userManager.GetRolesAsync() returns list of roles but userManager.GetUsersInRoleAsync() returns empty list - entity-framework

The below code fetches the roles of users but not the users in that particular role. Is there something missing?
public void SeedRolesData(PartnerDbContext context)
if (!context.Roles.Any())
public void SeedUserRoles(PartnerDbContext context)
if (!context.UserRoles.Any())
public List<IdentityRole> Roles => new List<IdentityRole>
new IdentityRole { Id="1", Name = ApplicationDefaultRoles.admin }
public List<IdentityUserRole<string>> UserRolesMapping => new List<IdentityUserRole<string>>
new IdentityUserRole<string> { UserId = "1", RoleId = "1" }
Getting Roles by user and Users By Roles
var roles = userManager.GetRolesAsync(new User() {
Id = "1",
UserTypeId = (int)UserTypeEnum.admin,
FirstName = "Sam",
LastName = "Ram"
}).Result; --> Returns result
var user= userManager.GetUsersInRoleAsync(ApplicationDefaultRoles.admin).Result; --> Returns empty list.

The sample data for the Roles should also include the NormalizedName to fetch the users in role. Below is the updated sample roles data.
public List<IdentityRole> Roles => new List<IdentityRole>
new IdentityRole {
Name = ApplicationDefaultRoles.admin,
NormalizedName = ApplicationDefaultRoles.admin.ToUpperInvariant() }


Multiple Roles causing issues in Blazor

I add roles via the following code in the server project
foreach (var userRole in userInfo.Roles)
claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, userRole));
var token = new JwtSecurityToken(
expires: DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20),
signingCredentials: credentials);
Now, If I only have one role then this works fine and the following code in the OnInitializedAsync method in a razor component
var t = await AuthState;
var role1= t.User.IsInRole("admin");
leads to role1 being true.
However if I have multiple roles then role1 is then false (as it is for all the roles I add to the user) despite clearly being there!
Now, if I do the following in OnInitializedAsync
var t= await AuthState;
var claimsList= t.User.Claims;
foreach(var item in claimsList)
var s1 = item.Type;
var s2 = item.Value;
string asasas = string.Empty;
I get a single claim that has a type of role and it has the following as its value
on the server side I get a number of claims of type role, each with a single role as the value.
What on earth is going on?
You need to transform your claims:
public class CustomUserFactory : AccountClaimsPrincipalFactory<RemoteUserAccount>
public CustomUserFactory(IAccessTokenProviderAccessor accessor)
: base(accessor)
public override async ValueTask<ClaimsPrincipal> CreateUserAsync(
RemoteUserAccount account,
RemoteAuthenticationUserOptions options)
var user = await base.CreateUserAsync(account, options);
ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity = (ClaimsIdentity)user.Identity;
if (account is not null) {
MapArrayClaimsToMultipleSeparateClaims(account, claimsIdentity);
return user;
private void MapArrayClaimsToMultipleSeparateClaims(RemoteUserAccount account, ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity)
foreach (var keyValuePair in account.AdditionalProperties) {
var key = keyValuePair.Key;
var value = keyValuePair.Value;
if (value is not null &&
value is JsonElement element && element.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Array) {
var claims = element.EnumerateArray()
.Select(x => new Claim(keyValuePair.Key, x.ToString()));
Program.cs in your client.

Reuse DTO mappings across both single and list variants

We regularily write extension methods like this that convert from Database objects to DTO objects for use elsewhere in our system.
As you can see in the example below, the actual mapping code is repeated. Is it possible to write a reusable select mapping that can be used in both of these methods?
public static async Task<List<Group>> ToCommonListAsync(this IQueryable<DataLayer.Models.Group> entityGroups)
var groups =
await entityGroups.Select(
g =>
new Group()
Id = g.Id,
AccountId = g.AccountId,
Name = g.Name,
ParentId = g.ParentId,
UserIds = g.GroupUserMappings.Select(d => d.UserId).ToList()
return groups;
public static async Task<Group> ToCommonFirstAsync(this IQueryable<DataLayer.Models.Group> entityGroups)
var group =
await entityGroups.Select(
g =>
new Group()
Id = g.Id,
AccountId = g.AccountId,
Name = g.Name,
ParentId = g.ParentId,
UserIds = g.GroupUserMappings.Select(d => d.UserId).ToList()
return group;
You could move your mapping/projection code out into a variable like this:
public static class Extensions
private static readonly Expression<Func<DataLayer.Models.Group, Group>> Projection = g =>
new Group
Id = g.Id,
AccountId = g.AccountId,
Name = g.Name,
ParentId = g.ParentId,
UserIds = g.GroupUserMappings.Select(d => d.UserId).ToList()
public static async Task<List<Group>> ToCommonListAsync(this IQueryable<DataLayer.Models.Group> entityGroups)
return await entityGroups.Select(Projection).ToListAsync();
public static async Task<Group> ToCommonFirstAsync(this IQueryable<DataLayer.Models.Group> entityGroups)
return await entityGroups.Select(Projection).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

_Context.SaveChangesAsync() is not executing in command line

I have used _Context.SaveChangesAsync() in a lot of places in my project and it work fine, except here
//hash the password change the bool to false set the salt save
await TryUpdateModelAsync<User>(user);
Hash hash = new Hash();
string salt = hash.CreateSalt();
user.Salt = salt;
user.Password = hash.HashPassword(NewPassword, salt);
user.ChangePassword = false;
await _Context.SaveChangesAsync();
The Model state is true, and it should be working fine but even in the command line (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command) it doesn't show at all and the database is not updating, no error or exception is being thrown
any idea ?
this is the whole class
public class ChangePasswordModel : PageModel
public string CurrentPassword { set; get; }
public string NewPassword { set; get; }
public User user { set; get; }
private readonly PROJECTDATABASE_MDFContext _Context;
public ChangePasswordModel(PROJECTDATABASE_MDFContext databasecontext)
_Context = databasecontext;
public void OnGet()
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
int TempId = 0;
TempId = Convert.ToInt32(User.FindFirst(claim => claim.Type == System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)?.Value);
catch { }
if (TempId > 0)
user = new User();
user = await _Context.User.AsNoTracking().Include(m => m.Role).FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.UserId == TempId);
if (user != null)
CurrentPassword = Request.Form["CurrentPassword"];
NewPassword = Request.Form["NewPassword"];
//if the password is hashed
if (user.ChangePassword == false)
Hash hash = new Hash();
CurrentPassword = hash.HashPassword(CurrentPassword, user.Salt);
if (user.Password == CurrentPassword)
if(NewPassword.Length >= 8)
//hash the password change the bool to false set the salt save
await TryUpdateModelAsync<User>(user);
Hash hash = new Hash();
string salt = hash.CreateSalt();
user.Salt = salt;
user.Password = hash.HashPassword(NewPassword, salt);
user.ChangePassword = false;
await _Context.SaveChangesAsync();
if (user.Role.RoleName == "Student")
return RedirectToPage("Users/StudentProfile", new { id = user.UserId });
return RedirectToPage("Users/StaffMemberProfile", new { id = user.UserId });
ModelState.AddModelError("NewPassword", "Password Must be at least 8 characters!");
return Page();
ModelState.AddModelError("CurrentPassword", "Password is not Correct!");
return Page();
return Page();
before the save the user is populated correctly with the updated values so the problem is not in the hash method
The problem is in the line where you load User entity:
user = await _Context.User.AsNoTracking().Include(m => m.Role).FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.UserId == TempId);
You use AsNoTracking() extension call which tells Entity Framework not to track any changes for returned entity. So to fix the problem just remove unnecessary AsNoTracking() call:
user = await _Context.User.Include(m => m.Role).FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.UserId == TempId);

Stuck with view (MVC) using Entity Framework code-first approach

I'm getting an error on View
The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List'1[oneToOneRelationship.Student]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'1[oneToOneRelationship.StudentDBContext]'.
While running the application, database is getting updated.
namespace oneToOneRelationship.Controllers
public class StudentController : Controller
StudentDBContext objContext;
public StudentController()
objContext = new StudentDBContext();
public ActionResult Index()
Student s = new Student
StudentId = 1,
StudentName = "Hitesh",
StudentAge = 24
StudentAccount sa = new StudentAccount {
StudentName = "Sports account",
StudentAmount = 300,
student = s
var result = from r in objContext.Students select r;
var data = objContext.Students.ToList();
return View(data);

How can i get and use AspnetUsers UserId in migration configuration file?

This is the code of configuration file(seed method) of entity framework migration.
Through this code, i create a user and role for AspnetUsers table and i put the user in role named Admin.
AppUserManager userMgr = new AppUserManager(new UserStore<AppUser>(context));
AppRoleManager roleMgr = new AppRoleManager(new RoleStore<AppRole>(context));
string roleName = "Admin";
string userName = "";
string password = "Sifre";
string email = "";
if (!roleMgr.RoleExists(roleName))
roleMgr.Create(new AppRole(roleName));
AppUser user = userMgr.FindByName(userName);
if (user == null)
userMgr.Create(new AppUser { UserName = userName, Email = email },
user = userMgr.FindByName(userName);
if (!userMgr.IsInRole(user.Id, roleName))
userMgr.AddToRole(user.Id, roleName);
foreach (AppUser dbUser in userMgr.Users)
dbUser.Cinsiyet = eCinsiyetler.Erkek;
Then i also create an entity named Articles, each article has an author id. I named AuthorId as UserId in Article entity. How can i get and use UserId I've just created above in following code?
var articles= new List<Article>
new Article{Title="Title 1", AddedDate=DateTime.Now, Content="content here.", UserId=.(What code should be here? };
articles.ForEach(p => context.Articles.AddOrUpdate(s => s.Title, p));
Why can't you query for the user like you did above?
AppUser user = userMgr.FindByName(userName);
if (user == null)
userMgr.Create(new AppUser { UserName = userName, Email = email },
user = userMgr.FindByName(userName);
and then have user.Id?
If you have a handle in ApplicationDbContext you could easily do something like
ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext();
var user = db.AspNetUser.Single(x => x.UserName == username);
var id = user.Id;