Minizinc Objective Function For Gaps in Schedule - minizinc

I have a working Miniznic model to schedule individual lessons of 1 professor having n students (Optimization Problem of a Single Lessons Scheduling Model). The model considers availability (hard constraint)
and the time preferences (objective function) of the professor as well
as of the students.
Now, I want to extend the model and optimize the schedule such that
gaps between lessons are minimized.
Schedule : p L p p L L . . p p L L p L L p L p p . L p L L . L p L
Real Gaps : . L p p L L . . . . L L p L L p L . . . L p L L . L p L
`p` = 0 == Teacher available, but no Lesson
`L` = 1 == Teacher gives lesson (to student)
`.` = -1 == Teacher not available
Obviously, the p in slot 1 must not be counted as a gap. Similarly,
slots 9 and 10 are no gaps, neither. Eliminating all false gaps, the
Schedule should finally look like the Real Gaps array (Note: false gaps are marked with .; the same as not available).
The result would be a gap array [2, 1, 1, 1, 1] (for each gap showing the number of slots it lasts). Based on such an array one could then e.g. formulate an objective to minimize the overall gap slots.
In ruby I was able to formulate an algorithm that does what I want:
def gap_array(schedule_arr)
# initialize variables
start_search = false # flag for break start
break_slots = 0 # counter of break slots
res_arr = [] # resulting array
schedule_arr.each do |slot|
if slot == 1 # start watching for break
start_search = true
if start_search
if slot == 0 # == break
break_slots += 1
elsif slot == 1 # == consecutive lesson slot
if break_slots > 0 # number of break_slots > 0
break_slots = 0
else # == not available
break_slots = 0 # any break so far is discarded
start_search = false
return res_arr
How can I formulate such an algorithm in Minizinc?

One way to this in MiniZinc would be to extend the model at Optimization Problem of a Single Lessons Scheduling Model in the following way:
Initially calculate teacher_free as the slots where the teacher is not available combined with adjacent slots where no lesson takes place (this is done in two steps, going from the left teacher_free_left and the right teacher_free_right, respectively, and then combining the results to form teacher_free).
In the next step the real_gap is calculated as slots where the teacher is not free and no lesson takes place.
In the objective a penalty term for real_gap is then introduced like (k2 being the gap penalty weight):
int: k2 = 1;
var int: obj = sum(s in STUDENT, t in TIME)
(active[s,t] * (prio_time[s,t] + k*prioTeacher_time[t])) - k2*sum(real_gap);
Here all the other extensions to the model (with some further comments):
array[DAY,SLOT] of var 0..1: lesson = array2d(DAY, SLOT, [sum(s in STUDENT)(active[s,time(d,z)]) | d in DAY, z in SLOT]);
array[DAY,SLOT] of var 0..1: teacher_free_left;
array[DAY,SLOT] of var 0..1: teacher_free_right;
array[DAY,SLOT] of var 0..1: teacher_free;
array[DAY,SLOT] of var 0..1: real_gap;
predicate equals_and(var 0..1: z, var 0..1: x, var 0..1: y) =
(z <= x /\ z <= y /\ z >= x + y - 1);
predicate equals_or(var 0..1: z, var 0..1: x, var 0..1: y) =
(z >= x /\ z >= y /\ z <= x + y);
% calculate teacher free left
% first slot -> teacher free = no lesson in the slot
% other slots -> teacher free = teacher out or (left slot teacher free and no lesson in slot)
array[DAY,SLOT] of var 0..1: teacher_free_left_temp;
constraint forall(d in DAY)
constraint forall(d in DAY, z in 2..maxSlots)
(equals_and(teacher_free_left_temp[d,z], teacher_free_left[d,z-1], 1-lesson[d,z]));
constraint forall(d in DAY, z in SLOT)
(equals_or(teacher_free_left[d,z], 1 - bool2int(z in teacher[d]), teacher_free_left_temp[d,z]));
% calculate teacher free right
% last slot -> teacher free = no lesson in the slot
% other slots -> teacher free = teacher out or (right slot teacher free and no lesson in slot)
array[DAY,SLOT] of var 0..1: teacher_free_right_temp;
constraint forall(d in DAY)
constraint forall(d in DAY, z in 1..maxSlots-1)
(equals_and(teacher_free_right_temp[d,z], teacher_free_right[d,z+1], 1-lesson[d,z]));
constraint forall(d in DAY, z in SLOT)
(equals_or(teacher_free_right[d,z], 1 - bool2int(z in teacher[d]), teacher_free_right_temp[d,z]));
% teacher free when teacher free left or teacher free right
constraint forall(d in DAY, z in SLOT)
(equals_or(teacher_free[d,z], teacher_free_left[d,z], teacher_free_right[d,z]));
% real gap when teacher not free and no lesson
constraint forall(d in DAY, z in SLOT)
(equals_and(real_gap[d,z], 1-teacher_free[d,z], 1-lesson[d,z]));


Construct a Matlab array through nested loops

Suppose I have three matrices A_1, A_2, A_3 each of dimension mxn, where m and n are large. These matrices contain strictly positive numbers.
I want to construct a matrix check of dimension mx1 such that, for each i=1,...,m:
check(i)=1 if there exists j,k such that
A_1(i,1)+A_2(j,1)+A_3(k,1)<=quantile(A_1(i,2:end)+A_2(j,2:end)+A_3(k,3:end), 0.95)
In my case m is large (m=10^5) and n=500. Therefore, I would like your help to find an efficient way to do this.
Below I reproduce an example. I impose m smaller than in reality and report my incomplete and probably inefficient attempt to construct check.
rng default
for i=1:m
for j=1:m
for k=1:m
if A_1(i,1)+A_2(j,1)+A_3(k,1)<=quantile(A_1(i,2:end)+A_2(j,2:end)+A_3(k,2:end), 0.95)
Given a scalar x and a vector v the expression x <=quantile (v, .95) can be written as sum( x > v) < Q where Q = .95 * numel(v) *.
Also A_1 can be splitted before the loop to avoid extra indexing.
Moreover the most inner loop can be removed in favor of vectorization.
Af_1 = A_1(:,1);
Af_2 = A_2(:,1);
Af_3 = A_3(:,1);
As_1 = A_1(:,2:end);
As_2 = A_2(:,2:end);
As_3 = A_3(:,2:end);
Q = .95 * (n -1);
for i=1:m
for j=1:m
if any (sum (Af_1(i) + Af_2(j) + Af_3 > As_1(i,:) + As_2(j,:) + As_3, 2) < Q)
check(i) = 1;
More optimization can be achieved by rearranging the expressions involved in the inequality and pre-computation:
lhs = A_3(:,1) - A_3(:,2:end);
lhsi = A_1(:,1) - A_1(:,2:end);
rhsj = A_2(:,2:end) - A_2(:,1);
Q = .95 * (n - 1);
for i=1:m
LHS = lhs + lhsi(i,:);
for j=1:m
if any (sum (LHS > rhsj(j,:), 2) < Q)
check(i) = 1;
Note that because of the method that is used in the computation of quantile you may get a slightly different result.
Option 1:
Because all numbers are positive, you can do some optimizations. 95 percentile will be only higher if you add A1 to the mix - if you find the j and k of greatest 95 percentile of A2+A3 on the right side compared to the sum of the first 2 elements, you can simply take that for every i.
maxDif = -inf;
for j = 1 : m
for k = 1 : m
newDif = quantile(A_2..., 0.95) - A_2(j,1)-A_3(k,1);
maxDif = max(newDif, maxDif);
If even that is too slow, you can first get maxDifA2 and maxDifA3, then estimate that maxDif will be for those particular j and k values and calculate it.
Now, for some numbers you will get that maxDif > A_1, then the check is 1. For some numbers you will get that maxDif + quantile(A1, 0.95) < A_1, here check is 0 (if you estimated maxDif by separate calculation of A2 and A3 this isn't true!). For some (most?) you will unfortunately get values in between and this won't be helpful at all. Then what remains is option 2 (it is also more straightforward):
Option 2:
You could save some time if you can save summation A_2+A_3 on the right side, as that calculation repeats for every different i, but that requires A LOT of memory. But quantile is the more expensive operation anyway, so you aren't saving a lot of time. Something along the lines of
for j = 1 : m
for k = 1 : m
A23R(j,k,:) = A2(j,:)+A3(k,:); % Unlikely to fit in memory.
Then you can perform your loops, using A23R and avoiding to repeat that sum for every i.

Optimization Problem of a Single Lessons Scheduling Model

I've written a Minizinc-Model that allows a teacher to schedule single lessons of his students. Teacher and students can prioritize their available time slots (prioTeacher, respectively prio).
The model works fine for simple and small input sets, but with a realistic set of input data, i.e. 3 days, each having 44 time slots (== 15 minutes) and 11 students, didn't find the optimal solution after more than 24 hours.
Model (stupla-prio.mzn)
% enum of presence days
enum DAY;
int: num_days = card(DAY);
% maximal duration of a lessons
int: maxDur;
% maximal numbers of slots per Day;
int: maxSlots;
set of int: SLOT = 1..maxSlots;
set of int: SLOTx = 0..maxSlots;
% number of students
int: n;
set of int: STUDENT = 1..n;
array[DAY] of set of SLOT: teacher;
array[STUDENT,DAY] of set of SLOT: feasible;
array[STUDENT] of 1..maxDur: lessonDuration;
array[STUDENT,DAY,SLOT] of 0..3: prio;
array[DAY,SLOT] of 0..3: prioTeacher;
% Factor for weighting: obj = obj_stud + k * obj_teacher
int: k;
% decision VARIABLES
% array[STUDENT,DAY] of var 0..maxSlots: start_slot;
array[STUDENT,DAY] of var SLOTx: start_slot;
array[STUDENT,DAY] of var SLOTx: end_slot;
% 2d-array that stores for each d (in DAYS) and each SLOT
% the STUDENT or
% 0 if it is not allocated or
% -1 the teacher is available neither
array[SLOT,DAY] of var -1..n: schedule;
% -----------------------------------------------------------
% 1. For each student 'start_slot' must be in 'feasible'
constraint forall(s in STUDENT, d in DAY where start_slot[s,d] > 0)(
start_slot[s,d] in feasible[s,d] );
% 2. For each student 'end_slot' = 'start_slot' + lessonDuration - 1
constraint forall(s in STUDENT, d in DAY)(
if start_slot[s,d] > 0 then
end_slot[s,d] = start_slot[s,d] + lessonDuration[s] - 1
end_slot[s,d] = 0
% 3. All slot between 'start_slot' and 'end_slot' must be in 'feasible'
constraint forall(s in STUDENT, d in DAY where start_slot[s,d] > 0)(
forall(j in 1..lessonDuration[s]-1) ( start_slot[s,d] + j in feasible[s,d] )
% 4. make sure each student has exactly 1 lesson
constraint forall(s in STUDENT)( sum([start_slot[s,d] > 0| d in DAY]) = 1);
% 5. link 'schedule' to 'start_slot' and 'end_slot'
constraint forall(s in STUDENT, d in DAY, z in SLOT) (
(z in feasible[s,d] /\ z >= start_slot[s,d] /\ z <= end_slot[s,d])
<-> schedule[z,d] = s
% 6. mark empty slots for teacher
constraint forall(d in DAY, z in SLOT)(
(z in teacher[d] /\ schedule[z,d] = -1) -> schedule[z,d] = 0 );
% objective function students
var int: obj_stud;
constraint obj_stud = sum([prio[schedule[z,d],d,z]|
d in DAY, z in SLOT where schedule[z,d] > 0]);
% objective function teacher
var int: obj_teacher;
constraint obj_teacher = sum([prioTeacher[d,z]|
d in DAY, z in SLOT where schedule[z,d] > 0]);
%solve satisfy;
solve :: int_search( [start_slot[s,d] |s in STUDENT, d in DAY], first_fail, indomain, complete) maximize (obj_stud + k * obj_teacher);
output [
% "start_slot =\n" ++ show2d(start_slot) ++ "\n" ++
% "end_slot = " ++ show2d(end_slot) ++ "\n" ++
% " teacher = " ++ show(teacher) ++ ";\n" ++
% " feasible = " ++ show2d(feasible) ++ "\n" ++
% "schedule = \n" ++ show2d(schedule) ++ ";\n" ++
% " - "
" Slot# ||"] ++
[ " \(d) |" | d in DAY ] ++
"| obj = " ++ show(obj_stud + k * obj_teacher) ++
" [teacher=\(obj_teacher), " ++
"stud=\(obj_stud), k=\(k)]" ] ++
[ "\n -------++"] ++
[ "-------+" | d in DAY ] ++
["+\n"] ++
if d = 1 then show_int(5,z) ++ " ||" else "" endif ++
show_int(4,schedule[z,d]) ++ " |" ++
if d = num_days then "|\n" else "" endif | z in SLOT, d in DAY
] ++ [ " -------++"] ++
[ "-------+" | d in DAY ]
++ ["+\n"]
example 1 (works fine)
DAY = {Mon, Wed};
maxSlots = 14; % == 30 minutes slot duration
teacher = [ {1,2,3,4,5,6},
n = 4;
lessonDuration = [2,1,1,3];
maxDur = 3;
feasible = array2d(1..n, DAY, [
{1,2,3,4,5,6}, {6},
{1,2,3}, {}, % Stud2: Day1, Day2
{1}, {13,14}, % Stud3: Day1, Day2
{3,4,5}, {11,12,13,14}]);
prio = array3d(1..n,DAY,1..maxSlots, [
% Stud1
% Stud2
% Stud3
% Stud4
0,0,1,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ,
k = 10;
prioTeacher = array2d(DAY,1..maxSlots, [
% Example 1:
% morning muffel, and break
% 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,1,1,3,3,3,3,3,
% 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,1,1,3,3,3,3,3,]);
% Example 2:
% early bird
Example 2 (takes verrry long...)
% Datafile
% Available week days
DAY = {Mon, Tue, Wed};
% Number of maximal slots per day, == 15 minutes slots
maxSlots = 44;
% Number of students
n = 11;
% Weighting factor
k = 1;
lessonDuration = [3,3,2,3,3,3,3,3,6,4,2];
maxDur = 6;
teacher = [ {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44},
% feasible time slots (teacher and students intersected)
feasible = array2d(1..n, DAY, [
% IH
{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, {}, {1,2,3,4,37,38,39,40,41,42,43},
% MM
{11,12,13,14,15,16,28,29,30,31}, {7,8,9,10,11}, {},
% NW
{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42}, {}, {1,2,3,4,5,6,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42},
% RD
{7,8,9,10,11,12,40,41,42}, {13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,34,35,36,37,38}, {},
% MS
{7,8,9,10,11,12,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42}, {35,36,37,38,39,40}, {},
% SB
{}, {1,2,3,4,5,6}, {8,9,10,11,12},
% SO
{}, {}, {6,7,8,9,10,11,12,36,37,38,39,40,41,42},
% CT
{}, {}, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12},
% AG
{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44}, {9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28}, {},
% SS
{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44}, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44}, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44},
% RF
{25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42}, {}, {33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42}
% Prioririties of Teacher
prioTeacher = array2d(DAY,1..maxSlots, [
% Priorities of Students
prio = array3d(1..n,DAY,1..maxSlots, [
% 1. IH
% 2. MM
% 3. NW
% 4. RD
% 5. MS
% 6. SB
% 7. SO
% 8. CT
% 9. AG
% 10. SS
% 11. RF
(You can access the files here: )
I did my calculations with mzn-gecode (G12 MiniZinc evaluation driver, version 2.0.2).
Any hints and/or directions for further improvements are welcome!
I did the following changes to the model:
combined the DAY and SLOT dimensions into a single TIME dimension (parameters are converted accordingly), caution is taken so that lessons don't extend over multiple days.
removed the explicit schedule representation of the solution - it is now calculated on-the-fly in the output section.
pre-calculated feasible start times for student lessons - thereby only the start times must be constrained in the model.
changed to use binary variables start and active that represent if a student lesson starts at a given time and is active at given time, respectively.
made all constraints linear in the start and active variables.
Using the modified model the OSICBC solver solves the larger instance to optimum within a second.
% enum of presence days
enum DAY;
int: num_days = card(DAY);
% maximal duration of a lessons
int: maxDur;
% maximal numbers of slots per Day;
int: maxSlots;
set of int: SLOT = 1..maxSlots;
set of int: SLOTx = 0..maxSlots;
% number of students
int: n;
set of int: STUDENT = 1..n;
array[DAY] of set of SLOT: teacher;
array[STUDENT,DAY] of set of SLOT: feasible;
array[STUDENT] of 1..maxDur: lessonDuration;
array[STUDENT,DAY,SLOT] of 0..3: prio;
array[DAY,SLOT] of 0..3: prioTeacher;
% Factor for weighting: obj = obj_stud + k * obj_teacher
int: k;
% Make the time axis one-dimensional and convert all data accordingly.
set of int: TIME = 1..maxSlots*num_days;
function int: time(int: d, int: z) = (d-1)*maxSlots + z;
set of TIME: teacher_time = {time(d, z) | d in DAY, z in teacher[d]};
array[STUDENT] of set of TIME: feasible_time = [{time(d, z) | d in DAY, z in feasible[s,d]} | s in STUDENT];
array[STUDENT] of set of TIME: feasible_start_time =
[{time(d,z) | d in DAY, z in 1..maxSlots-lessonDuration[s]+1 where forall(u in time(d,z)..time(d,z)+lessonDuration[s]-1)(u in feasible_time[s] intersect teacher_time)} | s in STUDENT];
array[STUDENT,TIME] of 0..3: prio_time = array2d(STUDENT, TIME, [prio[s,d,z] | s in STUDENT, d in DAY, z in SLOT]);
array[TIME] of 0..3: prioTeacher_time = [prioTeacher[d,z] | d in DAY, z in SLOT];
% decision VARIABLES
array[STUDENT,TIME] of var 0..1: start;
array[STUDENT,TIME] of var 0..1: active;
% -----------------------------------------------------------
% 1. a lesson can only start at a feasible time
constraint forall(s in STUDENT, t in TIME)
(start[s,t] <= bool2int(t in feasible_start_time[s]));
% 2. each lesson must have a start time
constraint forall(s in STUDENT)
(sum(t in TIME)(start[s,t]) = 1);
% 3. maximum one lesson active at any time
constraint forall(t in TIME)
(sum(s in STUDENT)(active[s,t]) <= 1);
% 4&5. constraints defining if lesson active
constraint forall(s in STUDENT, d in 1..num_days)
(active[s,time(d,1)] = start[s,time(d,1)]);
constraint forall(s in STUDENT, d in 1..num_days, z in 2..maxSlots)
(active[s,time(d,z)] <= active[s,time(d,z-1)] + start[s,time(d,z)]);
% 6. ensure duration of lesson is fulfilled
constraint forall(s in STUDENT)
(sum(t in TIME)(active[s,t]) = lessonDuration[s]);
var int: obj = sum(s in STUDENT, t in TIME)
(active[s,t] * (prio_time[s,t] + k*prioTeacher_time[t]));
solve maximize obj;
output [
" Slot# ||"] ++
[ " \(d) |" | d in DAY ] ++
"| obj = " ++ show(obj) ++
" [teacher=\(sum(s in STUDENT, t in TIME)(active[s,t] * k*prioTeacher_time[t])), " ++
"stud=\(sum(s in STUDENT, t in TIME)(active[s,t] * prio_time[s,t])), k=\(k)]" ] ++
[ "\n -------++"] ++
[ "-------+" | d in DAY ] ++
["+\n"] ++
if d = 1 then show_int(5,z) ++ " ||" else "" endif ++
show_int(4,let {var int: student = sum(s in STUDENT)(s*active[s,time(d,z)])} in if student > 0 then student else bool2int(z in teacher[d]) - 1 endif) ++ " |" ++
if d = num_days then "|\n" else "" endif | z in SLOT, d in DAY
] ++ [ " -------++"] ++
[ "-------+" | d in DAY ]
++ ["+\n"]
Another option (sticking to the original model and easier to read) would be:
array[STUDENT] of var TIME: start_time;
include "disjunctive.mzn";
constraint disjunctive(start_time, lessonDuration);
constraint forall(s in STUDENT)
(start_time[s] in feasible_start_time[s]);
var int: obj = sum(s in STUDENT, t in TIME where t >= start_time[s] /\ t <= start_time[s] + lessonDuration[s] - 1)(prio_time[s,t] + k*prioTeacher_time[t]);
solve maximize obj;

Pumping Lemma problems for determining Regular Language and CFL

{a^p b^p; p is a prime number}
{a^p b^p; p is a prime number, m is a fixed number and m≥p≥0}
How do I prove if this is a regular language/context free language (or not)?
1) L = {a^n b^n; n is a prime number} :
So the prove can be done by contradiction. Suppose L is regular, and p is the pumping length.
The test string is w = a^p b^p, w belongs to L, and |w| = 2p >= p
We subdivide w=xyz. There are 3 conditions to prove the pumping lemma:
from the third condition, |xy| < p, so xy contains only a's
from the second condition, |y| > 0, so y has the form y = a^k, where 1 <= k <= p
from the first condition, xy^iz belongs to L for i = 0, 1, 2, ... So if you pump down (i = 0) you got:
w = a^(p - k) b^p , and w does not belongs to L (Because the quantity of a's and b's are different)
So you prove that L is not regular.

How to perform Modulo greatest common divisor?

Suppose that gcd(e,m) = g. Find integer d such that (e x d) = g mod m
Where m and e are greater than or equal to 1.
The following problem seems to be solvable algebraically but I've tried doing it and it give me an integer number. Sometimes, the solution for d is an integer and sometimes it isn't. How can I approach this problem?
d can be computed with the extended euklidean algorithm, see e.g. here:
The a,b on that page are your e,m, and your d will be the x.
Perhaps you are assuming that both e and m are integers, but the problem allows them to be non-integers? There is only one case that gives an integer solution when both e and m are integers.
Why strictly integer output is not a reasonable outcome if e != m:
When you look at a fraction like 3/7 say, and refer to its denominator as the numerator's "divisor", this is a loose sense of the word from a classical math-y perspective. When you talk about the gcd (greatest common divisor), the "d" refers to an integer that divides the numerator (an integer) evenly, resulting in another integer: 4 is a divisor of 8, because 8/4 = 2 and 2 is an integer. A computer science or discrete mathematics perspective might frame a divisor as a number d that for a given number a gives 0 when we take a % d (a mod d for discrete math). Can you see that the absolute value of a divisor can't exceed the absolute value of the numerator? If it did, you would get pieces of pie, instead of whole pies - example:
4 % a = 0 for a in Z (Z being the set of integers) while |a| <= 4 (in math-y notation, that set is: {a ∈ Z : |a| <= 4}), but
4 % a != 0 for a in Z while |a| > 4 (math-y: {a ∈ Z : |a| > 4}
), because when we divide 4 by stuff bigger than it, like 5, we get fractions (i.e. |4/a| < 1 when |a| > 4). Don't worry too much about the absolute value stuff if it throws you off - it is there to account for working with negative numbers since they are integers as well.
So, even the "greatest" of divisors for any given integer will be smaller than the integer. Otherwise it's not a divisor (see above, or Wikipedia on divisors).
Look at gcd(e, m) = g:
By the definition of % (mod for math people), for any two numbers number1 and number2, number1 % number2 never makes number1 bigger: number1 % number2 <= number1.
So substitute: (e * d) = g % m --> (e * d) <= g
By the paragraphs above and definition of gcd being a divisor of both e and m: g <= e, m.
To make (e * d) <= g such that d, g are both integers, knowing that g <= e since g is a divisor of e, we have to make the left side smaller to match g. You can only make an integer smaller with multiplcation if the other multipland is 0 or a fraction. The problem specifies that d is an integer, so we one case that works - the d = 0 case - and infinitely many that give a contradiction - contradiction that e, m, and d all be integers.
If e == m:
This is the d = 0 case:
If e == m, then gcd(e, m) = e = m - example: greatest common divisor of 3 and 3 is 3
Then (e * d) = g % m is (e * d) = m % m and m % m = 0 so (e * d) = 0 implying d = 0
How to code a function that will find d when either of e or m might be NON-integer:
A lot of divisor problems are done iteratively, like "find the gcd" or "find a prime number". That works in part because those problems deal strictly with integers, which are countable. With this problem, we need to allow e or m to be non-integer in order to have a solution for cases other than e = m. The set of rational numbers is NOT countable, however, so an iterative solution would eventually make your program crash. With this problem, you really just want a formula, and possibly some cases. You might set it up like this:
If e == m
return 0 # since (e * d) = m % m -> d = 0
return g / e
Another thing that might be useful depending on what you do with this problem is the fact that the right-hand-side is always either g or 0, because g <= m since g is a divisor of m (see all the stuff above). In the cases where g < m, g % m = g. In the case where g == m, g % m = 0.
The #asp answer with the link to the Wikipedia page on the Euclidean Algorithm is good.
The #aidenhjj comment about trying the math-specific version of StackOverflow is good.
In case this is for a math class and you aren't used to coding: <=, >=, ==, and != are computer speak for ≤, ≥, "are equal", and "not equal" respectively.
Good luck.

Optimization under constraints

I have a question regarding optimization.
I have a matrix x with 3 columns and a certain number of rows (max 200). Each row represents a candidate. The column one contains a score (between 0 and 1) , the column 2 contains the kind of candidate (there are 10 kinds in total labeled from 1 to 10) and the column 3 contains the amount of each candidate. There is one thing to take into consideration: the amount can be NEGATIVE
What I would like to do is to select max 35 elements among these candidates which would maximize the function which sum over their respective score (column 1) under the constraints that there can be a maximum of 10% of each kind computed in the following way: percenteage of kind 1: sum amount of kind 1 divided by sum all amount.
At the end, I would like to have a set of max 35 candidates which satisfy the constraints and optimize the sum of their scores.
Here is a the code I have come up with so far but I am struggling on the 10% constraint as it seems not to be taken into account:
n = 100;
maxSize = 35;
nbCandidates = 100;
score = rand(100,1)/10+0.9;
quantity = rand(100,1)*100000;
type = ceil(rand(100,1)*10)
typeMask = zeros(n,10);
for i=1:10
typeMask(:,i) = type(:,1) == i;
fTop = -score;
intconTop = [1:1:n];
%Write the linear INEQUALITY constraints:
A = [ones(1,n);bsxfun(#times,typeMask,quantity)'/sum(type.*quantity)];
b = [maxSize;0.1*ones(10,1)];
%Write the linear EQUALITY constraints:
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
%Write the BOUND constraints:
lb = zeros(n,1);
ub = ones(n,1); % Enforces i1,i2, binary
x = intlinprog(fTop,intconTop,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub);
I would be grateful to some advice where I m doing it wrong!
A linear program for your model might look something like this:
n is the number of candidates.
S[x] is candidate x's score.
A[i][x] is the amount of candidate x for kind i (A[i][x] can be positive or negative, like you said).
T[i] is the total amount of all candidates for kind i.
I[x] is 1 if element x is to be included, and 0 if element x is to be excluded.
The function f which you want to optimize is a function of S[x] and I[x]. You can think of S and I as n-dimensional vectors, so the function you want to optimize is their dot-product.
f() = DotProduct(I, S)
This is equivalent to the linear function I1 * S1 + I2 * S2 + ... + In * Sn.
We can formulate all of the constraints in this way to get a set of linear functions whose coeffecients are the components in an n dimensional vector that we can dot with I, the parameters to optimize.
For the constraint that we can only take 35 elements at most, let C1() be a function which computes the total number of elements.
Then the first constraint can be formalized as C1() <= 35 and C1() is a linear function which can be computed thusly:
Let j be an n dimensional vector with each component equal to 1: j = <1,1,...,1>.
C1() = DotProduct(I, j)
So C1() <= 35 is a linear inequality equivalent to:
I1 * 1 + I2 * 1 + ... + In * 1 <= 35
I1 + I2 + ... + In <= 35
We need to add a slack variable x1 here to turn this into and equivalence relation:
I1 + I2 + ... + In + x1 = 35
For the constraint that we can only take 10% of each kind, we will have a function C2[i]() for each kind i (you said there are 10 in all). C2[i]() Computes the amount of students taken for kind i given the students we have selected:
C21() <= .1 * T1
C22() <= .1 * T2
C210() <= .1 * T10
We compute C2[i]() like this:
Let k be an n dimensional vector equal to <A[i]1, A[i]2, ..., A[i]n>, each component is the amount of each candidate for kind i.
Then DotProduct(I, k) = I1 * A[i]1 + I2 * A[i]2 + ... + In * A[i]n, is the total amount we are taking of kind i given I, the vector which captures what elements we are including.
So C2[i]() = DotProduct(I, k)
Now that we know how to compute C2[i](), we need to add a slack variable to turn this into an equality relation:
C2[i]() + x[i + 1] = .1 * T[i]
Here x's subscript is [i + 1] because x1 is already used as a slack variable for the previous constraint.
In summary, the linear program would look like this (adding 11 slack variables x1, x2, ..., x11 for each constraint that is an inequality):
V = <I1, I2, ..., In, x1, x2, ..., x11> (variables)
|. |
|. |
|. |
P = |Sn| (parameters of objective function)
|0 |
|0 |
|. |
|. |
|. |
|0 |
|35 |
|.1*T1 |
C = |.1*T2 | (right-hand sides of constraining equality relations)
|... |
|1 |1 |...|1 |1|0|...|0|
|A1,1 |A1,2 |...|A1,n |0|1|...|0|
CP = |A2,1 |A2,2 |...|A2,n |0|0|...|0| (parameters of constraint functions)
|... |... |...|... |0|0|...|0|
V x P
Subject to:
CP x Transpose(V) = C
Hopefully this is clear, sorry for terrible formatting.
I believe the MIP model can look like:
Here i are the data points and j indicates the type. For simplicity I assumed here every type has the same number of data points (i.e. Amount(i,j), Score(i,j) are matrices). It is easy to handle the more irregular case by restricting the summations.
The 10% rule is simply applied on the sum of the amounts. I hope that is the correct interpretation. Not sure if this is true if we have negative sums.