WebSockets in kotlin - swift

I want to establish a connection with a server. For the connection is established I need to pass a url and in Header the accessToken (I can do this). If the connection is make with successful i need to pass another value (gameId). In swift the solution pass for this way:
self.manager = SocketManager(socketURL: URL(string: K.ProductionServer.baseURL)!,
config: [.log(true),
.extraHeaders(["Authorization": "Bearer \(self.userSession.access_token)"]),
.connectParams(["game_id": self.gameId])])
Is there anything like this in kotlin? Until now, I maked the code below.
private fun instantiateWebSocket() {
val accessToken = "aaa"
val client : OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient()
val request : Request = Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer $accessToken")
//.post("game_id", gameId)
val socketListener : SocketListener = SocketListener(this)
webSocket = client.newWebSocket(request, socketListener)

You can try to use Ktor HTTP client.


Auth token handling for Gatling

Doing performance testing of API using Gatling.
Login (authToken will be generated in header)
For GET, POST, PUT request, need to pass that generated authToken in header
Here's my code snippet:
package apitest
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
import io.gatling.core.Predef.*
import io.gatling.http.Predef.*
import io.gatling.jdbc.Predef.*
import scala.language.postfixOps
class TestEnv4trial extends Simulation {
var e1: String = "https://testenv1-dev.net"
var e2: String = "https://testenv2-dev.net"
var BaseUrl: String = e1
var pwd: String = "pass123"
// Users
var admin: String = "admin123"
val httpProtocol = http
val login_headers = Map(
"Accept" -> """*/*""",
"Connection" -> "keep-alive",
"Content-Type" -> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"
val scn1 = scenario("Admin Login")
.exec(http("Login Admin")
.post({BaseUrl} + "/api/user/login")
.formParam("username", admin123)
.formParam("password", pass123)
.exec { session => println(session("tokenId").as[String]); session } //authToken getting printed
val common_headers = Map(
"Accept" -> """*/*""",
"Accept-Encoding" -> "gzip, deflate, br",
"Accept-Language" -> "en-GB,en;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8",
"Authorization" -> "Bearer " + $tokenId, //With hardcoded authToken works. Need to pass generated authToken in prev scenario here.
"Connection" -> "keep-alive",
val scn2 = scenario("All Employees")
.exec(http("All Employees")
When I hardcode authToken generated in scn1 in common_headers, scn2 works.
But when I use tokenId, its not able to identify tokenId.
How do I pass saved key tokenId in common_headers?
"Authorization" -> "Bearer " + $tokenId
This doesn't compile.
Currently, you're using Session attributes, meaning tokenId is scoped for the single user executing scn1.
There's no way for a user executing scn2 to be able to reach it as is.

Gatling Error when running multiple users - 'httpRequest-2' failed to execute: No attribute named 'access_token' is defined

im new to Gatling and have been trying to setup a test where my users login, get an access token, then perform some simple get requests using that token. Having 1-2 users works fine, however once i start ramping up the users i start getting spammed with this error:
[ERROR] i.g.h.a.HttpRequestAction - 'httpRequest-2' failed to execute: No attribute named 'access_token' is defined
Im thinking it could have something to do with the way I am saving and using the access token ?
class GatlingTest extends Simulation {
val httpProtocol = http
.inferHtmlResources(BlackList(""".*\.js""", """.*\.css""", """.*\.gif""", """.*\.jpeg""", """.*\.jpg""", """.*\.ico""", """.*\.woff""", """.*\.woff2""", """.*\.(t|o)tf""", """.*\.png""", """.*detectportal\.firefox\.com.*"""), WhiteList())
object GetUserData {
val userData = exec(http("Get_User_Data")
.header("Authorization", "Bearer ${access_token}"))
object GetUserInfo {
val userInfo = exec(http("Get_User_Info")
.header("Authorization", "Bearer ${access_token}")
.header("Accept", "application/json"))
object Login {
val sentHeaders = Map("api_key" -> "nnxzv336wt2374h6zw5x24qd", "Content-Type" -> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept" -> "application/json")
val login = exec(http("Login_User")
.basicAuth("username", "password")
val user = scenario("User").exec(Login.login).exec(GetUserData.userData, GetUserInfo.userInfo)
I have added Authorization Bearer to the get requests, like i mentioned it does work, but as soon as 3+ users are involved i get the error.
It means the login request failed and hence, the user wasn't able to capture the access_token there.

How do I upload an image to Parse Server using Kotlin/Jvm via Rest Service?

I'm creating a Kotlin/Jvm (without Android Sdk) application that interacts with a instance of a Parse Server (Back4App). Unfortunately, parse doesn't provide a Sdk implementation to use with Java/Kotlin without Android.
So I'm using the rest Api. Now I trying to upload a image from my disk into Back4App file server. In the doc there is snippet using curl. But I wasn't able to translate into a Retrofit service:
curl -X POST \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: 4MGgDJ0ZiQloXoSTE2I9VM6YUYIz8EwCKF4pK7zr" \
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: ${REST_API_KEY}" \
-H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" \
--data-binary '#myPicture.jpg' \
So I based my implementation in this article and other snippets from GitHub and created a retrofit service for it:
fun upload(
#Part file: MultipartBody.Part
): Call<ResponseBody>
And call:
var file = File("assets/escudo.png")
var requestFile = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("**/image"), file)
var body = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("picture", file.name, requestFile)
var r = getService().upload(body).execute()
I created the retrofit instance as below:
fun getService(): ParserService {
val retrofit = Retrofit
return retrofit.create(ParserService::class.java)
fun createClient(): OkHttpClient {
return OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(createHeadInterceptor()).build()
fun createHeadInterceptor(): Interceptor {
return HeaderInterceptor()
class HeaderInterceptor : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response =
chain.run {
val credentials = CredentialsUtils.readCredentials()
log.info { credentials }
// .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
.addHeader("Content-Type", "image/png")
.addHeader("X-Parse-Application-Id", credentials.back4appAppId)
.addHeader("X-Parse-REST-API-Key", credentials.back4appRestApiKey)
I was able to use it to posting Json data (by uncommenting the content/type header). But when I tried to upload an image I receive this response:
Response{protocol=h2, code=400, message=, url=https://parseapi.back4app.com/parse/files}
More info:
I tried a different approuch without Retrofit, it gives a 201 response code and gives me an objectId, but it doesn't upload the file:
val file2 = File("assets/escudo.png")
val serverUrl = "https://parseapi.back4app.com/classes/myfiles"
val url = URL(serverUrl)
val conn = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
conn.requestMethod = "POST"
conn.doOutput = true
val postData = file2.readBytes()
conn.addRequestProperty("Content-length", postData.size.toString())
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "image/*")
conn.setRequestProperty("X-Parse-Application-Id", credentials.back4appAppId)
conn.setRequestProperty("X-Parse-REST-API-Key", credentials.back4appRestApiKey)
val outputStream = DataOutputStream(conn.outputStream)
Trying now using Khttp:
val file = File("assets/foto.jpg")
val file2 = File("assets/escudo.png")
val serverUrl = "https://parseapi.back4app.com/classes/myfiles"
val files = listOf(FileLike("foto.jpg", file), FileLike("escudo.png", file2))
val response = post(serverUrl, headers = getHeaders(), files = files)
fun getHeaders(): Map<String, String> {
return mapOf(
"Content-Type" to "image/*",
"X-Parse-Application-Id" to credentials.back4appAppId,
"X-Parse-REST-API-Key" to credentials.back4appRestApiKey
Getting this error:
<Response [400]>
{"error":"Unexpected token - in JSON at position 0"}
If you're using Back4App, the correct Server URL is:

Scala HttpPost - How to pass authentication parameters

Was able to fix it by using the UsernamePasswordCredentials class
The code looks like below
val client = new DefaultHttpClient
client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY,new UsernamePasswordCredentials("user","password"));
i am trying to make a HttpPost call to a Restful API, its expecting a username/password, how to pass those parameters? I tried 2 ways
post.addHeader("Password","clear pwd")
post.addHeader("Authorization","Basic base64encoded username:password")
nothing works, I get response text as
Response Text = HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized [WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="API Realm", domain="/default-api", nonce="pOxqalJKm5L5QXiphgFNmrtaJsh+gU", algorithm=MD5, qop="auth", stale=true, Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1, Cache-Control: must-revalidate,no-cache,no-store, Content-Length: 311] org.apache.http.conn.BasicManagedEntity#5afa04c
Below is my code
val url = "http://restapi_url";
val post = new HttpPost(url)
//post.addHeader("Authorization","Basic QWBX3VzZXI6Q0NBQGRidHMxMjM=")
post.addHeader("Password","clear pwd")
val fileContents = Source.fromFile("input.xml").getLines.mkString
post.setHeader("Content-type", "application/xml")
post.setEntity(new StringEntity(fileContents))
val response = (new DefaultHttpClient).execute(post)
println("Response Text = "+response.toString())
// print the response headers
println("--- HEADERS ---")
response.getAllHeaders.foreach(arg => println(arg))
Here the authorization header should be calculated like this:
httpPost.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString("[your-username]:[your-password]".getBytes))
Instead of getUrlEncoder(), it should be getEncoder().
you can write like this, it works in my program
import java.util.Base64
httpPost.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64.getUrlEncoder.encodeToString("[your-username]:[your-password]".getBytes))
DefaultHttpClient is deprecated. You should use BasicCredentialsProvider instead. Example code below:
val username = "your_username"
val password = "your_password"
val credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider()
new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password)
val httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider).build()

How to call CQ author URL from a standalone code

I am trying to hit URL in cq Author instance from my standalone code. The URL looks like — http://<somehost>:<someport>//libs/dam/gui/content/reports/export.json
Below is the code:
URL url = new URL(newPath);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setReadTimeout(15 * 10000);
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
But I got a 401 error, which is expected, as I'm not passing any authentication information — hence Sling says:
getAnonymousResolver: Anonymous access not allowed by configuration - requesting credentials.
How can I get resolve this?
You may use Basic HTTP authentication. Adding it to the HttpURLConnection is little awkward:
Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
return new PasswordAuthentication("admin", "admin".toCharArray());
Consider using Apache HttpClient:
UsernamePasswordCredentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("admin", "admin");
DefaultHttpClient authorizedClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpUriRequest request = new HttpGet(url);
request.addHeader(new BasicScheme().authenticate(creds, request));
HttpResponse response = authorizedClient.execute(request);
InputStream stream = response.getEntity().getContent();