How do I define an action without having to implement a reducer for it? - redux-toolkit

I'm converting some existing redux code to the toolkit way. We have a lot of actions that trigger thunks (to load data from backend) but dont have a reducer. Our pattern being the load/success/fail triple. Basically only the success and fails need a reducer statement. How do I do this with the toolkit? Do I have to put in a reducer that just returns the unchanged state for the load actions?

With redux-toolkit you have a few options here...
1. Existing thunks + RTK actions
If you only need to update one slice of your store with the loaded data, you can create “success” and “fail” actions in the reducers property on that slice. Then, change your thunk to dispatch those instead of the old success/fail actions.
const slice = createSlice({
name: 'data',
initialState: {},
reducers: {
fetchDataSuccess(state, action) {
// Do something with the response
fetchDataError(state, action) {
// Do something with the error
const { fetchDataSuccess, fetchDataError } = slice.actions
export function fetchData() {
return dispatch => api.getData()
.then(response => dispatch(fetchDataSuccess(
.catch(error => dispatch(fetchDataError(error))
export default slice.reducer
2. Existing thunks + extraReducers
If you don't want to refactor the existing thunk, or if the actions will be used across multiple slices, you can use the extraReducers property.
// These can also be defined in a separate file and imported
const FETCH_FAIL = 'data/FETCH_FAIL'
export function fetchData() {
return dispatch => api.getData()
.then(response => dispatch({ type: FETCH_SUCCESS, payload: }))
.catch(error => dispatch({ type: FETCH_FAIL, payload: error }))
const slice = createSlice({
// ... the usual properties
extraReducers: {
[FETCH_SUCCESS](state, action) {
// Do something with the response
[FETCH_FAIL](state, action) {
// Do something with the error
3. createAsyncThunk
This approach is similar to the above, but the createAsyncThunk utility handles a lot of it for you, like catching errors, dispatching the actions at the right time, etc.
const fetchData = createAsyncThunk(
() => api.getData().then(response =>
const slice = createSlice({
// ... the usual properties
extraReducers: {
[fetchData.fulfilled](state, action) {
// Do something with the response
[fetchData.rejected](state, action) {
// Do something with action.error
// Components still call this like a normal function: fetchData()
export { fetchData }
export default slice.reducer
Whichever way you end up going, if you're not using the "load" action (or .pending from createAsyncThunk), you don't need to add it to either reducers or extraReducers.

I think you can simply create thunk-actions.ts (or eg. saga-actions.ts) file to keep actions that trigger data loading.
import { createAction } from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
export const fetchUserComments = createAction<{ id: string }>(
all actions that have reducer's logic will be generated by slice


Suspense returns data too fast in #tanstack/react-query v4

I am upgrading a React app from react-query v3 to #tanstack/react-query v4.
Almost everything works, but I'm having a problem with Suspense.
I have a react component:
const WrapperPageEdit: React.FC<MyProps> = ({
}: MyProps) => {
const FormPage = React.lazy(() => import('./FormPage'));
const { data } = usePageView(pageUuid);
if (data?.[0]) {
const pageObjectToEdit= data[0];
const content = pageObjectToEdit.myStuff.content;
return (
fallback={<Trans id="loading.editor">Loading the editor...</Trans>}
return <p>No data.</p>;
And here's my query:
export function usePageView(
uuid: string,
): UseQueryResult<DrupalPage[], Error> {
return useQuery<DrupalPage[], Error>(
async () => {
return fetchAnon(getPageByPageUuid(uuid));
onSuccess: (data) => {
if (data?.[0]) { => processResult(element));
This works in v3 but fails in v4 with the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'content')
The reason the property is undefined is because that property is set by the processing in onSuccess (
The issue appears to be that in v4, the component WrapperPageEdit is refreshed before onSuccess in the usePageView query has finished processing, whereas in v3, the component WrapperPageEdit is not refreshed until the onSuccess is complete.
How can I correctly fix this? I can write some additional code to try to check whether the onSuccess is complete, but since react-query handled this automatically in v3, I'd like to rewrite my code in v4 so that it is the same.
The problem is likely that you are mutating the data in onSuccess. Directly modifying data in callbacks is not a good idea. Instead, do your transformation for example directly in the queryFn:
async () => {
const data = fetchAnon(getPageByPageUuid(uuid));
if (data?.[0]) { => processResult(element));
return data
other good places to do data transformation is e.g. the select option, but it should always happen in an immutable way, because otherwise, you are overwriting the cached data inadvertently. React prefers updates to be immutable.

How can I mock aws-sdk with jest?

I am trying to mock aws-sdk with jest. Actually I only care about one function. How can I do this? I have read the docs about mocking classes with jest, but the docs are complicated and I don't quite understand them.
Here is my best attempt:
'use strict';
const aws = require('aws-sdk');
const { handler } = require('../../src/rotateSecret/index');
const event = {
SecretId: 'test',
ClientRequestToken: 'ccc',
Step: 'createSecret',
describe('rotateSecret', () => {
it.only('should not get or put a secret', async () => {
aws.SecretsManager.mockImplementation(() => ({
getSecretValue: () => ({}),
await handler(event);
// You can see what I am trying to do here but it doesn't work
exports.handler = async (event) => {
const secretsManager = new aws.SecretsManager();
const secret = await secretsManager.describeSecret({ SecretId: event.SecretId }).promise();
if (someCondition) {
console.log("All conditions not met");
return secretsManager.getSecretValue(someParams)
Okay so the way I would approach this is as follows:
Create an actual mock for aws-sdk and put it in __mocks__/aws-sdk.js file at the root of your project
// __mocks__/aws-sdk.js
class AWS {
static SecretsManager = class {
describeSecret = jest.fn(() =>{
return { promise: ()=> Promise.resolve({ ARN: "custom-arn1", Name: "describeSec" })}
getSecretValue = jest.fn(() =>{
return {promise: ()=> Promise.resolve({ ARN: "custom-arn2", Name: "getSecretVal" })
module.exports = AWS;
I have used static before SecretsManager because AWS class is never instantiated yet it wants access to SecretsManager class.
Inside SecretsManager, I have defined 2 functions and stubbed them using jest.fn.
Now same stuff as you have done in your test file:
How to Test
To test if your mock functions are called, thats the tricky part (so i will detail that at the end of this post).
Better approach would be to assert against the end result of your main function after all processing is finished.
Back in your test file, I would simply invoke the handler with the await (as you already have) and then assert against the final result like so:
// test.js
describe("rotateSecret", () => {
it.only("should not get or put a secret", async () => {
const event = {name:"event"};
const result = await handler(event);
Testing Secret Manager's function invocations
For this you will need to tweak your main handler.js file itself and will need to take out invocation of secrets Manager from the main function body like so:
const secretsManager = new aws.SecretsManager(); // <---- Declare it in outer scope
exports.handler = async (event) => {
const secret = await secretsManager
.describeSecret({ SecretId: event.SecretId })
if (someCondition) {
console.log("All conditions not met");
return secretsManager.getSecretValue(someParams);
Then back in your test.js file, you will need to similarly declare the SecretsManager invocation before you initiate your handler function like so:
describe("rotateSecret", () => {
const secretsManager = new aws.SecretsManager(); // <---- Declare it in outer scope
it.only("should not get or put a secret", async () => {
const event = {name:"event"};
await handler(event);
// Now you can make assertions on function invocations
// OR check if passed args were correct
SecretId: event.SecretId,
This will allow you to make assertions on function invocation as well the args that were passed.
The reason I declare it outside function scope is to tell Jest that secretsManager should be existing somewhere in global scope and it should be used from there.
Previously, we had it declared inside the function scope, so Jest would invoke it but we weren't able to get access to it.
We couldn't directly reference it like this AWS.SecretsManager.getSecretManager because getSecretManager method is only available after you instantiate the SecretsManager class (and even if you did that, you will get a new instance of the class which won't help with any assertions).
Downside of __mocks__/aws.js fake module
Obvious issue is - you are stubbing the function on every single call and maybe you won't want that.
Perhaps you only want to stub it out once for a specific test but for the rest of them you want it to run normal.
In that case, you should not create __mocks__ folder.
Instead, create a one-time fake BUT make sure your SecretsManager invocation is in the outside scope in your test file as before.
const aws = require("aws-sdk");
describe("rotateSecret", () => {
// Declare it in outer scope
const secretsManager = new aws.SecretsManager();
it.only("should not get or put a secret", async () => {
const event = {name:"event"};
// Create a mock for this instance ONLY
secretsManager.describeSecret = jest.fn().mockImplementationOnce(()=>Promise.resolve("fake-values"));
await handler(event);
SecretId: event.SecretId,

Axios in Vuex Store returning promise and not data

I'm not sure why I can't get the data I want from this axios.get in my Vuex store.
I've setup this action to commit a change to my mutation like this:
mutations: {
updateShop: (state, payload ) => { = payload;
actions: {
getShop: ({ commit }) => {
return axios.get("/admin/wine_app/shops").then(response => {
debugger; // I DO have data here??
But when I stop it with that debugger I DO have the data, but when I use the getShop action in an component I see the promise being returned.
Any idea why?
It MIGHT just not be ready!! I'm seeing this in the console
Promise {<pending>}
__proto__: Promise
[[PromiseStatus]]: "pending"
[[PromiseValue]]: undefined
make the action getShop async
getShop: async ({ commit }) => {
const response = await axios.get("/admin/wine_app/shops");
debugger; // I DO have data here??
await the action where you call it
await this.$store.dispatch('getShop')
Use the shop state prop in your code
or use mapState if you would like to use several state props.
Also make sure not to return any data from mutations. They must change state and not return its props.
The reason you are seeing a promise is because your action is returning the axios call. Remove the return in both your mutation and action methods.
Your action method uses axios to retrieve the data. This then commits your mutation with the response data. Your mutation method updates the state with that data. At this point your is updated.
Within your Vue components you can access that data by accessing the state as a computed property.
computed: {
shop() {
return this.$
// Or use mapState
Whenever your state changes this should update in your components due to reactivity.

Sails.js 1.0 helpers chaining as Promises

I'm new to Sails.js and I'm looking to develop a new application using sail.js and in this application, I want to respond to a POST request as quickly as possible, then handle a number of tasks with the payload asynchronously. Ideally I'd have a helper for each step of the tasks I want to carry out on the payload and chain them all asynchronously in the action. I've been trawling through the docs and can't seem to find a way to do this.
Is this the right way to approach this issue (if so how/can you point me to docs) or are there alternative ways to handle this issue that I have overlooked?
With ES6, you can use helpers both with async/await or as promises.
const temp1 = await sails.helpers.stepone();
const temp2 = await sails.helpers.steptwo( temp1 );
let result = await sails.helpers.stepthree( temp2 );
// use result here
.then(result => {
// use result here
Just set up your service methods as promises and resolve early. You can import bluebird, for example, to accomplish this.
In your controller:
myPostEndpoint: (req, res) => {
return MyProcessorService.initProcessing(req.body).then(res.json);
And in your service MyProcessorService:
var Promise = import('bluebird');
//... other init code
module.exports = {
initProcessing: data => {
//do some validation...
// then just resolve and continue
Promise.resolve({ status: 'processing'});
return MyProcessorService.step1(data)
.then(MyProcessorService.step3)//and so on....
step1: dataFromInit => {
//do stuff and resolve for step2
step2: dataFromStep1 => {
//do stuff and resolve for step3
step3: dataFromStep2 => {
//do stuff and resolve
//and so on
You could also set up a worker queue with something like Bull and Redis to send off jobs to and run in a WorkerService or separate worker app.

What's the equivalent of Angular Service in VueJS?

I want to put all my functions that talk to the server and fetch data into a single reusable file in VueJS.
Plugins don't seem to be the best alternative. Template less components..?
In total there are 4 ways:
Stateless service: then you should use mixins
Stateful service: use Vuex
Export service and import from a vue code
any javascript global object
I am using axios as HTTP client for making api calls, I have created a gateways folder in my src folder and I have put files for each backend, creating axios instances, like following
import axios from 'axios'
export default axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1',
timeout: 5000,
headers: {
'X-Auth-Token': 'f2b6637ddf355a476918940289c0be016a4fe99e3b69c83d',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
Now in your component, You can have a function which will fetch data from the api like following:
methods: {
getProducts () {
myApi.get('products?id=' + prodId).then(response => this.product =
As I assume you want to re-use this method in multiple components, you can use mixins of vue.js:
Mixins are a flexible way to distribute reusable functionalities for Vue components. A mixin object can contain any component options. When a component uses a mixin, all options in the mixin will be “mixed” into the component’s own options.
So you can add a method in mixin and it will be available in all the components, where mixin will be mixed. See following example:
// define a mixin object
var myMixin = {
methods: {
getProducts () {
myApi.get('products?id=' + prodId).then(response => this.product =
// define a component that uses this mixin
var Component = Vue.extend({
mixins: [myMixin]
// alternate way to have a mixin while initialising
new Vue({
mixins: [myMixin],
created: function () {
console.log('other code')
I'm using Vue Resource mostly.
1.I create new file where I do connection to API endpoint using let's say we have endpoint that output the posts.Create new directory in your project, I call it services, and then create file called PostsService.js - content looks like this:
import Vue from 'vue'
export default {
get() {
return Vue.http.get('/api/posts)
Then I go to component where I want use this service, and import it
import PostsService from '../services/PostsService'
export default {
data() {
return {
items: []
created() {
methods: {
fetchPosts() {
return PostsService.get()
.then(response => {
this.items =
For more info about this approach, feel free to check my repo on GitHub
I suggest creating an API Provider that you can access from anywhere in your app.
Simply create a src/utils folder and inside of it a file called api.js.
In it, export your wrapper that knows how to communicate with your API as an object or a ES6 static class (I prefer how the latter looks and works if you're not afraid of classes). This provider can use any HTTP request library that you like and you can easily swap it later by changing a single file (this one) instead of hunting down the whole codebase. Here's an example of using axios, assuming we have a REST API available at that uses SSL:
import axios from 'axios'
import { isProduction, env } from '#/utils/env'
const http = null // not possible to create a private property in JavaScript, so we move it outside of the class, so that it's only accessible within this module
class APIProvider {
constructor ({ url }) {
http = axios.create({
baseURL: url,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
login (token) {
http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`
logout () {
http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = ''
// REST Methods
find ({ resource, query }) {
return http.get(resource, {
params: query
get ({ resource, id, query }) {
return http.get(`${resource}/${id}`, {
params: query
create ({ resource, data, query }) {
return, data, {
params: query
update ({ resource, id, data, query }) {
return http.patch(`${resource}/${id}`, data, {
params: query
destroy ({ resource, id }) {
return http.delete(`${resource}/${id}`)
export default new APIProvider({
url: env('API_URL') // We assume '' is set as the env variable
Next, in your main.js file or wherever else you bootstrap the Vue app, do the following:
import api from '#/src/utils/api'
Vue.$api = api
Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$api', {
get () {
return api
Now you can access it anywhere in your Vue app as well as anywhere you import Vue itself:
<div class="my-component">My Component</div
export default {
name: 'MyComponent',
data () {
return {
data: []
async created () {
const response = await this.$api.find({ resource: 'tasks', query: { page: 2 } }) =
// actions.js from Vuex
import Vue from 'vue'
export async function fetchTasks ({ commit }) {
const response = await Vue.$api.find({ resource: 'tasks', query: { page: 2 } })
return response
Hope this helps.
I think for your simple question the answer could be any ES6 module containing functions (equivalent to methods in class in ANgular) and directly importing them in components using ES6 imports and exports. There are no such services that could be injected in components.
You can make your own service where you can place all your HTTP server calls and then import that to the components where you want to use them.
Best is to make use of Vuex for complex state management applications because in Vuex you are able to handle all async calls via actions which always run asynchronously and then commit the mutation once you have the result.Mutation will directly interact with the state and will update it in an immutable manner (which is preferred). This is stateful approach.
There are other approaches as well. But these are the ones which I follow in my code.