Adding an Outline to a TextMeshPro Text - unity3d

Good day, I want to add an outline to my textmeshpro, but the Outline component doesn't seem to work. I also tried the outline settings on the inspector, but it edits all textmeshpro in mys scene. I want to have different outline for every game object that uses textmeshpro.

You can try setting it programmatically:
void Awake()
TextMeshPro textmeshPro = GetComponent<TextMeshPro>();
textmeshPro.outlineWidth = 0.2f;
textmeshPro.outlineColor = new Color32(255, 128, 0, 255);
I have had issues with TextMeshPro and some fonts before, though, which I haven't been able to fix and I could never find the root cause.

That seems to be the normal behaviour of the component, because the material instance is the same for all the components.
If you change the material you can check that the outline then applies individually:
If you want the exact same material in all your components, which is the desirable thing, I would duplicate the desired font and material in editor, and add one different material instance to each of the components.

To create the outline externally on TMP I created a custom shader and posted on Unity's forum:


Hololens 2/Unity Error: A material (Instance)(Instance)... which is already instanced was instanced multiple times

I have instanced a simple scrolling menu prefab in my scene (prefab provided by MRTK2 with just one menu option available). I have a button in the scene that when clicked will either SetActive(true) or SetActive(false) on this menu to show/hide it. When the menu is SetActive(false) and then SetActive(true) it provides the sequence of errors depicted in the picture below. I've found this thread that may be related but ultimately I don't know what this error means or how to fix it.
It seems that all of these errors are w.r.t. components on objects in the menu that existed from the prefab, so I'm confused as to why these errors are happening. I tried to replace the components with their MRTK counterparts as I was reading somewhere that MRTK versions of shaders, etc. are more efficient and was hoping that maybe they would simply solve the issue (they haven't).
For example, it seems that the error regarding MRTK_PressableInteractablesButtonBox (Instance) (Instance) is the shader on the FrontPlate of the button in the menu option.
Similarly, the error regarding sequisb SDF Material (Instance) (Instance) is the FontAsset on the TextMeshPro under the menu option's IconAndText object.
Unfortunately, my solution doesn't provide an explanation as to what caused my original error. However, I was able to get everything working by simply scrapping the old menu and recreating from the same prefab. I guess cross-wiring must have occurred at some point that I was unable to trace down. Ultimately, all I needed was a scrollable menu with a click event listener and buttons with custom meshes...all of which seem to be working fine now.
Thanks to #Zuocheng Wang and #derHugo for pointing me in the right direction (i.e. that things "should" work essentially out-of-box for the desired functionality).

How to add the new unity uxml(via ui builder) to game screen?

I installed the new Unity UI Builder. Everything works just fine...
But how do I add the uxml to my scene or how do I attache it to camera?
I tried to drag and drop the uxml to camera and I searched for a component, but I couldn't find anything... Is there any official documentation?
You must use an gameObject with PanelRenderer.cs attached to it:
For now, I only know you have to set UXML file and USS file. In play mode, by magic (I still don't understand how unity does it), it will render.
In the Github project you can see how things are for now. UIElementsUniteCPH2019RuntimeDemo
The project linked above uses UI Builder 0.8.
Runtime support is still not available using the packet manager.
You can add the preview version to your project by adding the following line to your manifest.json (it's located in the projects Packages-folder)
"com.unity.ui.runtime": "0.0.4-preview"
You may want to check whether a newer version is available.
Keep in mind that the preview version is intended for previews only. The api and workflow might change with newer versions.
Once runtime support is enabled you can use the Panel Renderer as described above.
In Unity 2021.2, when you add a UI Document to the hierarchy, a PanelSettings asset is automatically created and assigned to the that UI Document.
Simply add your uxml file to the UI Document -- there is no Panel Renderer component anymore.
Even though the UI Builder offers a preview of the menu over the actual game scene, there is no way to use that menu in a game using Unity's functionality or packages. To do that we need to use the code that comes with the demo by Damian Campeanu from Unite Copenhagen 2019 that you can find here:
The demo has following structure.
Structure of the project
The files that we are interested in are located in Assets/UIRuntime folder. Simply copy this folder into Assets folder of your project.
After copying the the folder,create empty game object, and add two components in the inspector. Panel Scaler and Panel Renderer.
Game menu object with panel scaler and panel renderer components
Panel Scaller is responsible for scalling your menu for the display. Choose "Constant Physical Size" and 96 for both Reference and Fallback DPI. Those are the values from the original demo and 96 DPI is a typical pixel density for most computer screens (it is different on mobiles and high density screens).
Panel Renderer is the place where you will set your UXML and USS (Unity Style Sheet) files (Uxml and Unity Style Sheet fields. Leave the last two of fields empty, and tick the "Enable Live Updates" checkbox. This will enable you to show the updates in the game viewport as you make them.
I wanted to comment under existing answer by Pablo but I'm new so I can't.

Draw specified Object Inspector into Rect

I was wondering if there was any method for drawing a default inspector for a given object into a Rect, similar to the other GUI methods?
I'm looking for a simple way of drawing various inspectors for linked objects into a custom EditorWindow.
I had tried to instance the specific editor as of course that contains DrawDefaultIspector, but I just get masses of exceptions from inside SerializePropertyBindings.
Is there a method to draw the default inspector for a given object?
Just found a solution to this using this post.
I just want to show the default inspector, so I can create an instance of a base Editor then fire OnInspectorGUI() in my EditorWindow.OnGUI() code:
void OnGUI()
Editor editor = Editor.CreateEditor(this.linkedObject);
(Obviously I should probably only recreate that editor when the linkedObject changes, but just for the sake of clarity.)
Doesn't allow me to draw into a Rect, but I assume I can cover that requirement with a scroll panel or similar.

resize jPanel on VLCJ fullscreen for controlsPanel

I am using netbeans to create a media player using vlcj-3.8.0.jar.Here is the source code for netbeans users,vlcj gui netbeans based just unzip and open project in netbeans(contains playlist, volume, plays in canvas)I know placing the whole code violates the SSCCE standards but it might be informative for others. Another reason is that if you are a netbeans user then running the code and finding the problem is very easy for you, u wont need to search the entire code. So my problem, all works fine but i am having problem when i toggle the fullscreen. The controlsPanel as you can see in the picture below wont resize and i dont how how to do it. I tried to put the panel in border layout but it messes everything inside it(i have jslider and jlabels inside it).
Here is a code to toggle on and off for fullscreen, where
jPanel2: is in border layout that has canvas inside it,
controlsPanel: panel in absolute layout that has jslider and jlabels has properties i set through netbeans as horizonal size and vertical size as default, horizontal resizable as ticked
private void toggle_fullscreenMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
//at fullscreen the controlPanel should be resized horizontally to the end of the screen
controlPanel.setPreferredSize((new Dimension(1200,100)));
controlPanel.setSize((new Dimension(1200,100)));
//here is the problem:controlPanel stays the same...why??
Dimension ss = new Dimension (10,10);
} `
I tried to use the code:
controlPanel.setPrefferedSize((new Dimension(1200,900);
controlPanel.setSize((new Dimension(1200,900);
but it wont work...any help or idea will be greatly appreciated!! If any of you guys tried my code and make the controlsPanel to be resized to full screen, i will be very grateful!!

tinymce - resize/scale handelers are not in the same place as resize object

Tinymce re-size/scale handlers are not appearing in the same place where the re-sizable/scalable object are, but far below the object.
I am using inline feature, this issue is happening with all re-sizable, like table, image etc.
Here is the screenshot of issue:
I got the solution, position of parent of re-sizable object need to be relative