How to change confluent rest proxy body data schema for producing messages - confluent-platform

The confluent rest proxy documents suggest that to post a data it must be as such:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json" \
--data '{"records":[{"value":{"name": "testUser"}}]}' \
namely, every post data must be wrapped inside the following schema:
I was wondering if it's possible to change this schema? For instance, I might want to change records to log and include my data as inside an array as the value to the log as follows:
{"log": [<my_data>, <my_data>] }
How can I go about this?

The API is defined in the documentation and states the format that your payload must take.
If you want to batch your records together you need to do so within the defined schema, e.g.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json" \
--data '{ "records": [ { "value": { "name": "testUser1" } }, { "value": { "name": "testUser2" } } ] }' \
AFAIK the only way to support the schema you're talking about would be to modify the source code yourself.


How to get raw content directly from (or

First of all, please take note of the new API changes:
The problem seems to be that I have to exchange a github personal access token for a temporary token, in order to read from
I have this request info:
set -e
export github_personal_access_token=a8f464fdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfb89e6be
export file_url=""
mkdir tmp && cd tmp
curl -H "Authorization: token $github_personal_access_token" "$file_url" 2> err.log > output.json
the output.json looks like:
"name": "package.json",
"path": "package.json",
"sha": "6a2d55983bb641ff217d822d8e60dbb6c8f85ea3",
"size": 1343,
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"git_url": "",
"download_url": "",
"type": "file",
"content": "ewogICJuYW1lIjogImxpdmUtbXV0ZXgiLAogICJ2ZXJzaW9uIjogIjAuMi4y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\nMCIsCiAgICAiQHR5cGVzL3V1aWQiOiAiXjMuNC4zIgogIH0KfQo=\n",
"encoding": "base64",
"_links": {
"self": "",
"git": "",
"html": ""
but I just want the raw file content, not the metadata. The metadata does give me a link to the raw content:
but for private repos, it requires an access token. So is there an easier way to do this other than this?
curl -H "Authorization: token $github_personal_access_token" "$file_url" |
jq -r '.content' | base64 -d > output.json
like I said, the biggest problem is I don't have a valid access_token in hand, and I can get an access token to download the file from the download_url, but that requires extra scripting steps. Looking for a single command. AKA, I don't want to have to install jq in a docker image if possible.
GitHub supports different media types to indicate what the client wishes to accept. In your case, you can get the raw file like this:
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw" \
-H "Authorization: token $github_personal_access_token" \
"$file_url" 2> err.log > output.json

How to include fiware-service and fiware-servicePath headers in an Orion Context Broker registration to a Context Provider?

We are researching about the Orion Context Broker technology using local Docker containers and trying to integrate the local Context Broker with an external Context Provider.
Specifically, we are trying to retrieve data from this Context provider:
Using the headers:
fiware-service: environment
fiware-servicePath: /Madrid
Concretely, our objective is to achieve a registration from our Context Broker to this node of the provider, in order to get some attributes that we don't have in local (in that example, the attribute is called "NO").
The request we are sending for the registration is the following one:
curl -iX POST \
'http://localhost:1026/v2/registrations' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"description": "Air Quality Madrid",
"dataProvided": {
"entities": [
"id": "Madrid-AirQualityObserved-28079059-latest",
"type": "AirQualityObserved"
"attrs": [
"provider": {
"http": {
"url": ""
Additionally, we have created a local entity with the same id as in the request: Madrid-AirQualityObserved-28079059-latest
After that information, the question is:
Is it possible to include the specific fiware-service and fiware-servicePath headers into the registration request? What is the way to include them?
Thanks in advance.
I've been doing more tests with the following commands:
For registering to the context provider, using the specific headers for the desired service. For now, the local entity is not created in the local context broker.
curl -iX POST \
'http://localhost:1026/v2/registrations' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'fiware-service: environment' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /Madrid' \
-d '{
"description": "Air Quality Madrid",
"dataProvided": {
"entities": [
"id": "Madrid-AirQualityObserved-28079059-latest",
"type": "AirQualityObserved"
"attrs": [
"provider": {
"http": {
"url": ""
Then, I've check if the registration has been correctly registered:
curl -X GET http://localhost:1026/v2/registrations \
-H 'fiware-service: environment'
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /Madrid'
Finally, I've tried to retrieve the entity from the provider:
curl -X GET http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/Madrid-AirQualityObserved-28079059-latest \
-H 'fiware-service: environment' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /Madrid'
But the response indicates that there is not any entity for that request. Because of that, I've created the entity in the local context broker, excluding the field that I'm trying to obtain from the provider "NO".
curl -iX POST \
'http://localhost:1026/v2/entities' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'fiware-service: environment' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /Madrid' \
-d '
"id": "Madrid-AirQualityObserved-28079059-latest",
"type": "AirQualityObserved"
However, if I consult the entity with the ID Madrid-AirQualityObserved-28079059-latest, I'm receiving the local data, and the field "NO" is not being retrieved from the provider. That is the response (missing the NO field):
"id": "Madrid-AirQualityObserved-28079059-latest",
"type": "AirQualityObserved"
What I am doing wrong?
Yes, it's possible.
They are included as regular headers. For instance, if you are using curl, it would be something like -H 'fiware-service: environment' -H 'fiware-servicepath: /Madrid'.
Looking to the query request you are using:
curl -X GET http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/Madrid-AirQualityObserved-28079059-latest \
-H 'fiware-service: environment' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /Madrid'
I see are not incluing the entity type in the query, contrary to the recomendation in the context providers and request forwarding documentantation:
On forwarding, any type of entity in the NGSIv2 update/query matches registrations without entity type. However, the opposite doesn't work, so if you have registrations with types, then you must use ?type in NGSIv2 update/query in order to obtain a match. Otherwise you may encounter problems, like the one described in this post at StackOverflow.
So maybe you should use:
curl -X GET http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/Madrid-AirQualityObserved-28079059-latest?type=AirQualityObserved \
-H 'fiware-service: environment' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /Madrid'

Why do i get 400 using AutoML Rest API?

I trained a custom model using Google Cloud AutoML.
Now i am trying to access it, using the script provided by Google.
I tried to vary "content" in any kind of ways.
I also had a look at the information provided here. Surely i did provide the correct path to the key file. Also i checked on the project ID and model ID.
I do have a service account. Billing is enabled too.
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \{my-project-ID}/locations/us-central1/models/{my-model-id}:predict \
-d '{
"payload" : {
"textSnippet": {
"content": "happy",
"mime_type": "text/plain"
I expect the result to be the prediction.
My result looks like this:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid JSON payload received. Expected a value.\n“happy”,\n \n^",
Thanks for your comments, John Hanley and Phillipp Möhler!
Actually I can't really tell what happened here.
I followed Johns advice to use a whole sentence. Doing that enabled me to successfully predict something!
Afterwards I was able to use both, single words and sentences.
Deleting the commas seems to have no effect at all.

Trying to find Column value based filtering in HBase REST API

HI I am trying to build REST APIs for exposing data that resides in HBase. For simplicity I am using built in HBase REST API.I am following documentation from . I have created one API for search utility which uses Rowkey. But I am stuck at that the my remaining API's require search based on column values. The documentation suggests steps but I am not able to use it.And there are no other sources available. I found there are filtering options in HBase Java Client like singlecolumnvalue filter with utilities like substringComaparator. Like these is there any way i can apply filters in HBase REST APIs?
The link you pasted show how to use scanner:
curl -vi -X PUT \
-H "Accept: text/xml" \
-H "Content-Type:text/xml" \
-d #filter.txt \
#stelcheck collected usage of some filters here. So if you want to use SingleColumnValueFilter with hbase rest api, your filter.txt will be like:
<Scanner batch="100">
"type": "SingleColumnValueFilter",
"op": "EQUAL",
"family": "Y2Y=",
"qualifier": "cQ==",
"latestVersion": true,
"comparator": {
"type": "BinaryComparator",
"value": "dmFsdWU5"
This example is to find the cell with value value9 in column cf:q.
Add example to parse filter content in command line.
If don't want to use file content as data, just parse the content in command line.
For the example above, it will be :
curl -s -i -X PUT -H "Accept: text/xml" -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d '<Scanner batch="100"><filter>{"type": "SingleColumnValueFilter", "op": "EQUAL", "family": "Y2Y=", "qualifier": "cQ==", "latestVersion": true, "comparator": { "type": "BinaryComparator", "value": "dmFsdWU5" } }</filter></Scanner>' ""

Create Hook

I am attempting to create a hook using the create hook api found on
but I am getting a 301 when I attempt to post, so I am sure I am doing it wrong...
A couple of questions...
1) How does github know that I can create a hook for that repo if it is private? I am sure I need to authenticate with the POST, but how?
2) Is the following curl statement a valid example of how to create a hook?
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{ "name": "cia",
"active": true, "events": [ "push" ], "config": {
"url": "", "content_type": "json" } }"
I have replaced certain elements with ##### for security sake...
3) If the above is incorrect, may I please have a snippet of a valid example to create a hook for the webhook named "cia"?
curl -usigmavirus24 -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "cia", "active": true, "events": ["push"], "config": {"url": "...", "content_type": "json"}}'
Is the correct curl command. The URL you're posting to has to be where :endpoint in this case is repos/username/reponame/hooks. You also need to use 's around the JSON body for the curl command because otherwise you'll get strings like "{ " concatenated with the output of commands like name, cia, active, events, etc.
Also the -u :username option is necessary for curl so it will tell curl that it MUST authenticate and ask you for the password to do so.
If you don't mind your password being in your bash history (WHICH YOU SHOULD) you can also do -u username:password. Or even better you can base64 encode your credentials in the form username:password and then send that as a header like so: Authentication: Basic <base64-encoded-credentials.