Drools rule with not condition with multiple condition causing error - drools

When i use below condition with 'not' I am getting an error.
not(Obj1(value == 0) && Obj2(value <= 3))
However if i replace above condition as below I am not getting any casting exception
Obj1(value != 0) or Obj2(value > 3)
The rule looks like this:
rule "test_6"
salience 10
not(Obj1(value == 0) && Obj2(value <= 3))
And this is the error I'm getting:
throwing error Error Message: org.drools.core.rule.GroupElement cannot be cast to org.drools.core.rule.Pattern

The && and || operators can only be used inside a single pattern. For example: Obj1( value > 3 && value < 10 || value == 0). According to the documentation, to separate Patterns, you have to use the and and or operators.
So, in your case, your rule should be:
rule "test_6"
salience 10
not(Obj1(value == 0) and Obj2(value <= 3))
Note that it was not failing when you were using or because that was the right operator to use instead of ||.
Hope it helps,


How to "Print when" with condition

I have a question, I have a subreport that prints many lines because it is in the detail band, for me this is fine, but I want to filter the rows based on parameters when I print the report, I used the option "print when" to set the Boolean condition but not it works, this works with only one parameter.
The condition is:
|| ($F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico1}
|| $F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico2}
|| $F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico3}
|| $F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico4}
|| $F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico5}
|| $F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico6}
|| $F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico7}
|| $F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico8}
|| $F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico10}) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE
If I put a parameter it works, for example
$F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico10} ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE
Can anyone help me?
The logic in your expressions is flawed. You have this
$F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico1}
|| $F{field1} != $P{CheckDinamico2}
|| ...
Let's say CheckDinamico1 is 5 and CheckDinamico2 is 7. So your expressions is field1 != 5 OR field1 != 7 OR ..
This expression is true whatever the value of field1. If field1 is 3, it will be different from both 5 and 7, so the expression is true. If fiedl1 is 5, it will be different from 7, and because of OR the expression will also be true. And if field1 is 7, it will be different from 5 so again the expression is true.
Maybe you wanted AND instead of OR in the expression? Also, as Alex K noted, != might not always work so it's safer to use equals, and you can use primitive boolean expressions, you don't need Boolean. Therefore try something like this:
|| (!$F{field1}.equals($P{CheckDinamico1})
&& !$F{field1}.equals($P{CheckDinamico2})
&& !$F{field1}.equals($P{CheckDinamico3})
&& !$F{field1}.equals($P{CheckDinamico4})
&& !$F{field1}.equals($P{CheckDinamico5})
&& !$F{field1}.equals($P{CheckDinamico6})
&& !$F{field1}.equals($P{CheckDinamico7})
&& !$F{field1}.equals($P{CheckDinamico8})
&& !$F{field1}.equals($P{CheckDinamico10}))

How to get values from a dataframe column using SparkSQL?

Right now I am working with Spark/Scala and I am trying to join multiple dataframes to get the expected output.
The data input are CSV files with call record information. These are the input main fields.
a_number:String = is the origin call number.
area_code_a:String = is the a_number area code.
prefix_a:String = is the a_number prefix.
b_number:String = is the destination call number.
area_code_b:String = is the b_number area code.
prefix_b:String = is the b_number prefix.
cause_value:String = is the call final status.
val dfint = ((cdrs_nac.join(grupos_nac).where(col("causevalue") === col("id")))
.join(centrales_nac, col("dpc") === col("pointcode_decimal"), "left")
.join(series_nac_a).where(col("area_code_a") === col("codigo_area") &&
col("prefix_a") === col("prefijo") &&
col("series_a") >= col("serie_inicial") &&
col("series_a") <= col("serie_final"))
.join(series_nac_b, (
((col("codigo_area_b") === col("area_code_b")) && col("len_b_number") == "8") ||
((col("codigo_area_b") === col("area_code_b")) && col("len_b_number") == "10") ||
((col("codigo_area_b") === col("codigo_area_cent")) && col("len_b_number") == "7")) &&
col("prefix_b") === col("prefijo_b") &&
col("series_b") >= col("serie_inicial_b") &&
col("series_b") <= col("serie_final_b"), "left")
This generates a multiple output files with the call data records processed, including the column "len_b_number" which means the length of the b_number field.
I was doing some tests I already find that for some reason the expression "col("len_b_number")" is returning the column name "len_b_number" instead the length values which are 7, 8 or 10. This means that the col("len_b_number") == 7 OR col("len_b_number") == 8 OR col("len_b_number") == 10 conditions will never work because the code will always compare with the column name.
At this moment the output is blank because the col("len_b_number") doesnt match with 7, 8 or 10. I will like to know if ypou can help to understand how to extract the value from this column.
Try using === instead of ==.
I could not get your error.
&& col("len_b_number") == "8"
should be:
&& col("len_b_number") === "8"

Date range in query Dynamics AX

I would like to build query Range, where
ActiveTo < today || ActiveFrom > today.
Is it possible, I tried something like that but it's not working.
qbdsDimAttrValue = ds.addDataSource(tableNum(DimensionAttributeValue));
qbrMainAccountActiveFrom = qbdsDimAttrValue.addRange(fieldnum(DimensionAttributeValue,ActiveFrom));
qbrMainAccountActiveFrom.value(strFmt('(((%1.%2 != 0) || (%1.%3 != 0)) && ((%1.%2 > %4) || (%1.%3 < %4)))',
I write 0, because in table DimensionAttributeValue if field ActiveFrom, ActiveTo is null it has value 0, not dateNull(), dateMax()
Date values used in such queries must be in the dd\MM\yyyy format - you can use function date2StrXpp() for this purpose.
Try using the following range:
strFmt('((%1.%2 > %4) || ((%1.%3 < %4) && (%1.%3 != %5)))',
fieldStr(DimensionAttributeValue, ActiveFrom),
fieldStr(DimensionAttributeValue, ActiveTo),
If you check Global::dateNull() you will see that it returns '01\01\1900', also you can see that database doesn't store 0 in these fields:
Yo can find more details here
So you can simplify your extended range as follows
qbrMainAccountActiveFrom.value(strFmt('((%1.%2 > %4) || (%1.%3 < %4))',
fieldStr(DimensionAttributeValue, ActiveFrom),
fieldStr(DimensionAttributeValue, ActiveTo),

Group typo3 condition

I need such a condition in ts:
([treeLevel = 0] && [globalVar = GP:R > 0]) || [PIDinRootline = {$pages.2018}]
I wanna show block if page has treelevel=0 and the get var R > 0, or if page id = $pages.2018
It looks like the similar code in php:
if(($treeLevel == 0 && $r > 0) || (pid == number))
The all expression in first brackets should be right, or in second.
Is it exist the method to group it like the previous record or I can only use userfunc?
There is no grouping in TS conditions, but if you need this particular condition from your post I think it is not needed because brackets around && are useless in this case.
(p && q) || r
is exactly the same as
p && q || r
Did you tested it?

How do I add a condition to an existing conditional expression?

I had a programmer write a Perl script for my site.
One of the functions is to update price/stock when a certain condition is met.
# update when price/stock conditions met
if ( ($force_price_updates == 1) ||
($data->{'price'} <= $product_price && $data->{'quantity'} > 0) ||
($product_quantity == 0 && $data->{'quantity'} > 0) ) {
What the above is not doing is not updating the price if the new price is higher. It updates the stock value, but if the new stock comes at a higher price, I lose out. Stock gets updated and but the price is not.
The script goes through a number of feeds and if the same product is found in any of the feeds, the script should amend price/stock change according to the rule above.
I can't find the programmer and my Perl knowledge is limited. I understand what the code is doing, but don't know what it should do if the price is higher and stock is greater than zero.
You can add the extra condition you're looking for to that statement.
The condition you're looking to match is:
$data->{'price'} > $product_price && $product_quantity > 0
So the final version would look like this:
if (($force_price_updates == 1) || ($data->{'price'} <= $product_price && $data->{'quantity'} > 0) || ($product_quantity == 0 && $data->{'quantity'} > 0) || ($data->{'price'} > $product_price && $product_quantity > 0)) {