Enviroment Paths without overwriting String - powershell

I would like to ask question about how I should proceed or how I should fix the code.
My problem is that I need my code to write into the Path three different paths for Logstash, Kibana and ElasticSearch, but I have no idea how to do it. It returns always the same error about missing ")" error
Here's the whole code ¨
[string]$ElasticSearch = "C:\Elastic_Test_Server\elasticsearch\bin"
[string]$Kibana = "C:\Elastic_Test_Server\kibana\bin"
[string]$Logstash = "C:\Elastic_Test_Server\logstash\bin"
#Je potřeba spustit jako Administrátor
$regPath = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
$hklm = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine
Function GetOldPath()
$regKey = $hklm.OpenSubKey($regPath, $FALSE)
$envpath = $regKey.GetValue("Path", "", [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueOptions]::DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames)
return $envPath
# Win32API errory
$NewLocation = $NewLocation.Trim();
If ($NewLocation -eq "" -or $NewLocation -eq $null)
[string]$oldPath = GetOldPath
Write-Verbose "Old Path: $oldPath"
# Zkontroluje zda cesta již existuje
$parts = $oldPath.split(";")
If ($parts -contains $NewLocation)
Write-Warning "The new location is already in the path"
# Nová cesta
$newPath = $oldPath + ";" + $NewLocation
$newPath = $newPath -replace ";;",""
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("%Path%", "Add $NewLocation")){
# Přidá to přítomné session
$env:path += ";$NewLocation"
# Uloží do registru
$regKey = $hklm.OpenSubKey($regPath, $True)
$regKey.SetValue("Path", $newPath, [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::ExpandString)
Write-Output "The operation completed successfully."
Thank you for your help.

I really think you could simplify this a lot, unless I have misunderstood. Apologies, I am not currently on a Windows machine so can't test this.
function Add-ESPath {
# Create an array of the paths we wish to add.
$ElasticSearch = #(
# Collect the current PATH string and split it out in to an array
$CurrentPath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH")
$PathArray = $CurrentPath -split ";"
# Loop though the paths we wish to add.
foreach ($Item in $ElasticSearch) {
if ($PathArray -notcontains $Item) {
$PathArray += $Item
else {
Write-Output -Message "$Item is already a member of the path." # Use Write-Warning if you wish. I see it more as a notification here.
# Set the path.
$PathString = $PathArray -join ";"
Try {
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $PathString)
exit 0
Catch {
Write-Warning -Message "There was an issue setting PATH on this machine. The path was:" # Use $env:COMPUTERNAME here perhaps instead of 'this machine'.
Write-Warning -Message $PathString
Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message
exit 1
Perhaps you want to add some kind of log file rather than writing messages/warnings to the console. You can use Add-Content for this.

I long time ago i wrote some functions to add a path to system path + their is an check if the path is already inside the system path. And i also did an elevation check so when i use this function and i forgot to elevate my powershell that i get a warning. Its a different approach, I hope it will help you.
I only use the begin {} proccess{} statements for when i want to write a function that excepts pipeline inputs. So its if you want to write a function that will work as the following:
$paths = #("C:\Elastic_Test_Server\elasticsearch\bin", "C:\Elastic_Test_Server\kibana\bin")
$paths | my-append-these-to-system-path-function
Elevation check:
function G-AmIelevated($warningMessage){
if([bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match "S-1-5-32-544")){
return $true
write-host "not elevated $warningMessage" -ForegroundColor Red
return $false
append something to system path with check if its already inside system path:
function G-appendSystemEnvironmentPath($str){
if(test-path $str){
if(!((Get-Itemproperty -path 'hklm:\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager\environment' -Name Path) -like "*$str*")){
write-host "`t $str exists...`n adding $str to environmentPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow
write-host `t old: (Get-Itemproperty -path 'hklm:\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager\environment' -Name Path).Path
Set-ItemProperty -path 'hklm:\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager\environment' `
-Name Path `
-Value "$((Get-Itemproperty -path 'hklm:\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager\environment' -Name Path).Path);$str"
write-host `t new: (Get-Itemproperty -path 'hklm:\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager\environment' -Name Path).Path
write-host `t restart the computer for the changes to take effect -ForegroundColor Red
write-host `t `$Env:Path is the merge of System Path and User Path This function set the system path
write-host `t $str appended to environmet variables. -ForegroundColor Green
write-host `t rerun ise in elevated mode -ForegroundColor Red
write-host "`t $str is in system environmenth path"
write-host `t $str does not exist
G-appendSystemEnvironmentPath -str "C:\Elastic_Test_Server\elasticsearch\bin"
G-appendSystemEnvironmentPath -str "C:\Elastic_Test_Server\kibana\bin"
G-appendSystemEnvironmentPath -str "C:\Elastic_Test_Server\logstash\bin"


Need To Install Alien Vault on Client, but Client Window Machines Run PowerShell 2.0. Need to convert to syntax that will work on that machine

Client doesn't want to upgrade, because they don't want anything to
The code that I need to work on their machine is below. Right now
this script will not work because it's made to work for PowerShell 3.0 and above
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://api.agent.alienvault.cloud/osquery-api/us-east-1/bootstrap?flavor=powershell") | iex; install_agent -controlnodeid <Agent ID>
How can this be rewritten to accomplish the same thing?
Now if you know of a simpler way to work around this issue, that will help greatly.
new-module -name install_agent -scriptblock {
function AgentDoStart() {
$kServiceName = "osqueryd"
$osquerydService = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$kServiceName'"
if ($osquerydService) {
Start-Service $kServiceName
Write-Host "'$kServiceName' system service is started." -foregroundcolor Cyan
return 1
} else {
Write-Host "'$kServiceName' is not an installed system service." -foregroundcolor Yellow
return 0
function AgentDoStop() {
$kServiceName = "osqueryd"
$osquerydService = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$kServiceName'"
if ($osquerydService) {
Stop-Service $kServiceName
Start-Sleep -s 1
$proc = Get-Process osqueryd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($proc) {
Write-Host "osqueryd still running, killing processes"
Stop-Process -Force -Name osqueryd
Write-Host "'$kServiceName' system service is stopped." -foregroundcolor Cyan
return 1
} else {
Write-Host "'$kServiceName' is not an installed system service." -foregroundcolor Yellow
return 0
Function Install-Project() {
Install-Project-Internal -apikey $apikey -controlnodeid $controlnodeid -hostid $hostid -assetid $assetid
Write-Host "See install.log for details" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Function Download-And-Install-Sysmon() {
#1. Download Sysmon
$source = "https://download.sysinternals.com/files/Sysmon.zip"
Write-Host "Downloading Sysmon from $source" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$file = "$($env:TEMP)\Sysmon.zip"
Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $file
#2. Clean & Prepare Sysmon installation target
$targetondisk = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Documents\Sysmon\"
Write-Host "Preparing Sysmon target path $($targetondisk)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Remove-Item $targetondisk -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
# Suppress output, but not errors:
[void](New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $targetondisk)
If (-Not (Test-Path -Path $targetondisk)) {
Write-Error "Skipping Sysmon... Destination path $($targetondisk) does not exist."
} Else {
#3. Unzip Sysmon
Unblock-File -Path $file
Write-Host "Uncompressing the Zip file to $($targetondisk)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$FoundExtractionAssembly = 0
try {
# Load preferred extraction method's assembly (.NET 4.5 or later)
# Write-Host "Using preferred extraction method..."
Add-Type -As System.IO.Compression.FileSystem -ErrorAction Stop
$FoundExtractionAssembly = 1
catch [System.Exception] {
# Write-Host "Preferred extraction method not found. Attempting fall-back method..."
If ($FoundExtractionAssembly) {
[IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($file, $targetondisk)
} Else {
# Fall-back method, may fail in sessions lacking access to interactive shell
$continue_flag = 1
try {
$shell_app = New-Object -COMObject "Shell.Application"
} catch {
Write-Error "Could not create Shell.Application object"
$continue_flag = 0
if ($continue_flag) {
$zip_file = $shell_app.namespace($file)
$destination = $shell_app.namespace($targetondisk)
if ($destination -ne $null) {
$destination.Copyhere($zip_file.items(), 0x10)
#3. Download Sysmon Config File
$source = "https://www.alienvault.com/documentation/resources/downloads/sysmon_config_schema4_0.xml"
Write-Host "Downloading Sysmon config file from $source" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$destination = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination
#3. Install Sysmon
Write-Host "Installing Sysmon from $source" -ForegroundColor Cyan
If ( (get-childitem $destination).length -eq 0 ) {
$command = "& '$targetondisk\sysmon' -accepteula -h md5 -n -l -i"
Write-Host "Not using an additional Sysmon configuration file" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Else {
$command = "& '$targetondisk\sysmon' -accepteula -h md5 -n -l -i '$destination'"
Write-Host "Sysmon configuration file to use $destination" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Installing Sysmon with command $command" -ForegroundColor Cyan
iex $command
Function Install-Project-Internal() {
If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {
Write-Error "You do not have Administrator rights to run this script!`nPlease re-run this script as an Administrator!"
If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) {
Write-Error "This script must be run using Powershell version 3 or higher. You have version $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major installed"
$kServiceName = "osqueryd"
$BASE = "$($env:SYSTEMDRIVE)\Program Files\osquery"
$OLDBASE = "$($env:SYSTEMDRIVE)\ProgramData\osquery"
$secretfile = $(Join-Path $BASE "secret")
$flagfile = $(Join-Path $BASE "osquery.flags")
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($hostid)) {
$hostid = $assetid
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($apikey)) {
$apikey = $controlnodeid
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($apikey)) {
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists("$secretfile")) {
$apikey = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("$secretfile").Trim()
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($apikey)) {
# check old location in ProgramData
$oldsecretfile = $(Join-Path $OLDBASE "secret")
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists("$oldsecretfile")) {
$apikey = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("$oldsecretfile").Trim()
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($apikey)) {
Write-Warning "You must supply either the -apikey or -controlnodeid parameters to identify your agent account"
# use TLS 1.2
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
#4. Download and install osquery
try {
} catch {
Write-Error "Did not stop osqueryd service. Hopefully, this is fine."
Write-Host "Downloading installer"
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webclient.DownloadFile("https://prod-usm-saas-agent-config.s3.amazonaws.com/repo/windows/alienvault-agent-20.01.0203.0301.msi", "$env:TEMP\alienvault-agent.msi")
Write-Host "Installing"
try {
Start-Process C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "/i $env:TEMP\alienvault-agent.msi ALLUSERS=1 /qn /l*v .\install.log" -wait
} catch {
# If the install directory doesn't exist, bail
if (![System.IO.Directory]::Exists("$BASE")) {
echo "Installation directory does not exist: $BASE" >> .\install.log
Write-Error "Installation directory does not exist: $BASE"
# $osquerydService = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='osqueryd'"
# if ($osquerydService) {
# Write-Host "Service exists, uninstalling"
# try {
# Stop-Service $kServiceName
# AgentDoStop
# Write-Host "Found '$kServiceName', stopping the system service..."
# Start-Sleep -s 5
# Write-Host "System service should be stopped."
# $osquerydService.Delete()
# Write-Host "System service '$kServiceName' uninstalled." -foregroundcolor Cyan
# } catch {
# Write-Error "Did not uninstall osqueryd service. Hopefully, it's not already installed."
# }
# }
Write-Host "Writing secret"
[IO.File]::WriteAllLines("$secretfile", $apikey)
# if hostid is not specified, try to extract from flag file
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($hostid)) {
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($flagfile)) {
$match = (Select-String -Path $flagfile -Pattern "specified_identifier=(.*)")
if ($match.Matches.Groups.success) {
$hostid = $match.Matches.Groups[1].Value.Trim()
Write-Host "Detected and re-using previously selected host id from ${flagfile}: $hostid"
} else {
Write-Host "Existing host id not found in ${flagfile}"
# if still not found, check old ProgramData location
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($hostid)) {
$oldflagfile = $(Join-Path $OLDBASE "osquery.flags")
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($oldflagfile)) {
$match = (Select-String -Path $oldflagfile -Pattern "specified_identifier=(.*)")
if ($match.Matches.Groups.success) {
$hostid = $match.Matches.Groups[1].Value.Trim()
Write-Host "Detected and re-using previously selected host id from ${oldflagfile}: $hostid"
} else {
Write-Host "Existing host id not found in ${oldflagfile}"
echo "Creating flag file"
copy $BASE\osquery.flags.example $flagfile
Write-Host "Setting host identifier"
# if still no hostid, use generated default
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($hostid)) {
$output = "--tls_hostname=api.agent.alienvault.cloud/osquery-api/us-east-1", "--host_identifier=specified", "--specified_identifier=$hostid"
[IO.File]::AppendAllLines([string]$flagfile, [string[]]$output)
# add customer certs if present
$custpem = "$($env:SYSTEMROOT)\System32\drivers\etc\osquery_customer_certs.pem"
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($custpem)) {
Write-Host "Adding customer certs"
type "$custpem" >> "$BASE\certs\certs.pem"
# start service
if (-NOT (AgentDoStop)) {
Write-Host "Deleting installer"
del $env:TEMP\alienvault-agent.msi
if (($BASE -ne $OLDBASE) -And [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($OLDBASE)) {
Write-Host "renaming old ProgramData/osquery directory"
move "$OLDBASE" "$($OLDBASE).renamed"
set-alias install_agent -value Install-Project
export-modulemember -alias 'install_agent' -function 'Install-Project'
If you remove this from "Function Install-Project-Internal"
If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) {
Write-Error "This script must be run using Powershell version 3 or higher. You have version $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major installed"
Does it work? And if not, what is the error?

Split Powershell script into two separate parts

I've got this script that connects to Sharepoint Online, indexes all the files and folders, downloads them all in a systematic fashion and churns out a .csv with the name of file, folders, size, path, etc.
For various reasons I've ended up in a situation where I've got all the data, but the metadata is corrupted (the .csv file aforementioned).
Unfortunately re running the whole script just for that isn't really an option, as that would require around 90 hours.
I've been trying to break the code down in order to remove the "download files" functions and just keep the part that generates the .csv, but so far without luck.
I've found the Function that seem to be in charge of it (WriteLog), but I'm struggling to separate it from the rest.
P.S. The code is not mine, I've inherited it from a developer I haven't got access to (unfortunately)
Please find the code below:
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false,HelpMessage = "From Date: (dd/mm/yyyy)")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false,HelpMessage = "To Date: (dd/mm/yyyy)")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
) #end param
#Load SharePoint CSOM Assemblies
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\SharePoint Online Management Shell\Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\SharePoint Online Management Shell\Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"
$global:OutFilePath = -join ($csvPath,"\Documents.csv")
$global:OutFilePathError = -join ($csvPath,"\ErrorLog_GetDocuments.csv")
$header = "Title,Type,Parent,Name,Path,FileSize(bytes),Created,Created by,Modified,Modified by,Matterspace title,Matterspace url"
$srcLibrary = "Documents"
$securePassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your password: " -AsSecureString
$credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials ($username,$securePassword)
$sUrl = [System.Uri]$srcUrl
$domainUrl = -join ("https://",$sUrl.Host)
function WriteLog
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $title,$type,$folderName,$name,$path,$fileSize,$created,$createdby,$modifed,$modifiedby,$matterspacetitle,$materspaceUrl
$nowTime = Get-Date -Format "dd-MMM-yy,HH:mm:ss"
$folderName = $folderName.Replace(",","|") ### sometime folder / file name has comma so replace it with something
$name = $name.Replace(",","|")
#$path = $path.Replace(",","|")
$lineContent = "$("$title"),$($type),$($folderName),$($name),$($path),$($fileSize),$($created),$($createdby),$($modified),$($modifiedby),$($matterspacetitle),$($materspaceUrl)"
Add-Content -Path $global:OutFilePath -Value "$lineContent"
#Function to get all files of a folder
Function Get-FilesFromFolder([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Folder]$Folder,$SubWeb,$MTitle)
Write-host -f Yellow "Processing Folder:"$Folder.ServerRelativeUrl
$folderItem = $Folder.ListItemAllFields
#Get All Files of the Folder
$authorEmail = $folderItem["Author"].Title
$editorEmail = $folderItem["Editor"].Title
$filepath = $folderItem["FileDirRef"]
$created = $folderItem["Created"]
$modified = $folderItem["Modified"]
$title = $folderItem["Title"]
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($title))
$title = "Not Specified"
#$fileSize = $fItem["File_x0020_Size"]
$fileName = $Folder.Name
#list all files in Folder
write-host $Folder.Name
$splitString=$Folder.ServerRelativeUrl -split('/')
write-host $splitString.Length
For($i=3; $i -le $splitString.Length;$i++)
if($splitString[$i] -notcontains('.'))
Write-Host $i
Write-Host $splitString[$i]
$dirPath = -join ($folderPath,$dirUrl)
WriteLog $title "Folder" $parentUrl.TrimEnd('\') $fileName $filepath 0 $created $authorEmail $modified $editorEmail $MTitle $SubWeb
write-host $dirPath
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $dirPath))
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dirPath
ForEach ($File in $Folder.files)
$remarkDetail = ""
$replacedUser = ""
$fItem = $File.ListItemAllFields
$authorEmail = $fItem["Author"].Email
$editorEmail = $fItem["Editor"].Email
$filepath = $fItem["FileDirRef"]
$fileSizeBytes = $fItem["File_x0020_Size"];
$fileSize = ($fileSizeBytes) / 1MB
$fileName = $fItem["FileLeafRef"]
$title = $fItem["Title"]
$filecreated = $fitem["Created"]
$fileModified = $fitem["Modified"]
$FileUrl = $fItem["FileRef"]
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($title))
$title = "Not Specified"
#$title,$type, $folderName,$name,$path,$fileSize,$created,$createdby,$modifed,$modifiedby,$matterspacetitle,$materspaceUrl
$dateToCompare = Get-Date (Get-Date -Date $fileModified -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy')
#Get the File Name or do something
if (($dateToCompare -ge $startDate -and $dateToCompare -le $endDate) -or ($startDate -eq $null -and $endDate -eq $null))
$downloadUrl = -join ($dirPath,$File.Name)
$fromfile = -join ($domainUrl,$FileUrl)
Write-Host "Downloading the file from " $fromfile -ForegroundColor Cyan
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webclient.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials ($username,$securePassword)
$ErrorMessage = $ErrorMessage -replace "`t|`n|`r",""
$ErrorMessage = $ErrorMessage -replace " ;|; ",";"
$lineContent = "$($Fname),$($fromfile ),$($ErrorMessage)"
Add-Content -Path $global:OutFilePathError -Value "$lineContent"
Write-Host "Skipping the file and recalling the function" -ForegroundColor Blue
WriteLog $title "File" $Folder.Name $fileName $FileUrl $fileSize $created $authorEmail $modified $editorEmail $MTitle $SubWeb
Write-host -f Magenta $File.Name
Write-Host "Skipping the matterspace :" $title " as the matterspace was not in the date range" -ForegroundColor Blue
$ErrorMessage = $ErrorMessage -replace "`t|`n|`r",""
$ErrorMessage = $ErrorMessage -replace " ;|; ",";"
$lineContent = "$($Fname),$($fromfile ),$($ErrorMessage)"
Add-Content -Path $global:OutFilePathError -Value "$lineContent"
#Recursively Call the function to get files of all folders
#Exclude "Forms" system folder and iterate through each folder
ForEach($SubFolder in $Folder.Folders | Where {$_.Name -ne "Forms"})
Get-FilesFromFolder -Folder $SubFolder -SubWeb $SubWeb -Mtitle $MTitle
Function Get-SPODocLibraryFiles()
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $SiteURL,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $LibraryName
#Setup the context
$Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteURL)
$Ctx.Credentials = $credentials
$srcWeb = $Ctx.Web
$childWebs = $srcWeb.Webs
foreach ($childweb in $childWebs)
#Get the Library and Its Root Folder
#Call the function to get Files of the Root Folder
if($childweb.Url.ToLower() -notlike "*ehcontactus*" -and $childweb.Url.ToLower() -notlike "*ehfaqapp*" -and $childweb.Url.ToLower() -notlike "*ehquicksearch*" -and $childweb.Url.ToLower() -notlike "*ehsiteapps*" -and $childweb.Url.ToLower() -notlike "*ehsitelist*" -and $childweb.Url.ToLower() -notlike "*ehwelcomeapp*" -and $childweb.Url.ToLower() -notlike "*ehimageviewer*")
Get-FilesFromFolder -Folder $Library.RootFolder -SubWeb $childweb.Url -MTitle $childweb.Title
write-host "Skipping the matterpsace as the library does not exists" -ForegroundColor Blue
#Config Parameters
#$SiteURL= "https://impigerspuat.sharepoint.com/sites/ELeave/Eleave1/adminuat#impigerspuat.onmicrosoft.com"
#$securePassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your password: " -AsSecureString
#Call the function to Get All Files from a document library
if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($fromDate)))
$startDate = Get-Date (Get-Date -Date $fromDate -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy')
$startDate = $null;
if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($toDate)))
$endDate = Get-Date (Get-Date -Date $toDate -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy')
$endDate = $null
Get-SPODocLibraryFiles -SiteURL $srcUrl -LibraryName $LibraryName
Have you tried running just that function and giving it the parameters it's requesting in the function?
Copy the code into a WriteLog.ps1 file and then call the script file with the parameters.
Writelog.ps1 $srcUrl $username $fromDate $toDate $folderPath $csvPath
Obviously, inputting data in place of the variables.
FWIW, pulling relevant pieces of code out of someone else's scripts is a great skill to practice. Everything you want to do has been done before, but you might have to break down someone else's work before it fits your exact enviornment.
Unfortunately it looks like you have to do this the old fashion way. The problem is the author is outputting to the log (csv) as the files are being downloaded. As opposed to downloading to a staging area first...
I suggest setting an early break-point in the code then stepping through to see exactly how it's flowing. That should give you a general idea, and enough info to start writing refactored code.
Reverse engineering is always tough, be prepared it will be methodical exercise so say the least.
Bad news: this will be an iterative process, not a single 'solve'. Nothing "wrong" with that code, but there are a few design choices that make this a challenge. It's not indented consistently and it weaves through all the variable assignments in slightly different ways. Looks better than most of my code, I'm just telling you what makes it a challenge.
Good news: At least that WriteLog function is separate. And it's really just adding content to the .csv file defined in this variable assigned here:
$global:OutFilePath = -join ($csvPath,"\Documents.csv")
(line 20 in my copy)
RECOMMENDATION: (this is an approach, just a guide to your final solution)
Take that existing code and drop it in an IDE to help you visually. The Windows Powershell ISE is adequate, but I would highly recommend VSCode.
Comment out that last line:
Get-SPODocLibraryFiles -SiteURL $srcUrl -LibraryName $LibraryName
So you can retain any of the other context from the script you actually want to keep.
Create a separate function named something like:
function Get-FilesFromLocalFolder ($localdir, $SubWeb, $MTitle)
to use instead of the existing function Get-FilesFromFolder. That way you can iterate through whatever directories you need, get the files, and assign variables to pass as parameters. Then when you call WriteLog, it will look very similar. Those last two parameters ($SubWeb, $MTitle) are passed just because WriteLog needs them. You could make them your own labels, or you could remove them and make them optional in WriteLog.
You could start by hard-coding values in each of required parameters for the function, and then run it to see if the output is working.
It will take you some iterations (agree with #Steven) and it is definitely a valuable exercise (agree with #TheIdesOfMark). :)

Catch Exception from replace method in powershell v5

I am trying to write a script to find and replace a string in a file. How do I catch an exception if the script fails to replace the string for some reason and log it in an external file? Here is what I have so far.
Write-Host "Checking Execution Policy"
$currentExecutionPolicy = Get-ExecutionPolicy
if( $currentExecutionPolicy -eq "RemoteSigned")
Write-Host "Execution policy check passed"
"Setting Execution policy to RemoteSigned as per https://msdn.microsoft.com/powershell/reference/5.1/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/about/about_Execution_Policies"
Set-ExecutionPolicy Remotesigned
Write-Host "Starting Script"
#Recurse through all the file shares and find the file.
$rootPath='\\do.main.name\shared\Information Technology\IT\u.name'
$hotspotFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $rootPath -Recurse -Include "hotspot.mac"
Write-Host "Found file" $hotspotFile
$logstring = "Found file" + $hotspotFile
WriteLog $logstring
(Get-Content $hotspotFile).Replace("olddomain.com","do.main.name") | Set-Content $hotspotFile
Write-Host "Failed to replace string -" $file
$logstring = "Failed to replace string -" + $file
WriteLog $logstring
$Logfile = "F:\u.name\Documents\Logs\SCR_To_Find_And_Replace_Old_Domain_String.log"
Function WriteLog
Param ([string]$logstring)
Add-content $Logfile -value $logstring
Per the comments, I think a failed replace does not generate an exception so you can't use try catch.
Instead you could use an if test, e.g.:
If ($hotspotfile -notcontains "do.main.name") { }
Or test the file for the presence of the old string. You'd probably be wise to also put in an earlier if statement testing if the string was present in the file in the first place and skipping the replace and check if it wasn't.

Script Complains that File Cannot be Found When not Looking for it

I have the below function running in a logon script, which checks whether the user has the current version of IT Self Help.exe. If the current version is not present, then it should be copied onto the desktop from the $appsource folder:
function UrgentSupportApp {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
trap {Log-Error $_ $MyInvocation.MyCommand; Return}
$desktop = $env:USERPROFILE + '\Desktop\'
$apptarget = $desktop + 'IT Self Help.exe'
$appsource = '\\file\Administration\Unused\Apps\IT Support App\IT Self Help.exe'
# Remove the old version of the app "IT Help Request.exe"
$oldapps = Get-ChildItem $desktop -Filter *"Help Request.exe"
if ($oldapps.count -gt 0) {Remove-Item $oldapps.PSPath -Force}
# Copy the new version over if it is not already present
$currentversion = (Get-Command $appsource).FileVersionInfo.FileVersion
if (Test-Path $apptarget) {
if ((Get-Command $apptarget).FileVersionInfo.FileVersion -ne $currentversion) {
Copy-Item $appsource $desktop -Force ##### Line 981 #####
} else {
Copy-Item $appsource $desktop -Force
function Log-Error {
param (
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
trap {Log-Error $_ $MyInvocation.MyCommand; Return}
$filename = "\\file\administration\Unused\LogonScriptErrors\$username - $sub - $computername - $(Get-Date -Format ddMMyyyy-HHmmss).log"
New-Item $filename -ItemType File -Value "Message: `r`n`t $($error.Exception.Message) `r`n `r`nPosition: `r`n`t $($error.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage) `r`n `r`nSub: `r`n`t $sub `r`n `r`nDetail: `r`n`t $detail"
For a couple of users, I am seeing this error come through on line 981, char 22 (see the comment above):
Could not find file 'C:\Users\USER.NAME\Desktop\IT Self Help.exe'.
At \\DC\NETLOGON\mainlogon.ps1:981 char:22
+ Copy-Item <<<< $appsource $desktop -Force
The file clearly can be found, as it made it through the fisrt If condition If (Test-Path $apptarget).
If the file couldn't be found, why would the script complain on that line, where we are not even looking for it?
What is this error trying to tell me? If the file could not be found, surely the script would just continue into the Else statement

Get an progress output for Export-VM

I recently created a script that's able to create a chosen number of Hyper-V VMs from a "template", by exporting one VM and import it with different ids and names.
Everything is working smoothly, but the export takes quite some time. Is there any way to get an progress output from the export-vm? If I look in the hyper-v command center, I see that my VM is exported after i started the script, and it has a progress value, too, so somehow there seems to be a way to get the current progress...
It would also be nice to have a progress output for Import-VM, too, but that's not really important.
If you are interested, here is my current script. I know that the hard-coded paths and other ascpects aren't really nice, so please don't tell me anything about code style or something like this. First comes a working script, then comes nice code.
[int]$Anzahl = 0,
[string]$BasisVM = 'Schulung',
[string]$ExportDir = 'C:\VMConf\Export\',
[string]$ExportConf = 'Schulung\Virtual Machines\0D444AF2-3E63-4ACF-867E-34440AA99C42.xml',
[string]$VMDir = 'C:\VMs\',
[string]$VMNamePrefix = 'Schulung'
if ($Anzahl -eq 0) {
$Anzahl = Read-Host "Bitte Anzahl der benötigten VMs eingeben"
"`nStarte Export der Vorlage..."
if (-Not(Test-Path $ExportDir)) {
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $ExportDir | out-null
Export-VM -Name $BasisVM -Path $ExportDir
if (Test-Path $VMDir) {
$err = $null
$i = 1
while (-not($err)) {
if ($i -gt 1) {
"Alte VM Nummer $($i - 1) wurde gelöscht."
Remove-VM -Name $($VMNamePrefix + ("{0:D2}" -f $i)) -Force -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -r $VMDir | out-null
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $VMDir | out-null
"`n$Anzahl VMs werden erstellt..."
for ($i=1; $i -le $Anzahl; $i++) {
"`tErstelle VM Nummer $i..."
$name = ($VMNamePrefix + ("{0:D2}" -f $i))
$path = ($VMDir + $name)
$VM = Import-VM -Path $($ExportDir + $ExportConf) -VhdDestinationPath $($path + "/Virtual Hard Discs") -VirtualMachinePath $path -Copy -GenerateNewId
Rename-VM -VM $VM -NewName $name
"`t$VM Nummer $i wurde erzeugt."
if (Test-Path $ExportDir) {
Remove-Item -r $ExportDir | out-null
You could start the export (and even imports) as a background job and then log the progress of the job. Sample code:
$ExportJob = Export-VM -Name $BasisVM -Path $ExportDir -AsJob;
while( $ExportJob.State -eq "Running" -or $ExportJob.State -eq "NotStarted")
Write-Output ("[Export] " + $($ExportJob.Progress.PercentComplete) + "% complete");
if($ExportJob.State -ne "Completed")
Write-Error ("Export Job did not complete: " +$ExportJob.State);
throw $ExportJob.Error;