How to generate output files for each input in Apache Flink - streaming

I'm using Flink to process my streaming data.
The streaming is coming from some other middleware, such as Kafka, Pravega, etc.
Saying that Pravega is sending some word stream, hello world my name is....
What I need is three steps of process:
Map each word to my custom class object MyJson.
Map the object MyJson to String.
Write Strings to files: one String is written to one file.
For example, for the stream hello world my name is, I should get five files.
Here is my code:
// init Pravega connector
PravegaDeserializationSchema<String> adapter = new PravegaDeserializationSchema<>(String.class, new JavaSerializer<>());
FlinkPravegaReader<String> source = FlinkPravegaReader.<String>builder()
// map stream to MyJson
DataStream<MyJson> jsonStream = env.addSource(source).name("Pravega Stream")
.map(new MapFunction<String, MyJson>() {
public MyJson map(String s) throws Exception {
MyJson myJson = JSON.parseObject(s, MyJson.class);
return myJson;
// map MyJson to String
DataStream<String> valueInJson = jsonStream
.map(new MapFunction<MyJson, String>() {
public String map(MyJson myJson) throws Exception {
return myJson.toString();
// output
This code will output all of results to Flink log files.
My question is how to write one word to one output file?

I think the easiest way to do this would be with a custom sink.
stream.addSink(new WordFileSink)
public static class WordFileSink implements SinkFunction<String> {
public void invoke(String value, Context context) {
// generate a unique name for the new file and open it
// write the word to the file
// close the file
Note that this implementation won't necessarily provide exactly once behavior. You might want to take care that the file naming scheme is both unique and deterministic (rather than depending on processing time), and be prepared for the case that the file may already exist.


How to enrich event stream with big file in Apache Flink?

I have a Flink application for click stream collection and processing. The application consists of Kafka as event source, a map function and a sink as image shown below:
I want to enrich the incoming click stream data with user's IP location based on userIp field in raw event ingested from Kafka.
a simplified slice of the CSV file as shown below
"","","United States of America"
I have made some researches and found a couple of potential solutions:
1. Solution: Broadcast the enrichment data and connect with event stream with some IP matching logic.
1. Result: It worked well for a couple sample IP location data but not with whole CSV data. JVM heap has reached to 3.5 GB and due to the broadcast state, there is no way to put the broadcast state into disk (for RocksDb)
2. Solution: Load CSV data in open() method in RichFlatMapFunction into the state(ValueState) before start of the event processing and enrich event data in flatMap method.
2. Result: Due to the enrichment data is so big to store in JVM heap, it's impossible to load into ValueState. And also de/serializing through ValueState is bad practice for data in key-value nature.
3. Solution: To avoid to deal with JVM heap constraint, I have tried to put the enrichment data into RocksDB(uses disk) as state with MapState.
3. Result: Trying to load the CSV file into MapState in open() method, gave me error that tells me you cannot put into MapState in open() method because I was not in keyed context in open() method like this question: Flink keyed stream key is null
4. Solution: Because of need of the keyed context for MapState(to put RocksDB), I tried to load whole CSV file into local RocksDB instance(disk) in the process function after making the DataStream into KeyedStream:
class KeyedIpProcess extends KeyedProcessFunction[Long, Event, Event] {
var ipMapState: MapState[String, String] = _
var csvFinishedFlag: ValueState[Boolean] = _
override def processElement(event: Event,
ctx: KeyedProcessFunction[Long, Event, Event]#Context,
out: Collector[Event]): Unit = {
val ipDescriptor = new MapStateDescriptor[String, String]("ipMapState", classOf[String], classOf[String])
val csvFinishedDescriptor = new ValueStateDescriptor[Boolean]("csvFinished", classOf[Boolean])
ipMapState = getRuntimeContext.getMapState(ipDescriptor)
csvFinishedFlag = getRuntimeContext.getState(csvFinishedDescriptor)
if (!csvFinishedFlag.value()) {
val csv = new CSVParser(defaultCSVFormat)
val fileSource = Source.fromFile("/tmp/ip.csv", "UTF-8")
for (row <- fileSource.getLines()) {
val Some(List(start, end, country)) = csv.parseLine(row)
ipMapState.put(start, country)
out.collect {
if (ipMapState.contains(event.userIp)) {
val details = ipMapState.get(event.userIp)
event.copy(data =
ipLocation = Some(
} else {
4. Result: It's too hacky and prevents event processing due to blocking file read operation.
Could you tell me what can I do for this situation?
What you can do is to implement a custom partitioner, and load a slice of the enrichment data into each partition. There's an example of this approach here; I'll excerpt some key portions:
The job is organized like this:
DataStream<SensorMeasurement> measurements = env.addSource(new SensorMeasurementSource(100_000));
DataStream<EnrichedMeasurements> enrichedMeasurements = measurements
.partitionCustom(new SensorIdPartitioner(), measurement -> measurement.getSensorId())
.flatMap(new EnrichmentFunctionWithPartitionedPreloading());
The custom partitioner needs to know how many partitions there are, and deterministically assigns each event to a specific partition:
private static class SensorIdPartitioner implements Partitioner<Long> {
public int partition(final Long sensorMeasurement, final int numPartitions) {
return Math.toIntExact(sensorMeasurement % numPartitions);
And then the enrichment function takes advantage of knowing how the partitioning was done to load only the relevant slice into each instance:
public class EnrichmentFunctionWithPartitionedPreloading extends RichFlatMapFunction<SensorMeasurement, EnrichedMeasurements> {
private Map<Long, SensorReferenceData> referenceData;
public void open(final Configuration parameters) throws Exception {;
referenceData = loadReferenceData(getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask(), getRuntimeContext().getNumberOfParallelSubtasks());
public void flatMap(
final SensorMeasurement sensorMeasurement,
final Collector<EnrichedMeasurements> collector) throws Exception {
SensorReferenceData sensorReferenceData = referenceData.get(sensorMeasurement.getSensorId());
collector.collect(new EnrichedMeasurements(sensorMeasurement, sensorReferenceData));
private Map<Long, SensorReferenceData> loadReferenceData(
final int partition,
final int numPartitions) {
SensorReferenceDataClient client = new SensorReferenceDataClient();
return client.getSensorReferenceDataForPartition(partition, numPartitions);
Note that the enrichment is not being done on a keyed stream, so you can not use keyed state or timers in the enrichment function.

I want to make a stream of small data by calling it again and again

I have a question, I've got a small CSV data that I'm able to launch on flink with help of kafka . My question is can I call the same data, again and again, using window and trigger, or it'll call my data only once?
This is the data that I want to call again and again. Though I myself don't think so it's better to take 2nd opinion as I'm a beginner. Thanks for the help
Not sure what you mean by call data again and again. But you can create a stream of that data in Flink using SourceFunction. For example, the following source creates a stream of that csv file and emits it every second.
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
DataStream<String> csvStream = env.addSource(new SourceFunction<String>() {
public void run(SourceContext<String> sourceContext) throws Exception {
String data = "1,35\n" +
"2,45\n" +
"3,55\n" +
"4,65\n" +
while(true) {
public void cancel() {

How to process a KStream in a batch of max size or fallback to a time window?

I would like to create a Kafka stream-based application that processes a topic and takes messages in batches of size X (i.e. 50) but if the stream has low flow, to give me whatever the stream has within Y seconds (i.e. 5).
So, instead of processing messages one by one, I process a List[Record] where the size of the list is 50 (or maybe less).
This is to make some I/O bound processing more efficient.
I know that this can be implemented with the classic Kafka API but was looking for a stream-based implementation that can also handle offset committing natively, taking errors/failures into account.
I couldn't find anything related int he docs or by searching around and was wondering if anyone has a solution to this problem.
#Matthias J. Sax answer is nice, I just want to add an example for this, I think it might be useful for someone.
let's say we want to combine incoming values into the following type:
public class MultipleValues { private List<String> values; }
To collect messages into batches with max size, we need to create transformer:
public class MultipleValuesTransformer implements Transformer<String, String, KeyValue<String, MultipleValues>> {
private ProcessorContext processorContext;
private String stateStoreName;
private KeyValueStore<String, MultipleValues> keyValueStore;
private Cancellable scheduledPunctuator;
public MultipleValuesTransformer(String stateStoreName) {
this.stateStoreName = stateStoreName;
public void init(ProcessorContext processorContext) {
this.processorContext = processorContext;
this.keyValueStore = (KeyValueStore) processorContext.getStateStore(stateStoreName);
scheduledPunctuator = processorContext.schedule(Duration.ofSeconds(30), PunctuationType.WALL_CLOCK_TIME, this::doPunctuate);
public KeyValue<String, MultipleValues> transform(String key, String value) {
MultipleValues itemValueFromStore = keyValueStore.get(key);
if (isNull(itemValueFromStore)) {
itemValueFromStore = MultipleValues.builder().values(Collections.singletonList(value)).build();
} else {
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(itemValueFromStore.getValues());
itemValueFromStore = itemValueFromStore.toBuilder()
if (itemValueFromStore.getValues().size() >= 50) {
processorContext.forward(key, itemValueFromStore);
keyValueStore.put(key, null);
} else {
keyValueStore.put(key, itemValueFromStore);
return null;
private void doPunctuate(long timestamp) {
KeyValueIterator<String, MultipleValues> valuesIterator = keyValueStore.all();
while (valuesIterator.hasNext()) {
KeyValue<String, MultipleValues> keyValue =;
if (nonNull(keyValue.value)) {
processorContext.forward(keyValue.key, keyValue.value);
keyValueStore.put(keyValue.key, null);
public void close() {
and we need to create key-value store, add it to StreamsBuilder, and build KStream flow using transform method
Properties props = new Properties();
Serde<MultipleValues> multipleValuesSerge = Serdes.serdeFrom(new JsonSerializer<>(), new JsonDeserializer<>(MultipleValues.class));
StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
String storeName = "multipleValuesStore";
KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier storeSupplier = Stores.persistentKeyValueStore(storeName);
StoreBuilder<KeyValueStore<String, MultipleValues>> storeBuilder =
Stores.keyValueStoreBuilder(storeSupplier, Serdes.String(), multipleValuesSerge);
builder.addStateStore(storeBuilder);"source", Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()))
.transform(() -> new MultipleValuesTransformer(storeName), storeName)
.print(Printed.<String, MultipleValues>toSysOut().withLabel("transformedMultipleValues"));
KafkaStreams kafkaStreams = new KafkaStreams(, props);
with such approach we used the incoming key for which we did aggregation. if you need to collect messages not by key, but by some message's fields, you need the following flow to trigger rebalancing on KStream (by using intermediate topic):
.transform( ..)
The simplest way might be, to use a stateful transform() operation. Each time you receive a record, you put it into the store. When you have received 50 records, you do your processing, emit output, and delete the records from the store.
To enforce processing if you don't read the limit in a certain amount of time, you can register a wall-clock punctuation.
It seems that there is no need to use Processors or Transformers and transform() to batch events by count. Regular groupBy() and reduce()/aggregate() should do the trick:
KeyValueSerde keyValueSerde = new KeyValueSerde(); // simple custom Serde
final AtomicLong batchCount = new AtomicLong(0L);
.groupBy((k,v) -> KeyValue.pair(k, batchCount.getAndIncrement() / batchSize),
.reduce(this::windowReducer) // <-- how you want to aggregate values in batch
.filter((k,v) -> /* pass through full batches only */)
.selectKey((k,v) -> k.key)
You'd also need to add straightforward Serde for the standard KeyValue<String, Long>.
This option is obviously only helpful when you don't need a "punctuator" to emit incomplete batches on timeout. It also doesn't guarantee the order of elements in the batch in case of distributed processing.
You can also concatenate count to the key string to form the new key (instead of using KeyValue). That would simplify example even further (to using Serdes.String()).

Flink getting past bad messages in Kafka: "poison message"

First time I'm trying to get this to work so bear with me. I'm trying to
learn checkpointing with Kafka and handling "bad" messages, restarting
without losing state.
Use Case:
Use checkpointing.
Read a stream of integers from Kafka, keep a running sum.
If a "bad" Kafka message read, restart app, skip the "bad" message, keep
state. My stream would look something look like this:
I want my app to keep a running sum of the integers it has seen, and restart
if it crashes without losing state, so app behavior/running sum would be:
app crashes and restarts, reads checkpoint
However, I'm finding when my app restarts, it keeps reading the bad "foobar"
message and doesnt get past it. Source code below. The mapper bombs when I
try to parse "foobar" as an Integer.
How can I modify app to get past "poison" message?
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", BROKERS);
properties.setProperty("zookeeper.connect", ZOOKEEPER_HOST);
properties.setProperty("", "consumerGroup1");
FlinkKafkaConsumer08 kafkaConsumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer08<>(topicName,
new SimpleStringSchema(), properties);
DataStream<String> messageStream = env.addSource(kafkaConsumer);
DataStream<Tuple2<String,Integer>> sums = messageStream
.map(new NumberMapper())
private static class NumberMapper implements
MapFunction<String,Tuple2<String,Integer>> {
public Tuple2<String,Integer> map(String input) throws Exception {
return parseData(input);
private Tuple2<String,Integer> parseData(String record) {
String[] tokens = record.toLowerCase().split(",");
// Get Key
String key = tokens[0];
// Get Integer Value
String integerValue = tokens[1];
System.out.println("Trying to Parse=" + integerValue);
Integer value = Integer.parseInt(integerValue);
// Build Tuple
return new Tuple2<String,Integer>(key, value);
You could change the NumberMapper into a FlatMap and filter out invalid elements:
private static class NumberMapper implements FlatMapFunction<String, Tuple2<String, Integer>> {
public void flatMap(String input, Collector<Tuple2<String, Integer>> collector) throws Exception {
Optional<Tuple2<String, Integer>> optionalResult = parseData(input);
private Optional<Tuple2<String, Integer>> parseData(String record) {
String[] tokens = record.toLowerCase().split(",");
// Get Key
String key = tokens[0];
// Get Integer Value
String integerValue = tokens[1];
try {
Integer value = Integer.parseInt(integerValue);
// Build Tuple
return Optional.of(Tuple2.of(key, value));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return Optional.empty();

Avro with Kafka - Deserializing with changing schema

Based on Avro schema I generated a class (Data) to work with the class appropriate to the schema
After it I encode the data and send in to other application "A" using kafka
Data data; // <- The object was initialized before . Here it is only the declaration "for example"
EncoderFactory encoderFactory = EncoderFactory.get();
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BinaryEncoder encoder = encoderFactory. directBinaryEncoder(out, null);
DatumWriter<Tloog> writer;
writer = new SpecificDatumWriter<Data>( Data.class);
writer.write(data, encoder);
byte[] avroByteMessage = out.toByteArray();
On the other side (in the application "A") I deserilize the the data by implementing Deserializer
class DataDeserializer implements Deserializer<Data> {
private String encoding = "UTF8";
public void configure(Map<String, ?> configs, boolean isKey) {
// nothing to do
public Tloog deserialize(String topic, byte[] data) {
try {
if (data == null)
return null;
DatumReader<Tloog> reader = new SpecificDatumReader<Data>( Data.class);
DecoderFactory decoderFactory = DecoderFactory.get();
BinaryDecoder decoder = decoderFactory.binaryDecoder( data, null);
Data decoded =, decoder);
return decoded;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SerializationException("Error when deserializing byte[] to string due to unsupported encoding " + encoding);
The problem is that this approach requires the use of SpecificDatumReader, I.e.the Data class should be integrated with the application code...This could be problematic - schema could change and therefore Data class should be re-generated and integrated once more
2 questions:
Should I use GenericDatumReader in the application? How to do that
correctly. (I can save the schema simply in the application)
Isthere a simple way to work with SpecificDatumReader if Data changes? How could it be integrated with out much trouble?
I use GenericDatumReader -- well, actually I derive my reader class from it, but you get the point. To use it, I keep my schemas in a special Kafka topic -- Schema surprisingly enough. Consumers and producers both, on startup, read from this topic and configure their respective parsers.
If you do it like this, you can even have your consumers and producers update their schemas on the fly, without having to restart them. This was a design goal for me -- I didn't want to have to restart my applications in order to add or change schemas. Which is why SpecificDatumReader doesn't work for me, and honestly why I use Avro in the first place instead of something like Thrift.
The normal way to do Avro is to store the schema in the file with the records. I don't do it that way, primarily because I can't. I use Kafka, so I can't store the schemas directly with the data -- I have to store the schemas in a separate topic.
The way I do it, first I load all of my schemas. You can read them from a text file; but like I said, I read them from a Kafka topic. After I read them from Kafka, I have an array like this:
val schemaArray: Array[String] = Array(
Apologize for the Scala BTW, but it's what I got.
At any rate, then you need to create a parser, and foreach schema, parse it and create readers and writers, and save them off to Maps:
val parser = new Schema.Parser()
val schemas = Map({s => parser.parse(s)}.map(s => (s.getName, s)):_*)
val readers = => (s._1, new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](s._2)))
val writers = => (s._1, new GenericDatumWriter[GenericRecord](s._2)))
var decoder: BinaryDecoder = null
I do all of that before I parse an actual record -- that's just to configure the parser. Then, to decode an individual record I would do:
val byteArray: Array[Byte] = ... // <-- Avro encoded record
val schemaName: String = ... // <-- name of the Avro schema
val reader = readers.get(schemaName).get
decoder = DecoderFactory.get.binaryDecoder(byteArray, decoder)
val record =, decoder)