How to get the exact path of the currently active file in VS Code while creating an extension - visual-studio-code

I am creating a VSCode extension.
I want to get the exact path of the file that is currently open in the editor!
How do i get it!.

if you want the posix version on Windows platforms (you have to deal with the :)


Visual Studio Code debug mode issue

I'm sorry to bother , I don't know if I can ask this
Visual Studio Code, suddenly can't use debug mode to set interrupts to test.
It seems that it is talking about the folder name problem, but after accessing the folder, it will not be renamed. How can I solve it now? I can't upload photos so I'm capturing the important parts.
i.e.: the module "queue" could not be imported because it is shadowed by:
Please rename this file/folder so that the original module from the standard library can be imported.
Not sure how to change folder name or duplicate name, these actions are forbidden after accessing the folder, or is this some other problem?
This looks like an actual issue in VSCode -
In case you're using python 2.7, Downgrading the python VSCode extension should help.

What is the correct way to set the Glsland Validator Path on the GLSL Lint extension for VSCode on Windows (using WSL)

Trying to play around with shaders on the browser and just installed the GLSL Lint extension for VSCode, which apparently needs to know the path to a glslangValidator binary before working properly.
Said binary can (I'm assuming) be found here:
However, I've already tried multiple combinations of installation paths, both within Linux and Windows, to no avail: the extension keeps spewing an ENOENT error as can be seen in the picture below:
Considering my setup (Using VS Code on Windows with WSL), where exactly should I place this binary file so that GLSL Lint can properly find it?
I tried, for example, both ~/glslang/bin/glslangValidator and C:\\Users\\{User}\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\TheDebianProject.DebianGNULinux_31v5hhsz12ds6\\LocalState\\rootfs\\home\\glslang\\bin\\glslangValidator (among other installation paths), but so far none worked.
What am I missing?
I just figured it out--the problem is that using VSCode with WSL will change the file system that the path should be written in. Instead of downloading the windows binary glslangValidator.exe, you should download the linux binary glslangValidator. Check this link and copy the url of the latest release, then download it like so:
cd ~ # Or wherever you want it
unzip -d glslang
Then, you need to set the glslangValidatorPath to the WSL path:
"glsllint.glslangValidatorPath": "/home/<username>/glslang/bin/glslangValidator"
*Of course, replace <username> with your username, and if you installed it in a different directory, use that path instead.
I'm using Windows and installed glslang in my root path. After that I set the path parameter like this and it worked:
"glsllint.glslangValidatorPath": "C:/glslang/bin/glslangValidator.exe"
Alternatively, you could add C:/glslang/bin to your PATH variable.
I am using Windows
The following helped me: change the extension of the vertex shader file to ".vert" and the extension of the fragment shader file to ".frag".

With Unity version 2020 and onwards, how to build for Windows to a single file?

I'm struggling to find any method that works with current Unity.
This for a conventional Windows build (not a Windows Universal via VS).
So, there's the separate data, dll, etc files of a build: how to create a civilian-usable "single exe" for Windows, with current Unity??
As said afaik this was actually always the case.
See e.g. Windows standalone Player build binaries to see a list of resulting output of a build. It exists back until version 2017.2.
So the short answer is:
It is how it is. You will always get multiple files and the data folder as output.
What you can do however is using a pack tool which simply packs all your folder content into one single exe file.
One example is Appacker
BUT unfortunately there is one known issue: Windows Defender recognizes it and every exe created with it as malware. The reason for that is actually mentioned by the author in the link
Spoiler: A self-extracting .exe file? Windows Defender hates that trick!
So either with this tool or any similar one there is no real way around that except you need to trust the tool and your users need to trust you ^^
(The icon is also only used for the process window, not for the exe file itself ^^)
The long and correct way would probably be to create an actual installer for your final app which is then allowed to extract all the files to a certain location.
So in the end the user anyway will again have an exe and according data and dll files e.g. in the Programs folder but get a registered shortcut to the Start Menu which is just how any other application on Windows usually works like.
Just to add to the answer.
In 2020 if it's a game you should just use Steam. Making auto-update way easier for your users.

Is there a way to change the default paths for visualstudiocode?

Settings, plugins are held in these predefined locations, for example on Windows it's
It is possible to override this path and maybe set it relative to the installation or working directory?
Thank you for any answers.
Just as a reference if someone finds this issue again:
There is a command line option to set the data folder: --user-data-dir <dir>
VS Code supports Portable Mode, which will keep data in folders local to the installation.
You can refer to the documentation here for how to configure it.

error using doxygen and graphViz: problems opening map file

I'm using Doxygen-1.8.7, which i have downloaded from official website in dmg version. I'm using 10.9.3 MacOS. I have installed graphviz via macports.
I use Doxygen GUI to configure it and run. Everything works great, if i choose "use build-in diagram generator". But when i use dot tool, i get this:
error: problems opening map file
1207/html/ for inclusion in the docs!
I've tried to change SHORT_NAMES and FULL_PATH_NAMES as i find in solution from 2008, but it doesn't help.
GraphViz/bin is in paths.
There are no white spaces in *.dot names.
I got this message 'problem opening map file for inclusion in the docs', if doxygen is not able to find graphviz/dot in the path.
Try setting the path explicitly using DOT_PATH in the doxyfile.
As albert, already mentioned remove any whitespace in the path to the output path.
Another good idea is to completely remove your output directory, e.g. html, and regenerate your documentation.
It also seems that doxygen is for activating dot.exe space sensitive. Make sure your path is like this or at least without whitespaces:
based on experience of Graphviz 2.38 on windows 10
The following method worked for me on Windows 10 with Doxygen 1.8.14.
Open cmd and type dot -c. Then, delete the doxygen output folder and regenerate it.
Make sure you have graphviz in your path. My graphviz is installed at C:\Program Files\Graphviz 2.44.1. So, there is no problem, even if spaces are there.