I am trying to read SEED Dataset in EEGLAB. The files are in .mat format. I am getting the error as --- EEGLAB error in function pop_loadeeg() at line124.Output argument "accept" and maybe others not assigned during call to "F:eeglab2019\plugins\neuroscanio1.3\loadeeg.m>loadeeg".
How to read the .mat file of EEG SEED Dataset in EEGLAB ? Please guide.
I hope this help:
Run eeglab.m, next in the pop up window: file->import data -> using EEGLAB functions and plugins -> from ASCII/float file or Matlab array.
Almost you can check the tutorial in the official EEGLAB page.
I am working with EEGLAB in Matlab. Now i need BioSig Plugin to export dataset in EDF format.But unfortunatley with EEG extension management is not working . It shows warning message. Is there any other way to add BioSig plugin in EEGLAb??
You should be able to just download it (https://sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/plugins/BDFimport1.2.zip) and unpack it into the plugins folders (eeglab2021.1\plugins)
Is there a place to find sample CFD data in this format please?
I am trying to create scripts for Paraview to automate files opening and want to use the track function.
Data from this article can be used to test out the file format:
How can we read Biopax file in matlab, biopax is special type of xml file. How we can retrieve information from it using matlab.
There is a BioConductor package for reading and manipulating BioPAX files in R (http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/paxtoolsr.html).
Check out the related tutorial on getting set up in R:
AND using PaxtoolsR:
I am using the program dicomrt2matlab. I was able to convert the dicom RT structure into matlab and I got the .mat file as well. How do I load the .mat file into matlab next? How can I see the RT information in my applied to my dicom files ?
Link - https://github.com/ulrikls/dicomrt2matlab
if you do data=load('myfilename.mat'); data will contain everything on it.
It shoudl have (I think) the following 3 data on it: 'contours', 'rtssheader', 'imageheaders'
you can access it as data.imageheaders
I have a Simulink diagram 'abc.slx' developed by a colleague. When I open the diagram, I get a warning:
Workspace for block diagram 'abc.slx' was not loaded because an error occurred while loading the MAT-file
Cannot reload workspace from non-existing data source file:
It's not surprising it can't load this .mat file: the path doesn't exist on my machine. I can't save the model, because I get a similar error.
What neither my colleague or I can figure out is how to remove the reference to this .mat file from the Simulink model. It doesn't need it, and as far as we can tell it only references data directly in the current workspace.
How can I find and delete the reference to this unnecessary .mat file?
Open the Model Explorer (View -> Model Explorer or Ctrl-H) and select Model Workspace underneath you 'abc' model. Change the Data Source from 'MAT-file' to 'Model file'.
Check this doc page for more information on the Model Workspace
web(fullfile(docroot, 'simulink/ug/using-model-workspaces.html'))