Avoid recursion in one to many relation in jpa entities - jpa

I have two entities paymentTransaction and paymentCard as follows. When I fetch paymentTransactions It stuck in infinite call from one to another. I have tried #JsonIgnore, #JsonIdentityInfo and etc to sortout this issue but non of them works. I'm running select query as HQL query like this
FROM PassengersLogArchive as pass_log INNER JOIN " +
"PaymentTransactions as pmt_txn ON pmt_txn.tripId=pass_log.passengersLogId
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import javax.persistence.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Date;
#Table(name = "payment_transactions")
public class PaymentTransactions {
#Column(name = "id")
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#Column(name = "trip_id")
private Long tripId;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "card_id")
private PaymentCards paymentCard;
#Table(name = "payment_cards")
public class PaymentCards {
#Column(name = "id")
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#Column(name = "passenger_id")
private Long passengerId;
#Column(name = "masked_number")
private String maskedNumber;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "paymentCard", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private List<PaymentTransactions> paymentTransactions;


Joining three tables with #OneToMany association

I have three tables.
1.Street (street_id, settlement_entity_id, street_name),
2.Settlement_entity (settlement_entity_id, settlement_id, settlement_name), for example could be community, regional, municipality.. and
3.Settlement (settlement_id, settlement_name), for example could be city, town, township, village....
Relation - Street - Settlement_entity = > onetomany
Relation - Settlement_entity - Settlement = > onetomany
I want when I enter the name of the street, I get the settlement entity as above
as in parentheses and after that the settlement name with characteristics that are not to be the subject of this application, such as for example the house/apartment number, floor, longitude, latitude, altitude of the settlement.
package net.javaguides.springboot.entity;
#Table(name = "street")
public class Street {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long street_id;
#Column(name = "street_name")
private String street_name;
public Street(String street_name) {
this.street_name = street_name;
// getter and setters
package net.javaguides.springboot.entity;
import javax.persistence.Column;
#Table(name = "settlement_entity")
public class SettlementEntity {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long settlement_entity_id;
#Column(name = "settlement_entity_name")
private String settlement_entity_name;
public SettlementEntity(String settlement_entity_name) {
this.settlement_entity_name = settlement_entity_name;
// getters and setters
public void setSettlement_entity_name(String settlement_entity_name) {
this.settlement_entity_name = settlement_entity_name;
package net.javaguides.springboot.entity;
import javax.persistence.Column;
#Table(name = "settlement")
public class Settlement {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long settlement_id;
#Column(name = "settlement_name")
private String settlement_name;
public Settlement(String settlement_name) {
this.settlement_name = settlement_name;
// getters and setters
I creating according suggestion from -thelearner new linking entity which would be used for mapping that particular table.
entity linking table
package net.javaguides.springboot.entity;
import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
public class StreetSettlementEntitySettlement {
private long id;
#OneToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE})
#JoinColumn(name = "street_id")
private Street street;
#OneToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE})
#JoinColumn(name = "settlement_entity_id")
private SettlementEntity settlement_entity;
#OneToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE})
#JoinColumn(name = "settlement")
private Settlement settlement;
public StreetSettlementEntitySettlement(long id, Street street, SettlementEntity
settlement_entity, Settlement settlement) {
this.id = id;
this.street = street;
this.settlement_entity = settlement_entity;
this.settlement = settlement;
Directory structure
I saw some proposal from thelearner like this:
It's not clear for me and don't understanding. Where should I put those three classes or should do something else. Repo's is clear.
Any help and explanation would be appreciated. Thank you

Hibernate #OneToMany where discriminatorValue = 'SOMETHING'

Table pdp_billable_field_state carries configuration for various fields.
Owner of configuration can be any number of Entity`s
This configuration is same for each entity that matches the #DiscriminatorValue
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
#DiscriminatorColumn(name = "entity_type")
#Table(name = "pdp_billable_field_state")
public abstract class EntityFieldStateJpa extends AuditableJPA {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id")
private Long id;
#JoinColumn(name = "status_id")
private StatusJpa status;
#Column(name = "field", columnDefinition= "varchar(255)")
private String field;
private boolean disabled;
private boolean hidden;
public class PurchaseEntityFieldStateJpa extends EntityFieldStateJpa {}
#Table(name = "pdp_purchase")
public class PurchaseJpa {
// omitted
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.REFRESH)
// i do not have a join_column since all records with entity_type PURCHASE map to all purchases, as these are configurations used by all purchases. Should i try and introduce #JoinTable maybe?
#Where(clause = "entity_type='PURCHASE'")
private List<PurchaseEntityFieldStateJpa> fieldStates;

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: insert or update on table violates foreign key constraint

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: insert or update on table "party_custom_fields" violates foreign key constraint "fk21oqkpi7046skme7jce06fxdu"
Below error could help, what need to be done on the code, I have tried few reference, but not helpful.
Detail: Key (custom_field_value)=(11) is not present in table "custom_field_value"
Above is my error while saving.
Party is the class which will have custom fields and it's data
import lombok.Data;
import javax.persistence.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
#Table(name = "party")
public class Party {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String name;
#Column(name = "last_name")
private String lastName;
private String email;
private String gender;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinTable(name = "party_custom_fields",
joinColumns = {#JoinColumn(name = "custom_field")},
inverseJoinColumns = {#JoinColumn(name = "custom_field_value")})
#MapKeyColumn(name = "custom_field_key")
private Map<Long, CustomFieldValue> customField = new HashMap<>();
public Party() {
public Party(String name) {
this.name = name;
Custom fields value model
package org.aeq.multitenant.model;
import lombok.Data;
import javax.persistence.*;
#Table(name = "custom_field_value")
public class CustomFieldValue {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String value;
Custom fields model which hold what are the custom fields for the tables
package org.aeq.multitenant.model;
import lombok.Data;
import org.aeq.multitenant.enums.Tables;
import javax.persistence.*;
#Table(name = "custom_field")
public class CustomField {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String name;
private String type;
private boolean optional;
#Column(name = "table_name")
private Tables tableName;
Controller function to save
Map<Long, CustomFieldValue> cfMap = new HashMap<>();
for (CustomField cf : customFields) {
if (!partyData.containsKey(cf.getName())) {
return new ApiResult<>(false, "Please provide " + cf.getName() + " custom field of party");
} else {
CustomFieldValue cfv = new CustomFieldValue();
cfv = customFieldValueRepository.save(cfv);
cfMap.put(cf.getId(), cfv);
Party party = new Party();
party = partyRepository.save(party);
please review my code and let me where I am going wrong
If a column has a foreign key constraint, then any entry to that column should be present in the reference table given. If not, then this exception will be thrown.

JPA dataIntegrityViolationException occurs for multiple parents

I am working on simple spring security demo and want to put user and role info into db. Here is the simple structure of my entity.
#Table(name = "users")
public class Users {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "user_id")
private Long userId;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "users", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, orphanRemoval=true, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<UserRoleMapping> userRoleMapping;
#Table(name = "user_role_mapping")
public class UserRoleMapping {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "user_role_mapping_id")
private Long userRoleMappingId;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Users users;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private UserRole userRole;
#Table(name = "users_role")
public class UserRole {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "role_id")
private Long roleId;
#Column(name = "role")
private String role;
#Column(name = "role_desc")
private String roleDesc;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "userRole", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, orphanRemoval=true)
private List<UserRoleMapping> userRoleMapping;
In my use case, I have to make sure when the user is created then I have to insert subsequence userRoleMapping. And If the userRole is removed then the userRoleMapping must be deleted as well.
So I put CascadeType.ALL and orphanRemoval=true in users entity, and orphanRemoval=true in userRole entity.
However, when I run userRoleRepository.delete(userRole). I have dataIntegrityViolationException.
I did some researches on it and understand it is a kind of jpa constrains to make sure we delete the parents (users) as well.
May I ask if there are any workaround for my use case?
Here is the solution to my use cases. Instead of using OneToMany in both entity, I should use ManyToMany relationship. And it is quite make sense as I don't care (for now) the mapping in java logic. Here is my code
public class Users {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "user_id")
private Long userId;
#ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = { CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST })
private Set<UserRole> userRole;
public class UserRole {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "role_id")
private Long roleId;
#Column(name = "role")
private String role;
#Column(name = "role_desc")
private String roleDesc;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "userRole", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<Users> users;

Hibernate - Spring Data JPA One To Many unique constraint across table

I have a department and employee table. I need the dept name and employees in the department to be unique such that a new entry for the dept with the same set of employees is given it should throw a unique constraint violation error.
I am not sure how to work this out in hibernate.
I need to have unique constraints across multiple tables.
import javax.persistence.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class DeptEntity {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int id;
#Column(nullable = false)
private String name;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "dep", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Employee> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
import javax.persistence.*;
public class Employee {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int id;
private String name;
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.REFRESH, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#JoinColumn(name = "dept_id", referencedColumnName = "id", nullable = false)
private DeptEntity dep;
You can use like :
#Column(unique= true)
private String name;