Is it possible to register a string as a UDF? - scala

In Spark (Scala), after the application jar is submitted to Spark, is it possible for the jar to fetch many strings from a database table, convert each string to a catalyst Expression and then convert that expression to a UDF, and use the UDF to filters rows in another DataFrame, and finally union the result of each UDF?
(The said expression needs some or all columns of the DataFrame, but which columns are needed is unknown at the time of the code of the jar is written, the schema of the DataFrame is known at development time)
An example:
expression 1: "id == 1"
expression 2: "name == \"andy\""
row 1: id = 1, name = "red", age = null
row 2: id = 2, name = "andy", age = 20
row 3: id = 3, name = "juliet", age = 21
the final result should be the first two rows
Note: it is not acceptable to first concatenate the two expressions with a or, for I needed to track which expression results the result row

Edited: Filter for each argument and union All.
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
val df ="header","true").option("inferSchema","true").csv("test1.csv")
val args = Array("id == 1", "name == \"andy\"")
val filters = args.zipWithIndex
var dfs = Array[DataFrame]()
filters.foreach {
case (filter, index) =>
val tempDf = df.filter(filter).withColumn("index", lit(index))
dfs = dfs :+ tempDf
val resultDF = dfs.reduce(_ unionAll _)
|id |name|age |index|
|1 |red |null|0 |
|2 |andy|20 |1 |
Original: Why just put the string to the filter?
val df ="header","true").option("inferSchema","true").csv("test.csv")
val condition = "id == 1 or name == \"andy\""
|id |name|age |
|1 |red |null|
|2 |andy|20 |
Something I have missed?


how to convert seq[row] to a dataframe in scala

Is there any way to convert Seq[Row] into a dataframe in scala.
I have a dataframe and a list of strings that have weights of each row in input dataframe.I want to build a DataFrame that will include all rows with unique weights.
I was able to filter unique rows and append to seq[row] but I want to build a dataframe.
This is my code .Thanks in advance.
def dataGenerator(input : DataFrame, val : List[String]): Dataset[Row]= {
val valitr = val.iterator
var testdata = Seq[Row]()
var val = HashSet[String]()
if(valitr!=null) {
input.collect().foreach((r) => {
var valnxt =
if (!valset.contains(valnxt)) {
valset += valnxt
testdata = testdata :+ r
//logic to convert testdata as DataFrame and return
You said that 'val is calculated using fields from inputdf itself'. If this is the case then you should be able to make a new dataframe with a new column for the 'val' like this:
|item |weight|
|item 1|w1 |
|item 2|w2 |
|item 3|w2 |
|item 4|w3 |
|item 5|w4 |
This is the key thing. Then you will be able to work on the dataframe instead of doing a collect.
What is bad about doing collect? Well there is no point in going to the trouble and overhead of using a distributed big data processing framework just to pull all the data into the memory of 1 machine. See here: Spark dataframe: collect () vs select ()
When you have the input dataframe how you want it, as above, you can get the result. Here is a way that works, which groups the data by the weight column and picks the first item for each grouping.
val result = input
.rdd // get underlying rdd
.groupBy(r => r.get(1)) // group by "weight" field
.map(x => x._2.head.getString(0)) // get the first "item" for each weight
.toDF("item") // back to a dataframe
Then you get the only the first item in case of duplicated weight:
|item |
|item 1|
|item 2|
|item 4|
|item 5|

Spark higher order functions to compute top N products from a comma separated list

I am using Spark 2.4 and I have a spark dataframe that has 2 columns - id and product_list. The data consists of list of products that every id has interacted with.
here is the sample code -
scala> spark.version
res3: String = 2.4.3
val df = Seq(
("1", "p1,p1,p1,p1,p1,p3,p3,p2,p2,p2,p2"),
("2", "p2,p2,p2,p2,p2,p4,p4,p4,p1,p3")
).toDF("id", "product_list")
|id |product_list |
|1 |p1,p1,p1,p1,p1,p3,p3,p2,p2,p2,p2|
|2 |p2,p2,p2,p2,p2,p4,p4,p4,p1,p3 |
I would like to return those top 2 products that every id has had a interaction with. For instance, id = 1 has viewed products p1 - 5 times and p2 - 4 times, so i would like to return p1,p2 for id = 1. Similarly, p2,p4 for id = 2.
My final output should look like
id, most_seen_products
1, p1,p2
2, p2,p4
Since I am using Spark 2.4, I was wondering if there is a higher order function to first convert this list to array and then return the top 2 viewed products. In general the code should handle top N products.
Here is my approach
val df = Seq(
("1", "p1,p1,p1,p1,p1,p3,p3,p2,p2,p2,p2"),
("2", "p2,p2,p2,p2,p2,p4,p4,p4,p1,p3")
).toDF("id", "product_list")
def getMetrics(value: Row, n: Int): (String, String) = {
val split = value.getAs[String]("product_list").split(",")
val sortedRecords = split.groupBy(x => x).map(data => (data._1, data._2.size)).toList.sortWith(_._2 > _._2)
(value.getAs[String]("id"), sortedRecords.take(n).map(_._1).mkString(","))
} =>
getMetrics(value, 2)
).withColumnRenamed("_1", "id").withColumnRenamed("_2", "most_seen_products") show (false)
|id |most_seen_products|
|1 |p1,p2 |
|2 |p2,p4 |
Looking at your data format, you can just use a .map() or in case of SQL, a UDF, which converts all rows. The function will be:
productList => {
// list of products = split productList by comma
// add all items to a String/Count map
// sort the map, get first 2 elements
// return string.join of those 2 elements
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction
scala> import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
scala> def max_products:UserDefinedFunction = udf((product:String) => {
val productList = product.split(",").toList
val finalList = ListMap(productList.groupBy(i=>i).mapValues(_.size).toSeq.sortWith(_._2 > _._2):_*).keys.toList
finalList(0) + "," + finalList(1)
scala> df.withColumn("most_seen_products", max_products(col("product_list"))).show(false)
|id |product_list |most_seen_products|
|1 |p1,p1,p1,p1,p1,p3,p3,p2,p2,p2,p2|p1,p2 |
|2 |p2,p2,p2,p2,p2,p4,p4,p4,p1,p3 |p2,p4 |

How can i check for empty values on spark Dataframe using User defined functions

guys, I have this user-defined function to check if the text rows are empty:
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local").getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val df = Seq(
(0, "","Mongo"),
(1, "World","sql"),
(2, "","")
).toDF("id", "text", "Source")
// Define a "regular" Scala function
val checkEmpty: String => Boolean = x => {
var test = false
test = true
val upper = udf(checkEmpty)
df.withColumn("isEmpty", upper('text)).show
I'm actually getting this dataframe:
| id| text|Source|isEmpty|
| 0| | Mongo| true|
| 1|World| sql| false|
| 2| | | true|
How could I check for all the rows for empty values and return a message like:
id 0 has the text column with empty values
id 2 has the text,source column with empty values
UDF which get nullable columns as Row can be used, for get empty column names. Then rows with non-empty columns can be filtered:
val emptyColumnList = (r: Row) => r
.map(pair => r.schema.fields(pair._2).name)
val emptyColumnListUDF = udf(emptyColumnList)
val columnsToCheck = Seq($"text", $"Source")
val result = df
.withColumn("EmptyColumns", emptyColumnListUDF(struct(columnsToCheck: _*)))
.where(size($"EmptyColumns") > 0)
.select(format_string("id %s has the %s columns with empty values", $"id", $"EmptyColumns").alias("description"))
|description |
|id 0 has the [text] columns with empty values |
|id 2 has the [text,Source] columns with empty values|
You could do something like this:
case class IsEmptyRow(id: Int, description: String) //case class for column names
val isEmptyDf = {
row => row.getInt(row.fieldIndex("id")) -> row //we take id of row as first column
.toSeq //then to get secod we change row values to seq
.zip(df.columns) //zip it with column names
.collect { //if value is string and empty we append column name
case (value: String, column) if value.isEmpty => column
}.map { //then we create description string and pack results to case class
case (id, Nil) => IsEmptyRow(id, s"id $id has no columns with empty values")
case (id, List(column)) => IsEmptyRow(id, s"id $id has the $column column with empty values")
case (id, columns) => IsEmptyRow(id, s"id $id has the ${columns.mkString(", ")} columns with empty values")
Then running = false) will show:
|id |description |
|0 |id 0 has the text columns with empty values |
|1 |id 1 has no columns with empty values |
|2 |id 2 has the text, Source columns with empty values|
You can also join back with original dataset:
df.join(isEmptyDf, "id").show(truncate = false)

How to use Except function with spark Dataframe

I would like to get differences between two dataframe but returning the row with the different fields only. For example, I have 2 dataframes as follow:
val DF1 = Seq(
(3,"Chennai", "rahman",9846, 45000,"SanRamon"),
(1,"Hyderabad","ram",9847, 50000,"SF")
val DF2 = Seq(
(3,"Chennai", "rahman",9846, 45000,"SanRamon"),
(1,"Sydney","ram",9847, 48000,"SF")
The only difference between these two dataframe is emp_city and emp_sal for the second row.
Now, I am using the except function which gives me the entire row as follow:
|emp_id| emp_city|emp_name|emp_phone|emp_sal|emp_site|
| 1|Hyderabad| ram| 9847| 50000| SF|
However, I need the output to be like this:
|emp_id| emp_city|emp_sal|
| 1|Hyderabad| 50000|
Which shows the different cells as well as emp_id.
Edit :
if there is change in column then it should appear if there is no change then it should be hidden or Null
The following should give you the result you are looking for.
You should consider the comment from #user238607 as we cannot predict which columns are going to differ,
Still you can try this workaround.
I'm assuming emp_id is unique,
scala> val diff = udf((col: String, c1: String, c2: String) => if (c1 == c2) "" else col )
scala> DF1.join(DF2, DF1("emp_id") === DF2("emp_id"))
res15: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [emp_id: int, emp_city: string ... 10 more fields]
scala> res15.withColumn("diffcolumn", split(concat_ws(",", => diff(lit(x), DF1(x), DF2(x))):_*),","))
res16: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [emp_id: int, emp_city: string ... 11 more fields]
|emp_id|emp_city |emp_name|emp_phone|emp_sal|emp_site|emp_id|emp_city|emp_name|emp_phone|emp_sal|emp_site|diffcolumn |
|3 |Chennai |rahman |9846 |45000 |SanRamon|3 |Chennai |rahman |9846 |45000 |SanRamon|[, , , , , ] |
|1 |Hyderabad|ram |9847 |50000 |SF |1 |Sydney |ram |9847 |48000 |SF |[, emp_city, , , emp_sal, ]|
scala> val diff_cols =$"diffcolumn")).filter("col != ''")>col(a(0).toString))
scala> val exceptOpr = DF1.except(DF2)
|emp_sal| emp_city|
| 50000|Hyderabad|
I found this solution which seems to be working fine :
val cols = DF1.columns.filter(_ != "emp_id").toList
val DF3 = DF1.except(DF2)
def mapDiffs(name: String) = when($"l.$name" === $"r.$name", null ).otherwise(array($"l.$name", $"r.$name")).as(name)
val result ="l").join("r"), "emp_id").select($"emp_id" :: _*)
It generates the output as follow :
|emp_id| emp_city|emp_name|emp_phone| emp_sal|emp_site|
| 1|[Sydney, Hyderabad]| null| null|[48000, 50000]| null|

Convert Map(key-value) into spark scala Data-frame

convert myMap = Map([Col_1->1],[Col_2->2],[Col_3->3])
to Spark scala Data-frame key as column and value as column value,i am not
getting expected result, please check my code and provide solution.
var finalBufferList = new ListBuffer[String]()
var finalDfColumnList = new ListBuffer[String]()
var myMap:Map[String,String] = Map.empty[String,String]
for ((k,v) <- myMap){
finalBufferList += v
//finalDfColumnList += "\""+k+"\""
finalDfColumnList += k
val dff = Seq(finalBufferList.toSeq).toDF(finalDfColumnList.toList.toString())
My result :
|List(Test, Rest, Incedo)|
| [4, 5, 3]|
Expected result :
|Col_1 | Col_2 | Col_3 |
| 4 | 5 | 3 |
please give me suggestion .
if you have defined your Map as
val myMap = Map("Col_1"->"1", "Col_2"->"2", "Col_3"->"3")
then you should create RDD[Row] using the values as
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(Row.fromSeq(myMap.values.toSeq)))
then you create a schema using the keys as
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val schema = StructType(, StringType)))
then finally use createDataFrame function to create the dataframe as
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
finally you should have
|1 |2 |3 |
I hope the answer is helpful
But remember all this would be useless if you are working in small dataset.