pulumi times out importing gcp record set - pulumi

I have some dns records I'm trying to import with pulumi, and they fail somewhat bluntly with this error:
gcp:dns:RecordSet (root/my.domain./NS):
error: Preview failed: refreshing urn:pulumi:root::root::gcp:dns/recordSet:RecordSet::root/my.domain./NS: Error when reading or editing DNS Record Set "my.domain.": Get "https://www.googleapis.com/dns/v1beta2/projects/root-280012/managedZones/root/rrsets?alt=json&name=my.domain.&prettyPrint=false&type=NS": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
pulumi:pulumi:Stack (root-root):
error: preview failed
I'm just getting started with pulumi, so I have no real sense of whether this is a GCP-specific problem or more general with pulumi, so apologies if this is in the wrong place.
Is this just a case of increasing a timeout limit? Is this a problem with the cli? Why would this particular request timeout? (It times out every attempt)
Appreciate any advice!

I solved this by using customTimeouts: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/programming-model/#customtimeouts
When creating your resource, you can pass an options object as the last parameter. In that, you can add your customTimeouts configuration e.g. (for typescript):
customTimeouts: {
create: '5m',
delete: '5m',
update: '5m'


Github pages Deploy Error: Error: Error: Request failed with status code 400 [duplicate]

This error is popping-up intermittently while trying to deploy my github webpages. I have no clue what to do, I already deleted and recreated the repository but the error persists. I have the same problem for all my github pages repositories.
Here is one repository example: https://github.com/cnftstats/borgs
Run actions/deploy-pages#v1
Actor: github-pages[bot]
Action ID: 1998855719
Artifact URL: https://pipelines.actions.githubusercontent.com/odmqpuZ7yGar25NNWIM53v9pBjO9vEwDjecGIYtf9ECZfcxi8V/_apis/pipelines/workflows/1998855719/artifacts?api-version=6.0-preview
Creating deployment with payload:
"artifact_url": "https://pipelines.actions.githubusercontent.com/odmqpuZ7yGar25NNWIM53v9pBjO9vEwDjecGIYtf9ECZfcxi8V/_apis/pipelines/1/runs/21/artifacts?artifactName=github-pages&%24expand=SignedContent",
"pages_build_version": "bf8f96d22c5dd116a5d94ee24cd398bdda60035f",
"oidc_token": "***"
Failed to create deployment for bf8f96d22c5dd116a5d94ee24cd398bdda60035f.
{"message":"Deployment request failed for bf8f96d22c5dd116a5d94ee24cd398bdda60035f due to in progress deployment. Please cancel e92de3f483b775a12d4f784d7cc661ff2847fa62 first or wait for it to complete.","documentation_url":"https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/repos#create-a-github-pages-deployment"}
Error: Error: Request failed with status code 400
Error: Error: Request failed with status code 400
Sending telemetry for run id 1998855719
GitHub Actions is currently experiencing degraded performance and published this on their status page. Therefore, you are most likely experiencing a side effect of the current problems. Other users are reporting the same issue as well. Try again later when the issue has been resolved by GitHub.
Update: More products are now affected and experience degraded performance. Check their status page for more details: https://www.githubstatus.com
[It was a bug of GitHub, happens to all its users---date: 18/03/2022]
It happens to me today too.. :(
Maybe is a bug of GitHub pages: https://github.com/actions/deploy-pages/issues/22

Context deadline exceeded- goteberg api (/forms/libreoffice/convert)

I am trying to convert ms-office files to pdf using gotenberg api. For some files, i am getting unoconv PDF context deadline exceeded with 503 status. I have increased the read, write and process timeout to 60 secs. How can i resolve this issue? What is the the maximum time take to convert the file? What is the maximum request can be handled by one gotenberg instance?
Try increase timeout in gotenberg by passing --api-timeout to container start command
image: gotenberg/gotenberg:7
command: gotenberg --log-level=info --api-timeout 400s

Is it possible to run more than one command at the same time on Azure Data Explorer without increasing the Instance Count?

I have a scenario in which I need to export multiple CSV's from the Azure Data Explorer for that I am using the .export Command. When I try to run this request multiple times I get the following error
*TooManyRequests (429-TooManyRequests): {
"error": {
"code": "Too many requests",
"message": "Request is denied due to throttling.",
"#type": "Kusto.DataNode.Exceptions.ControlCommandThrottledException",
"#message": "The control command was aborted due to throttling. Retrying after some backoff might succeed. CommandType: 'DataExportToFile'*
Is there a way I can handle this without increasing the Instance count.
you can alter the capacity policy: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/management/capacitypolicy


I have been working with HFC SDK for Node.js and it used to work, but since last night I am having some problems.
When running helloblockchain.js only few times works, most time I get this error when it tries to enroll a new user:
E0113 11:56:05.983919636 5288 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484304965.983872199","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484304965.983866102","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
Error: Failed to register and enroll JohnDoe: Error
Other times, the enroll works and the failure appears deploying the chaincode:
Enrolled and registered JohnDoe successfully
Deploying chaincode ...
E0113 12:14:27.341527043 5455 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484306067.341430168","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484306067.341421859","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
Failed to deploy chaincode: request={"fcn":"init","args":["a","100","b","200"],"chaincodePath":"chaincode","certificatePath":"/certs/peer/cert.pem"}, error={"error":{"code":14,"metadata":{"_internal_repr":{}}},"msg":"Error"}
Enrolled and registered JohnDoe successfully
Deploying chaincode ...
E0113 12:15:27.448867739 5483 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484306127.448692244","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484306127.448668047","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
at ClientDuplexStream._emitStatusIfDone (/usr/lib/node_modules/hfc/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:189:19)
at ClientDuplexStream._readsDone (/usr/lib/node_modules/hfc/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:158:8)
at readCallback (/usr/lib/node_modules/hfc/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:217:12)
E0113 12:15:27.563487641 5483 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"#1484306127.563437122","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"#1484306127.563429661","description":"FD shutdown","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_epoll_linux.c","file_line":948}]}
This code worked yesterday, so I don't know what could be happening.
Does anybody know how can I fix it?
These types of intermittent issues are usually related to GRPC. An initial suggestion is to ensure that you are using at least GRPC version 1.0.0.
If you are using a Mac, then the maximum number of open file descriptors should be checked (using ulimit -n). Sometimes this is initially set to a low value such as 256, so increasing the value could help.
There are a couple of GRPC issues with similar symptoms.
There is a grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms property that is mentioned in some of these issues. Increasing the value past the 1000 ms level might help reduce the frequency of issues. Below are instructions for how the helloblockchain.js file can be modified to set this property to a higher value.
Open the helloblockchain.js file in the Hyperledger Fabric Client example and find the enrollAndRegisterUsers function.
Add “grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000 to the setMemberServicesUrl call.
chain.setMemberServicesUrl(ca_url, {
pem: cert, "grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000
Add “grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000 to the addPeer call.
chain.addPeer("grpcs://" + peers[i].discovery_host + ":" + peers[i].discovery_port,
{pem: cert, "grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms": 5000
Note that setting the grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms property may reduce the frequency of issues, but it will not necessarily eliminate all issues.
The connection to the eventhub that is made in the helloblockchain.js file can also be a factor. There is an earlier version of the Hyperledger Fabric Client that does not utilize the eventhub. This earlier version could be tried to determine if this makes a difference. After running git clone https://github.com/IBM-Blockchain/SDK-Demo.git, run git checkout b7d5195 to use this prior level. Before running node helloblockchain.js from a Node.js command window, the git status command can be used to check the code level that is being used.

Error when starting Elastic Beanstalk environment

What does this error mean please?
Stack named 'awseb-eea9ufee4ak-stack' aborted operation. Current state: 'CREATE_FAILED' Reason: The following resource(s) failed to create: [AWSEBInstanceLaunchWaitCondition]. (Service: AmazonCloudFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: OperationError; Request ID: null)
This error means that launching your environment timed out while waiting to hear back the EC2 instance. The instance did not report whether it successfully launched the environment or not. I would recommend taking snapshot logs to see detailed error messages from the instance.