Jolt giving values as root - jolt

Here's my input data :
"TEST1": "abcd",
"TEST2": "xyz",
"TEST3": "08"
"TEST1": "abcd",
"TEST2": "xyz",
"TEST3": "20"
"TEST1": "root",
"TEST2": "xyz",
"TEST3": ["08","20"]
Expected Output
"TEST1": "abcd",
"TEST2": "xyz",
"TEST3": ["08","20"]
Jolt specs
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"": {
"TEST3": "#(1,TEST2).TEST3"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"": {
"$1": "[#2].TEST1",
"$": "[#2].TEST2",
"#.TEST3": "[#2].TEST3"
Can you please help me in achieving the excpected output

Check this spec
//Concat the TEST1 and TEST2 to temp
"operation": "modify-default-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
"temp": "=concat(#(1,TEST1),':',#(1,TEST2))"
//Group the values by shifting TEST3
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"TEST3": "#(1,temp)"
// Assign the keys to the node named key and value to the node nameed value
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"#": "[#2].key",
"$": "[#2].value"
//Shift and assign the respective values to the TEST1, TEST2 and TEST3
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"value": {
"*:*": {
"$(0,1)": "[&3].TEST1",
"$(0,2)": "[&3].TEST2"
"key": "[&1].TEST3"


Facing issue with JOLT transformation with nested array

I have a JSON input :
"id": "Root_ID",
"Item": [
"id": "ID_1",
"characteristic": [
"name": "char1",
"value": "PRE1"
"name": "char2",
"value": "2050-01-01"
"id": "ID_2",
"characteristic": [
"name": "char1",
"value": "PRE2"
"name": "char2",
"value": "2050-01-02"
which needs to be converted by using a Jolt transformation spec to the following output :
"id": "Root_ID",
"Item": [
"id": "ID_1",
"char1": "PRE1",
"char2": "2050-01-01"
"id": "ID_2",
"char1": "PRE2",
"char2": "2050-01-02"
Currently, I'm using this spec :
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"id": "id",
"Item": {
"*": {
"characteristic": {
"*": {
"name": {
"char1": {
"#(2,value)": "item[#3].char1"
"char2": {
"#(2,value)": "item[#3].char2"
which does not produce the desired result.
Can you please help me prepare a correct spec to handle this issue ?
Edit : What if I'd like to get the following JSON result ?
"id": "Root_ID",
"Item": [
"id": "ID_1",
"char1": "PRE1"
"id": "ID_2",
"char1": "PRE2",
"char2": "2050-01-02"
You can use the following shift transformation spec in which #value and #name are matched reciprocally such as
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"id": "&",
"Item": {
"*": {
"id": "&2[&1].&",// you can reduce two levels based on the inner identifier 4,3 -> 2,1
"char*": {
"*": {
"#value": "&4[&3].#name" // &4 copies the literal "Item" after going four levels up the tree, [&3] generates array-wise result(array of objects) after going three levels up the tree to reach the level of the indexes of the "Item" array
Edit : You can alternatively use the following spec for the case in which you need to return char2 within the all objects but the first :
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"id": "&",
"Item": {
"0": {// stands for the first index
"id": "&2[&1].&",
"char*": {
"*": {
"name": {
"char1": {
"#2,value": "&6[&5].#3,name"
"*": {
"id": "&2[&1].&",
"char*": {
"*": {
"#value": "&4[&3].#name"

Convert Multiple List Of Strings to different objects in Jolt

I have multiple list of strings in my request array. I have to iterate each list and take its first elements and form an object as bucketList similarly second elements of each list and form another object. How can be this achieved in jolt?
Request Packet:
"recordSet": [
"id": "123",
"bucketIdArray": [ "M03", "M02" ],
"bucketNameArray": [ "EmployeeBucket200", "EmployeeBucket100" ],
"bucketUsageArray": [ "500000000", "5000" ],
"postBucketValueArray": [ "5004000", "5000" ]
"id": "456",
"bucketIdArray": [ "M04" ],
"bucketNameArray": [ "EmployeeBucket300" ],
"bucketUsageArray": [ "500000000" ],
"postBucketValueArray": [ "5004000" ]
Response Expected:
"datas": {
"historyDetails": [
"historyId": "123",
"bucketlist": [
"bucketId": "M03",
"bucketName": "EmployeeBucket200",
"bucketUsage": "500000000",
"postBucketValue": "5004000"
"bucketId": "M02",
"bucketName": "EmployeeBucket300",
"bucketUsage": "50000",
"postBucketValue": "5004000"
"historyId": "456",
"bucketlist": [
"bucketId": "M04",
"bucketName": "EmployeeBucket300",
"bucketUsage": "500000000",
"postBucketValue": "5004000"
You can use this shift spec
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": {
"id": "datas.historyDetails[&1].&",
"*": { "*": "datas.historyDetails[&2].bucketlist[&].&1" }
If the Array strings needed to be removed from the key names, then each key-value pair should explicitly be specified for them such as
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": {
"*": "datas.historyDetails[&1].&",
"bucketIdArray": { "*": "datas.historyDetails[&2].bucketlist[&].bucketId" },
"bucketNameArray": { "*": "datas.historyDetails[&2].bucketlist[&].bucketName" },
"bucketUsageArray": { "*": "datas.historyDetails[&2].bucketlist[&].bucketUsage" },
"postBucketValueArray": { "*": "datas.historyDetails[&2].bucketlist[&].postBucketValue" }
Another option would be adding three more steps before our original shift spec in order to prevent hardcoding of each keys individually with Array suffix such as
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": {
"*": {
"$": "&2.&.key",
"#": "&2.&.val"
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": {
"key": "=split('Array',#(1,&))"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": {
"val": "&.[&2].#(1,key[0])"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": {
"id": "datas.historyDetails[&1].&",
"*": { "*": "datas.historyDetails[&2].bucketlist[&].&1" }

JOLT Merging dissimilar elements

Here is my input
"value": 1075456461000
"name": "LAST_UPDATED_BY",
"value": {
"value": "BCw="
Here is the expected output
"value": 1075456461000
"name": "LAST_UPDATED_BY",
"value": "BCw="
Tried to add default fields so that I can compare further, but can't seem to create a node with a value already existing ( value: 1075456461000 )
"operation": "modify-default-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
"val" : null,
"value": {
"val" : null
Any suggestions are appreciated.
After several hours of struggle here is what I came up with ....
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"$": "&1.fieldname",
"#": "&1.val",
"value": "&1.value"
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": {
"value": ""
"operation": "default",
"spec": {
"*": {
"value": null
"operation": "modify-default-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
"value?": "#(1,val)"
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"*": {
"val": ""

Moving one array into json objects defined in another array - JOLT Transformation

I have my input defined as
"lineId": "1",
"Collection": {
"services": [
"Code": "TB",
"Type": [
"Code": "MAGTB",
"Type": [
"promotions": [
"Id": "1"
"Id": "2"
I would like to get my output as
"lineId": "1",
"Collection": {
"services": [
"Code": "TB",
"Type": [
"promotions": [
"Id": "1"
"Id": "2"
"Code": "TB2",
"Type": [
"promotions": [
"Id": "1"
"Id": "2"
Any help would be appreciated.
I am new to JOLT. And I'm having trouble navigating to the second array from inside the first.
Incomplete transformation that I tried:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"Collection": {
"services": {
"*": "[].&",
"#(3,lineId)": "lineId",
edit: Tried this now
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"Collection": {
"services": {
"*": "[]",
// "*": "&",
"#(3,lineId)": "lineId",
"#(3,promotions)": {
"*": {
"Id": "Id"
I just have to figure out a way to move the Id list inside the objects in services array.
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"Collection": {
"services": {
"*": {
"*": "[&1].&",
"#(3,lineId)": "[&1].lineId",
"#(3,promotions)": "[&1].promotions"
I think this is the spec you're looking for?
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"lineId": "lineId",
"Collection": {
"services": {
"*": {
"#(3,promotions)": "[&1].promotions",
"*": "[&1].&"

Add array inside object with same key in jolt spec

I would like to move the recommendations array by row_id key inside the investors with the same row_id
Original Json
"investors": [
"row_id": 1,
"name": "AAAA"
"row_id": 2,
"name": "BBBB"
"recommendations": [
"row_id": "1",
"title": "ABC"
"row_id": "2",
"title": "CDE"
I've tried a lot of specs at with no success
Specs tried...
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"investors": {
"*": "investors[]"
"recommendations": {
"#": "recommendations[]"
Desired Json
"investors": [
"row_id": 1,
"name": "AAAA",
"row_id": "1",
"title": "ABC"
"row_id": 2,
"name": "BBBB",
"row_id": "2",
"title": "CDE"
This can be done in two stage shift
First shift groups everything based on row_id.
(I'd suggest running the first shift of its own to see what the output is)
Second shift uses that grouped output and formats results.
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": {
"row_id": {
"*": {
"#2": "&.&4"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"investors": "investors.[#2]",
"recommendations": "investors.[#2].recommendations[]"