Does MongoDB have a built in auth just as Firebase does? - mongodb

Firebase's auth is very useful and easy to use. Does MongoDB have this feature?

This is a bit of a loaded question, but most people use to write/read to their Mongodb database from a Nodejs application. You'll of course need Mongo installed locally or use an online sandboxed mongo database. You probably need more of a tutorial rather than a stack overflow question.


Firestore and Mysql on Spring Boot. Is it possible?

I have a problem with Spring Boot application. I want to connect a Firestore and a MySql database in my Spring boot application. I would to know if it is possible. So I'm wondering if someone have an easy example to know this magic. Thanks.
Connection itself shouldn't be any problem. Firestore has well developed API for all popular languages, very simple and convenient to use, please check reference bellow.
You have mentioned MySQL, not sure if you are aware that GCP has also serverless Cloud SQL that can run MySQL for you (documentation).
You can find it here references and quick-starts here:
Google Cloud Firestore: quickstart, How-to and API reference.
Here I found example app tutorial: youtube.
Other interesting stuff: Spring Boot on GCP, Deploying on cloud from
You can also deploy your Spring Boot app on App Engine which can give you serverless solution for whole your stack - whole on GCP.

Is there a way to host an app that uses MongoDB Atlas on Heroku without paying for an addon?

I am in the process of teaching myself deployment to Heroku, and trying to host a simple MERN stack application to Heroku. So far, every tutorial I've worked on (at least four so far) has told me to use the addon mLab, which is 1) being depricated and 2) currently requires payment.
I've also now tried to use object Rocket which also requires a monthly payment. Is it possible to connect my Heroku app to MongoDB without payment? Perhaps without an add-on? I'm looking to turn around and teach others how to deploy their applications to Heroku, but if there is payment involved, that would be a real issue.
Edit: just to clarify, I am aware that MongoDB atlas is free, but what I'm not aware of, is way to connect Atlas to my Heroku app in a way that is free.
Use the Atlas free tier. No addons are needed.
To connect to your MongoDB Atlas db is best achieved using Mongoose - a node module - at least that is what I am doing with my recently created React/Atlas application. Mongoose is available for Angular as well and makes working with Atlas very easy. A google search will provide many tutorials, I'm sure.

How to integrate MongoDB in Django1.10 and Python3.5?

I would like to use mongoDB as a database on behalf SQL for my django project. Where in we are developing the apps with django1.10 and python-3.5 version. We installed MongoDB in ubuntu-16.02LTE and thought to use MongoEngine to work with python3.5 and Django-1.10. But we don't have proper document to integrate this in python and Django.
1) Did python 3.5 or django-1.10 support this procedure? if Yes please share document to refer
You answer to solve this more valuable for us
Does this post help? It looks like MongoDB doesn't work with Django, and you will have to use mongoengine.

How do I set-up Rest API to the Mongodb installation on my Mac Pro

I'm developing a Google Apps Script application and I want to have a MongoDB backend to the application. Currently I am using a Mongolab sandbox account and successfully interacting with the collection on the Mongolabs servers. The performance is very good and the support at Mongolabs has been excellent.
That said, long-term I've decided to host my own Mongodb on my Mac Pro that is currently running Yosemite. I already have Mongodb installed and its working fine.
My Question: How do I use (install/configure/establish) a Rest API (or other means) to connect with my locally installed Mongodb database. I have spent a couple hours on 10gen's site and on Google trying to figure it out, but I have not quite gotten there. Does anyone have experience doing this or something similar that might be able to share your experience or at least refer me to a good resource.
Thanks in advance for you help.

MongoDB and

Recently I discovered the power of noSQL database MongoDB. After a lot of trial and error I was able to install it on my pc along with wampserver. Its running smoothly. Now the question I would like to ask is, that if I want to integrate the MongoDB service provided by Mongolab on my shared hosting plan, is there any class available that helps me connect to the database? Like a php class version of the driver for php and mongodb. As it is not possible to install the driver on my hosting, because of no root access. So is there a raw class available as an alternative to the driver dll?
If you can't install the driver, then the REST interface provided by MongoLab is your best bet - any language that can send/receive a HTTP request can use REST: