Import asymmetric key in AWS KMS - rsa

Is it possible to import private key used in RSA into AWS KMS?
We want to migrate locally stored RSA keys into AWS KMW, but from UI and documentation it looks like it's only possible to import symmetric keys. Am I not seeing something?

Yeah, you're right. According the AWS documentation, KMS doesn't support importing asymmetric key material:
Imported key material is supported only for symmetric KMS keys in AWS KMS key stores, including multi-Region symmetric KMS keys.


Is there any way to automate key rotation in Azure PostgreSql?

I want to automate the process of rotating encryption key for Azure Postgre Sql. There are no commands available in PowerShell or CLI for key rotation or updating the key.
Is there any other way for key rotation with minimal manual intervention?
The encryption key should be stored in Azure Key Vault, then you can rotate the keys using powershell and also create Azure Functions with powershell(one way to automate you could use time trigger to schedule the execution).

postgresql encrypt with symmetric key and rolling it

i want to encrypt data inside a table in postgresql, i may encrypt a few column or all column data in that table.
if i do query directly from sql client (DBeaver, Adminer) then i can retrieve the column value but it's not readable (because it's encrypted)
if my application (web apps) query the table data, it will show the readable data. web apps have the correct key to decrypt.
Question :
assuming i encrypt using a symmetric key (pgcrypto), how can i regularly rotate the symmetric key ?
can i implemented above case at AWS ?

storing certain fields encrypted in postgres with pgcrypto

The postgres docs on "Encryption Options" say:
Encryption For Specific Columns
The pgcrypto module allows certain fields to be stored encrypted. This is useful if only some of the data is sensitive. The client supplies the decryption key and the data is decrypted on the server and then sent to the client.
The decrypted data and the decryption key are present on the server for a brief time while it is being decrypted and communicated between the client and server. This presents a brief moment where the data and keys can be intercepted by someone with complete access to the database server, such as the system administrator.
"pgcrypto" is linked to the pgcrypto docs, which discuss a variety of available hashing and encryption functions.
But it's not clear to me how I'm meant to put them together to implement the solution the "Encryption Options" docs suggested, to allow certain fields (ie columns) to be stored encrypted. I am having trouble finding any docs or examples.
Can anyone point me to doc or examples explaining how you use pgcrypto to allow certain fields to be stored encrypted?

PostgreSQL: Encrypt Column With pgcrypto

I need to encrypt some columns in a PostgreSQL 9.6 database. The data being encrypted is inherently sensitive; however, the data are not passwords or other authentication credentials. This data will need to be decrypted for statistical analysis and consumption by users.
After reading several questions and answers:
Storing encrypted data in Postgres
... and considering these comments:
... it seems the biggest problem with using the pgcrypto module is the storage of keys in the same database.
This begs the question:
Is it consistent with best practices to store the key in a different database and access it via a foreign data wrapper, such as Postgresql_FDW?
Secret storage is a common issue when using crypto mecanisms.
pgcrypto does not povide key storage, you are free to store the key where you want and protect it as you can.
Storing the key in another database, if managed by the same DBA does not provide much security as DBA may access it the same way.
Ideally, you would store the key in a secure vault and request it from your application in order to construct the queries. It will still be visible from DBA while the request is running through select * from pg_stat_activity.
You may set the key for a SQL session wide use through set session my.vars.cryptokey = 'secret'; then use it into your queries with the following syntax : current_setting('my.vars.cryptokey')::text
To be (almost) transparent from the application point of view, PostgreSQL rules may help for translating secure_column to the call to decrypt function with the session stored key. For inserting, a pre-insert trigger would be required.

Is there some security advantage to using pgcrypto instead of partition-level encryption?

The document here: describes several approaches to encrypting data when using postgresql.
I would like to know if there's any security advantage to encrypting specific columns using pgcrypto instead of simply encrypting the entire partition on which the database resides. It seems to me that pgcrypto is cumbersome to use(instead of just using SQL queries without having to worry about things being encrypted) so there should be a reason for its existence. Is it simply that people may not have the ability to manage the database server(shared hosts/etc...) so they would have to make-do with pgcrypto, or is there a security reason?
In my particular case, the application code and the database are on the same host, so compromising the server itself while it is live would result in the data being leaked either way(one could look for the encryption key in the code in one case, or simply retrieve the data from the mounted volume in the other).
Edit: I forgot to mention, also in this particular case, the data is used by the server not the client, ie, the client can't provide the key at run-time it would have to be on the server in the application code.
You can give the DBA SQL level access without compromising data.
You can have separate encryption keys for different data
Your backups (dumps) are encrypted
If the client provides the encryption keys, The server does not have to be trusted
If You separate the app server from the DB server, the encryption keys can be on the app server only.
You can encrypt only a part of the data.
Last but not the least: There is more to pgcrypto than symmetric single-key encryption, like asymmetric encryption, cryptographic hashing, cryto-safe PRNG, password-hashing.