how to sort them by most recently modified.
any help would be great, thanks!
you can try:
find $WORK.../.history -type f -printf '%T#\t%p\n' | sort -nr | cut -f2- | xargs grep 'your_pattern'
the find finds all plain files and prints their modification time and path
the sort sort sort them numerically - and reverse, so highest number comes first (the latest modified)
the cut removes the time from each line
the xargs run its argument for each file what get to it input,
in this case will run the grep command, so
the 1st file what the grep find - was the lastest modified
The above not works when the filenames containing spaces, but hopefully this is not your case... The -printf works only with GNU find.
For the repetative work, you can split the command to two parts:
find $WORK.../.history -type f -printf '%T#\t%p\n' | sort -nr | cut -f2- > /somewhere/FILENAMES_SORTED_BY_MODIF_TIME
so in 1st step you save to somewhere the list of filenames sorted by their modification times, and after you can repeatedly use the grep command on their content with:
< /somewhere/FILENAMES_SORTED_BY_MODIF_TIME xargs grep 'your_pattern'
the above command is usually written as
xargs grep 'your_pattern' < /somewhere/FILENAMES_SORTED_BY_MODIF_TIME
but for the bash is OK write the redirection to the start and in this case is simpler changing the pattern for the grep if the pattern is in the last place...
If you want check the list of filenames with modification times, you can break the above commands as:
find $WORK.../.history -type f -printf "%T#\t%Tc\t%p\n" | sort -nr >/somewehre/FILENAMES_WITH_DATE
check the list (they now contains readable date too) and use the next
< /somewehre/FILENAMES_WITH_DATE cut -f3- | xargs grep 'your_pattern'
note, now need to use -f3- and not -f2- as in the 1st example.

Dynamically building a exlude list for both rsync & egrep format

I wonder if anyone out there can assist me in trying to solve a issue with me.
I have written a set of shell scripts with the purpose of auditing remote file systems based on a GOLD build on a audit server.
As part of this, I do the following:
1) Use rsync to work out any new files or directories, any modified or removed files
2) Use find ${source_filesystem} -ls on both local & remote to work out permissions differences
Now as part of this there are certain files or directories that I am excluding, i.e. logs, trace files etc.
So in order to achieve this I use 2 methods:
1) RSYNC - I have an exclude-list that is added using --exclude-from flag
2) find -ls - I use a egrep -v statement to exclude the same as the rsync exclude-list:
e.g. find -L ${source_filesystem} -ls | egrep -v "$SEXCLUDE_supt"
So my issue is that I have to maintain 2 separate lists and this is a bit of a admin nightmare.
I am looking for some assistance or some advice on if it is possible to dynamically build a list of exlusions that can be used for both the rsync or the find -ls?
Here is the format of what the exclude lists look like::
You don't need to create a second list for your find command. grep can handle a list of patterns using the -f flag. From the manual:
-f FILE, --file=FILE
Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line. The empty file contains zero
patterns, and therefore matches nothing. (-f is specified by POSIX.)
Here's what I'd do:
find -L ${source_filesystem} -ls | grep -Evf your_rsync_exclude_file_here
This should also work for filenames containing newlines and spaces. Please let me know how it goes.
In the end the grep -Evf was a bit of a nightmare as rsync didnt support regex, it uses regex but not the same.
So I then pursued my other idea of dynamically building the exclude list for egrep by parsing the rsync exclude-list and building variable on the fly to pass into egrep.
This the method I used:
# Create Signature of current build
#Create Signature File
find -L ${SRC} -ls | egrep -v **"$SEXCLUDE"** | awk '{fws = ""; for (i = 11; i <= NF; i++) fws = fws $i " "; print $3, $6, fws}' | sort >${BASE}/${SIFI}.${AFS}
export SRC=`grep ${AFS} ${CONF}/ | awk {'print $2'}`
export TRG=`grep ${AFS} ${CONF}/ | awk {'print $3'}`
export SCROOT=`grep ${AFS} ${CONF}/ | awk {'print $4'}`
**export BEXCLUDE=$(sed -e 's/[*/]//g' -e 's/\([._+-]\)/\\\1/g' ${CONF}/exclude-list.${AFS} | tr "\n" "|")**
**export SEXCLUDE=$(echo ${BEXCLUDE} | sed 's/\(.*\)|/\1/')**
#Load Properties File
. /users/rpapp/rpmonit/audit_tool/conf/
So with these new variables:
**export BEXCLUDE=$(sed -e 's/[*/]//g' -e 's/\([._+-]\)/\\\1/g' ${CONF}/exclude-list.${AFS} | tr "\n" "|")**
**export SEXCLUDE=$(echo ${BEXCLUDE} | sed 's/\(.*\)|/\1/')**
I use them to remove "*" and "/", then match my special characters and prepend with "\" to escape them.
Then it using "tr" replace a newline with "|" and then rerunning that output to remove the trailing "|" to make the variable $SEXCLUDE to use for egrep that is used in the crSig function.
What do you think?

perl -pe to manipulate filenames

I was trying to do some quick filename cleanup at the shell (zsh, if it matters). Renaming files. (I'm using cp instead of mv just to be safe)
foreach f (\#*.ogg)
cp $f `echo $f | perl -pe 's/\#\d+ (.+)$/"\1"/'`
Now, I know there are tools to do stuff like this, but for personal interest I'm wondering how I can do it this way. Right now, I get an error:
cp: target `When.ogg"' is not a directory
Where 'When.ogg' is the last part of the filename. I've tried adding quotes (see above) and escaping the spaces, but nonetheless this is what I get.
Is there a reason I can't use the output of s perl pmr=;omrt as the final argument to another command line tool?
It looks like you have a space in the file names being processed, so each of your cp command lines evaluates to something like
cp \#nnnn When.Ogg When.ogg
When the cp command sees more than two arguments, the last one must be a target directory name for all the files to be copied to - hence the error message. Because your source filename ($f) contains a space it is being treated as two arguments - cp sees three args, rather than the two you intend.
If you put double quotes around the first $f that should prevent the two 'halves' of the name from being treated as separate file names:
cp "$f" `echo ...
This is what you need in bash, hope it's good for zsh too.
cp "$f" "`echo $f | perl -pe 's/\#\d+ (.+)$/\1/'`"
If the filename contains spaces, you also have quote the second argument of cp.
I often use
dir /b ... | perl -nle"$o=$_; s/.../.../; $n=$_; rename $o,$n if !-e $n"
The -l chomps the input.
The -e check is to avoid accidentally renaming all the files to one name. I've done that a couple of times.
In bash (and I'm guessing zsh), that would be
foreach f (...)
echo "$f" | perl -nle'$o=$_; s/.../.../; $n=$_; rename $o,$n if !-e $n'
find -name '...' -maxdepth 1 \
| perl -nle'$o=$_; s/.../.../; $n=$_; rename $o,$n if !-e $n'
find -name '...' -maxdepth 1 -exec \
perl -e'for (#ARGV) {
$o=$_; s/.../.../; $n=$_;
rename $o,$n if !-e $n;
}' {} +
The last supports file names with newlines in them.