ssh_init: Network error: Cannot assign requested address - deployment

I am trying to set up a connection and transfer files using putty on a windows 10 platform. I have verified that the default port in putty is 22. When I run the command in the command line to connect and transfer files though I get the above error. Any idea why this is or what I should do?

Did you try:
pscp -P 22 c:\documents\foo.txt

I had to go into the Putty Default Settings and "Save" them again, despite port 22 showing as the default. Worked for me to avoid adding the -P 22 option every time.

I had the same error and ended up at this page. The -P 22 did not solve my problem.
I use Putty saved sessions and double checked my command line and had the same error as the OP.
I was using:
pscp -l SESSION_NAME_IN_PUTTY ip:/remote_path local_path
I reviewed the command line options for pscp and changed the -l to -load and it worked.
The final command looked like:
pscp -load SESSION_NAME_IN_PUTTY ip:/remote_path local_path
Note: If you still have the error, please review your spelling of SESSION_NAME_IN_PUTTY and ensure it is an exact match. One letter off, can cause the same error.

In my case I had created a shortened "session name" in Putty -- that is, a shorter representation of the full hostname. This worked for most Putty functions -- but when I tried to use pscp I found that I needed to have a session name that was identical to the hostname.

I'm my case I was hitting this error because SSH was not enabled in Raspbian.


I've already setup the ssh key, but VSCode keeps asking for password

I'm using a macbook(MacOS) to connect to a remote Ubuntu server.
I copied the public ssh key to the server using ssh-copy-id and checked that the ssh key works on the terminal. When I do ssh username#x.x.x.x, connection is made without asking for password).
However, when I try to connect to the server through Visual Studio Code, VSCode keeps asking for password. Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks in advance!
It was a problem with the config file.
The VSCode needs the "absolute" path.
In case of MacOS, ssh-copy-id seems to only copy the absolute path relative to the user.
In other words, it omits "/Users/username" before "/.ssh".
Adding "/Users/username" in the IdentityFile attribute in .ssh/config solved the problem.
Check if this microsoft/vscode-remote-release issue 2518 applies:
You should be able to get out of this state by deleting the file (on the remote server side, as sudo root) in the log, /home/#####/.vscode-server/bin/78a4c91400152c0f27ba4d363eb56d2835f9903a/vscode-remote-lock.#####.78a4c91400152c0f27ba4d363eb56d2835f9903a (with unlink) or running the command "Kill VS Code Server on Host..."
If it happens again, you might try setting remote.SSH.useFlock.
The exact command to run in the command palette (View->Command Palette) is:
Remote-SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host...
In my case, deleting entire ~/.vscode-server directory after connecting to the container through ssh using terminal worked.
(Deleting only ~/.vscode-server/bin did not work.)
The OP sukrama confirms in the comments having solved the issue
It was a problem with ssh key path in config file.
Here's a quick and handy fix: You do not have to delete the entire .vscode-server folder each time! The problem seems to be a file named 'vscode-remote-lock...'. It can be located inside a folder in ~/.vscode-server/bin/ . That file gets created at each ssh login through vscode. Run the following script on the remote host. It deletes that file whenever it is created:
while true
if ls /home/<your-username>/.vscode-server/bin/*/vscode-remote-lock.<your-username>.* 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
find /home/<your-username>/.vscode-server/bin/*/ -name vscode-remote-lock.<your-username>.* -delete
echo "Killed the troublemaker! ^_^"
The file names and the folder names may differ from machine to machine. So find the names on your machine and paste them in the script. Then run the script and you're good to go.
VSCode in my Windows machine was asking for password even with my key correctly configured (it works from the terminal).
My problem was that VSCode was choosing a wrong user. I was using a host configured in my ssh config file, and VSCode was setting the user as DOMAIN\user instead of user. I solved it configuring the correct user in my .ssh/config file:
Host dados
HostName vrt1234
User xxxxx
In case you're having this problem in Windows, keep in mind that the public/private keys that you might use to connect to a remote machine from WSL aren't the same ones that VS Code will use to connect from Windows. You need to create a separate public/private key pair for Windows, and export that private key to the remote server too.
From VS Code remote debug tips and tricks:
In a Powershell window, create a public/private key pair just as you would in a Linux terminal:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Then export it to the remote server:
export USER_AT_HOST="your-user-name-on-host#hostname"
export PUBKEYPATH="$HOME/.ssh/"
ssh $USER_AT_HOST "powershell New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path \"\$HOME\\.ssh\"; Add-Content -Force -Path \"\$HOME\\.ssh\\authorized_keys\" -Value '$(tr -d '\n\r' < "$PUBKEYPATH")'"
Make sure you can connect via passwordless SSH via PowerShell.
Finally, in VS Code. press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette and select "Remote-SSH: Open SSH Configuration File..." and edit the config file like so:
Host [convenient name]
HostName [hostname]
User [username]
IdentityFile C:\Users\[username]\.ssh\id_rsa*
Then when you run "Remote-SSH: Connect to Host..." in VS Code and choose the host above, it should connect without prompting for a password.
I had to use UseKeychain yes in my ~/.ssh/config file.
The config file looks like this:
Host server.tld
HostName server.tld
User user
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key
You have to enter ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/key to add your passphrase to KeyChain first.
Not enough rep to comment, but if you followed the steps from this Stack Overflow post and are still running into issues, your VSCode Remote-SSH config file path may not be set.
Make sure that the setting remote.SSH.configFile is set to ~/.ssh/config.
You could also type Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette.
Inside the Command Palette type,
Remote-SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host...
You will be required to type in your server password for it to work.
In case this helps someone, i had a similar issue where VSC was asking for a password (instead of a passphrase).
I noticed that my key was on a network drive and it looks like VSC cannot read it there.
I moved it to a local file (C:) and it worked.
For me it was that my public auth ssh was not working and my home directory permissions were the problem. I had to remove group and other write permissions to my home directory and then everything worked:
chmod go-w ~/
Only this worked for me:
ie: adding the key by ssh-add and then writing this in the ~/.ssh/config file:
Host *
UseKeychain yes
AddKeysToAgent yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/[your-secure-ssh-key-name]

VsCode remote-ssh not working on new computer

So I've got myself a new computer. Lucky me. Win 10 Pro.
But SSH is not my strong suit. I can login to my remote server via the command line using:
Promted for password - straight in.
I've moved my .pub files and the config file from the .ssh directory of my old computer to to my new computer But VScode will not login. I've used ssh-keygen to create a new key and added it to .ssh/authorized_keys on the server. No login. I just keep getting:
Load key "C:/Users/myuser/.ssh/": Permission denied
What am I missing here? I've been through the process enough times to make sure there are no spelling mistakes. Everything still works on my old computer.
To set up the ssh key I:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f %USERPROFILE%/.ssh/pub_rsa
scp -p 22 %USERPROFILE%/.ssh/
And finally:
cat ~/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
... and of course chmod that file to 600.
ssh -i %USERPROFILE%/.ssh/pub_rsa -p 22
... logs in fine without being prompted for a password.
My remote-ssh config file looks like:
Host my_remote
User username
Port 22
IdentityFile C:/Users/MyDir/.ssh/
If I remove the .pub from the last line of the IdentityFile, I get this error message and VScode just repeats itself failing to log on -->
Rolled back remote-ssh to version 0.49 - and that seems to have done the trick. Check this post for similar problem/solution.
First, I confirm a ssh config file would always reference the private key (in your case pub_rsa), not the public key.
Second, regarding the flock error message, check microsoft/vscode-remote-release issue 1896
find settings: Remote.SSH: Lockfiles In Tmp
check it
(seen also in issue 2059, make sure to use the latest VSCode release)

Stunnel syntax on CentOS?

I am trying to correct the following stunnel syntax for CentOS 6.x:
stunnel -c -f -d 1143 -r -P ''
The proposed syntax of is not working:
-c: No such file or directory (2)
To take care of XY problem concerns: I need to migrate my IMAP email from Host A to Host B. Generally I use imapcopy and port 143. However this time host A only supports SSL 993, which imapcopy does not. Stunnel is supposed to get around this, at least according to this tutorial:
That page contains a note (unfortunately not very well called out) that is of relevance.
NOTE: Stunnel doesn't work the same way since Debian Jessie (not sure since which version of stunnel). I've not dug in to it and hence do not know what the new syntax should be (if you know, let me know).
I don't know how you found that page but it is clearly old and out of date. (I can only find one other page that references stunnel having command line arguments like that and it lists itself as old more explicitly. Everything else I can find is about the new config file based configuration.)
You could also use pymap-copy instead imapcopy. It's more state of the art and you don't need stunnel.
Or you can write:
stunnel3 -c -f -d 1143 -r -P ''
stunnel3 is a wrapper script for backward compability

Save PuTTY output to file from command-line

Is there any way to save the PuTTY output to a file using the command line? I know this is easily done using the GUI but in my case it has to be done automatically.
What I'm working on:
User clicks batch file -> starts PuTTY, automatically connects to my device over SSH and runs a bunch of commands -> PuTTY should save the output to a file.
The last part I can't get working. Is there any command to do this?
This can be done with putty. The answer is little late considering the time the questions was asked, however this might help someone.
In putty, using GUI, you can save sessions with logging option on, as shown below.
Enter Host Name, Name the session, Go to Logging Option in the left top corner, select all sessions, provide log file name and location, go back to Session tab, click on the save button. Done, you have saved a session.
Now open CMD and write the command as below
You are done. Every time this session is invoked, the commands and output will be logged.
Hope this helps.
The specific program putty is not designed for this. Instead use plink, a different program in the PuTTY suite,
which uses the same session settings and keys as putty but gets input from stdin and puts output to stdout,
both of which can be redirected in the usual ways. See .
As mentioned in previous answer, use plink for this.
Make sure it is in your environment path, by typing
plink -V
in your console. If it returns a version number, then you know it is in environment path variables. If it doesn't, probably best to fix this first. There are plenty of good SO answers to help you with this. Failing that, use the full path to your plink.exe in the CLI command that follows.
Then use plink to open your ssh connection, with the option -v set to provide verbose output. Finally, this all needs to be piped to a log file.
The complete cli command that I use is
plink -v > ssh-output.log 2>&1
Open up the file ssh-ouput.log to see the results.
Expanding on Dave's and Charlie's answers...
Apart from making sure plink is in the path, also check whether you have write access to local ouput file.
This is how you redirect command output from remote machine to local file with plink. In this example we store an output from man page for nfcapd:
plink joe# -pw joespassword man nfcapd > output.log 2>&1
The first time you try to access the server, it will ask you store key in cache. So make sure to access the machine at least once before:
plink joe# -pw joespassword
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
think it is.
Store key in cache? (y/n)

Using Netsh with PsExec

I'm trying to dump DHCP settings from an older server thats being decommissioned. I ran the command fine while on the actual server but when trying to run it using psexec remotely, it keeps failing. The command is: psexec \\$source netsh dhcp server \\$source dump>$dhcpSettings
$source = the server being decommissioned
$dhcpSettings = the path to save the dumped settings
I've tried all sorts of combinations of encapsulating quotation marks but still nothing. the errors I'm getting is, "The system cannot find the file specified" and "The system cannot find the path specified"
EDIT: So I got rid of the path to save the dumped settings and now it works. But how should I format the command so that it'll save the settings to the remote computer's C:\USER.SET\LOG directory?
One solution might be to bundle the command you want to run and the stdout redirection into a single line cmd file and use PsExec -c or -f to copy and execute that file on the remote system. As an example
Create a line cmd file named DHCPSettings.cmd with the following in it and save it to C:\temp\:
netsh dhcp server \\localhost dump >c:\user.set\log\dhcpsetting.log
Then use
psexec \\$source -c c:\temp\DHCPSettings.cmd
You did not really provide any code to go by and I am not sure I understand the all requirements and constraints you have, so consider this as an idea; not the exact commands you need to run. Hope it helps.