Volume Shadow Copy Monitoring Script - powershell

I'm new to Powershell and am trying to write a Powershell script that I can use to monitor the status of VSS on our servers using an RMM tool. What I have so far is:
# List all Volumes
$Volumes = gwmi Win32_Volume -Property SystemName,DriveLetter,DeviceID,Capacity,FreeSpace -Filter "DriveType=3" |
Select SystemName,#{n="DriveLetter";e={$_.DriveLetter.ToUpper()}},DeviceID,#{n="CapacityGB";e={([math]::Round([int64]($_.Capacity)/1GB,2))}},#{n="FreeSpaceGB";e={([math]::Round([int64]($_.FreeSpace)/1GB,2))}} | Sort DriveLetter
# get all shadow storage volumes
$ShadowStorage = gwmi Win32_ShadowStorage -Property AllocatedSpace,DiffVolume,MaxSpace,UsedSpace,Volume |
Select #{n="Volume";e={$_.Volume.Replace("\\","\").Replace("Win32_Volume.DeviceID=","").Replace("`"","")}},
# list all shadow coppies
$ShadowCopies = gwmi Win32_ShadowCopy -Property VolumeName,InstallDate,Count |
Select VolumeName,InstallDate,Count,
# format and output stats
$Shares = gwmi win32_share -Property Name,Path | Select Name,#{n="Path";e={$_.Path.ToUpper()}}
$Output = #()
ForEach($Volume in $Volumes)
$VolumeShares = $VolumeShadowStorage = $DiffVolume = $VolumeShadowCopies = $Null
If($Volume.DriveLetter -ne $Null){[array]$VolumeShares = $Shares | ?{$_.Path.StartsWith($Volume.DriveLetter)}}
$VolumeShadowStorage = $ShadowStorage | ?{$_.Volume -eq $Volume.DeviceID}
If($VolumeShadowStorage){$DiffVolume = $Volumes | ?{$_.DeviceID -eq $VolumeShadowStorage.DiffVolume}}
$VolumeShadowCopies = $ShadowCopies | ?{$_.VolumeName -eq $Volume.DeviceID} | Sort InstallDate
$Object = New-Object psobject
$Object | Add-Member NoteProperty SystemName $Volume.SystemName -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty DriveLetter $Volume.DriveLetter -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty CapacityGB $Volume.CapacityGB -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty FreeSpaceGB $Volume.FreeSpaceGB -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty ShareCount "" -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty Shares "" -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty ShadowAllocatedSpaceGB "" -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty ShadowUsedSpaceGB "" -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty ShadowMaxSpaceGB "" -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty DiffVolumeDriveLetter "" -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty DiffVolumeCapacityGB "" -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty DiffVolumeFreeSpaceGB "" -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty ShadowCopyCount "" -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty OldestShadowCopy "" -PassThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty LatestShadowCopy "" -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty ShadowAverageSizeGB "" -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty ShadowAverageSizeMB ""
{ $Object.ShareCount = $VolumeShares.Count
If($VolumeShares.Count -eq 1){$Object.Shares = $VolumeShares[0].Name}
Else{$Object.Shares = [string]::join(", ", ($VolumeShares | Select Name)).Replace("#{Name=", "").Replace("}", "")}
{ $Object.ShadowAllocatedSpaceGB = $VolumeShadowStorage.AllocatedSpaceGB
$Object.ShadowUsedSpaceGB = $VolumeShadowStorage.UsedSpaceGB
$Object.ShadowMaxSpaceGB = $VolumeShadowStorage.MaxSpaceGB
{ $Object.DiffVolumeDriveLetter = $DiffVolume.DriveLetter
$Object.DiffVolumeCapacityGB = $DiffVolume.CapacityGB
$Object.DiffVolumeFreeSpaceGB = $DiffVolume.FreeSpaceGB
{ $Object.ShadowCopyCount = (($VolumeShadowCopies | Measure-Object -Property Count -Sum).Sum)
$Object.OldestShadowCopy = (($VolumeShadowCopies | Select -First 1).CreationDate)
$Object.LatestShadowCopy = (($VolumeShadowCopies | Select -Last 1).CreationDate)
If($VolumeShadowStorage.UsedSpaceGB -gt 0 -And $Object.ShadowCopyCount -gt 0)
{ $Object.ShadowAverageSizeGB = ([math]::Round($VolumeShadowStorage.UsedSpaceGB/$Object.ShadowCopyCount,2))
$Object.ShadowAverageSizeMB = ([math]::Round(($VolumeShadowStorage.UsedSpaceGB*1KB)/$Object.ShadowCopyCount,2))
If($VolumeShadowStorage -Or $ShowAllVolumes){$Output += $Object}
This will output a block of information like this:
SystemName : server
DriveLetter : F:
CapacityGB : 1850
FreeSpaceGB : 676.75
ShareCount : 17
Shares : List of shares
ShadowAllocatedSpaceGB : 71.41
ShadowUsedSpaceGB : 62.3
ShadowMaxSpaceGB : 292.97
DiffVolumeDriveLetter : F:
DiffVolumeCapacityGB : 1850
DiffVolumeFreeSpaceGB : 676.75
ShadowCopyCount : 961
OldestShadowCopy : 4/25/2020 8:39:29 AM
LatestShadowCopy : 7/8/2020 9:17:56 AM
ShadowAverageSizeGB : 0.06
ShadowAverageSizeMB : 66.38
What I need to do so this will work with our RMM tools is break out each line of this output into their own variables so the RMM tool can read each one. For context this is the script we use now, it works but it really only outputs the basics:
$plaintext=vssadmin list writers
foreach ($line in $plaintext) {
switch -regex ($line) {
("^Writer name:") {
Remove-Variable -name Obj -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Obj=New-Object System.Object
$writername=($line -split ": ")[1] -replace "'",""
$Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "WriterName" -value $writername -Force
Remove-Variable -Name writername -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
("^ ") {
$attrname=($line -split ": ")[0] -Replace " ",""
$attrval=($line -split ": ")[1] -replace "'",""
$Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $attrname -value $attrval -Force
Remove-Variable -Name attrname,attrval -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
default {
# Skip line as not required.
#$vsswriters |ft
$errorcount =0
$notstablecount = 0
$VSSinerror = "No VSS Writers Reporting Errors"
$VSSnotstable = "No VSS Writers Reporting Unstable Status"
foreach ($vsswriter in $vsswriters)
if($vsswriter.'Last error' -ne "No error" -and $vsswriter.WriterName -ne "" -and $vsswriter.WriterName -ne $null)
$errorcount = $errorcount +1
if($VSSinerror -eq "No VSS Writers Reporting Errors")
$VSSinerror=$VSSinerror + ", " + $vsswriter.WriterName
if($vsswriter.State -ne "[1] Stable" -and $vsswriter.WriterName -ne "" -and $vsswriter.WriterName -ne $null)
$notstablecount = $notstablecount +1
if($VSSnotstable -eq "No VSS Writers Reporting Unstable Status")
$VSSnotstable=$VSSnotstable + ", " + $vsswriter.WriterName
$outscvsserrors = $errorcount
$outscvssinerrors = $VSSinerror
$outscvssnotstablect = $notstablecount
$outscvssnotstable = $VSSnotstable
What I have to do is feed this Powershell into a scripting tool that will allow me to map outputs to be monitored. Here is what that looks like This is then read by our RMM tool like like this Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction to solve this problem I apologize if this is too broad of a question.


How to Capture Cluster info Remotely from a non-Clustered Node

I've been banging my head on this for a few days now, and I just can't figure out the best way to do it. I've got a script where I collect a bunch of data and output it to an html file (using PSWriteHTML Module, which is where the New-HTMLTable at the end comes from).
I've piecemealed the script together over time so I can gather the data from multiple servers at once, and for the most part, it all works great. As I've added data to the script to collect new info, there's a few parts that I just can't get to work right remotely. I know the piecemeal approach has left me with some redundant code, but I'm just trying to make it all work right before I re-write it again to clean it up, so my apologies for its current state.
The following code works great when I run the script from a server in a Windows Cluster, but I want things to work from any server, not necessarily a Cluster Node.
Here's orig code for this section:
$ClusterIPInfo = Invoke-command -computer $Computer {
Get-Cluster | Get-ClusterResource | %{
$_ | select Name,
#{ Name = "Address"; Expression = { $_ | Get-ClusterParameter -Name Address -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -ExpandProperty Value } },
#{ Name = "SubnetMask"; Expression = { $_ | Get-ClusterParameter -Name SubnetMask -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -ExpandProperty Value } }
} | Select -Property * -ExcludeProperty PSComputerName, RunSpaceID, PSShowComputerName
$ClusterResourceInfo = Invoke-command -computer $Computer {
Get-ClusterResource | Select Cluster, Name, State, ResourceType, OwnerGroup, OwnerNode, ID, IsCoreResource, IsNetworkClassResource, IsStorageClassResource | Sort-Object -Property OwnerGroup, Name
} | Select -Property * -ExcludeProperty PSComputerName, RunSpaceID, PSShowComputerName
$ResourceInfo = #()
foreach ($rec in $ClusterResourceInfo)
$Owner = (Get-ClusterResource | Sort-Object -Property OwnerGroup, Name | Get-ClusterOwnerNode | %{
$_ | select #{ Name = "Name"; Expression = { $_.ClusterObject } },
#{ Name = "PossibleOwners"; Expression = { $_.OwnerNodes } }
} | Where { $_.Name -eq $rec.Name }).PossibleOwners
$Dependency = (Get-ClusterResource | Sort-Object -Property OwnerGroup, Name | Get-ClusterResourceDependency | %{
$_ | select #{ Name = "Name"; Expression = { $_.Resource } },
#{ Name = "Dependency"; Expression = { $_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "DependencyExpression" } }
} | Where { $_.Name -eq $rec.Name }).Dependency
$address = ($ClusterIPInfo | Where { $_.Name -eq $rec.Name }).Address
$subnetmask = ($ClusterIPInfo | Where { $_.Name -eq $rec.Name }).SubnetMask
$recObj = New-Object PSObject
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Cluster" -Value $rec.Cluster
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $rec.Name
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "State" -Value $rec.State
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Resource Type" -Value $rec.ResourceType
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Owner Group" -Value $rec.OwnerGroup
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Owner Node" -Value $rec.OwnerNode
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Possible Owners" -Value $Owner
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Dependency" -Value $Dependency
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "IP Address" -Value $address
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Subnet Mask" -Value $subnetmask
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Is Core Resource" -Value $rec.IsCoreResource
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Is Network Resource" -Value $rec.IsNetworkClassResource
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Is Storage Resource" -Value $rec.IsStorageClassResource
$ResourceInfo += $recObj
New-HTMLTable -DataTable $ResourceInfo -HideFooter -HideButtons -DisableSearch
The parts that don't work correctly remotely are the Dependency and PossibleOwners. I know the reason it doesn't work is because when the server running the script isn't a Cluster Node, it doesn't recognize the command under the Foreach loop Get-ClusterResource. But I just can't figure out how to make those pass correctly from within the Foreach loop, but still use the info from $ClusterResourceInfo.
I've re-written this a hundred different ways, i.e. make a single Invoke-command with basically one big Get-Cluster variable (couldn't get it to capture the Dependency/PossOwners, always $null), splitting up the Dependency and PossOwners to their own separate Invoke-Command (best I can get it to do is display System.Object[], or when I did get it to display, it captured ALL of the Dependencies for all objects and displayed on every line instead of splitting it up correctly).
I've tried every possible way I can think of or found online, but just can't get it to work correctly remotely.
Here's how the orig code above outputs (which is what I want, but I just want to fix it so it works remotely):
I am desperately hoping for some brilliance or guidance to set me on the right track. I tried so many ways, but just never quite got it where it needs to be, so any help is most appreciated and welcome. Thanks.
Couple of things i can suggest.
The "Get-ClusterResource" cmdlet fails because it is not installed on the server.
You may try to load the Failover cluster module using Import-Module, and if it fails (on a non-cluster Node), you can add the Failover Cluster Module for Windows PowerShell Feature, using the following PowerShell cmd:
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell
You may try connecting to to the remote cluster node where the resource is hosted, using WMI ?
You have enough info about the resource to be able to write a filtered WMI query.
So the piecemeal approach is what got me in trouble. In trying to merge things together, I kept breaking it (mainly because I think had doubled up the %{}). So instead of merging, I just replicated the parts that were already working as intended.
Ultimately this code worked fine:
$ClusterInfo = Invoke-command -computer $Computer {
Get-Cluster | Get-ClusterResource | %{
$_ | select Name,
#{ Name = "Address"; Expression = { $_ | Get-ClusterParameter -Name Address -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -ExpandProperty Value } },
#{ Name = "SubnetMask"; Expression = { $_ | Get-ClusterParameter -Name SubnetMask -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -ExpandProperty Value } },
#{ Name = "PossibleOwners"; Expression = { $_ | Get-ClusterOwnerNode | select OwnerNodes | select -ExpandProperty OwnerNodes } },
#{ Name = "Dependency"; Expression = { $_ | Get-ClusterResourceDependency | select -ExpandProperty "DependencyExpression" } }
} | Select -Property * -ExcludeProperty PSComputerName, RunSpaceID, PSShowComputerName
$ClusterResourceInfo = Invoke-command -computer $Computer {
Get-ClusterResource | Select Cluster, Name, State, ResourceType, OwnerGroup, OwnerNode, IsCoreResource, IsNetworkClassResource, IsStorageClassResource | Sort-Object -Property OwnerGroup, Name
} | Select -Property * -ExcludeProperty PSComputerName, RunSpaceID, PSShowComputerName
$ResourceInfo = #()
foreach ($rec in $ClusterResourceInfo)
$Owner = ($ClusterInfo | Where { $_.Name -eq $rec.Name }).PossibleOwners
$Dependency = ($ClusterInfo | Where { $_.Name -eq $rec.Name }).Dependency
$address = ($ClusterInfo | Where { $_.Name -eq $rec.Name }).Address
$subnetmask = ($ClusterInfo | Where { $_.Name -eq $rec.Name }).SubnetMask
$recObj = New-Object PSObject
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Cluster" -Value $rec.Cluster
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $rec.Name
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "State" -Value $rec.State
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Resource Type" -Value $rec.ResourceType
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Owner Group" -Value $rec.OwnerGroup
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Owner Node" -Value $rec.OwnerNode
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Possible Owners" -Value $Owner
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Dependency" -Value $Dependency
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "IP Address" -Value $address
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Subnet Mask" -Value $subnetmask
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Is Core Resource" -Value $rec.IsCoreResource
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Is Network Resource" -Value $rec.IsNetworkClassResource
$recObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Is Storage Resource" -Value $rec.IsStorageClassResource
$ResourceInfo += $recObj
New-HTMLTable -DataTable $ResourceInfo -HideFooter -HideButtons -DisableSearch

"Unable to obtain permission for "name of the share" | win2008r2 File Server

So a friend and i wrote a script so we could get some info about the share on our file server but i keep getting an error about the shares, I am a Domain Admin so i dont think the problem is with my permissions.
Here is the script:
$MyPath = "C:\File Share Info\Shares"
$shares = gwmi -Class win32_share -ComputerName $computer #| select -ExpandProperty Name
$AllObjects = #()
foreach ($share in $shares) {
$acl = $null
$ShareName = $share.Name
$ShareCaption = $Share.Caption
if ($ShareName -notlike "*$*"){
$objShareSec = Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting -Filter "name='$ShareName'"
#-ComputerName $computer
try {
$SD = $objShareSec.GetSecurityDescriptor().Descriptor
foreach($ace in $SD.DACL){
$UserName = $ace.Trustee.Name
If ($ace.Trustee.Domain -ne $Null) {$UserName = "$($ace.Trustee.Domain)\$UserName"}
If ($ace.Trustee.Name -eq $Null) {$UserName = $ace.Trustee.SIDString }
[Array]$ACL = New-Object Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($UserName, $ace.AccessMask, $ace.AceType)
$Identity = $ACL[0].IdentityReference.Value
$myObject = New-Object System.Object
$myObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name ShareAccessType -Value $ACL[0].AccessControlType
$myObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Identity -Value $Identity
$myObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name ShareRights -Value $ACL[0].FileSystemRights
$myObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name SharePath -Value $Share.Path
$myObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name ShareName -Value $Share.Name
$myObject | select ShareName, Identity, ShareRights, SharePath, ShareAccessType | Export-Csv "$MyPath\permissions.csv" -Append -Encoding Unicode #-NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "`t"
{ Write-Host "Unable to obtain permissions for `"$ShareName`""; $share.Name | Out-File "$MyPath\Failed.txt" -Append}

Issue with foreach loop (Combining Commands)

The script below works out great for identifying licensing for each individual host across multiple vCenters. What I am trying to include is the tag for each host as well. When I run the command individually it works fine, however when I run it as part of the code it is not functioning correctly. I highlighted the section if anyone can please take a look thanks. The line of code with the issue is commented out within the script below.
I attempted pushing this into a variable outside and insideof the foreach loop but I am receiving either 0 output, or the same output across each object.
Below is the actual command I put inside the foreach loop which is not functional.
(Get-VMhost | where{$_.Category -like "*Host*"})
$sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
# Declare our list of vCenters
[array]$vclistall = "vcenter01"
# Ensure were not connected to any vcenters
if ($DefaultVIServer.Count -gt 0) {
Disconnect-VIServer * -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Force:$true > $null
[array]$report = $null
foreach ($ScriptVCInstance in $vclistall) {
$connection = Connect-VIServer $ScriptVCInstance -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($connection) {
Write-Host "Collecting License Assets on vCenter $($ScriptVCInstance)"
# Get the license manager assets
$LicenseManager = Get-view LicenseManager
$LicenseAssignmentManager = Get-View $LicenseManager.LicenseAssignmentManager
$licenses = $LicenseAssignmentManager.GetType().GetMethod("QueryAssignedLicenses").Invoke($LicenseAssignmentManager, #($null))
#Format the asset into an object
foreach ($license in $Licenses) {
$object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "vCenter" -Value $($connection.name)
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Entity" -Value $($license.EntityDisplayName)
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Display Name" -Value $($license.Properties | where{$_.Key -eq 'ProductName'} | select -ExpandProperty Value)
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Product Version" -Calue $($License.Properties | where{$_.Key -eq 'FileVersion'} | select -ExpandProperty Value)
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "License" -Value $($license.AssignedLicense.LicenseKey)
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "License Name" -Value $($license.AssignedLicense.Name)
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cost Unit" -Value $($license.Properties | where{$_.Key -eq 'CostUnit'} | select -ExpandProperty Value)
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Used License" -Value $($license.Properties | where{$_.Key -eq 'EntityCost'} | select -ExpandProperty Value)
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Total Licenses" -Value $($license.AssignedLicense.Total)
# Issue--> $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Tag" -Value $(Get-VMhost | where{$_.Category -like "*Host*"})
$report += $object
if ($DefaultVIServer.Count -gt 0) {
Disconnect-VIServer * -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Force:$true > $null
} #end foreach $license
} else { # Else for if $connection
Write-warning "Not connected to vCenter $($ScriptVCInstance)"
} # endif $connection
} # End foreach $ScriptVCInstance
# write-out as a CSV file
Write-host "Exporting CSV $($env:USERPROFILE)\Licensed-Assets.csv"
$report | Sort-object "vCenter","License","Entity" | Export-csv "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Licensed-Assets.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture

Powershell command to command/script to check how many active users (local & domain) are currently logged in

I am looking for command/script to check how many users (local & domain) are currently logged in and have been active within the last 30 minutes so that I can decide to go for machine reboot or not.
Hopefully without Get-ADUser.
I came across two scripts but on executing they are returning only my information where on server I can see more than 5 user are logged in.
function Get-LoggedOnUser {
#Requires -Version 2.0
)#End Param
Write-Host "`n Checking Users . . . "
$i = 0
$ComputerName | Foreach-object {
$Computer = $_
$processinfo = #(Get-WmiObject -class win32_process -ComputerName $Computer -EA "Stop")
if ($processinfo)
$processinfo | Foreach-Object {$_.GetOwner().User} |
Where-Object {$_ -ne "NETWORK SERVICE" -and $_ -ne "LOCAL SERVICE" -and $_ -ne "SYSTEM"} |
Sort-Object -Unique |
ForEach-Object { New-Object psobject -Property #{Computer=$Computer;LoggedOn=$_} } |
Select-Object Computer,LoggedOn
"Cannot find any processes running on $computer" | Out-Host
$regexa = '.+Domain="(.+)",Name="(.+)"$';
$regexd = '.+LogonId="(\d+)"$';
$logontype = #{"0"="Local System";
$logon_sessions = #(gwmi win32_logonsession);
$logon_users = #(gwmi win32_loggedonuser);
$session_user = #{};
$logon_users |% {$_.antecedent -match $regexa > $nul;
$username = $matches[1] + "\" + $matches[2];
$_.dependent -match $regexd > $nul;
$session = $matches[1];
$session_user[$session] += $username};
$logon_sessions |%{$starttime = [management.managementdatetimeconverter]::todatetime($_.starttime);
$loggedonuser = New-Object -TypeName psobject;
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Session" -Value $_.logonid;
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User" -Value $session_user[$_.logonid];
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Type" -Value $logontype[$_.logontype.tostring()];
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Auth" -Value $_.authenticationpackage;
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "StartTime" -Value $starttime;
Help is appreciated.
I believe you cannot get information about other user sessions if not running PowerShell as administrator.

Powershell script to see currently logged in users (domain and machine) + status (active, idle, away)

I am searching for a simple command to see logged on users on server.
I know this one :
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_computersystem
but this will not provide me the info I need.
It returns :
Name (Machine name)
I run Powershell 3.0 on a Windows 2012 server.
Get-WmiObject Win32_LoggedOnUser -ComputerName $Computer | Select Antecedent -Unique
gives me not the exact answers I need.
I would love to see as well the idle time, or if they are active or away.
In search of this same solution, I found what I needed under a different question in stackoverflow:
Powershell-log-off-remote-session. The below one line will return a list of logged on users.
query user /server:$SERVER
Since we're in the PowerShell area, it's extra useful if we can return a proper PowerShell object ...
I personally like this method of parsing, for the terseness:
((quser) -replace '^>', '') -replace '\s{2,}', ',' | ConvertFrom-Csv
Note: this doesn't account for disconnected ("disc") users, but works well if you just want to get a quick list of users and don't care about the rest of the information. I just wanted a list and didn't care if they were currently disconnected.
If you do care about the rest of the data it's just a little more complex:
(((quser) -replace '^>', '') -replace '\s{2,}', ',').Trim() | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Split(',').Count -eq 5) {
Write-Output ($_ -replace '(^[^,]+)', '$1,')
} else {
Write-Output $_
} | ConvertFrom-Csv
I take it a step farther and give you a very clean object on my blog.
I ended up making this into a module.
There's no "simple command" to do that. You can write a function, or take your choice of several that are available online in various code repositories. I use this:
function get-loggedonuser ($computername){
#mjolinor 3/17/10
$regexa = '.+Domain="(.+)",Name="(.+)"$'
$regexd = '.+LogonId="(\d+)"$'
$logontype = #{
"0"="Local System"
"2"="Interactive" #(Local logon)
"3"="Network" # (Remote logon)
"4"="Batch" # (Scheduled task)
"5"="Service" # (Service account logon)
"7"="Unlock" #(Screen saver)
"8"="NetworkCleartext" # (Cleartext network logon)
"9"="NewCredentials" #(RunAs using alternate credentials)
"10"="RemoteInteractive" #(RDP\TS\RemoteAssistance)
"11"="CachedInteractive" #(Local w\cached credentials)
$logon_sessions = #(gwmi win32_logonsession -ComputerName $computername)
$logon_users = #(gwmi win32_loggedonuser -ComputerName $computername)
$session_user = #{}
$logon_users |% {
$_.antecedent -match $regexa > $nul
$username = $matches[1] + "\" + $matches[2]
$_.dependent -match $regexd > $nul
$session = $matches[1]
$session_user[$session] += $username
$logon_sessions |%{
$starttime = [management.managementdatetimeconverter]::todatetime($_.starttime)
$loggedonuser = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Session" -Value $_.logonid
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User" -Value $session_user[$_.logonid]
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Type" -Value $logontype[$_.logontype.tostring()]
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Auth" -Value $_.authenticationpackage
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "StartTime" -Value $starttime
Maybe you can do something with
get-process -includeusername
If you want to find interactively logged on users, I found a great tip here :https://p0w3rsh3ll.wordpress.com/2012/02/03/get-logged-on-users/ (Win32_ComputerSystem did not help me)
$explorerprocesses = #(Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='explorer.exe'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
If ($explorerprocesses.Count -eq 0)
"No explorer process found / Nobody interactively logged on"
ForEach ($i in $explorerprocesses)
$Username = $i.GetOwner().User
$Domain = $i.GetOwner().Domain
Write-Host "$Domain\$Username logged on since: $($i.ConvertToDateTime($i.CreationDate))"
Here is my Approach based on DarKalimHero's Suggestion by selecting only on Explorer.exe processes
Function Get-RdpSessions
$processinfo = Get-WmiObject -Query "select * from win32_process where name='explorer.exe'" -ComputerName $computername
$processinfo | ForEach-Object { $_.GetOwner().User } | Sort-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object { New-Object psobject -Property #{Computer=$computername;LoggedOn=$_} } | Select-Object Computer,LoggedOn
Another solution, also based on query user, but can handle variations in culture (as far as I can tell) and produces strongly-typed results (i.e. TimeSpan and DateTime values):
# Invoke "query user", it produces an output similar to this, but might be culture-dependant!
# >jantje rdp-tcp#55 2 Active . 3/29/2021 4:24 PM
# pietje 4 Disc 49+01:01 4/14/2021 9:26 AM
$result = (&query 'user' | Out-String -Stream)
# Take the header text and insert a '|' before the start of every HEADER - although defined as inserting a bar after
# every 2 or more spaces, or after the space at the start.
$fencedHeader = $result[0] -replace '(^\s|\s{2,})', '$1|'
# Now get the positions of all bars.
$fenceIndexes = ($fencedHeader | Select-String '\|' -AllMatches).Matches.Index
$timeSpanFormats = [string[]]#("d\+hh\:mm", "h\:mm", "m")
$entries = foreach($line in $result | Select-Object -Skip 1)
# Insert bars on the same positions, and then split the line into separate parts using these bars.
$fenceIndexes | ForEach-Object { $line = $line.Insert($_, "|") }
$parts = $line -split '\|' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }
# Parse each part as a strongly typed value, using the UI Culture if needed.
[PSCustomObject] #{
IsCurrent = ($parts[0] -eq '>');
Username = $parts[1];
SessionName = $parts[2];
Id = [int]($parts[3]);
State = $parts[4];
IdleTime = $(if($parts[5] -ne '.') { [TimeSpan]::ParseExact($parts[5], $timeSpanFormats, [CultureInfo]::CurrentUICulture) } else { [TimeSpan]::Zero });
LogonTime = [DateTime]::ParseExact($parts[6], "g", [CultureInfo]::CurrentUICulture);
# Yields the following result:
# IsCurrent Username SessionName Id State IdleTime LogonTime
# --------- -------- ----------- -- ----- -------- ---------
# True jantje rdp-tcp#32 2 Active 00:00:00 3/29/2021 4:24:00 PM
# False pietje 4 Disc 48.11:06:00 4/14/2021 9:26:00 AM
$entries | Format-Table -AutoSize
I have pretty nice solution to get local session as [PSObject].
Function Get-LocalSession {
Get local session. Pasre output of command - 'query session'.
try {
#region functions
$Result = #()
$Output = . query.exe 'session' | select-object -skip 1
#use regex to parse
$pattern = '^(?<This>.)(?<SessionName>[^\s]*)\s*(?<UserName>[a-z]\w*)?\s*(?<Id>[0-9]*)\s*(?<State>\w*)\s*((?<Type>\w*)\s*)?(?<Device>\w*)?'
foreach ( $line in $output ){
$match = [regex]::Matches( $line, $pattern )
if ( $match ){
$PSO = [PSCustomObject]#{
This = $match[0].groups['This'].Value
SessionName = $match[0].groups['SessionName'].Value
UserName = $match[0].groups['UserName'].Value
Id = $match[0].groups['Id'].Value
State = $match[0].groups['State'].Value
Type = $match[0].groups['Type'].Value
Device = $match[0].groups['Device'].Value
$Result += $PSO
Else {
write-host "Unable to process line [$line] in function [Get-LocalSession]!"
catch {
#Get-ErrorReporting -Trap $PSItem
write-host $PSItem
return $Result
#Run it
$SessionObject = Get-LocalSession
$SessionObject | format-table -autosize -property *
I have edited mjolinor script to remove duplicate records, and dummy account names such as system, network services,...etc
If you want to get all users
function get-loggedonuser ($computername){
$regexa = '.+Domain="(.+)",Name="(.+)"$'
$regexd = '.+LogonId="(\d+)"$'
$logontype = #{
"0"="Local System"
"2"="Interactive" #(Local logon)
"3"="Network" # (Remote logon)
"4"="Batch" # (Scheduled task)
"5"="Service" # (Service account logon)
"7"="Unlock" #(Screen saver)
"8"="NetworkCleartext" # (Cleartext network logon)
"9"="NewCredentials" #(RunAs using alternate credentials)
"10"="RemoteInteractive" #(RDP\TS\RemoteAssistance)
"11"="CachedInteractive" #(Local w\cached credentials)
$logon_sessions = #(gwmi win32_logonsession -ComputerName $computername)
$logon_users = #(gwmi win32_loggedonuser -ComputerName $computername)
$session_user = #{}
$logon_users |% {
$_.antecedent -match $regexa > $nul
$username = $matches[1] + "\" + $matches[2]
$_.dependent -match $regexd > $nul
$session = $matches[1]
$session_user[$session] += $username
$logon_sessions |%{
$starttime = [management.managementdatetimeconverter]::todatetime($_.starttime)
if ($session_user[$_.logonid] -notin $loggedonuser.user -and $session_user[$_.logonid] -notlike "*$*"){
$loggedonuser = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Session" -Value $_.logonid
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User" -Value $session_user[$_.logonid]
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Type" -Value $logontype[$_.logontype.tostring()]
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Auth" -Value $_.authenticationpackage
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "StartTime" -Value $starttime
if you want to have only domain users
function get-loggedonuser ($computername){
$HST= hostname
$regexa = '.+Domain="(.+)",Name="(.+)"$'
$regexd = '.+LogonId="(\d+)"$'
$logontype = #{
"0"="Local System"
"2"="Interactive" #(Local logon)
"3"="Network" # (Remote logon)
"4"="Batch" # (Scheduled task)
"5"="Service" # (Service account logon)
"7"="Unlock" #(Screen saver)
"8"="NetworkCleartext" # (Cleartext network logon)
"9"="NewCredentials" #(RunAs using alternate credentials)
"10"="RemoteInteractive" #(RDP\TS\RemoteAssistance)
"11"="CachedInteractive" #(Local w\cached credentials)
$logon_sessions = #(Get-WmiObject win32_logonsession -ComputerName $computername)
$logon_users = #(Get-WmiObject win32_loggedonuser -ComputerName $computername)
$session_user = #{}
$logon_users |ForEach-Object {
$_.antecedent -match $regexa > $nul
$username = $matches[1] + "\" + $matches[2]
$_.dependent -match $regexd > $nul
$session = $matches[1]
$session_user[$session] += $username
$logon_sessions |ForEach-Object{
if ($session_user[$_.logonid] -notin $loggedonuser.user -and $session_user[$_.logonid] -notlike "*$*" -and $session_user[$_.logonid] -notlike "*$HST*"){
$loggedonuser = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Session" -Value $_.logonid
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User" -Value $session_user[$_.logonid]
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Type" -Value $logontype[$_.logontype.tostring()]
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Auth" -Value $_.authenticationpackage
$loggedonuser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "StartTime" -Value $starttime
This is what I just figured out and works out great!
Get-Process -IncludeUserName | Select-Object -Unique | Where-Object {$_.UserName -notlike 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' -and $_.UserName -notlike 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' -and $_.UserName -notlike 'NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE'} | Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize