Reading excel file in sas with date columns - import

I am facing an issue, while importing an excel file into sas environment. So basically in the Excel file there are few columns named as
After using below the code - >
%macro FX_Lkup(sheet);
FILENAME FXFILE "/idn/home/Module2/excel.xlsx";
%mend FX_Lkup;
SAS data print the columns as
and so on.
Does any have solution on that? Any lead would be really appreciated : )
Thanks !

It is correctly imported, SAS uses numbers to store dates. in order to have a date in your final table, you need to declare format = AFRDFDE7. for instance

If you have mixed character and numeric values in the same column then SAS will be forced to create the variable as character. When it does that it stores the number that Excel uses for the date as a string of digits. To convert it to a date in SAS first convert the string of digits to a number and then adjust the number to account for the difference in how SAS and Excel count days.
data want ;
date = input(geography,??32.) + '30DEC1899'd;
format date date9.;
Dates as headers
If your excel file is using dates as column headers then SAS will also convert them to digit strings since variable names are always characters strings, not numbers. One quick way to fix it is to use PROC TRANSPOSE. This will be easy when each row is uniquely identified by the other variables and when all of the "date" variables are numeric.
proc transpose data=LENDING_TEMPLATE out=tall ;
by geography ar_no ;
data tall ;
set tall ;
date = input(_name_ , 32.) + '30DEC1899'd ;
format date date9. ;
drop _name_;
You could stop here as now you have a useful dataset where the date values are in a variable instead of hiding in the metadata (variable name).
To get back to your original wide layout just add another PROC TRANSPOSE and tell it to use DATE as the ID variable.
proc transpose data=tall out=wide ;
by geography ar_no ;
id date;
var col1;

IMPORT is using Excel date valued column headers as Excel epoch date numbers.
Use Proc DATASETS to change the column label, and possibly rename the columns to something generic such as DATE1-DATE6. Or, continue on, and further unpivot the data into a categorical form with columns GEO, AR_NO, DATE, VALUE
You might be asking yourself "Where do those numbers, such as 43131, come from?", or "What is an Excel epoch date number?"
They are unformatted Excel date values. The human readable date represented by a number is determined by a systems epoch, or the date represented by the number 0.
Different systems of time keeping have different epochs (starting points) and time units. Some examples:
21DEC1899 Excel datetime number 0, 1 = 1 day
01JAN1960 SAS date number 0, 1 = 1 day
01JAN1960 SAS datetime number 0, 1 = 1 second
01JAN1970 Unix OS datetime number 0, 1 = 1 second
To convert an Excel date number to a SAS date number you need to subtract 21916, which is the number of days from 31DEC1899 to 01JAN1960
This understanding of date epochs will be used when setting the label of a SAS column and renaming the column.
For others fiddling with code, the following will create an Excel worksheet having Date valued column headers. I speculate such a situation can otherwise arise when importing a worksheet containing an Excel pivot table.
First create some sample SAS data
data demo_tall;
do Geography = 'Mountains', 'Plains';
do AR_NO = 1 to 3;
_n_ = 0;
length label $200;
do label = '31-Jan-18', '28-Feb-18', '31-Mar-18',
'30-Apr-18', '31-May-18', '30-Jun-18'
_n_ + 1;
name = cats('Date',_n_);
value + 1;
proc transpose data=demo_tall out=demo_wide(drop=_name_);
by Geography AR_NO;
var value;
id name;
idlabel label;
Sample SAS data set (pivoted with transpose)
Then create Excel sheet with Excel date valued and formatted column headers
ods noresults;
ods excel file='%TEMP%\across.xlsx' options(sheet_name='Sample');
data _null_;
declare odsout xl();
if 0 then set demo_wide;
length _name_ $32;
* header;
do _n_ = 1 to 100; * 100 column guard;
call vnext(_name_);
if _name_ = '_name_' then leave;
_label_ = vlabelx(_name_);
_date_ = input(_label_, ?? date9.);
* make some header cells an Excel date formatted value;
if missing(_date_) then
style_attr:"width=9em tagattr='type:DateTime format:dd-mmm-yy'"
* data rows;
do _n_ = 1 by 1 while (not lastrow);
set demo_wide end=lastrow;
call missing(_name_);
do _index_ = 1 to 100; * 100 column guard;
call vnext(_name_);
if _name_ = '_name_' then leave;
ods excel close;
ods results;
Excel file created
IMPORT Excel worksheet
Log will show the 'funkiness' of date valued column headers
options msglevel=I;
proc import datafile='%temp%\across.xlsx' dbms=xlsx replace out=want;
sheet = "Sample";
proc contents noprint data=want out=want_meta(keep=name label varnum);
----- LOG -----
1380 proc import datafile='%temp%\across.xlsx' dbms=xlsx replace out=want;
1381 sheet = "Sample";
1382 run;
NOTE: Variable Name Change. 43131 -> _43131
NOTE: Variable Name Change. 43159 -> _43159
NOTE: Variable Name Change. 43190 -> _43190
NOTE: Variable Name Change. 43220 -> _43220
NOTE: Variable Name Change. 43251 -> _43251
NOTE: Variable Name Change. 43281 -> _43281
NOTE: VARCHAR data type is not supported by the V9 engine. Variable Geography has been converted
to CHAR data type.
NOTE: The import data set has 6 observations and 8 variables.
NOTE: WORK.WANT data set was successfully created.
NOTE: PROCEDURE IMPORT used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
Modify the header (metadata) of the imported data set
Date valued column names will be renamed DATE1-DATE6 and the label will be changed to be the corresponding date in SAS format DATE11. (dd-mon-yyyy)
%let renames=;
%let labels=;
data _null_;
length newname $32;
length renames labels $32767;
retain renames labels;
set meta end=lastvar;
date = coalesce(input(label, ?? 5.),1e9) + '31dec1899'd;
if '01jan1980'd < date < today() then do;
index + 1;
newname = cats('DATE',index);
label = quote(trim(put(date,date11.)));
labels = catx(' ', labels, catx('=',name,label));
renames = catx(' ', renames, catx('=',name,newname));
if lastvar;
if not missing(labels) then call symput('labels', trim('LABEL ' || labels));
if not missing(renames) then call symput('renames', trim('RENAME ' || renames));
proc datasets nolist lib=work;
modify want;
%symdel labels renames;
%let syslast = want;
The result, when printed.
Unpivot to a categorical form (tall layout)
proc transpose data=want out=stage1(rename=(col1=value _label_=date_string));
by geography ar_no;
var date:;
label _name_ = ' ';
label date_string = ' ';
data want_tall;
set stage1;
date = input (date_string, date11.);
format date date11.;
keep geography ar_no _name_ date value;


SAS Given a start & end date I need to know the dates of each 30 day period AFTER the first 35 days

I am am given 2 dates, a start date and an end date.
I would like to know the date of the first 35 day period, then each subsequent 30 day period.
I have;
start end
22-Jun-15 22-Oct-15
9-Jan-15 15-May-15
I want;
start end tik1 tik2 tik3 tik4
22-Jun-15 22-Oct-15 27-Jul-15 26-Aug-15 25-Sep-15
9-Jan-15 15-May-15 13-Feb-15 15-Mar-15 14-Apr-15 14-May-15
I am fine with the dates calculations but my real issue is creating a variable and incrementing its name. I decided to include my whole problem because I thought it might be easier to explain in its context.
You can solve the problem via following logic:
1) Determining number of columns to be added.
2) Calculating the values for the columns basis the requirement
data test;
input start end;
informat start date9. end date9.;
format start date9. end date9.;
22-Jun-15 22-Oct-15
09-Jan-15 15-May-15
/*******Determining number of columns*******/
data noc_cal;
set test;
no_of_col = floor((end-start)/30);
proc sql;
select max(no_of_col) into: number_of_columns from noc_cal;
/*******Making an array where 1st iteration(tik1) is increased by 35days whereas others are incremented by 30days*******/
data test1;
set test;
array tik tik1-tik%sysfunc(COMPRESS(&number_of_columns.));
format tik: date9.;
tik1 = intnx('DAYS',START,35);
do i= 2 to %sysfunc(COMPRESS(&number_of_columns.));
tik[i]= intnx('DAYS',tik[i-1],30);
if tik[i] > end then tik[i]=.;
drop i;
Alternate Way (incase you dont want to use proc sql)
data test;
input start end;
informat start date9. end date9.;
format start date9. end date9.;
22-Jun-15 22-Oct-15
09-Jan-15 15-May-15
/*******Determining number of columns*******/
data noc_cal;
set test;
no_of_col = floor((end-start)/30);
proc sort data=noc_cal;
by no_of_col;
data _null_;
set noc_cal;
by no_of_col;
if last.no_of_col;
call symputx('number_of_columns',no_of_col);
/*******Making an array where 1st iteration(tik1) is increased by 35days whereas others are incremented by 30days*******/
data test1;
set test;
array tik tik1-tik%sysfunc(COMPRESS(&number_of_columns.));
format tik: date9.;
tik1 = intnx('DAYS',START,35);
do i= 2 to %sysfunc(COMPRESS(&number_of_columns.));
tik[i]= intnx('DAYS',tik[i-1],30);
if tik[i] > end then tik[i]=.;
drop i;
My output:
> **start |end |tik1 | tik2 |tik3 |tik4**
> 22Jun2015 |22Oct2015 |27Jul2015| 26Aug2015|25Sep2015|
> 09Jan2015 |15May2015 |13Feb2015| 15Mar2015|14Apr2015|14May2015
I tend to prefer long vertical structures. I would approach it like:
data want;
set have;
do while(tik<=end);
format tik mmddyy10.;
If you really need it wide, you could transpose that dataset in a second step.

use a character date string as a date in data step

I have the following two macro variables:
%let start_date = 29MAY2014;
%let end_date = 15JUL2014;
I would like to create a dataset which is a series of dates between these (inclusive.) I cannot change the input format of the macro variables &start_date and &end_date.
I have tried many variations of the following, but SAS spits out an error for each:
data base_dates;
do date = put("&start_date",date9.) to put("&end_date",date9.);
format date date11.;
Any help in this would be much appreciated
Use them as date literals, enclose in quotes and add a d at the end.
Do date = "&start_date"d to "&end_date"d;
It was simple; input() instead of put()
data base_dates;
do date = input("&start_date",date9.) to input("&end_date",date9.);
format date date11.;

How to convert characters to date in SAS proc sql

I have a column of data named yearmonth stored as characters data. I want to convert this column into SAS date in another column with format dd/mm/yyyy.
for example lets say one of the data is 201201. I want to convert it into 15/01/2012. The problem is I can only use the proc sql and unable to changed the data. Anybody can help me with this problem?
This is the one I have done :
INPUT("01/" || substr(t1.Yearmonth, 5,2) ||"/"|| substr(t1.Yearmonth, 1, 4),ddmmyy10.)
Your dataset with character YYYYMM dates:
data input ;
input date $ ;
cards ;
;run ;
You can create a new variable as below:
proc sql ;
create table output as
select date, input(date, yymmn6.)+14 as newdate
from input
;quit ;
You can try the below;
data test;
date_new = input(mydate, ddmmyy10.);
format date_new date10.;

SAS how to change a date format in a where clause

I have some data which has the date stored in the yymmn6. format and others that are stored in the date9. format
I want to do a proc sql statement using the where clause but in order to compare two dates the date9. fields need to be in the yymmd6. format
is there an equivalent of this which can be used in the where clause
proc sql;
select dt format=yymmn6.,
from have;
proc sql;
select *
from have WHERE dt format=yymmn6. = other_date;
A SAS variable formatted as a date is simply a number (representing days since 01JAN1960).
If other_date is also a SAS date value (regardless of format), you don't need to apply a format to either variable.
If other_date is a string representing a date (e.g. 201501), you can apply the format to dt, or input other_date to a SAS date.
/* Apply format to dt to match other_date */
proc sql ;
select *
from have
where put(dt,yymmn6.) = other_date ;
quit ;
/* Be careful here though as 201501 will input as 2015-01-01 */
proc sql ;
select *
from have
where dt = input(other_date,yymm6.) ;
quit ;

removing day portion of date variable for time series SAS

I'm having some frustration with dates in SAS.
I am using proc forecast and am trying make my dates spread evenly. I did some pre-processing wiht proc sql to get my counts by month but my dates are incorrect.
Though my dataset looks good (b/c I used format MONYY.) the actual value of that variable is wrong.
date year month count
Jan10 2010 1 100
Feb10 2010 2 494
The Date value is actually the full SAS representation of the date (18267), meaning that it includes the day count.
Do I need to convert the variable to a string and back to a date or is there a quick proc i can run?
My goal is to use the date variable with proc forecast so I only want Month and year.
Thanks for any help!
You can't define a date variable in SAS (so the number of days passed from 1jan1960) excluding the day.
What you can do is to hide the day with a format like monyy. but the underlying number will always contain that information.
Maybe you can use the interval=month option in proc forecast?
Please add some detail about the problem you're encountering with the forecast procedure.
EDIT: check this example:
data past;
keep date sales;
format date monyy5.;
lu = 0;
n = 25;
do i = -10 to n;
u = .7 * lu + .2 * rannor(1234);
lu = u;
sales = 10 + .10 * i + u;
date = intnx( 'month', '1jul1991'd, i - n );
if i > 0 then output;
proc forecast data=past interval=month lead=10 out=pred;
var sales;
id date;