Kafka consumer test and reported metrics - apache-kafka

I want to understand how kafka consumer test works and how to interpret some of numbers reported,
below is the test i ran and the output i got. My questions are
values reported for rebalance.time.ms, fetch.time.ms, fetch.MB.sec, fetch.nMsg.sec are 1593109326098, -1593108732333, -0.0003, -0.2800; can you explain how it can report such a high and negative numbers ? they dont make sense to me.
Everything reported from Metric Name Value line is reported due to --print-metrics flag. What is difference between metrics reported by default and with this flag? how they are calculated and where can i read about what do they mean?
No matter i scale total consumer running in parallel or scale network and io threads at broker, consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:fetch-latency-avg metrics remains almost same. can you explain this? with more consumers pulling data fetch latency should go higher; similarly for given consuming rate if i reduce io and network thread parameters at broker shouldnt latency scale higher?
here is the command i ran
[root#oak-clx17 kafka_2.12-2.5.0]# bin/kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh --topic topic_test8_cons_test1 --threads 1 --broker-list clx20:9092 --messages 500000000 --consumer.config config/consumer.properties --print-metrics
and results
start.time, end.time, data.consumed.in.MB, MB.sec, data.consumed.in.nMsg, nMsg.sec, rebalance.time.ms,fetch.time.ms, fetch.MB.sec, fetch.nMsg.sec
WARNING: Exiting before consuming the expected number of messages: timeout (10000 ms) exceeded. You can use the --timeout option to increase the timeout.
2020-06-25 11:22:05:814, 2020-06-25 11:31:59:579, 435640.7686, 733.6922, 446096147, 751300.8463, 1593109326098, -1593108732333, -0.0003, -0.2800
Metric Name Value
consumer-coordinator-metrics:assigned-partitions:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 0.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:commit-latency-avg:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 2.700
consumer-coordinator-metrics:commit-latency-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 4.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:commit-rate:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 0.230
consumer-coordinator-metrics:commit-total:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 119.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:failed-rebalance-rate-per-hour:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 0.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:failed-rebalance-total:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 1.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:heartbeat-rate:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 0.337
consumer-coordinator-metrics:heartbeat-response-time-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 6.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:heartbeat-total:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 197.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:join-rate:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 0.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:join-time-avg:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : NaN
consumer-coordinator-metrics:join-time-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : NaN
consumer-coordinator-metrics:join-total:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 1.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:last-heartbeat-seconds-ago:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 2.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:last-rebalance-seconds-ago:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 593.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:partition-assigned-latency-avg:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : NaN
consumer-coordinator-metrics:partition-assigned-latency-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : NaN
consumer-coordinator-metrics:partition-lost-latency-avg:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : NaN
consumer-coordinator-metrics:partition-lost-latency-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : NaN
consumer-coordinator-metrics:partition-revoked-latency-avg:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 0.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:partition-revoked-latency-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 0.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:rebalance-latency-avg:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : NaN
consumer-coordinator-metrics:rebalance-latency-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : NaN
consumer-coordinator-metrics:rebalance-latency-total:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 83.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:rebalance-rate-per-hour:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 0.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:rebalance-total:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 1.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:sync-rate:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 0.000
consumer-coordinator-metrics:sync-time-avg:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : NaN
consumer-coordinator-metrics:sync-time-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : NaN
consumer-coordinator-metrics:sync-total:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 1.000
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:bytes-consumed-rate:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1, topic=topic_test8_cons_test1} : 434828205.989
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:bytes-consumed-rate:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 434828205.989
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:bytes-consumed-total:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1, topic=topic_test8_cons_test1} : 460817319851.000
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:bytes-consumed-total:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 460817319851.000
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:fetch-latency-avg:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 58.870
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:fetch-latency-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 503.000
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:fetch-rate:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 48.670
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:fetch-size-avg:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1, topic=topic_test8_cons_test1} : 9543108.526
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:fetch-size-avg:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 9543108.526
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:fetch-size-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1, topic=topic_test8_cons_test1} : 11412584.000
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:fetch-size-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 11412584.000
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:fetch-throttle-time-avg:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 0.000
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:fetch-throttle-time-max:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 0.000
consumer-fetch-manager-metrics:fetch-total:{client-id=consumer-perf-consumer-25533-1} : 44889.000
Exception in thread "main" java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: f != java.lang.Integer
at java.base/java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier.failConversion(Formatter.java:4426)
at java.base/java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier.printFloat(Formatter.java:2951)
at java.base/java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier.print(Formatter.java:2898)
at java.base/java.util.Formatter.format(Formatter.java:2673)
at java.base/java.util.Formatter.format(Formatter.java:2609)
at java.base/java.lang.String.format(String.java:2897)
at scala.collection.immutable.StringLike.format(StringLike.scala:354)
at scala.collection.immutable.StringLike.format$(StringLike.scala:353)
at scala.collection.immutable.StringOps.format(StringOps.scala:33)
at kafka.utils.ToolsUtils$.$anonfun$printMetrics$3(ToolsUtils.scala:60)
at kafka.utils.ToolsUtils$.$anonfun$printMetrics$3$adapted(ToolsUtils.scala:58)
at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:62)
at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray.foreach$(ResizableArray.scala:55)
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:49)
at kafka.utils.ToolsUtils$.printMetrics(ToolsUtils.scala:58)
at kafka.tools.ConsumerPerformance$.main(ConsumerPerformance.scala:82)
at kafka.tools.ConsumerPerformance.main(ConsumerPerformance.scala)

https://medium.com/metrosystemsro/apache-kafka-how-to-test-performance-for-clients-configured-with-ssl-encryption-3356d3a0d52b it's a post I've written on this.
Expectation according to this KIP is for rebalance.time.ms and fetch.time.ms to show total rebalance time for the consumer group and the total fetching time excluding the rebalance time.
As far I can tell, as of Apache Kafka version 2.6.0 this is still a work in progress and currently the output are timestamps in Unix epoch time.
fetch.MB.sec and fetch.nMsg.sec are intended to show the average quantity of messages consumed per second (in MB and as a count)
See https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#consumer_group_monitoring for the consumer group metrics listed with --print-metrics flag
fetch-latency-avg (the average time taken for a fetch request) will vary but this depends a lot on the test setup.


Using Orfeo Toolbox Plugin in QGIS

I’m trying to use Segmentation in OTB with different settings to get optimal segments for a classification. So I’ve already have two .shp processed by “Segmentation”. However now it isn’t working anymore. I think it’s because of the memory capacity?
I’m using QGIS 3.22.9, Python 3.9.5, GDAL 3.51 and OTB 8.0.1. Could anybody check the protocol and please help me?
I tried to uninstall the plugin but it's not working because the plugin is a "core-expansion"
{ ‘in’ : ‘E:/IP/Daten/DOP10/DOP10_gesamt.tif’, ‘filter’ : ‘meanshift’, ‘filter.meanshift.spatialr’ : 5, ‘filter.meanshift.ranger’ : 15, ‘filter.meanshift.thres’ : 0.1, ‘filter.meanshift.maxiter’ : 100, ‘filter.meanshift.minsize’ : 2500, ‘mode’ : ‘vector’, ‘mode.vector.out’ : ‘E:/IP/Daten/shp/segmentation_CIR_minimumregionsize2500.shp’, ‘mode.vector.outmode’ : ‘ulco’, ‘mode.vector.inmask’ : None, ‘mode.vector.neighbor’ : True, ‘mode.vector.stitch’ : True, ‘mode.vector.minsize’ : 1, ‘mode.vector.simplify’ : 0.1, ‘mode.vector.layername’ : ‘’, ‘mode.vector.fieldname’ : ‘’, ‘mode.vector.tilesize’ : 1024, ‘mode.vector.startlabel’ : 1, ‘mode.vector.ogroptions’ : ‘’, ‘outputpixeltype’ : 5 }
ERROR 1: Error in psSHP->sHooks.FWrite() while writing object of 6760 bytes to .shp file: No error
ERROR 1: Failure writing DBF record 14496.
ERROR 1: Failure writing .shp header: No error
2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: Default RAM limit for OTB is 256 MB
2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: GDAL maximum cache size is 405 MB
2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: OTB will use at most 4 threads
2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO): Loading metadata from official product
2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: Use threaded Mean-shift segmentation.
2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: Use 8 connected neighborhood.
2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: Simplify the geometry.
2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: Large scale segmentation mode which output vector data
2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO): Estimation will be performed in 400 blocks of 1024x1024 pixels
2022-08-23 08:13:50 (FATAL) Segmentation: itk::ERROR: Cannot create a new feature in the layer <segmentation_CIR_minimumregionsize2500>: Error in psSHP->sHooks.FWrite() while writing object of 6760 bytes to .shp file: No error
Execution completed in 43770.33 Sekunden (12 Stunden 9 Minuten 30 Sekunden)
{‘mode.vector.out’: ‘E:/IP/Daten/shp/segmentation_CIR_minimumregionsize2500.shp’}

Spark getting slow as time goes on

I have a scala code that runs on top of spark 2.4.0 to compute the BFS of a graph which is stored in a table as below:
At some point in the algorithm, I need to update the visited flag of current vertex neighbors. I am doing this by the following code. When I execute the code, it works fine but as time goes on, it becomes slower and slower. It seems that the last nested loop is the problem:
//var vertices = schema(StructType(Seq(StructField("id",IntegerType),StructField("visited", IntegerType),StructField("qOrder",IntegerType))
val neighbours = edges.filter($"src" === start).join(vertices,$"id" === $"dst").filter($"visited" === lit(0))
.select($"dst".as("id")).withColumn("visited", lit(1)).withColumn("qOrder", lit(priorityCounter)).cache()
vertices = vertices.filter($"id" =!= x(0)).union(neighbours.filter(col("id")===x(0))).cache()
When it becomes slow, it starts giving the following errors and warnings:
2021-06-08 19:55:08,998 [driver-heartbeater] WARN org.apache.spark.executor.Executor - Issue communicating with driver in heartbeater
org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcTimeoutException: Futures timed out after [10 seconds]. This timeout is controlled by spark.executor.heartbeatInterval
Exception in thread "dag-scheduler-event-loop" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
Does anyone have any idea about the problem?
I have set the spark parameters as follows:
spark.scheduler.listenerbus.eventqueue.capacity 100000000
spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled true
spark.dynamicAllocation.executorIdleTimeout 2m
spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors 1
spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors 10000
spark.max.fetch.failures.per.stage 10
spark.rpc.io.serverThreads 64
spark.rpc.askTimeout 600s
spark.driver.memory 32g
spark.executor.memory 32g

MongoDB Concurrency Bottleneck

Too Long; Didn't Read
The question is about a concurrency bottleneck I am experiencing on MongoDB. If I make one query, it takes 1 unit of time to return; if I make 2 concurrent queries, both take 2 units of time to return; generally, if I make n concurrent queries, all of them take n units of time to return. My question is about what can be done to improve Mongo's response times when faced with concurrent queries.
The Setup
I have a m3.medium instance on AWS running a MongoDB 2.6.7 server. A m3.medium has 1 vCPU (1 core of a Xeon E5-2670 v2), 3.75GB and a 4GB SSD.
I have a database with a single collection named user_products. A document in this collection has the following structure:
{ user: <int>, product: <int> }
There are 1000 users and 1000 products and there's a document for every user-product pair, totalizing a million documents.
The collection has an index { user: 1, product: 1 } and my results below are all indexOnly.
The Test
The test was executed from the same machine where MongoDB is running. I am using the benchRun function provided with Mongo. During the tests, no other accesses to MongoDB were being made and the tests only comprise read operations.
For each test, a number of concurrent clients is simulated, each of them making a single query as many times as possible until the test is over. Each test runs for 10 seconds. The concurrency is tested in powers of 2, from 1 to 128 simultaneous clients.
The command to run the tests:
mongo bench.js
Here's the full script (bench.js):
seconds = 10,
limit = 1000,
USER_COUNT = 1000,
ops = [
op : "find" ,
ns : "test_user_products.user_products" ,
query : {
user : { "#RAND_INT" : [ 0 , USER_COUNT - 1 ] }
limit: limit,
fields: { _id: 0, user: 1, product: 1 }
for (concurrency = 1; concurrency <= 128; concurrency *= 2) {
savedTime = new Date();
res = benchRun({
parallel: concurrency,
host: "localhost",
seconds: seconds,
ops: ops
timediff = new Date() - savedTime;
docsPerSecond = res.query * limit;
currentLatency = res.queryLatencyAverageMicros / 1000;
if (previousLatency) {
latencyRatio = currentLatency / previousLatency;
results = [
savedTime.getFullYear() + '-' + (savedTime.getMonth() + 1).toFixed(2) + '-' + savedTime.getDate().toFixed(2),
savedTime.getHours().toFixed(2) + ':' + savedTime.getMinutes().toFixed(2),
timediff / 1000,
previousLatency = currentLatency;
Results are always looking like this (some columns of the output were omitted to facilitate understanding):
concurrency queries/sec avg latency (ms) latency ratio
1 459.6 2.153609008 -
2 460.4 4.319577324 2.005738882
4 457.7 8.670418178 2.007237636
8 455.3 17.4266174 2.00989353
16 450.6 35.55693474 2.040380754
32 429 74.50149883 2.09527338
64 419.2 153.7325095 2.063482104
128 403.1 325.2151235 2.115460969
If only 1 client is active, it is capable of doing about 460 queries per second over the 10 second test. The average response time for a query is about 2 ms.
When 2 clients are concurrently sending queries, the query throughput maintains at about 460 queries per second, showing that Mongo hasn't increased its response throughput. The average latency, on the other hand, literally doubled.
For 4 clients, the pattern continues. Same query throughput, average latency doubles in relation to 2 clients running. The column latency ratio is the ratio between the current and previous test's average latency. See that it always shows the latency doubling.
Update: More CPU Power
I decided to test with different instance types, varying the number of vCPUs and the amount of available RAM. The purpose is to see what happens when you add more CPU power. Instance types tested:
Type vCPUs RAM(GB)
m3.medium 1 3.75
m3.large 2 7.5
m3.xlarge 4 15
m3.2xlarge 8 30
Here are the results:
concurrency queries/sec avg latency (ms) latency ratio
1 459.6 2.153609008 -
2 460.4 4.319577324 2.005738882
4 457.7 8.670418178 2.007237636
8 455.3 17.4266174 2.00989353
16 450.6 35.55693474 2.040380754
32 429 74.50149883 2.09527338
64 419.2 153.7325095 2.063482104
128 403.1 325.2151235 2.115460969
concurrency queries/sec avg latency (ms) latency ratio
1 855.5 1.15582069 -
2 947 2.093453854 1.811227185
4 961 4.13864589 1.976946318
8 958.5 8.306435055 2.007041742
16 954.8 16.72530889 2.013536347
32 936.3 34.17121062 2.043083977
64 927.9 69.09198599 2.021935563
128 896.2 143.3052382 2.074122435
concurrency queries/sec avg latency (ms) latency ratio
1 807.5 1.226082735 -
2 1529.9 1.294211452 1.055566166
4 1810.5 2.191730848 1.693487447
8 1816.5 4.368602642 1.993220402
16 1805.3 8.791969257 2.01253581
32 1770 17.97939718 2.044979532
64 1759.2 36.2891598 2.018374668
128 1720.7 74.56586511 2.054769676
concurrency queries/sec avg latency (ms) latency ratio
1 836.6 1.185045183 -
2 1585.3 1.250742872 1.055438974
4 2786.4 1.422254414 1.13712774
8 3524.3 2.250554777 1.58238551
16 3536.1 4.489283844 1.994745425
32 3490.7 9.121144097 2.031759277
64 3527 18.14225682 1.989033023
128 3492.9 36.9044113 2.034168718
Starting with the xlarge type, we begin to see it finally handling 2 concurrent queries while keeping the query latency virtually the same (1.29 ms). It doesn't last too long, though, and for 4 clients it again doubles the average latency.
With the 2xlarge type, Mongo is able to keep handling up to 4 concurrent clients without raising the average latency too much. After that, it starts to double again.
The question is: what could be done to improve Mongo's response times with respect to the concurrent queries being made? I expected to see a rise in the query throughput and I did not expect to see it doubling the average latency. It clearly shows Mongo is not being able to parallelize the queries that are arriving.
There's some kind of bottleneck somewhere limiting Mongo, but it certainly doesn't help to keep adding up more CPU power, since the cost will be prohibitive. I don't think memory is an issue here, since my entire test database fits in RAM easily. Is there something else I could try?
You're using a server with 1 core and you're using benchRun. From the benchRun page:
This benchRun command is designed as a QA baseline performance measurement tool; it is not designed to be a "benchmark".
The scaling of the latency with the concurrency numbers is suspiciously exact. Are you sure the calculation is correct? I could believe that the ops/sec/runner was staying the same, with the latency/op also staying the same, as the number of runners grew - and then if you added all the latencies, you would see results like yours.

MongoDB chunk migration steps in changelog collection

Can someone clarify all the steps for "moveChunk.from" and "moveChunk.to". I want to know at these steps, which operations are performed (I guess the value of the steps represents the time ms, it took for the step). This will help me to derive any slowest step that is occurring during chunk migration.
"_id" : "bdvlpabhishekk-2013-07-20T17:46:28-51eaccf40c5c5c12e0e451d5",
"server" : "bdvlpabhishekk",
"clientAddr" : "",
"time" : ISODate("2013-07-20T17:46:28.589Z"),
"what" : "moveChunk.from",
"ns" : "test.test",
"details" : {
"min" : {
"key1" : 151110
"max" : {
"key1" : 171315
"step1 of 6" : 0,
"step2 of 6" : 1,
"step3 of 6" : 60,
"step4 of 6" : 2067,
"step5 of 6" : 7,
"step6 of 6" : 0
"_id" : "bdvlpabhishekk-2013-07-20T17:46:31-51eaccf7d6a98a5663942b06",
"server" : "bdvlpabhishekk",
"clientAddr" : ":27017",
"time" : ISODate("2013-07-20T17:46:31.671Z"),
"what" : "moveChunk.to",
"ns" : "test.test",
"details" : {
"min" : {
"key1" : 171315
"max" : {
"key1" : 192199
"step1 of 5" : 0,
"step2 of 5" : 0,
"step3 of 5" : 1712,
"step4 of 5" : 0,
"step5 of 5" : 344
All these steps are explained in the "M202: MONGODB ADVANCED DEPLOYMENT AND OPERATIONS" course, which is available online for free (I can't post this link here because of the limitation on stackoverflow on a number of posted URLs, just try to find the course in google)
Related videos from this course are: Anatomy of a migration overview and Anatomy of a migration deep dive.
The explanation follows.
All time values are in milliseconds.
Let's say F is a "moveChunk.from" and T is a "moveChunk.to". The steps are F1..F6 and T1..T5.The steps are performed sequentially F1, F2, F3, F4: {T1, T2, T3, T4, T5}, F5, F6. Step F4 includes {T1..T5} and timing of F4 is the sum of T1..T5 (but there is no exact match).
F1 - mongos sends 'moveChunk' command to F (primary of the shard to migrate from)
F2 - sanity checking of the command
F3 - F sends the command to T (read this chunk from me)
F4,T1..T3 - transfer starts, T performs sanity checking, index checking etc
F4,T4 - catch up on subsequent operations (if there were inserts into the chunk while the transfer was going, send updates from F to T)
F4,T5 - steady state (changes are written to the primary log)
F5 - about to commit to config server changes about the new chunk location (critical secition)
F6 - clean up
All chunk migrations use the following procedure:
The balancer process sends the moveChunk command to the source shard.
The source starts the move with an internal moveChunk command. During the migration process, operations to the chunk route to the source shard. The source shard is responsible for incoming write operations for the chunk.
The destination shard begins requesting documents in the chunk and starts receiving copies of the data.
After receiving the final document in the chunk, the destination shard starts a synchronization process to ensure that it has the changes to the migrated documents that occurred during the migration.
When fully synchronized, the destination shard connects to the config database and updates the cluster metadata with the new location for the chunk.
After the destination shard completes the update of the metadata, and once there are no open cursors on the chunk, the source shard deletes its copy of the documents.
Taken from this.

How to calculate bandwidth consumption in pjsip

I see that Jitsi (which uses jain-sip) can display bandwidth information when a call is in progress.
How to get bandwidth information in pjsip ? Are there any callback or how to calculate it ?
P/S: By bandwidth I means the actual bandwidth used by media layer
When calling pjsua_call_dump, I receive this info. Is this enough to calculate ? If yes, how ?
Call time: 00h:00m:06s, 1st res in 1592 ms, conn in 6512ms
#0 audio PCMU #8kHz, sendrecv, peer=
SRTP status: Not active Crypto-suite: (null)
RX pt=0, last update:00h:00m:01.891s ago
total 337pkt 53.9KB (67.4KB +IP hdr) #avg=62.5Kbps/78.1Kbps
pkt loss=2 (0.6%), discrd=0 (0.0%), dup=0 (0.0%), reord=0 (0.0%)
(msec) min avg max last dev
loss period: 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 0.000
jitter : 1.125 19.350 27.000 18.875 3.951
TX pt=0, ptime=20, last update:00h:00m:02.260s ago
total 344pkt 55.0KB (68.8KB +IP hdr) #avg=63.8Kbps/79.7Kbps
pkt loss=2 (0.6%), dup=0 (0.0%), reorder=0 (0.0%)
(msec) min avg max last dev
loss period: 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 0.000
jitter : 0.000 7.375 14.750 14.750 7.375
RTT msec : 203.000 203.000 203.000 203.000 0.000