Filter collapse issue on small screens - laravel-backpack

I am using Backpack for Laravel v4.1.10.
After the upgrade from v.4.0 the filter collapse button in small screens stopped working.
On button click my console error is:
TypeError: can't convert n to string
on the following line of bundle.js (line 9920 expanded):
if (!i && o.toggle && /show|hide/.test(n) && (o.toggle = !1), i || (i = new t(this, o),'bs.collapse', i)), 'string' == typeof n)
Other info: php v7.3.9, Laravel v.7.16.1
Apparently it is not a framework bug as it is not existent in the live demo of backpack.
Any feedback to troubleshoot the issue is very welcome.

I fixed the issue by replacing the bundle.js file with the one provided in the official repository of backpack. Maybe it had not been updated at the version upgrade although I cannot fathom a reason for that.


TYPO3 throws Error after Updating to 11.5.16 and PHP 8.1 (get_class_methods(): Argument #1

After Updating from TYPO3 9.5.x LTS and PHP 7.4 to TYPO3 11.5.16 and PHP 8.1 I am getting this error:
get_class_methods(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be an object or a valid class name, string given
I know it's about my Extension (when I disable it the Error disappears), but the further debug Information I are not helping me:
in /html/typo3/typo3_src-11.5.16/typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Mvc/ExtbaseRequestParameters.php line 302
// todo: this is nonsense! We can detect a non existing method in
// todo: \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin, if necessary.
// todo: At this point, we want to have a getter for a fixed value.
$actionMethodName = $this->controllerActionName . 'Action';
$classMethods = get_class_methods($controllerObjectName);
if (is_array($classMethods)) {
foreach ($classMethods as $existingMethodName) {
if (strtolower($existingMethodName) === strtolower($actionMethodName)) {
$this->controllerActionName = substr($existingMethodName, 0, -6);
I couldn't find anything searching github, stackoverflow or the web. Anyone else had the same problem or knows where this could come from?
Right after this Post, it came to my Mind to change the PHP Version back to 7.4. With PHP 7.4 I've got a different Error Message ("Class does not exist. Reflection failed.") which leads me to:
I made the Mistake to Register Plugin With VendorName. Just in case anyone else does it the same way, I've written this answer and would like to keep this Post.

How to replace deprecated SOBE Code in TYPO3 10.4

I inherited an old TYPO3 Extension using SOBE. As far as I unterstand it's deprecated, but it seems there is no documentation on how to replace it.
The Extension is using Backend Forms and the following line is throwing an error:
if (is_array($GLOBALS['SOBE']->editconf['tt_content']) && reset($GLOBALS['SOBE']->editconf['tt_content']) === 'new') {
The error is:
Cannot access protected property TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\EditDocumentController::$editconf
The Var $GLOBALS['SOBE'] is still there, and there is also editconf, but it's not working.
How can I replace this code or rewrite it?
The SOBE object is part by part removed since years. As there are multiple ways for using it - see - you may need to take a closer look what is the exact part of replacing this code.
I would guess you can see more at

TS2339: Property 'application' does not exist on type 'RequestContext' MS word addin

This is driving me mad - i am developing what i thought was a simple addin for MS word using React and office JS.
I am loading in my app, I have a working manifest and can sideload the app which renders as expected, until i try to create my word interactivity. I have fallen on the first hurdle, i need my addin to get a docx document, and then load - which should be possible using createDocument(base64) then load.
my problem is that: context => {
var MyDoc = context.application.createDocument(getMyDocument());
.catch(function (error) {
console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
console.log('Debug info: ' + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));
fails to compile with the error TS2339: Property 'application' does not exist on type 'RequestContext'.
however I can refer to context.document which will compile and add in paragraphs of text. I do not know where im going wrong at all.
Office version is Mac 2016 16.2 (181125) so should easily accept Word 1.3 API which has the functionality.
Googling has given no meaningful results which suggests its something i have missed rather than a common mistake.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have finally resolved this issue, it is down to the react library #types/office-js being out of date. The add-in was created using yeoman generator, and the #types/office-js had a version of 0.051^. I changed the package in packages.json and ran npm install to update to the latest (0.0170 at time of writing), which includes the contexts to work with the later versions of the word API, including createDocument and this worked.

capybara: mysterious 'element at X no longer present in the DOM'

I have written cucumber test scenario's that are tested with webkit and a firefox driver. In firefox the tests all pass, but with webkit one of them fails with error
Element at 40 no longer present in the DOM (Capybara::Webkit::NodeNotAttachedError)
/home/r/project/share/support/actions.rb:64:in `block (2 levels) in follow_link_in_new_tab'
/home/r/project/duplo/share/support/actions.rb:10:in `with_scope'................
This happens during the execution of a routine that is triggered by test step 'When I follow "Linkname". Strangely enough, most of the times this code works perfect, but in one case I get this 'no longer present error'.
The routine performs this:
res = find( 'a', text: text, visible: true)
if ((res[:target] || '') == '_blank')
#win = window_opened_by { }
I found out that if I change this to
find( 'a', text: text, visible: true).click
the message disappears and the scenario passes the test. Who can help me understanding what can be the problem here. Why is this failing when the find result is assigned to a variable and why is it only failing in only few situations?
I use ruby 2.4.0 and capybara-webkit 1.2.0
thanks, Ruud
You don't indicate exactly which line is generating the error (which one is line 64), however the error indicates that you're still using an element after it has been removed from the page, either by JS deleting the element or a new page being loaded.
Additionally the visible: true option really shouldn't be needed since that is normally the default value for the visible option (unless you've changed it which is a terrible idea when testing software, not as bad if just scraping sites)
Also - capybara-webkit 1.2.0 was released in July 2014 -- You REALLY want to update that to the latest release if you're testing anything even slightly modern, as well as probably updating your ruby to at least the latest 2.4.x release.

JQuery selector for href

I was using with jquery version 1.8.2
var hasContainerTab = $("#tabs").find("a[href='#container'").length == 1;
I upgraded jquery to 1.12.4. Now that statement is failing saying
unrecognized expression: a[href='#container'
I referred different blogs like ( around this, but I could not find a fix.
Can any one tell me how to re-write the statement as per the new version?
Your selector is incorrect, since it misses the closing bracket ]. Use:
var hasContainerTab = $("#tabs").find("a[href='#container']").length == 1;