Comparing unsigned integers with signed type - type-conversion

Some languages do not have support for unsigned integers, like dart or Java.
I have two integer numbers int a, b that are really unsigned (basically hashes or bitfields), but have to be stored in the signed data types.
A comparison function is needed. The usual a < b will not work here, as it would wrongly interpret negative values to be smaller, while they are (in the desired unsigned interpretation) actually larger. Each of those two ranges are handled correctly if considered alone.
A working solution I came up with (in dart, but language shouldn't really matter) is
int compareAsUnsigned(int a, int b) {
final signA = a.sign;
final signB = b.sign;
if (signA == signB) return a.compareTo(b);
if (signA == -1 || signB == -1) return b.compareTo(a);
return a.compareTo(b);
Are there any efficent and / or elegant ways to get the unsigned compare for values stored in signed data types (a longer type is not available and all bits are used)?


In DPI-C, How to map data type to reg or wire

I am writing a CRC16 function in C to use in System Verilog.
Requirement as below:
Output of CRC16 has 16 bits
Input of CRC16 has bigger than 72 bits
The difficulty is that I don't know whether DPI-C can support map data type with reg/wire in System Verilog to C or not ?
how many maximum length of reg/wire can support to use DPI-C.
Can anybody help me ?
Stay with compatible types across the language boundaries. For output use shortint For input, use an array of byte in SystemVerilog which maps to array of char in C.
Dpi support has provision for any bit width, converting packed arrays into c-arrays. The question is: what are you going to do with 72-bit data at c side?
But, svBitVecVal for two-state bits and svLogicVecVal for four-stat logics could be used at 'c' side to retrieve values. Look at H.7.6/7 of lrm for more info.
Here is an example from lrm H.10.2 for 4-state data (logic):
typedef struct {int x; int y;} pair;
import "DPI-C" function void f1(input int i1, pair i2, output logic [63:0] o3);
void f1(const int i1, const pair *i2, svLogicVecVal* o3)
int tab[8];
printf("%d\n", i1);
o3[0].aval = i2->x;
o3[0].bval = 0;
o3[1].aval = i2->y;
o3[1].b = 0;

Is there a difference between Signed and Unsigned LEB128, when *encoding* the number?

I understand that LEB128 decoders need to know whether an encoded number is signed or unsigned, but the encoder seems to work identically either way (though Wikipedia uses distinct functions for encoding signed and unsigned numbers).
If positive numbers are encoded the same way in Signed and Unsigned LEB128 (only the range changes), and negative numbers only occur in Signed LEB128, it seems more sensible to create a single function that encodes any integer (using the two's compliment when the argument is negative).
I implemented a function that works the way I described, and it seems to work fine.
This is not an implementation detail (unless I've misunderstood something). Any function that can encode Signed LEB128 makes any function that encodes Unsigned LEB128 completely redundant, so there would never be a good reason to create both.
I used JavaScript, but the actual implementation is not important. Is there ever a reason to have a Signed LEB128 encoder and an Unsigned one?
const toLEB128 = function * (arg) {
/* This generator takes any BigInt, LEB128 encodes it, and
yields the result, one byte at a time (little-endian). */
const digits = arg.toString(2).length;
const length = digits + (7 - digits % 7);
const sevens = new RegExp(".{1,7}", "g");
const number = BigInt.asUintN(length, arg);
const padded = "000000" + number.toString(2);
const string = padded.slice(padded.length % 7);
const eights = string.match(sevens).map(function(string, index) {
/* This callback takes each string of seven digits and its
index (big-endian), prepends the correct continuation digit,
converts the 8-bit result to a BigInt, then returns it. */
return BigInt("0b" + Boolean(index) * 1 + string);
while (eights.length) yield eights.pop();

signed and unsigned fixed point multiplication in SystemVerilog

I have a specific question and a request for more general guidance.
My question is what is the cleanest way to multiply a signed number by an unsigned number in SystemVerilog?
Below is a little test code that illustrates the problem. 'a' is the unsigned number. 'b' is the signed number. In order to produce a correct signed result SystemVerilog seems to require that both operands of the multiplication be signed. To make that work here I had to add an extra '0' to the front of the unsigned number to make it a valid signed number. I'm thinking there must be a cleaner way.
More generally, I am just getting started doing fixed point math in SystemVerilog. In VHDL there is very concrete syntax and even a standard package to support signed and unsigned fixed point math, with rounding, etc. Is there something like that in the SystemVerilog world?
module testbench ();
localparam int Wa = 8;
localparam int Wb = 8;
logic [Wa-1:0] a; // unsigned
logic [Wa:0] a_signed; // signed word with extra bit to hold unsigned number.
logic [Wb-1:0] b; // signed
logic [Wa+Wb-1:0] c; // result
localparam clk_period = 10;
assign a_signed = {1'b0, a};
assign c = $signed(a_signed)*$signed(b);
initial begin
a = +5;
b = +10;
$display("Hex: a=%x,b=%x, c=%x; Dec: a=%d, b=%d, c=%d", a, b, c, a, $signed(b), $signed(c));
a = +5;
b = -10;
$display("Hex: a=%x,b=%x, c=%x; Dec: a=%d, b=%d, c=%d", a, b, c, a, $signed(b), $signed(c));
a = +255;
b = +10;
$display("Hex: a=%x,b=%x, c=%x; Dec: a=%d, b=%d, c=%d", a, b, c, a, $signed(b), $signed(c));
a = +255;
b = -10;
$display("Hex: a=%x,b=%x, c=%x; Dec: a=%d, b=%d, c=%d", a, b, c, a, $signed(b), $signed(c));
system verilog rules say
If any operand is unsigned, the result is unsigned, regardless of the operator
Propagate the type and size of the expression (or self-determined subexpression) back down to the context-determined operands of the expression
When propagation reaches a simple operand as defined in 11.5, then that operand shall be converted to the propagated type and size.
So, in other words, when you multily signed and unsigned numbers, the expression type will be determined as unsigned. This will be propagated back to operands and all signed will be treated as unsigned as well.
so, your result will be identical to the one of multiplying two unsigned numbers. So, the cleanest way, if you need signed result, is to convert all operands to signed number.
You will also need an extra bit in your operands to have a place for the sign bit. Otherwise 255 will be treated as -1 in 8-bit sign conversion.

What is the point of writing integer in hexadecimal, octal and binary?

I am well aware that one is able to assign a value to an array or constant in Swift and have those value represented in different formats.
For Integer: One can declare in the formats of decimal, binary, octal or hexadecimal.
For Float or Double: One can declare in the formats of either decimal or hexadecimal and able to make use of the exponent too.
For instance:
var decInt = 17
var binInt = 0b10001
var octInt = 0o21
var hexInt = 0x11
All of the above variables gives the same result which is 17.
But what's the catch? Why bother using those other than decimal?
There are some notations that can be way easier to understand for people even if the result in the end is the same. You can for example think in cases like colour notation (hexadecimal) or file permission notation (octal).
Code is best written in the most meaningful way.
Using the number format that best matches the domain of your program, is just one example. You don't want to obscure domain specific details and want to minimize the mental effort for the reader of your code.
Two other examples:
Do not simplify calculations. For example: To convert a scaled integer value in 1/10000 arc minutes to a floating point in degrees, do not write the conversion factor as 600000.0, but instead write 10000.0 * 60.0.
Chose a code structure that matches the nature of your data. For example: If you have a function with two return values, determine if it's a symmetrical or asymmetrical situation. For a symmetrical situation always write a full if (condition) { return A; } else { return B; }. It's a common mistake to write if (condition) { return A; } return B; (simply because 'it works').
Meaning matters!

Dart constant time string comparison

I'm implementing a github push hook listener in dart, and I've come across this document:
where it's written:
Using a plain == operator is not advised. A method like secure_compare
performs a “constant time” string comparison, which renders it safe
from certain timing attacks against regular equality operators.
I have to compare 2 hashes for equality. Now I was wondering if there was a way to compare string in constant time in dart? (read: is there a string constant time compare function in dart?)
The default implementation is not constant time, but you can just create your own comparison function that compares every code unit in the String and does not short circuit:
bool secureCompare(String a, String b) {
if(a.codeUnits.length != b.codeUnits.length)
return false;
var r = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < a.codeUnits.length; i++) {
r |= a.codeUnitAt(i) ^ b.codeUnitAt(i);
return r == 0;
This function will perform a constant time String compare as long as the two input Strings are of the same length. Since you are comparing hashes this shouldn't be a problem, but for variable length Strings this method will still leak timing info because it immediately returns if the lengths are not equal.