How to run RF scripts using Github along with Azure Devops - azure-devops

In my company earlier we have executed RF scripts in Jenkins via Github. Now they have moved to Azure Devops.
I am new to Azure Devops. Could some provide the steps for the configuration and how to run

From your description , it seems that your Source Code is on Github.
Here are the steps to run the RF scripts:
Create a pipeline and use the repo from Github resource. You may need to create the connection to Github, then you could get the repos.
Add Use Python Version task to specify the required python version.
Install the Robot framework dependencies with Powershell task or Command Line Task.
Run the RF script with Powershell task or Command Line Task.
For example: Yaml Editor
- master
- job: 'Test'
vmImage: 'vs2017-win2016'
- task: UsePythonVersion#0
versionSpec: '3.7'
architecture: 'x64'
- script: pip install robotframework robotframework-seleniumlibrary && npm install chromedriver
displayName: 'Install dependencies'
- powershell: robot --pythonpath . -x outputxunit.xml TestCases.robot
displayName: 'Run Robot Scripts'
If you want to use Pipeline Classic Editor, you could refer to this blog.
Hope this helps.


Azure static web apps

Azure static web apps(preview) currently only works with a github account, and as a company policy we have to use Azure for repos and everything else (pipelines, releases, etc..) We are going to use the static web app just for viewing a simple angular website however all the source code must remain in the azure devops repo.
Is is possible to create a private github account and upload to it only the compiled angular files to make use of the static web app? for example we already have a pipeline to compile and deploy the angular website to an Azure web app service, can this pipeline be modified to publish the same files to the github account? and if so how?
You can do it in Azure Devops. Try put this YML in Azure DevOps Pipeline
- main
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
name: 'yourApplicationName'
- task: NodeTool#0
versionSpec: '12.x'
displayName: 'Install Node.js'
- script: |
npm install -g #angular/cli
npm install
displayName: 'npm install'
workingDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/yourApplicationName'
- task: AzureStaticWebApp#0
app_location: "/yourApplicationName"
api_location: "api"
app_build_command: $(build_command)
output_location: "dist/yourApplicationName"
azure_static_web_apps_api_token: $(deployment_token)
You can put build_command and deployment_token in the variables
Azure SWA is only available for code in Github at the moment.
However, you can get something pretty close with Azure App Service. Microsoft even has a couple blog posts about how to configure Azure App Service, Azure Repos and Azure Pipelines together.
You can deploy a React Static Web Apps from Azure using Pipelines as follows:
name: Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD
# Trigger off of changes in master or another branch(s)
- TestBranch
- job: build_and_deploy_job
displayName: Build and Deploy Test Web App
condition: or(eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Manual'),or(eq(variables['Build.Reason'],'PullRequest'),eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI')))
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- group: <Name of your Static Web App Resource Group>
- checkout: self
submodules: true
- task: AzureStaticWebApp#0
azure_static_web_apps_api_token: $(AZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_TOKEN_#####)
# Details at
app_location: "/" # App source code path
api_location: "" # Api source code path - optional
output_location: "build" # Built app content directory - optional
app_build_command: 'chmod 755 scripts/*.sh;./scripts/ prod'
You will first need to set up a connection in Azure->Settings->Pipelines->Service Connections. Use the Pipeline wizard to set up all the initial YML.
The key for me was to run my own build in which basically runs "npm run build". My repo has a scripts folder. The job/task performed the rest of the install

How to specify which version of nuget.exe to use with self-hosted agent in Azure DevOps?

I'm running self-hosted agent and NuGetToolInstaller was always throwing an error ERR:unable to get local issuer certificate.
I found a fix-hack here. Just to download needed nuget.exe version to the machine, add it to Environment Variables and remove NuGetToolInstaller at all. It fixed the issue, but today I understood that it's not really so.
Currently, I have nuget.exe version 5.6.0 so I thought self-hosted agent uses it but...
While running Initialize Job Azure downloads NuGetCommand
I found the location and can see that it downloads three different versions of nuget.exe
And it always uses 4.1.0 for any NuGetCommand.
How can I specify which version of NuGet to use without NuGetToolInstaller?
Or how to make Initialize Job not downloading any nuget.exe and just use that one available in the system?
For testing I deleted everything from the yaml and it looks like this:
- master
name: somePool
- job: someJob
solution: '**/*.sln'
buildPlatform: 'Any CPU'
buildConfiguration: 'Release'
- task: NuGetCommand#2
restoreSolution: '$(solution)'
From the pipeline log, it seems nuget task use v4.1 by default:
If you don't want to use NuGetToolInstaller task, one workaround is replacing the nuget.exe with the version you want to use in the {agent work folder}\_tool\NuGet\4.1.0\x64 folder.

Cypress Integration with DevOps

What I want to achieve:
I have a repository on Azure DevOps which hosts my web application. I wrote a test suite for UI Automation using Cypress. I created a separate repository for my test cases to check if they are working properly or not. I created a pipeline which has the following content:
- manual-tests
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- task: NodeTool#0
versionSpec: '10.x'
displayName: 'Install Node.js'
- script: |
npm install
displayName: 'npm install'
- task: Npm#1
command: 'custom'
customCommand: 'run test'
continueOnError: true
- task: PublishTestResults#2
testResultsFormat: 'JUnit'
testResultsFiles: '**/test-output-*.xml'
testRunTitle: 'My Test Cases'
I have a trigger set to a branch of the repository in which my UI Automation code is stored. What I want is, to trigger my automation script, when there is a push on some branch of the web application repository. Is there a way of doing this? Can we store our test case files in the application repository and give the path of the test script?
It seems that the UI Automation Repo and Web Application Repo are two separate repos.
To trigger my automation script, when there is a push on some branch of the web application repository. Is there a way of doing this?
The function: "trigger a pipeline from a different repo" is not available now.
This feature is still under development. Multi-repository support for YAML pipelines will be available soon for azure devops service.
Please check the function:"Multi-repository support for YAML pipelines" in Azure DevOps Feature Timeline 2020 Q2. This feature will roll out to everyone by the end of July 2020.
You could try to use the Pipeline triggers.
Here are the steps:
Step1: Create a pipeline with web application repository, then you could set the trigger branch.
Step2: Add the Pipeline trigger in the Yaml file (UI Automation Repo).
For example:
- pipeline: Name
source: Pipeline name
- releases/*
- master
When you make changes in web application repository, the pipeline with the web application will be triggered.
After running the pipeline , the pipeline with UI Automation repo will be triggered.
Can we store our test case files in the application repository and give the path of the test script?
Of cource. You can do it.
If you want to use the test file in the pipeline (UI Automation repo), you could add the repo resouces in the pipeline.
For example:
- repository: MyAzureReposGitRepository
type: git
name: MyProject/WebapplicationRepo
- checkout: MyAzureReposGitRepository
Note: the repo will be check out to the Agent Source Folder.
Hope this helps.

'Allow duplicates to be skipped' warning and 409 error for NuGet push on Azure DevOps Server

In Azure DevOps Server (version 2019.0.1) running on a Windows Server 2019 agent, with the 'Allow duplicates to be skipped' option selected for NuGet push task, a warning is displayed:
The 'Allow duplicates to be skipped' option is currently only available on Azure Pipelines. If NuGet.exe encounters a conflict, the task will fail.
The task results in the following error that causes the task to fail indicating that the above warning applies:
Response status code does not indicate success: 409 (Conflict - The feed already contains 'MyPackage X.Y.Z'. (DevOps Activity ID: 1A57312F-3C56-4E4D-9E78-73C7072A288F)).
I'm wondering if this issue is particular to Azure DevOps Server (rather than Azure DevOps Services), or if I'm doing something wrong, or if there is another workaround. I noticed someone else has the same issue from this comment on another question where it was mentioned that the option was available after someone asked how to ignore error 409 (duplicate package).
I would like to ignore duplicate packages using the NuGet task and ideally the 'Allow duplicates to be skipped' option on Azure DevOps Server. I'm aware that it could be resolved using scripting, but I'd prefer to avoid that if possible. Any help appreciated.
I don't know about the Azure DevOps task, but if you upgrade to nuget.exe 5.1, you can use the new -SkipDuplicate option. This should work for any NuGet server that correctly implements the NuGet protocol and on any CI server/agent.
If you're using the NuGetCommand#2 Azure Pipelines task, you can use the allowPackageConflicts parameter.
It allows the task to report success even if some of your packages are rejected with 409 Conflict errors.
This option is currently only available on Azure Pipelines and using Windows agents. If NuGet.exe encounters a conflict, the task will fail. This option will not work and publish will fail if you are within a proxy environment.
If you switch to azure pipelines (it seems it's the new way of doing things) you can use dotnet commands.
the option --skip-duplicate will be available in dotnet core 3.1 (still in preview) for the dotnet nuget push command (no need to use NuGet command as it's already available in dotnet).
But you can use it now if you install the latest .NET Core.
For example, this is a stage that will grab whichever nuGet you've got in a specific folder, install the latest dotnet core that supports the skip duplicates and push it to the repository feed.
- stage:
displayName: 'Release'
condition: succeeded()
- job: 'Publish'
displayName: 'Publish nuGet Package'
- download: current
displayName: 'Download pipeline artifact'
displayName: 'Display contents of downloaded articacts path'
- task: NuGetAuthenticate#0
displayName: 'Authenticate in NuGet feed'
- task: UseDotNet#2
displayName: 'Use .NET Core sdk 3.1 (preview)'
packageType: sdk
version: '3.1.100-preview2-014569'
installationPath: $(Agent.ToolsDirectory)/dotnet
- script: dotnet nuget push $(PATH_PIPELINE_ARTIFACT_NAME)/**/*.nupkg --source $(NUGET_FEED) --api-key $(NUGET_API_KEY) --skip-duplicate
displayName: 'Uploads nuGet packages'

Azure Pipelines builds visual steps not my .yml file

I created an azure pipeline to build a VS (c++) project and using the visual editor I got it all working, then I used the yaml they suggested and added the azure-pipelines.yml file to my project and added a trigger.
When I commit a build a process is started up, but it's using the steps I created in the visual editor, not what is in .yml file. I actually have it starting two jobs in the .yml (OSX and Windows) and sure enough, both jobs are started but they are ignoring all the -step's in my .yml and instead execute the steps in the visual editor.
I'm perplexed.
Here is a chunk of the .yml file...
- master
- job: Mac
name: Hosted macOS
- cmake
- xcode
- task: CMake#1
displayName: 'CMake "Xcode" Release'
workingDirectory: '_buildOSX'
cmakeArgs: 'bla bla bla'
- task: Xcode#5
displayName: 'Xcode build'
xcWorkspacePath: '$(Parameters.xcWorkspacePath)'
scheme: '$(Parameters.scheme)'
xcodeVersion: '$(Parameters.xcodeVersion)'
- job: Windows
name: Hosted VS2017
- cmake
- msbuild
- visualstudio
- task: CMake#1
displayName: 'CMake "Visual Studio 17" Release'
workingDirectory: '_buildWin'
cmakeArgs: 'bla bla bla'
Again, the trigger executes and it starts 2 jobs as listed, but it doesn't run the steps in the .yml file.
I figured this out. It turns out you have to use Github. Building from the .yml file doesn't seem to be supported using bitbucket (or a 3rd party git remote).
There might be a way around it, but it was easier to mirror my repo on Github and all works now.
The configuration has to be done while creating a pipeline.
After selecting the repository in VSTS pipeline creation,
select YAML configuration and provide the path for pipeline.