Can I interact with fiddler using C++ - fiddler

Does Fiddler4 have any API, or any type of scripting language I could then execute on fiddler?
I'm thinking about using basic features such as a breakpoint on a certain file(That I can do on the QuickExec console normally) and automate that. Or something that resembles to fiddlercore.
Thanks in advance.


Command Line like Django Command in Play Framework

I want to make a Java function in Play Framework Project, and want to execute it in terminal like Django command, my purpose is to run it in cron after ready.
Is it possible to do that? I'm sorry, maybe it rather sound silly, but I'm not a java developer, I'm python/Django developer and requested to help another team. Thanks anyway.
As play strongly supports RESTful approaches to development, you should simply be able to call your Play action via a well defined URL, and then use CURL to call your action via that URL.
However, you could also use the concept of Jobs in Play. Play jobs was designed to give CRON like functionality within your applications without needing to rely on external scheduling mechanisms.

SOAP web service UI

I need to interface a SOAP web service and, for demonstration purposes, I also need to show the API functionality in a graphical user interface.
I would like this interface to be simple, sleek and nice looking.
What's the best technology to create this UI? I'm familiar with Java, Javascript, CSS, HTML, XML, PHP, etc..
Well, there is are a bunch of different options. You can create an application from scratch using the technologies above.
I personally recommend the playframework at, it provides a lightweight and easy to use Web Service API.
See for details.
PHP is also a very good option, but I think you will get up to speed faster with Play.
Node.js is another excellent option...
Not sure how far you need to go with your UI, if it's just a matter of showing the message being sent and the answer, SOAPui may be enough, there is osx SOAP Client and REST client for mac.

Abstraction layer between iphone and database

I've built a backend in python that posts data to the database. I want a layer of abstraction, so I thought that the best thing to do was to call a python function from objective-c. The python function would then post to the database. How can this be done?
You'll need to access the Python function via a web server (potentially using an intermediate scripting language to call the Python script). You can read more about this via
Being honest, it may prove to be less hassle to simply use a more common web scripting language (i.e.: not Python) if this is an option.
Moving on, in terms of the iPhone-side activity, you'll need to :
Ensure there's a network connection available to the remote site in question. (There's a plethora of questions here on Stack Overflow, such as: Determining Internet Availability on iPhone?)
Open a request to the remote web server.
The NSURLRequest class should be ideal for this.
Handle the results of the above correctly.

Open Source Secure Sockets Framework

I am looking for an open source framework to build a proprietary protocol onto (Agent/Client talks to a Receiver/Server that stuffs things into a SQL database).
I need session handling (ie login/logout) and some kind of encryption.
I found the Spread Framework which looks great, but does not appear to support authentication or encryption of any kind out of the box.
My preferred language is C, C++, Python, or Perl.
Anyone know of anything off hand? Hoping for something to be out there to save me time rather than doing it the hard way all in *nix sockets ;)
Thanks in advance!
Why not use libcurl, as it can do SSL.
DJango and DJango ORM, or SQLAlchemy combinations can be a good start. A python base framework and ORM.
Since you are working at the socket level, I assume that you are trying to write an application from the ground up. Or are you trying to run within an existing web server?
Could you use lighttpd with HTTPS & mod_cgi? This isn't really a framework, per se, but it would keep your application portable to other infrastructures.
On the server side, CGI::Session could take care of the session management. Authentication could be done using mod_auth.
Why not use SSL/TLS? On the client you can use libcurl, which works with C, C++, Python, and Perl. On the server, use Apache, lightttp etc, with cgi or your favorite language. You can use mutual authentication to ensure verify the identify of both the client and server, as well as provided an encrypted channel.

How to use a proxy with Google Web Toolkit

I am writing an application using GWT on Windows that needs to do some network calls.
I know that if these aren't to the same machine I'm developing on I need to setup a proxy, right?
I was just wondering if anyone could help with what my GWT code would look like?
What proxy should I use on Windows?
If you're simply requesting data from a RESTful service from a different domain, you can use JSONP (
If you're trying to post data, you'd have to perform the network calls on the server side. (There are some hackish ways to try to submit via a hidden iframe, but they're non-standard). What this means is that you simply invoke a method on your server which does the network call (see
If you mean Google Web Toolkit, and you're trying to evade cross-domain scripting restrictions, check out Yahoo's how-to guide. There's even PHP sample code.
Why not perform the network calls in server side? That way you are not restricted to cross domain restrictions.
I think this is what you are looking for: