What is difference between closed-set and open-set classification problem? Please explain in terms of face recognition problem.
Open-set classification is a problem of handling unknown classes that are not contained in the training dataset, whereas traditional classifiers assume that only known classes appear in the test environment.
I am new to machine learning and have been working on a classification problem and my model after preprocessing is constantly showing poor accuracy even after hyper-parameter optimization. Can anyone help me with suggestions on where am i doing wrong?Thank you..
in preprocessing i filled the null values using mean, checked if the data was normally distributed and did feature scaling after train test split.
I'm approaching a 4 class classification problem, it's not particularly unbalanced, no missing features a lot of observation.. It seems everything good but when I approach the classification with fitcecoc it classifies everything as part of the first class. I try. to use fitclinear and fitcsvm on one vs all decomposed data but gaining the same results. Do you have any clue about the reason of that problem ?
Here are a few recommendations:
Have you normalized your data? SVM is sensitive to the features being
from different scales.
Save the mean and std you obtain during the training and use
those values during the prediction phase for normalizing the test
Change the C value and see if that changes the results.
I hope these help.
I am trying to detect the faces using the Matlab built-in viola jones face detection. Is there anyway that I can combine two classification models like "FrontalFaceCART" and "ProfileFace" into one in order to get a better result?
Thank you.
You can't combine models. That's a non-sense in any classification task since every classifier is different (works differently, i.e. different algorithm behind it, and maybe is also trained differently).
According to the classification model(s) help (which can be found here), your two classifiers work as follows:
FrontalFaceCART is a model composed of weak classifiers, based on classification and regression tree analysis
ProfileFace is composed of weak classifiers, based on a decision stump
More infos can be found in the link provided but you can easily see that their inner behaviour is rather different, so you can't mix them or combine them.
It's like (in Machine Learning) mixing a Support Vector Machine with a K-Nearest Neighbour: the first one uses separating hyperplanes whereas the latter is simply based on distance(s).
You can, however, train several models in parallel (e.g. independently) and choose the model that better suits you (e.g. smaller error rate/higher accuracy): so you basically create as many different classifiers as you like, give them the same training set, evaluate each accuracy (and/or other parameters) and choose the best model.
One option is to make a hierarchical classifier. So in a first step you use the frontal face classifier (assuming that most pictures are frontal faces). If the classifier fails, you try with the profile classifier.
I did that with a dataset of faces and it improved my overall classification accuracy. Furthermore, if you have some a priori information, you can use it. In my case the faces were usually in the middle up part of the picture.
To further improve your performance, without using the two classifiers in MATLAB you are using, you would need to change your technique (and probably your programming language). This is the best method so far: Facenet.
I am working on a audio multi class classification problem (noise,vessels,2 types of animals) by using MFCC features. I am getting different results with different classifiers. I tried Bayesian type, Artificial Neural Networks, MSVM and decision trees.
Can anybody tell me what are the strengths and weaknesses of each of those 4 classifiers?
Many thanks
There is no “best” classifier
Averaged over all possible types of data distributions,
all classifi ers perform the same. Th us, we cannot say which algorithm
... is the “best”. Over any given data distribution or set of
data distributions, however, there is usually a best classifi er. Th us, when
faced with real data it’s a good idea to try many classifi ers. Consider
your purpose: Is it just to get the right score, or is it to interpret the
data? Do you seek fast computation, small memory requirements, or
confi dence bounds on the decisions? Diff erent classifi ers have diff erent
properties along these dimensions.
Learning OpenCV page 465
I am currently looking for a multilabel AdaBoost implementation for MATLAB or a technique for efficiently using a two-label implementation for the multilabel case. Any help in that matter would be appreciated.
You can use the same approach used in Support Vector Machines. SVMs are originally binary classifiers, several approaches were proposed for handling multiclass data:
one-against-all: construct one binary classifier per class, and train with instances in this class as positive cases and all other instances as negative cases (ie: 1-vs-not1, 2-vs-not2, 3-vs-not3). Finally use the posterior probability of each classifier to predict the class.
one-against-one: construct several binary classifiers for each pair of classes (ie: 1-vs-2, 1-vs-3, 2-vs-3, ..) by simply training over the instances from both classes. Then you can combine the individual results using a majority vote.
Error Correcting Output Codes: based on the theory of error correction (Hamming code and such), it relies on coding the output of several binary classifier using some redundancy to increase accuracy.
Note these are generic method and can applied to any binary classifier.
Otherwise you can search for a specific implementation of multiclass Adaboost, which I'm sure there are plenty out there.. A quick search revealed this one: Multiclass GentleAdaboosting
You can use Adaboost.M2, its a multiclass adaboost, you can found an implementation in Balu toolbox here the command is Bcl_adaboost this toolbox has other useful stuff, just remember to reference. Hope it helps.
Theoretically speaking, the only correct multi-class boosting is the one defined in A theory of multiclass boosting