Url as req.params in Express - mongodb

I'd like to use express and mongo DB to find a document based off of a URL.
My Schema includes
bandUrl: {
type: String
This is my Rout inside of the Express server.
// Get Single Band By bandUrl
router.get('/bandUrl/:url', (req, res) => {
quoteGenerator.find({bandUrl: req.params.url}).then(gen => res.json(gen))
I set one of the documents to have bandUrl as 'http://localhost:3000/'.
I tested the route using something other than a URL - just using a string works fine... I'd really like to use the URL though. Is there a way to do this?
Here is my fake/test route form the application..
const getFakeInfo = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(`/api/autoquotegenerators/bandUrl/http://localhost:3000/"`, {
method: 'GET',
const responseData = await response.json()
} catch (error) {
I am thinking the extra slashes in the URL are whats causing the issue.
Thanks for your help!

What you want to you use is encodeURIComponent(). This function escapes all URI specific characters, so they get interpreted properly. Your request code should look something like this:
const response = await fetch(`/api/autoquotegenerators/bandUrl/${encodeURIComponent("http://localhost:3000/")}`, {
method: 'GET',
If you want to learn more about this function, you can have a look over here.


How do I await a .wasm (WebAssembly file) from a Rest API?

I am making a Next.js app that has a page that connects to a REST API. The REST API simply spits out a raw .wasm (WebAssembly) file. I know that sounds atypical but it's 100% necessary for my app. I have this function which is supposed to fetch the .wasm file from the API:
const fetchedWasmWrapped = useCallback( async () => {
const endpoint = "/.netlify/functions" + "/decrypt?authSig="+JSON.stringify(props.props.authSig);
const options = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/wasm',
const response = await fetch(endpoint, options);
const result = await response.text();
}, [props.props.authSig])
The function works. It DOES output the .wasm file but console.log(result) writes a bizarre string with a lot of symbols and empty characters. I believe the reason why result is all jumbled up is because I don't think WebAssembly is meant to be printed as a string. It's actually a blob. result is then read as a file later in my app but that fails and I'm assuming it's because the WebAssembly code was not imported as a blob but rather a string.
So how do I tell typescript that I want the ".wasm" code from response? I don't believe there a response.wasm() function so how do I do this?
The key is that you have to change const result = await response.text(); to const result = await response.blob();
This threw more errors in my vscode terminal because setDecryptedWasm was expecting a string. So change const [decryptedWasm, setDecryptedWasm] = useState(''); to const [decryptedWasm, setDecryptedWasm] = useState(new File([], ''));
And rather than setting decryptedWasm with setDecryptedWasm(result), do setDecryptedWasm(new File([result], 'myunityapp.wasm'));

axios keeps removing question mark for query string

Here's my axios config:
const axiosApi = axios.create({
baseURL: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL
response =>
error => {
if (error.response.status === 404) {
throw new Error(`404\nService does not exist\n${error.request.path}`)
export async function get(url) {
return await
axiosApi.get(url, {
crossDomain: true
}).then(response => {
return response?.data
The problem is that when I try to get /path?key=value, I get the /pathkey=value does not exist error.
While console.log(url) shows me the true URL with the question mark and query string, the response interceptor strips the question mark out and that causes 404.
Any idea why this happens?
This is an Axios bug in v1.0.0
Issue reported here: https://github.com/axios/axios/issues/4999
Fixed in v1.1.0
You should pass the query params like below:
axios.get('/path', { params: { key: value} });
Try limit the version in dependency.
"dependencies": {
"axios": "~0.27.2",
may help.
Personally I don't even get why Axios developer decide to do this.
Basically according to HTTP Protocol both path and query parameters is considered URI.
Axios.get() should accept everything that is considered URI to conform with HTTP specifications.
And project which let user input its URL for fetch the data will just broken out of the box.

Axios Delete Not Working In React App But Working In PostMan/Insomnia

Axios DELETE works when I send a request through postman but on my react app it doesn't. I'm passing the _id that MongoDB assigns the entry. I'm initiating ObjectId and it still doesn't work. I also double checked if I was using the correct route, which I was.
In my app I have click function that calls SaveBook. That part I feel okay about. Let me know if I need to share something else.
SaveBook in AuthActions.js on the front end
export const saveBook = ({books, user, book, _id}) => {
return function () {
console.log(`This is id ${JSON.stringify(_id)}`)
const savedIndex = books.indexOf(book);
if (savedIndex >= 0) {
.delete("/api/users/wishlist", {_id})
} else {
// console.log(`Adding ${book.book.title} to faves...`);
.post("/api/users/dashboard", {book, user})
.catch (err =>
In users.js the delete operation on the server side
router.delete('/wishlist', (req, res) => {
const db = mongoUtil.getDb();
I realized req.body wasn't the correct choice for the Delete method and used url params/ req.params to send the _id. This works well.
Fixed this line in authActions.js
.delete("/api/users/wishlist/" + _id,)
Fixed these few lines in Users.js
router.delete('/wishlist/:id', (req, res) => {
const db = mongoUtil.getDb();
// .deleteOne({_id:ObjectId(req.body._id)})

display single record by id with vue js and axios

I have a mongodb express vue js app that displays a list of items in cards which are links to a detail view of each record. If I hover over the card the correct id for the link displays but click any card and it goes to the first document from mongo and the record does not display. The view retrieves an item but always the first one.
How to display a record of the ID of item clicked?
the backend request which works in postman is
// Get Simgle Report
router.get('/:id', async (req, res) => {
const reports = await loadReportsCollection()
await reports.findOne({_id: new mongodb.ObjectID( req.params.id)})
res.send(await reports.find({}).limit(1).toArray())
ReportService.js looks like
//Find Single Report
static getReport(id) {
return axios.get(`${url}${id}`)
and the Report.vue file looks like
mounted () {
methods: {
async getReport() {
try {
const response = await ReportService.getReport(this.$route.params.id)
this.report = response.data
} catch(err) {
this.err = err.message
many thanks for help!
It would seem you are trying to access a param in your api without passing one in your request. You ask for params here:
await reports.findOne({_id: new mongodb.ObjectID( req.params.id)})
but haven't passed any in your request. This should do it:
return axios.get('/:id', {
params: {
id: `${id}`
To not only get the first entry, but the one you are looking for you need to change your send() parameter.
Here is the working code:
// Get Simgle Report
router.get('/:id', async (req, res) => {
const reports = await loadReportsCollection()
const report = await reports.findOne({_id: new mongodb.ObjectID(req.params.id)})
res.send(await report)
And as Andrew1325 stated you need to change your axios.get() call also to pass the correct params to it.

Conversion of Facebook payload to sha1 value to check and match with x-hub-signation

I am trying to implement facebook webhook security.
The below code works fine for text messages but the moment attachments are sent , the sha value doesnot match.
I tried calculating on the escaped Unicode lowercase payload but then ended up having different sha value for simple texts as well.
Any help will be greatly appreciated .
byte[] payloadBytes = request.inputStream.bytes
String hashReceived = xHubSignature.substring(5)
String hashComputed = HmacUtils.hmacSha1Hex(facebookAppSecret.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), payloadBytes)
log.info('Received {} computed {}', hashReceived, hashComputed)
Turns out the problem was in the way I was accessing the data, something like this:
var express = require('express');
var app = express()
// Other imports
app.listen(app.get('port'), ()=>
{console.log('running on port', app.get('port'))});
The request body was accessed like this:
app.post('/webhook/', (req, res)=>
let body = req.body;
//By this time the encoded characters were already decoded and hence the hashcheck was failing.
//processing the data
The solution was to use natice httpServer to create the server and access the data so that the hashcheck was done on the raw data.
Probably this can be done using Express as well but it was not working for me.
This is what I did.
const http = require('http');
const url = require("url");
const crypto = require('crypto');
http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
let body = '';
req.on('data', chunk => {
body += chunk
if (urlItems.pathname === '/facebook/' && req.method === 'POST') {
req.on('end', () => {
let hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha1', appSecret);
hmac.update(body, 'utf-8');
let computedSig = `sha1=${hmac.digest('hex')}`;
if (req.headers['x-hub-signature'] === computedSig) {
console.log(`${computedSig} matched ${req.headers['x-hub-signature']}`);
} else {
console.log(`Found ${computedSig} instead of ${req.headers['x-hub-signature']}`);
res.end(JSON.stringify({ status: 'ok' }))
}).listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);
EDIT 1 : Due change in infra , we switched to Node hence the node code.