Why are Commands necessary in choreography-based Sagas? - event-handling

One key difference often highlighted between Events and Commands in EDA is as follows:
Events are something which has happened
Commands are requests for something which might happen
What I can't understand is why implementations often use both of these together, when one always seems to be redundant? For example when we need to check if a customer has enough credit in order to complete an order, we can achieve this purely with events:
There are no commands on this diagram whatsoever. But in this article, it's suggested there are commands created in addition to the events behind the scenes:
What is the benefit of also including Commands here, doesn't it just add complexity? And which of the two is the Customer Service actually subscribing to, the CreatePendingOrderCommand, or the OrderCreatedEvent? Surely only one of these is acted upon by the Customer Service?

What I can't understand is why implementations often use both of these together, when one always seems to be redundant?
In general, they aren't quite the same thing; it's only in the simple cases that the information is redundant.
"Commands" a something akin to proposals: they are messages that we send toward some authority to effect some change. "Events" are messages being sent from some authority.
Commands deliver new information to an authority. Events describe how information has been integrated with what was known before.
Events describe information that will be available when processing future commands - the information is durable; commands are transient.
Commands are often generated from a stale non-authoritive snapshot of some information (a report, or a "view"). Events are reflections of the state of the authority itself.
Events fan out from an authority; we know the sender, but not necessarily the receiver. Commands fan into an authority, we know the receiver, but not necessarily the sender.
It is pretty squishy. We are making copies of a data structure, and at some point our perspective shifts, and even though the source data structure is an event, the copy is a command.
Think subscription: the system is going to copy a data structure from my output stream (an event) to your input stream (a command).
My suggestion: it's all just "messages". Allow yourself to leave it there until you have more laps under your belt.

I would say
"A command can emit any number of events."
"Commands can be rejected."
"Events have happened."


Designing event-based architecture for the customer service

Being a developer with solid experience, i am only entering the world of microservices and event-driven architecture. Things like loose coupling, independent scalability and proper implementation of asynchronous business processes is something that i feel should get simplified as compared with traditional monolith approach. So giving it a try, making a simple PoC for myself.
I am considering making a simple application where user can register, login and change the customer details. However, i want to react on certain events asynchronously:
customer logs in - we send them an email, if the IP address used is new to the system.
customer changes their name, we send them an email notifying of the change.
The idea is to make a separate application that reacts on "CustomerLoggedIn", "CustomerChangeName" events.
Here i can think of three approaches, how to implement this simple functionality, with each of them having some drawbacks. So, when a customer submits their name change:
Store change name Changed name is stored in the DB + an event is sent to Kafkas when the DB transaction is completed. One of the big problems that arise here is that if a customer had 2 tabs open and almost simultaneously submits a change from initial name "Bob" to "Alice" in one tab and from "Bob" to "Jim" in another one, on a database level one of the updates overwrites the other, which is ok, however we cannot guarantee the order of the events to be the same. We can use some checks to ensure that DB update is only done when "the last version" has been seen, thus preventing the second update at all, so only one event will be emitted. But in general case, this pattern will not allow us to preserve the same order of events in the DB as in Kafka, unless we do DB change + Kafka event sending in one distributed transaction, which is anti-pattern afaik.
Change the name in the DB, and use Debezium or similar DB CDC to capture the event and stream it. Here we get a single event source, so ordering problem is solved, however what bothers me is that i lose the ability to enrich the events with business information. Another related drawback is that CDC will stream all the updates in the "customer" table regardless of the business meaning of the event. So, in this case, i will probably need to build a Kafka Streams application to convert the DB CDC events to business events and decouple the DB structure from event structure. The potential benefit of this approach is that i will be able to capture "direct" DB changes in the same manner as those originated in the application.
Emit event from the application, without storing it in the DB. One of the subscribers might to the DB persistence, another will do email sending, etc. The biggest problem i see here is - what do i return to the client? I cannot say "Ok, your name is changed", it's more like "Ok, you request has been recorded and will be processed". In case if the customer quickly hits refresh - he expects to see his new name, as we don't want to explain to the customers what's eventual consistency, do we? Also the order of processing the same event by "email sender" and "db updater" is not guaranteed, so i can send an email before the change is persisted.
I am looking for advices regarding any of these three approaches (and maybe some others i am missing), maybe the usecases when one can be preferrable over others?
It sounds to me like you want event sourcing. In event sourcing, all you need to store is the event: the current state of a customer is derived from replaying the events (either from the beginning of time, or since a snapshot: the snapshot is just an optional optimization). Some other process (there are a few ways to go about this) can then project the events to Kafka for consumption by interested parties. Since every event has a sequence number, you can use the sequence number to prevent concurrent modification (alternatively, the more actor modely event-sourcing implementations can use techniques like cluster sharding in Akka to achieve the same ends).
Doing this, you can have a "write-side" which processes the updates in a strongly consistent manner and can respond to queries which only involve a single customer having seen every update to that point (the consistency boundary basically makes customer in this case an aggregate in domain-driven-design terms). "Read-sides" consuming events are eventually consistent: the latencies are typically fairly short: in this case your services sending emails are read-sides (as would be a hypothetical panel showing names of all customers), but the customer's view of their own data could be served by the write-side.
(The separation into read-sides and write-side (the pluralization is significant) is Command Query Responsibility Segregation, which sometimes gets interpreted as "reads can only be served by a read-side". This is not totally accurate: for one thing a write-side's model needs to be read in order for the write-side to perform its task of validating commands and synchronizing updates, so nearly any CQRS-using project violates that interpretation. CQRS should instead be interpreted as "serve reads from the model that makes the most sense and avoid overcomplicating a model (including that model in the write-side) to support a new read".)
I think I qualify to answer this, having extensively used debezium for simplifying the architecture.
I would prefer Option 2:
Every transaction always results in an event emitted in correct order
Option 1/3 has a corner case, what if transaction succeeds, but application fails to emit the event?
To your point:
Another related drawback is that CDC will stream all the updates in
the "customer" table regardless of the business meaning of the event.
So, in this case, i will probably need to build a Kafka Streams
application to convert the DB CDC events to business events and
decouple the DB structure from event structure.
I really dont think that is a roadblock. The benefit you get is potentially other usecases may crop up where another consumer to this topic may want to read other columns of the table.
Option 1 and 3 are only going to tie this to your core application logic, and that is not doing any favor from simplifying PoV. With option 2, with zero code changes to core application APIs, a developer can independently work on the events, with no need to understand that core logic.

CQRS projections, joining data from different aggregates via probe commands

In CQRS when we need to create a custom-tailored projections for our read-models, we usually prefer a "denormalized" projections (assume we are talking about projecting onto a DB). It is not uncommon to have the information need by the application/UI come from different aggregates (possibly from different BCs).
Imagine we need a projected table to contain customer's information together with her full address and that Customer and Address are different aggregates in our system (possibly in different BCs). Meaning that, addresses are generated and maintained independently of customers. Or, in other words, when a new customer is created, there is no guarantee that there will be an AddressCreatedEvent subsequently produced by the system, this event may have already been processed prior to the creation of the customer. All we have at the time of CreateCustomerCommand is an UUID of an existing address.
We have several solutions here.
Enrich CreateCustomerCommand and the subsequent CustomerCreatedEvent to contain full address of the customer (looking up this information on the fly from the UI or the controller). This way the projection handler will just update the table directly upon receiving CustomerCreatedEvent.
Use the addrUuid provided in CustomerCreatedEvent to perform an ad-hoc query in the projection handler to get the missing part of the address information before updating the table.
These are commonly discussed solution to this problem. However, as noted by many others, there are problems with each approach. Enriching events can be difficult to justify as well described by Enrico Massone in this question, for example. Querying other views/projections (kind of JOINs) will work but introduces coupling (see the same link).
I would like describe another method here, which, as I believe, nicely addresses these concerns. I apologize beforehand for not giving a proper credit if this is a known technique. Sincerely, I have not seen it described elsewhere (at least not as explicitly).
"A picture speaks a thousand words", as they say:
The idea is that :
We keep CreateCustomerCommand and CustomerCreatedEvent simple with only addrUuid attribute (no enriching).
In API controller we send two commands to the command handler (aggregates): the first one, as usual, - CreateCustomerCommand to create customer and project customer information together with addrUuid to the table leaving other columns (full address, etc.) empty for time being. (Warning: See the update, we may have concurrency issue here and need to issue the probe command from a Saga.)
Right after this, and after we have obtained custUuid of the newly created customer, we issue a special ProbeAddrressCommand to Address aggregate triggering an AddressProbedEvent which will encapsulate the full state of the address together with the special attribute probeInitiatorUuid which is, of course our custUuid from the previous command.
The projection handler will then act upon AddressProbedEvent by simply filling in the missing pieces of the information in the table looking up the required row by matching the provided probeInitiatorUuid (i.e. custUuid) and addrUuid.
So we have two phases: create Customer and probe for the related Address. They are depicted in the diagram with (1) and (2) correspondingly.
Obviously, we can send as many such "probe" commands (in parallel) as needed by our projection: ProbeBillingCommand, ProbePreferencesCommand, etc. effectively populating or "filling in" the denormalized projection with missing data from each handled "probe" event.
The advantages of this method is that we keep the commands/events in the first phase simple (only UUIDs to other aggregates) all the while avoiding synchronous coupling (joining) of the projections. The whole approach has a nice EDA feeling about it.
My question is then: is this a known technique? Seems like I have not seen this... And what can go wrong with this approach?
I would be more then happy to update this question with any references to other sources which describe this method.
There is one significant flaw with this approach that I can see already: command ProbeAddrressCommand cannot be issued before the projection handler had a chance to process CustomerCreatedEvent. But this is impossible to know from the API gateway (or controller).
The solution would probably involve a Saga, say CustomerAddressJoinProjectionSaga with will start upon receiving CustomerCreatedEvent and which will only then issue ProbeAddrressCommand. The Saga will end upon registering AddressProbedEvent. Or, if many other aggregates are involved in probing, when all such events have been received.
So here is the updated diagram.
As noted by Levi Ramsey (see answer below) my example is rather convoluted with respect to the choice of aggregates. Indeed, Customer and Address are often conceptualized as belonging together (same Aggregate Root). So it is a better illustration of the problem to think of something like Student and Course instead, assuming for the sake of simplicity that there is a straightforward relation between the two: a student is taking a course. This way it is more obvious that Student and Course are independent aggregates (students and courses can be created and maintained at different times and different places in the system).
But the question still remains: how can we obtain a projection containing the full information about a student (full name, etc.) and the courses she is registered for (title, credits, the instructor's full name, prerequisites, etc.) all in the same table, if the UI requires it ?
A couple of thoughts:
I question why address needs to be a separate aggregate much less in a different bounded context, in view of the requirement that customers have an address. If in some other bounded context customer addresses are meaningful (e.g. you want to know "which addresses have more customers" etc.), then that context can subscribe to the events from the customer service.
As an alternative, if there's a particularly strong reason to model addresses separately from customers, why not have the read side prospectively listen for events from the address aggregate and store the latest address for a given address UUID in case there's a customer who ends up with that address. The reliability per unit effort of that approach is likely to be somewhat greater, I would expect.

How to store sagas’ data?

From what I read aggregates must only contain properties which are used to protect their invariants.
I also read sagas can be aggregates which makes sense to me.
Now I modeled a registration process using a saga: on RegistrationStarted event it sends a ReserveEmail command which will trigger an EmailReserved or EmailReservationFailed given if the email is free or not. A listener will then either send a validation link or a message telling an account already exists.
I would like to use data from the RegistrationStarted event in this listener (say the IP and user-agent). How should I do it?
Storing these data in the saga? But they’re not used to protect invariants.
Pushing them through ReserveEmail command and the resulting event? Sounds tedious.
Project the saga to the read model? What about eventual consistency?
Another way?
Rinat Abdullin wrote a good overview of sagas / process managers.
The usual answer is that the saga has copies of the events that it cares about, and uses the information in those events to compute the command messages to send.
List[Command] processManager(List[Event] events)
Pushing them through ReserveEmail command and the resulting event?
Yes, that's the usual approach; we get a list [RegistrationStarted], and we use that to calculate the result [ReserveEmail]. Later on, we'll get [RegistrationStarted, EmailReserved], and we can use that to compute the next set of commands (if any).
Sounds tedious.
The data has to travel between the two capabilities somehow. So you are either copying the data from one message to another, or you are copying a correlation identifier from one message to another and then allowing the consumer to decide how to use the correlation identifier to fetch a copy of the data.
Storing these data in the saga? But they’re not used to protect invariants.
You are typically going to be storing events in the sagas (to keep track of what has happened). That gives you a copy of the data provided in the event. You don't have an invariant to protect because you are just caching a copy of a decision made somewhere else. You won't usually have the process manager running queries to collect additional data.
What about eventual consistency?
By their nature, sagas are always going to be "eventually consistent"; the "state" of an instance of a saga is just cached copies of data controlled elsewhere. The data is probably nanoseconds old by the time the saga sees it, there's no point in pretending that the data is "now".
If I understand correctly I could model my saga as a Registration aggregate storing all the events whose correlation identifier is its own identifier?
Udi Dahan, writing about CQRS:
Here’s the strongest indication I can give you to know that you’re doing CQRS correctly: Your aggregate roots are sagas.

Lagom | Return Values from read side processor

We are using Lagom for developing our set of microservices. The trick here is that although we are using event sourcing and persisting events into cassandra but we have to store the data in one of the graph DB as well since it will be the one that will be serving most of the queries because of the use case.
As per the Lagom's documentation, all the insertion into Graph database(or any other database) has to be done in ReadSideProcecssor after the command handler persist the events into cassandra as followed by philosophy of CQRS.
Now here is the problem which we are facing. We believe that the ReadSideProcecssor is a listener which gets triggered after the events are generated and persisted. What we want is we could return the response back from the ReadSideProcecssor to the ServiceImpl. Example when a user is added to the system, the unique id generated by the graph has to be returned as one of the response headers. How that can be achieved in Lagom since the response is constructed from setCommandHandler and not the ReadSideProcessor.
Also, we need to make sure that if due to any error at graph side, the API should notify the client that the request has failed but again exceptions occuring in ReadSideProcessor are not propagated to either PersistentEntity or ServiceImpl class. How can that be achieved as well?
Any helps are much appreciated.
The read side processor is not a listener that is attached to the command - it is actually completely disconnected from the persistent entity, it may be running on a different node, at a different time, perhaps even years in the future if you add a new read side processor that first comes up to speed with all the old events in history. If the read side processor were connected synchronously to the command, then it would not be CQRS, there would not be segregation between the command and the query side.
Read side processors essentially poll the database for new events, processing them as they detect them. You can add a new read side processor at any time, and it will get all events from all of history, not just the new ones that are added, this is one of the great things about event sourcing, you don't need to anticipate all your query needs from the start, you can add them as the query need comes.
To further explain why you don't want a connection between the two - what happens if the event persist succeeds, but the update on the graph db fails? Perhaps the graph db is crashed. Does the command have to retry? Does the event have to be deleted? What happens if the node doing the update itself crashes before it has an opportunity to fix the problem? Now your read side is in an inconsistent state from your entities. Connecting them leads to inconsistency in many failure scenarios - for example, like when you update your address with a utility company, and but your bills still go to the old address, and you contact them, and they say "yes, your new address is updated in our system", but they still go to the old address - that's the sort of terrible user experience that you are signing your users up for if you try to connect your read side and write side together. Disconnecting allows Lagom to ensure consistency between the events you have emitted on the write side, and the consumption of them on the read side.
So to address your specific concerns: ID generation should be done on the write side, or, if a subsequent ID is generated on the read side, it should also provide a way of mapping the IDs on the write side to the read side ID. And as for handling errors on the read side - all validation should be done on the write side - the write side should ensure that it never emits an event that is invalid.
Now if the read side processor encounters something that is invalid, then it has two options. One option is it could fail. In many cases, this is a good option, since if something is invalid or inconsistent, then it's likely that either you have a bug or some form of corruption. What you don't want to do is continue processing as if everything is happy, since that might make the data corruption or inconsistency even worse. Instead the read side processor stops, your monitoring should then detect the error, and you can go in and work out either what the bug is or fix the corruption. Of course, there are downsides to doing this, your read side will start lagging behind the write side while it's unable to process new events. But that's also an advantage of CQRS - the write side is able to continue working, continue enforcing consistency, etc, the failure is just isolated to the read side, and only in updating the read side. Instead of your whole system going down and refusing to accept new requests due to this bug, it's isolated to just where the problem is.
The other option that the read side has is it can store the error somewhere - eg, store the event in a dead letter table, or raise some sort of trouble ticket, and then continue processing. This way, you can go and fix the event after the fact. This ensures greater availability, but does come at the risk that if that event that it failed to process was important to the processing of subsequent events, you've potentially just got yourself into a bigger mess.
Now this does introduce specific constraints on what you can and can't do, but I can't really anticipate those without specific knowledge of your use case to know how to address them. A common constraint is set validation - for example, how do you ensure that email addresses are unique to a single user in your system? Greg Young (the CQRS guy) wrote this blog post about those types of problems:

CQRS + Event Sourcing: (is it correct that) Commands are generally communicated point-to-point, while Domain Events are communicated through pub/sub?

Didn't know how to shorten that title.
I'm basically trying to wrap my head around the concept of CQRS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command-query_separation) and related concepts.
Although CQRS doesn't necessarily incorporate Messaging and Event Sourcing it seems to be a good combination (as can be seen with a lot of examples / blogposts combining these concepts )
Given a use-case for a state change for something (say to update a Question on SO), would you consider the following flow to be correct (as in best practice) ?
The system issues an aggregate UpdateQuestionCommand which might be separated into a couple of smaller commands: UpdateQuestion which is targeted at the Question Aggregate Root, and UpdateUserAction(to count points, etc) targeted at the User Aggregate Root. These are send asynchronously using point-to-point messaging.
The aggregate roots do their thing and if all goes well fire events QuestionUpdated and UserActionUpdated respectively, which contain state that is outsourced to an Event Store.. to be persisted yadayada, just to be complete, not really the point here.
These events are also put on a pub/sub queue for broadcasting. Any subscriber (among which likely one or multiple Projectors which create the Read Views) are free to subscribe to these events.
The general question: Is it indeed best practice, that Commands are communicated Point-to-Point (i.e: The receiver is known) whereas events are broadcasted (I.e: the receiver(s) are unknown) ?
Assuming the above, what would be the advantage/ disadvantage of allowing Commands to be broadcasted through pub/sub instead of point-to-point?
For example: When broadcasting Commands while using Saga's (http://blog.jonathanoliver.com/2010/09/cqrs-sagas-with-event-sourcing-part-i-of-ii/) could be a problem, since the mediation role a Saga needs to play in case of failure of one of the aggregate roots is hindered, because the saga doesn't know which aggregate roots participate to begin with.
On the other hand, I see advantages (flexibility) when broadcasting commands would be allowed.
Any help in clearing my head is highly appreciated.
Yes, for Command or Query there is only one and exactly one receiver (thus you can still load balance), but for Events there could be zero or more receivers (subscribers)