Postgsql 11 Creating an object using UUID but beforeCreate is not being fired to update the id with UUID before save - postgresql

This seems to occur when using an object as join table in a M:N association.
The beforeCreate hook is not updating the id before DB update.
I have created an instance hook in postgresql Version 11 within the instance model.
I have attempted to use both methods 2 and 3 neither of which work. The id column is not updated with UUID generated at create time
When I log the value within the hook I have a unique uuid but in the creating SQL the default uuid is used resulting in unique violation error.
I expected the values in the before hook to be used for the DB create statement
Log messages:
UserPersonalRelationship.beforeCreate: 19bbc538-c82e-41f5-9bd3-f0eabf9c0193
UserPersonalRelationship.beforeCreate: 3af7d252-ecfe-49e9-b850-a72a78e9773d
In the postgresql error message the field value is shown as:
fields: { id: '2cfe1fb0-4b3c-496b-80fe-f9073302afe8' },
My instance model is:
"use strict";
const { uuid } = require("uuidv4");
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const UserPersonalRelationship = sequelize.define(
User_rowID: DataTypes.UUID,
PersonalRelationship_rowID: DataTypes.UUID,
UserPersonalRelationship.associate = function (models) {
// associations can be defined here
async (userPersonalRelationship, options) => {
const objUUID = uuid(); = objUUID;
console.log("UserPersonalRelationship.beforeCreate: ", objUUID);
(userPersonalRelationship, options) => { = uuid();
console.log("Add hook called");
return UserPersonalRelationship;


Feather.js + Sequelize + postgres 11 : How to patch a jsonb column?

I would like to update several row of my db with the same object.
let say I have a column customText type jsonb which contains an array of object
here my sequelize model :
customText: {
type: DataTypes.JSONB,
allowNull: true,
field: "custom_text"
Now from client I send an object:
const obj = {}
const data = {
textid: "d9fec1d4-0f7a-2c00-9d36-0c5055d64d04",
textLabel: null,
textValue: null
obj.customText = data
api.service("activity").patch(null, obj).catch(err => console.log(err));
Like the documentation from feathers.js said if I want to replace multiple record, I send an id equal to null.
So now here come the problem, if I do that my column customText will contain the new object only but I want an array of object, so I want to push the new data in the array. How can I patch the data?
My guess is to use a hook in feathers.js and a raw query with sequelize. But I'm not sure how to do that.
I'm not really sure of my answer but this hook work :
module.exports = function() {
return async context => {
const sequelize ="sequelizeClient");
const customText = JSON.stringify([0]);
let query =
"UPDATE activity SET custom_text = custom_text || '" +
customText +
"' ::jsonb";
await sequelize
.then(results => {
context.results = results;
.catch(err => console.log(err));
return context;
I still have a problem because after this hook in feathers, the patch continue so it will update my db again.. so i put a disallow() hook.
Also, with this hook i lost the abilities to listening to event
Also i have a concern with the query, i'm not sure if it's better to use :jsonb_insert over ||

Mongoose Error - Mongoose models with same model name

I am working on a NodeJs application and I am using mongoose node package.
Sample Code
I am using following method to create dynamic collections and these collections sometimes fail to persist the data in database -
const Mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Schema = new Mongoose.Schema({
// schema goes here
module.exports = function (suffix) {
if (!suffix || typeof suffix !== "string" || !suffix.trim()) {
throw Error("Invalid suffix provided!");
return Mongoose.model("Model", Schema, `collection_${suffix}`);
I am using this exported module to create dynamic collections based on unique ids passed as suffix parameter. Something like this (skipping unnecessary code) -
const saveData = require("./data-service");
const createModel = require("./db-schema");
// test 1
it("should save data1", function (done) {
const data1 = [];
const response1 = saveData(request1); // here is "cjmt8litu0000ktvamfipm9qn"
const dbModel1 = createModel(;
.then(dbResponse1 => {
// assert for count
// test 2
it("should save data2", function (done) {
const data2 = [];
const response2 = saveData(request2); // here is "cjmt8lm380006ktvafhesadmo"
const dbModel2 = createModel(;
.then(dbResponse2 => {
// assert for count
The issue is, test 2 fails! It the insertmany API results in 0 records failing the count assert.
If we swap the the order of the tests, test 1 will fail.
If I run the two tests separately, both will pass.
If there are n tests, only first test will pass and remaining will fail.
I suspected the mongoose model creation step to be faulty as it is using the same model name viz. Model while creating multiple model instances.
I changed it to following and the tests worked perfectly fine in all scenarios -
return Mongoose.model(`Model_${suffix}`, Schema, `collection_${suffix}`);
This leaves me with following questions -
Am I following correct coding conventions while creating dynamic collections?
Is suspected code the actual cause of this issue (should the model name also be unique)?
If yes, why is it failing? (I followed mongoose docs but it doesn't provide any information regarding uniqueness of the model name argument.
I you are calling insertMany method on dbModel1, where you variable is declared to dbModel2.
Change your test 2 from:
.then(dbResponse1 => {
// assert for count
.then(dbResponse1 => {
// assert for count

Sequelize migration add "IF NOT EXISTS" to addIndex and addColumn

Is there a way to force Sequelize.js to add IF NOT EXISTS to the Postgres SQL created by the queryInterface.addColumn and queryInterface.addIndex methods?
According to the Postgres Docs this is supported for Alter Table Add Column as well as Create Index
I have looked through the Sequelize.js docs without any luck, and I have tried to go through the code to figure out how the SQL is generated, but I have not had any luck yet.
A bit of background, or "Why"
I am trying to create a migration strategy for an existing postgres instance, and I have currently created a Sequelize migration set which migrates from "nothing" to the current schema. Now I would like to simply get this up and running on my production server where all of the data already exists such that the next time I create a migration, I can run it.
All of this works well for every queryInterface.createTable because the IF NOT EXISTS is automatically added.
I had a similar issue, except in my case I was only interested in addColumn IF NOT EXIST.
You can achieve this with a two step solution, using queryInterface.describeTable.
Given the table name the function will return the table definition which contains all the existing columns. If the column you need to add does not exist then call the queryInterface.addColumn function.
const tableName = 'your_table_name';
.then(tableDefinition => {
if (tableDefinition.yourColumnName) {
return Promise.resolve();
return queryInterface.addColumn(
{ type: Sequelize.STRING } // or a different column
addColumn function comes from queryGenerator method called addColumnQuery, which accepts three parameters - table, key and dataType. With use of them it creates a query, which looks like that
let query = `ALTER TABLE ${quotedTable} ADD COLUMN ${quotedKey} ${definition};`;
So, as you can see, there is no option to add the IF NOT EXISTS clause to the query string. The same concerns the addIndex method unfortunately. However, you can use plain query in order to perform some atypical operations
The statement if (!tableDefinition.yourColumnName) won't be able to check if column exists.
Correct way is
return queryInterface.describeTable(tableName).then(tableDefinition => {
if (!tableDefinition[columnName]){
return queryInterface.addColumn(tableName, columnName, {
type: Sequelize.JSON
} else {
return Promise.resolve(true);
A small working example:
module.exports = {
* #description Up.
* #param {QueryInterface} queryInterface
* #return Promise<void>
up: async (queryInterface) => {
const tableDefinition = await queryInterface.describeTable('group');
const promises = [];
return queryInterface.sequelize.transaction((transaction) => {
if (!tableDefinition.column1) {
type: queryInterface.sequelize.Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: true,
if (!tableDefinition.oauth2_token_expire_at) {
type: queryInterface.sequelize.Sequelize.DATE,
allowNull: true,
return Promise.all(promises);
* #description Down.
* #param {QueryInterface} queryInterface
* #return Promise<void>
down: (queryInterface) => {

How to get auto Id after upsert on a persisted model in loopback?

I have a some models generated from postgresql db using looback-connector postgresql. Id column of these models is a auto incremented integer column of postgresql db.
1) I have a remote method added on one of persisted models, where i perform simple update or insert(upsert.
Car.CreateOrUpdateCar = function (carobj, req) {
Car.upsert(Carobj, function (err, Car) {
if (err)
else {
req(err, Car);
2) have added a remote hook to execute after this remote method.
Car.afterRemote('CreateOrUpdateCar', function (context, remoteMethodOutput, next) {
//Remaining code goes here
3) I want to use Id of newly inserted row in step (1), in the remote hook mentioned in step (2)
I don't have much idea about postgresql db. But Try it like this
var carObj;
Car.CreateOrUpdateCar = function (carobj, req) {
Car.upsert(Carobj, function (err, Car) {
if (err)
else {
req(err, Car); // Your Car object contains final result after upserting along with Id
carObj = Car;
Now you can get id by using and you can use it where ever you want. I hope this helps
You can access to generated id in remote hook like this :
Car.afterRemote('CreateOrUpdateCar', function (context, remoteMethodOutput, next) {
var genId = ||;

bookshelf js save() command not updating rows in postgresql db

JS beginner trying to get a PostgreSQL DB talking to express.js through bookshelf.js.
var knex = require('knex')({
client: 'pg',
connection: "postgres://localhost/bookers"
var bookshelf = require('bookshelf')(knex);
var User = bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'users'
var bob = new User({id: 2});
bookshelf.js seems unable to add any content to the db.
Current error message is: "Unhandled rejection CustomError: No Rows Updated'
When you create your model providing your own id, like in
var bob = new User({id: 2});
Bookshelf assumes it is an update operation, not an insertion. It sets the internal isNew attribute to false, and when save() is invoked, instead of INSERT INTO user(id, ...) VALUES (2, ...);, it executes UPDATE user ... WHERE id = 2;.
If there is no user with id = 2 the update will almost silently DO NOTHING.
To force an insert you must change the save() to:, {method: 'insert'});
Bookshelf save() documentation describes this behavior.
Did you create a User table using knex? One potential problem I can think of is that you do not have any logic that actually creates the table for your Postgres DB. Here is some sample code that will create a table in your database if it doesn't yet exist.
bookshelf.knex.schema.hasTable('User').then(function(exists) {
if(!exists) {
bookshelf.knex.schema.createTable('User'), function(user) {
console.log('Created Table:', table);
new User({id: 2}).
then((model) => {
res.json({ success: true });
No no! new User returns a PROMISE! You can't use it like that.
new User().save()