Is there a mechanism to signal the workflow immediately about the failure/time-out of an asynchronous activity - cadence-workflow

We want to implement a use-case using cadence-workflow where we want to trigger a long-running asynchronous activity and then proceed with the execution of other activities. If in the meantime, for some reason that long-running activity is failed/timed-out, we would like to stop execution of the workflow and trigger compensation activities.

When an activity is invoked asynchronously it returns its result as Future (in Go SDK) or Promise (in Java SDK). Then the rest of the workflow can proceed without waiting on the result. The result can be used to cancel the other part of the workflow code when the activity fails or times out. When cancelled the code can execute whatever cleanup logic necessary. The concrete implementation depends on which SDK you are using.


What is BPMN User Task equivalent in and how to implement it?

I'm evaluating as an modern workflow-as-code alternative for BPMN based solutions such as Camunda.
In my scenario workflow orchestrates activity workers, which calls external microservices for business transactions. Business transactions may encounter business exceptions or require human action to proceed the flow, and rises required user tasks. Workflow should block at certain points until there are no blocking tasks for that specific activity.
Should the blocking task logic reside inside activities and services, keeping the workflow definition more abstract and deterministic? I premuse an activity should simply throw an runtime exception when there is a blocking task, is that right? Then, how do I continue the workflow when the task is completed?
Or should I use workflow signals to mimic BPMN user tasks and if so, how do I send a signal from an external service to a specific workflow instance?
Probably easiest way is to have an activity that notifies your external system
responsible for interacting with human actors, and then use signals to notify workflow of the completion of the human decision.
With Temporal you can write workflow code that waits for multiple signals in case there are multiple actors/decisions involved.
Other options could be to store a list of tasks in an external system and notify your workflow from that system directly (again via signals), or could have a workflow per "approver" which can hold a list of assigned tasks inside these workflows that you could query state, or could have them send notifications when all tasks have been performed.
how do I send a signal from an external service to a specific workflow instance?
You would use Temporal SDK client api to send a signal to a workflow execution thats uniquely identified via namespace name, task queue name workflow id. Not sure which programming language you are using but maybe this Go sample can help.

How to track long running operaton through reconciler in Kubernetes operator

I have written a piece of code in k8s operator, this task is taking longer time to complete that blocking my reconciler till completing the task. I want to implement a logic where I will not have to wait till completing the task, instead, I want to get a notification to the reconciler after completing the task.

Waiting for a Future to complete before making assertions

I have a Scala Play application and one of the controllers fires a Future which does some logging. I have a simple call back function which executes when the Future completes.
I have written a test to check whether this logging happens. The rough logic is as follows:
// set up the call
// make a FakeRequest via reverse routing - logging will done in a separate thread via a Future
Thread.sleep(50) // sleep to allow logging to finish
// check if the logging has been done
The issue is the Thread.sleep. I have added that call in to block the main testing thread in order to give enough time to elapse for the Future which does the logging in a separate thread to complete before actually doing the checks to see if the logging has been done.
My question is whether there is a better way to do this? In reality if my application is running and the logging is taking an inordinate amount of time, then the main thread which governs the application will not terminate until the Future that does the logging in a separate thread finishes. So I don't see a problem of putting in the Thread call above to simulate that. But I just want to confirm if this is correct.
For me, there is absolutely no other way than to do this. If I try to replicate how the app behaves in reality with my test, then the main thread for the test should complete and terminate even though the future for the logging is still going on; there is no call back in the test and neither should there be.
Assuming you're using ScalaTest ; you can use whenReady construct ; which periodically inspects the passed future, until it is either ready or the configured timeout has been surpassed;

Intercepting and stopping a celery beat task before publishing to message bus

I am using signals to intercept celery beat tasks before publishing. This works fine. But, in addition I want to execute some logic and, based on the result, possibly cancel the task.
I cannot find a way to cancel the task from the event handler, aside from raising an exception and that seems very inelegant.
The background is that I am implementing distributed task processing using cache locks and I am performing CAS operations on the lock before publishing.
Is there any way to implement this using current celery/celerybeat functionality?

what is synchronous and asynchronous in iphone and iPad?

What is synchronous and asynchronous in ios ? I am new in objective c. Which one i should use in my code while i am getting data from server. So please help me.
Thanks in advance.
You should always use asynchronous loading of network requests.
Asynchronous never block the main thread waiting for a network response.
Asynchronous can be either synchronous on a separate thread, or scheduled in the run loop of any thread.
Synchronous blocks main thread until they complete request.
For Demo code or turorial have a look into this link Asynchronous web service client using NSURLConnection and SBJSON
The majority of the time you will go for asynchronous calls for that kind of operations, otherwise you're UI will block because you are using the main thread.
Synchronous, as the name suggests the action will happen in synchronous with the run loop of your application.
To understand it better, say you have to display some data in UITableview after fetching the data from server.Imagine that the request and response from server takes like 3 seconds. When you are fetching this data synchronously from the server, your app will freeze for like 3 seconds between loading tableview and loading the data contents into that tableview
Now if you are sending your request asynchronously, your app won't freeze but it will load the tableview and tableview contents before the server can respond. In other words, your app won't wait for the 3 second of server response time.You have to take necessary delegate actions or blocks actions to check the response and reload the tabledata so that the server response is displayed in tableview.
Which method is better is pure choice what the developer wants and their app should behave but Apple documentation recommends if you are using synchronous calls do not initiate the call from current run loop.
Using asynchronous all threads are execute the operations parallel. So, Never block the main thread waiting for a network response.
Using synchronous all threads are execute the operations one by one. so, should wait until the other thread task done.
Hope It will be suitable.
Quick note based on other answers: dispatch_sync will not block the main thread unless you dispatch to the main thread.
// Block main thread because the main queue is on it.
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ /*do stuff*/ });
// Block background thread.
dispatch_sync(my_work_queue, ^{ /*do stuff*/ });
A Synchronous call(blocking) is one that has to be completed before subsequent calls can be run in the same queue. It is given all of the processor time for that queue until it is complete. This makes it block the queue.
Asynchronous calls can be started in a queue, and then left running on another thread(processor time schedule), owned by that queue, while other calls are started with other threads.
It is very important to use dispatch_async for web calls because it may take time to get a result back and you want other tasks to be able to start in the queue and use it's threads. A common practice is to do web work, like downloading a file, on a custom background queue and then dispatch to the main queue when it is complete, to update the user.
There is more to this and you can read about dispatch queues from Apple, here.