Getting the error "urllist is empty,fail to remoteTranslate" in HMS ML Kit while translating text? - huawei-mobile-services

In HMS ML Kit I am getting an error "urllist list is empty, fail to remoteTranslate" while translating text from Spanish to English. How to resolve this?

This error comes if you skip any initial set up. Please make sure
You have integrated all necessary dependencies in root level and app level build.gradle.
You have set the data storage location in AGC.
You have enabled ML kit in Manage APIs.
You have downloaded agconnect-services.json and integrated in your project.


build error UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException: 2 errors

The following error occurs when unity builds with Android phone.
enter image description here
The first time you don't set anything up, the build will succeed.
However, after downloading the ar foundation and arcore xr plugin package, the following error occurs.
What's the reason?
As the error at the top says, you have the Vulkan graphics API enabled and it’s not supported by ARCore. Go into Player Settings > Android and remove Vulkan from the list of graphics APIs. (If it’s not listed because Graphics API is set to Auto you’ll need to disable Auto I guess).

need help for Firebase Face detection and recognition on Android can anyone guide me (Programming Language :- JAVA)?

I'm developing an Android app with java and I need some help. I want to store the user's face data in Firebase with the help of Firebase Face Detection and my app will recognize the user's face whenever the user tries to log in to the system if it matches then it will allow the user to access the app otherwise the app will close.
Welcome on SO! Firebase Face Detection is part of ML Kit for Android and according to its documentation is old version of SDK. New version was split into Firebase ML and ML Kit.
As Face Detection is part that can be used without Firebase it is currently included into ML Kit.
In the documentation there is detailed guide with example how to implement it on Android/Java. You may find there as well link to github with ML Kit quick-start sample.
First you should get familiar with those documentation and try to implement the sample on your side. Than when you will know what do you want to store create appropriate database for it.
If you will get any problems with during those implementation please create new question with issue exact details. Please follow the instruction to create good question.

Failed to fetch the following dependencies:

I am using Unity 2019.3.6f1 and Google Mobile Ads Unity Plugin v5.0.1. I have imported the plugin to my Unity editor. When I try to resolve, error message appear and ask to look at console. Message at console "Failed to fetch the following dependencies:". This is my third time making game using unity but first time happen to me. Hope anyone can give me idea what is happening and how to fix this.
"Can you confirm that you have the externs.cpp file in Assets/Plugins/Android (included in the Google Mobile Ads Unity package) and that it is checked for inclusion in Android builds, as per below?"
Answer taken from Issue in v5.0.1. See this.

Huawei Tool Converter Cannot Resolve Symbol 'xms'

I'm using the HMS Toolkit- Converter to add HMS API to my app automatically. After it converts import; into import; it tells me that Cannot Resolve Symbole 'xms'. I also tried going to HMS repository and add the Analytics Kit then hit Apply but it gives me an error HMS Analytics Kit applyplugin dependence added failed:/Users.....
How can I resolve the issue on 'xms' during the conversion? (I used Add HMS API conversion policy.)
Is Cannot Resolve Symbol 'xms' displayed when you use the Add HMS API(HMS API First) or Add HMS API(GMS API First) function?
If so, check whether the following method could solve your problem:
Check whether your HMS Core Toolkit is the latest version. If not, download the latest one.
After obtaining the latest version of HMS Core Toolkit, try again to generate the XMS code.
If the steps above do not work, try to use Sync Project With Gradle File.
Did you try add the HMS toolkit to your application from android studio. I think you can solve the issue with it.
How to open a file with the suffix "XMS"?
Do you have to use software?
The memory located after 1MB called extended memory.
Generally, programs cannot directly use extended memory.
The usage of extended memory is supported by XMS (extended memory specification), so the extended memory is sometimes referred to as XMS.
Before using extended memory, you should add the command of HIMEM.SYS in the CONFIG.SYS firstly.
Here is the link about what is XMS.
Here is the link reffering to the extended memory of Huawei mobile phone.

Firebase for Unity – Offline Persistence

I'm using the brand new Firebase SDK for Unity for an Augmented Reality application that I'd like to function offline. I've used the following statement for offline persistence on iOS before but don't see anything in the docs for Unity.
FIRDatabase.database().persistenceEnabled = true
// Keeps a specific location synced.
So for Unity, is there anything I can do to make Firebase keep all of its state even after an app restart? Keep a reference synced?
It's currently not supported. I think that the plugin is open source so you can add it yourself. In the end, a unity app is compiled to each platform natively so you can just add the relevant lines in the modified plugin.