azure devops run build pipelines sequentially - azure-devops

Whenever multiple builds are running on the same pipeline only the first build completes and the rest error.
I would the builds to run sequentially instead of in parallel like they are now, so that if two developers check-in at about the same time, the second build will also complete.
When editing the pipeline in the execution plan under the Parallelism heading I have the radio button set to "none" and they still seem to try to run in parallel anyway.
Can anyone suggest how to solve this issue?
enter image description here

It seems you have multiple build agents. Assuming you are using self-hosted build agents, you could specify certain demands of the agent to use only one agent. In this way, if the agent is not free, the build will keep waiting. To use a particular agent, add a demand of Agent.Name equals agentname, check the screenshot below. Agent name can be found in capabilities of the agent.


Can an Azure Pipeline trigger a second pipeline, run as a different user?

I'm running Azure pipelines on a Windows self-hosted agent. One of my pipelines can do both a 32-bit build and a 64-bit build. I want to use the matrix and maxParallel capabilities to do both builds at once, on the same agent, to save time.
This isn't possible, because the 32-bit build and the 64-bit build both write to the registry, and whoever gets there second, errors out.
The obvious solution is to get a second Azure VM and run a second self-hosted agent on that VM. But I want to see if I can run the two build tasks as two different users, on the theory that they will then write to their own HKCU and not clobber each other.
This would require the default pipeline to trigger a second pipeline, or perhaps run a template, and run it as a different user.
Can this be done?
On an Azure DevOps skill-level scale of Beginner-Intermediate-Expert, I'm smack in the middle of Intermediate. Still learning.
The build step uses the built-in VSBuild task.
You can trigger a second pipeline (i.e. by using Trigger Build Task), but pipelines don't have a concept of running as a user - they run on an agent. That agent runs as specific user and it would be tricky to try and execute code as a different user.
Running a second self-hosted agent is a good direction. You don't necessarily need another VM - you could run another agent on the same machine, but as a different user, using different work directory.
You could use agent capabilities and demands to fine tune which kind of build runs on which agent.

Can I force ADO to disregard a build agent demand?

We are running Azure DevOps Server and we have our own, locally hosted build agents. I'm trying to get a WhiteSource scan to run on one of our build agents. The WhiteSource task "demands" node.js. But none of our projects use node.js at all, so whether the agents have node.js installed is totally irrelevant. I can't identify an option that could be used to stop the WhiteSource task making this demand.
Is there a way to cancel the demand? A way to tell ADO "this task/pipeline is going to demand node.js, but in fact I know better; you may disregard that demand and run the pipeline even on a build agent that doesn't have node.js installed"?
The build pipeline is a YAML pipeline. I would like a YAML-only solution if possible.
I would like to avoid actually installing node.js on our build agents, given that the dependency on it is entirely spurious; it would never actually be used.
Is there a way to cancel the demand?
The demand of some agents is automatically added according to the needs of the task.
In this case, we cannot cancel these demands.
For a workaround to solve this issue, you can manually set the node.js in Agent Pools -> Target self agent -> Capabilities -> User-defined capabilities.
It can also meet the demand of the pipeline without actually installing node.js.

Triggers for build completion not kicking off pipeline

Hoping someone could help me out with an issue I'm running into. I have 4 different pipelines set up with the first triggering the second upon build completion and so on down the line. The triggers are not kicking off after the previous pipeline steps build completion as they are supposed to do so. THey're also all on the same branch so i'm at a loss as to what to do. Any ideas? Classic pipeline not a YAML
First, you need to make sure that your MPV Automated Testing Step 1 pipeline runs successfully, because a failed run will not trigger the Build completion trigger.
I tested two pipelines on the same branch. On my side, build completion trigger works well.
In addition, there is a recently event of availability degradation of Azure DevOps, which could affected these services, and it has been resolved. If you want to know more information, please click here. You can try again to see if the problem still exists.

Azure DevOps Pipelines: How to run only impacted tests only when Reason is Check in without duplicating?

I have a build process in which I have a couple of Tests Tasks. Some of them may become quite time consuming when they all run and most of the time, most tests are not expected.
Still, I would like to have ALL these tests run on a scheduled trigger.
I know I could simply clone the pipeline and use one for gating with impacted tests only and the other one for schedule with all tests but as an OO developer, I don't like this.
I already tried linking the checkbox parameter to a process variable and modifying it using PowerShell but failed to have it work (How can I modify a process variable using Powershell in a Azure build pipeline).
Isn't there any other way of doing this?
You may be able to do this by setting the following condition on the test tasks that you'd only like to run during the scheduled build:
eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Schedule')
See here for a list of predefined variables (search for 'Build.Reason'):
See here for more information on expressions:
It looks like functionality for this is now built in. According to the docs a variable can be set which will cause all tests to be run:
By setting a build variable. Even after TIA has been enabled in the VSTest task, it can be disabled for a specific build by setting the variable DisableTestImpactAnalysis to true. This override will force TIA to run all tests for that build. In subsequent builds, TIA will go back to optimized test selection

VSTS build agents - Can one computer run multiple build agents?

I have a Windows VM that hosts a VSTS build agent. Due to the number and length of builds that are running I would like to know whether multiple build agents can be hosted on one computer? That would allow a dedicated agent for slow builds, and a dedicated agent for quick builds.
Yes you can run multiple agents in a single VM.
Make two directories say Agent1 and Agent2, extract the agent in each one of them and configure them with different names against your VSTS/TFS account.
It should work out of the box.
We run 4 agent jobs per machine concurrently with no issues. As mentioned above, should work out of the box. Just make sure you clean up directories. We have a script to do it every night
Yes, this works, I did the following:
Created a PAT for agent installation needs
Downloaded agent binaries from the agent creation page
Unpacked the archive contents into 2 different directories ("c:\ado-build-agents\agent1" and "c:\ado-build-agents\agent2")
Ran "config.cmd" and followed configuration instructions, provided by it.
Updated pipelines to build the agent pool, which those agents reside in ("Default" in my case)
To test the setup - triggered all 15 pipelines, that I had. As the result I was able to see two pipelines running at the same time, while others were in the "Queued" state (according to my expectations).
I will be also testing out how resources are consumed by the agents to try to understand if I should deploy more agents on the build machine.