Which endpoint to connect to for read/write operations using AWS Aurora PostgreSQL Database Cluster - postgresql

I have an application (AWS API Gateway) using an Aurora PostgreSQL cluster.
The cluster has 1 read/write (primary) and one reader endpoint.
At the moment, my application connections to the specific writer instance for all operations:
But I have the following endpoints available:
If I am doing read and write operations, should I be connecting to the instance endpoint I'm using? Or should i use rds.cluster-xxx.ap-southeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com ? What are the benefits of using the different endpoints? I understand that if I connect to a read only endpoint I can only do reads, but for read/writes what's the difference connecting to:
What is the right / best endpoint to use for general workloads, and why?

You should use cluster reader/writer endpoint.
The main benefit of using cluster endpoint is that if the failover occurs due to some reason you will not worry about the endpoint and you will can expect a minimal interruption of service.
Or what if you have 3 read replica then how you will manage to connect the reader? so Better to use cluster reader/writer endpoint.
Using the Reader Endpoint
You use the reader endpoint for read-only connections for your Aurora
cluster. This endpoint uses a load-balancing mechanism to help your
cluster handle a query-intensive workload. The reader endpoint is the
endpoint that you supply to applications that do reporting or other
read-only operations on the cluster.
Using the Cluster Endpoint
You use the cluster endpoint when you administer your cluster, perform
extract, transform, load (ETL) operations, or develop and test
applications. The cluster endpoint connects to the primary instance of
the cluster. The primary instance is the only DB instance where you
can create tables and indexes, run INSERT statements, and perform
other DDL and DML operations.
Instance endpoint
The instance endpoint provides direct control over connections to the
DB cluster, for scenarios where using the cluster endpoint or reader
endpoint might not be appropriate. For example, your client
application might require more fine-grained load balancing based on
workload type. In this case, you can configure multiple clients to
connect to different Aurora Replicas in a DB cluster to distribute
read workloads. For an example that uses instance endpoints to improve
connection speed after a failover for Aurora PostgreSQL
You can check furhter details AWS RDS Endpoints


GKE Kubernetes HOW to Proxy SELECT Queries from POD to read replicas

I have multiple SQL Read-only replicas setup on my GCP environment. I have two requirements.
Loadbalance select queries from my app pod to multiple read-only replicas.
Read-Replicas can increase/decrease and i want to keep this logic separate from application.
According to the Cloud SQL documentation:
Does Cloud SQL provide load balancing for requests to read replicas?
Cloud SQL does not automatically provide or configure load balancing. You can use connection pooling to distribute read requests between read replicas by switching between multiple connection endpoints.
Thus there isn't a build-in way to achieve the logic you are searching for in Cloud SQL. This means that it might need to be programmed on the logic of the application that you use to manage your connections to Cloud SQL.

How to connect a web server to a Kubernetes statefulset and headless service

I have been learning Kubernetes for a few weeks and now I am trying to figure out the right way to connect a web server to a statefulset correctly.
Let's say I deployed a master-slave Postgres statefulset and now I will connect my web server to it. By using a cluster IP service, the requests will be load balanced across the master and the slaves for both reading (SELECT) and writing (UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE) records, right? But I can't do that because writing requests should be handled by the master. However, when I point my web server to the master using the headless service that will give us a DNS entry for each pod, I won't get any load balancing to the other slave replications and all of the requests will be handled by one instance and that is the master. So how am I supposed to connect them the right way? By obtaining both load balancing to all replications along with the slave in reading records and forwarding writing records requests to the master?
Should I use two endpoints in the web server and configure them in writing and reading records?
Or maybe I am using headless services and statefulsets the wrong way since I am new to Kubernetes?
Well, your thinking is correct - the master should be read-write and replicas should be read only. How to configure it properly? There are different possible approaches.
First approach is what you thinking about, to setup two headless services - one for accessing primary instances, the second one to access to the replica instances - good example is Kubegres:
In this example, Kubegres created 2 Kubernetes Headless services (of default type ClusterIP) using the name defined in YAML (e.g. "mypostgres"):
a Kubernetes service "mypostgres" allowing to access to the Primary PostgreSql instances
a Kubernetes service "mypostgres-replica" allowing to access to the Replica PostgreSql instances
Then you will have two endpoints:
Consequently, a client app running inside a Kubernetes cluster, would use the hostname "mypostgres" to connect to the Primary PostgreSql for read and write requests, and optionally it can also use the hostname "mypostgres-replica" to connect to any of the available Replica PostgreSql for read requests.
Check this starting guide for more details.
It's worth noting that there are many database solutions which are using this approach - another example is MySQL. Here is a good article in Kubernetes documentation about setting MySQL using Stateful set.
Another approach is to use some middleware component which will act as a gatekeeper to the cluster, for example Pg-Pool:
Pg pool is a middleware component that sits in front of the Postgres servers and acts as a gatekeeper to the cluster.
It mainly serves two purposes: Load balancing & Limiting the requests.
Load Balancing: Pg pool takes connection requests and queries. It analyzes the query to decide where the query should be sent.
Read-only queries can be handled by read-replicas. Write operations can only be handled by the primary server. In this way, it loads balances the cluster.
Limits the requests: Like any other system, Postgres has a limit on no. of concurrent connections it can handle gracefully.
Pg-pool limits the no. of connections it takes up and queues up the remaining. Thus, gracefully handling the overload.
Then you will have one endpoint for all operations - the Pg-Pool service. Check this article for more details, including the whole setup process.

mongodb cluster with ELB endpoint as dns

This is not a technical but more of architectural question I am asking here.
I have followed this blog for setting up the mongodb cluster. We have 2 private subnets in which I have configured 3 member replica set of mongodb. Now I want use a single dns like mongod.some_subdomain.example.com for whole cluster.
I do not have access to Route53 and setting/updating the dns records takes at least 2 hours in my case since I am dependant on our cloud support for it. I am not sure which server primarily responds to applications requests in mongodb cluster.
So is there a way to put the whole cluster behind ELB and use ELB as DNS to route traffic to primary and at the same time if there is failover then next primary would be the member of ELB except the arbiter node.
The driver will attempt to connect to all nodes in the replica set configuration. If you put nodes behind proxies the driver will bypass the proxies and try to talk to the nodes directly.
You can proxy standalone and sharded cluster deployments as the driver doesn't need a direct connection to data nodes in those but mapping multiple mongoses to a single address can create problems with retryable reads/writes, sessions, transactions etc. This is not a supported configuration.

Can AWS RDS Proxy be paired with read replication instance directly?

I created an RDS Proxy with existing Aurora PostgreSQL cluster.
But I want to pair the proxy with specific read replica instance of the cluster. Is that possible?
From what AWS claims about RDS proxy:
The same consideration applies for RDS DB instances in replication configurations. You can associate a proxy only with the writer DB instance, not a read replica.
Should be possible now as per https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2021/03/amazon-rds-proxy-adds-read-only-endpoints-for-amazon-aurora-replicas/
Try RDS Proxy Endpoint, which allows you to get use of read replicas:
You can create and connect to read-only endpoints called reader endpoints when you use RDS Proxy with Aurora clusters. These reader endpoints help to improve the read scalability of your query-intensive applications. Reader endpoints also help to improve the availability of your connections if a reader DB instance in your cluster becomes unavailable.

load balancing postgres instances via aws network balancer possible?

We have an application that has multiple postgres databases (that are guaranteed to be in sync) installed on AWS EC2 instances in different availability zones. I would like to abstract them behind a single DNS so that, if one of the EC2 instances crashes, the clients can still access the db. I am wondering if I can use an AWS network load balancer to load balance my databases? Why or why not? If not, is there any other standard, easy-to-implement solution that I can use? (I am aware of http://www.pgpool.net/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page for example. However, am leery of using something that I have to setup myself, especially since I would have to replicate pgpool instances as well...)
Having just tried it myself, it does seem you can set up a network load balancer to load balance your databases. My production setup uses patroni to manage failover, and patroni provides an HTTP API for health checks. The master returns a 200 response, while the replicas return a 503. This works fine for my use case, where the replicas are there just for failover, not for replicated reads. I'm assuming you could come up with some code that returns a successful response for health checks based on your needs.
I configured the load balancer to listen to port 5432 and the health checks to connect on port 8008. I modified the security group for the postgres instances to allow connections from my VPC's IP range, since the NLB doesn't have security groups. Connecting via psql to the NLB's DNS name worked as expected.
Though it works, I think I'll stick with my current setup, which has a PgBouncer running on each application instance (so no need to worry managing a pool of bouncer instances) with consul-template updating pgbouncer.ini and reloading PgBouncer when the leader key changes in consul.