How can I using Pulumi get continuous deployment between ACR and AppService container? - pulumi

I want to create a Pulumi script that automatically creates an instance of an App-Service and tie it with a newly created Azure Container Registry. The goal is to get an automatic update of my AppService when i push a new image to the registry.
So what I think I need a way to get the AppService - Container Settings -> Continuous Deployment -> WebHook URL after I create the AppService using Pulumi.
From that URL I can then (i hope) create a containerservice RegistryWebhook between the registry and the app-service.
Or are there any simper way to achieve this? (Get a auto-update of an AppService after docker push?)


Container deployment with self-managed kubernetes in AWS

I am relatively new to AWS and kubernetes. I have created a self-managed kubernetes cluster running in AWS (not using EKS). I have successfully created a pipeline in AWS CodePipeline that builds my container and uploads it to ECR. Currently I am manually deploying the created image in the cluster by running the following commands:
kubectl delete deployment my-service
kubectl apply -f my-service_deployment.yaml
How can I automate this manual step in AWS CodePipeline? How can I run the above commands as part of the pipeline?
Regarding my deployment yaml files, where should I store these files? (currently I store them locally in the master node.)
I am missing some best practices for this process.
Your yaml manifests should'nt be on your master node (never), they should be stored in a Version Control System (just like github/gitlab/bitbucket etc.).
To automate the deployment of your docker image based on new artifact version in ECR, you can use a great tools named FluxCD, it is actually very simple to install ( and you can easily configure it to automatically deploy your images in your cluster each time there is a new image on your ECR registry.
This way your codePipeline will build the code, do the tests, build the image, tag it and push it to ECR and FluxCD will deploy it to kubernetes. (it is also natively configurable to deploy on each X minutes (based on your configuration) on your cluster, so even if you bring a little change into your manifests, it will be automatically deployed !
you can also make use of argo cd its very easy to install and use compared to aws codepipeline.
argo cd was specifically designed for Kubernetes thus offers much better way to deploy to K8s

How to run script which start kubernetes cluster on azure devops

I tried to start #kubernetes cluster and then run tests and publish results. Do you have any idea on how this can be done?
I created a pipeline but I do not know which yml to use
Which task to add first - kubernetes deploy or something else
We have Kubernetes deployment.yml file>>It takes the container( image )( that we going to publish on AKS
App version: app/v1
Service.yml is to just expose the application App version: v1
Both the yml files are to be added .Please refer WAY2 for modifying manually.
WAY 1:
Quick way: Deploy to Azure Kubernetes service will do everything that’s needed because if you use the Deploy to Azure Kubernetes Services template, these variables get defined for you.
Create AKS cluster and ACR(container registry) in azure.
In azure Devops:
Create a pipeline>choose any source:for select an application
hosted in git hub
Then select Deploy to Azure Kubernetes service >select your aks
subscription> select the existing cluster>then select the container
registry that you want to put docker image into.keep the remaining
as default
Click on validate and configure
azure pipeline will generate a YAML file.
In the review pipeline YAML of azure-pipelines.yml
You have two stages:Build,deploy
Click save and run:This saves yaml file in master branch and it creates manifests files(deployment.yml and service.yml) for kubernetes deployment.
Click save and run>this will also trigger build.
WAY2: Using Docker image
To do modifications in the azurepipelines.yml file In the 3rd step from above ,Select Docker image instead of Deploy to Azure Kubernetes service.
Under configure pipeline>If it is in Build.SourcesDirectory in our
application , it will appear as say $
That builds the docker file /pipeline.
In the review pipeline YAML of azure-pipelines.yml
Few things can be modified like
You can change variable tag to repo name: and then deployment and
service.yml file can be added to the yml file by doing few
Build stage is automatic and no need to modify there.
You have to Add push and deploy stages in yml file as shown in the article
And get source code here

How to pull from private project's image registry using GitLab managed Kubernetes clusters

GitLab offers to manage a Kubernetes cluster, which includes (e.g.) creating the namespace, adding some tokens, etc. In GitLab CI jobs, one can directly use the $KUBECONFIG variable for contacting the cluster and e.g. creating deployments using helm. This works like a charm, as long as the GitLab project is public and therefore Docker images hosted by the GitLab project's image registry are publicly accessible.
However, when working with private projects, Kubernetes of course needs an ImagePullSecret to authenticate the GitLab's image registry to retreive the image. As far as I can see, GitLab does not automatically provide an ImagePullSecret for repository access.
Therefore, my question is: What is the best way to access the image repository of private GitLab repositories in a Kubernetes deployment in a GitLab managed deployment environment?
In my opinion, these are the possibilities and why they are not eligible/optimal:
Permanent ImagePullSecret provided by GitLab: When doing a deployment on a GitLab managed Kubernetes cluster, GitLab provides a list of variables to the deployment script (e.g. Helm Chart or kubectl apply -f manifest.yml). As far as I can (not) see, there is a lot of stuff like ServiceAccounts and tokens etc., but no ImagePullSecret - and also no configuration option for enabling ImagePullSecret creation.
Using $CI_JOB_TOKEN: When working with GitLab CI/CD, GitLab provides a variable named $CI_JOB_TOKEN which can be used for uploading Docker images to the registry during job execution. This token expires after the job is done. It could be combined with helm install --wait, but when a rescheduling takes place to a new node which does not have the image yet, the token is expired and the node is not able to download the image anymore. Therefore, this only works right in the moment of deploying the app.
Creating an ImagePullSecret manually and add it to the Deployment or the default ServiceAccount: *This is a manual step, has to be repeated for each individual project and just sucks - we're trying to automate things/GitLab managed Kubernetes clusters is designed for avoiding any manual step.`
Something else but I don't know about it.
So, am I wrong in one of these points? Am I missing a eligible option in this listing?
Again: It's all about a seamless integration with the "Managed Cluster" features of GitLab. I know how to add tokens from GitLab as ImagePullSecrets in Kubernetes, but I want to know how to automate this with the Managed Cluster feature.
There is another way. You can bake the ImagePullSecret in your container runtime configuration. Docker, containerd or CRI-O (Whatever you are using)
As root run docker login <your-private-registry-url>. Then a file /root/.docker/config.json should be created/updated. Stick that in all your Kubernetes node and make sure your kubelet runs as root (which typically does). Some background info.
The content of the file should look something like this:
"auths": {
"my-private-registry": {
"auth": "xxxxxx"
"HttpHeaders": {
"User-Agent": "Docker-Client/18.09.2 (Linux)"
Configure your containerd.toml file with something like this:
username = ""
password = ""
auth = ""
identitytoken = ""
Specify the global_auth_file option in your crio.conf file.
Configure your account.
For example, for kubernetes pull image, use the address
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>

Is it possible to use Jenkins secret as an imagePullSecret in Kubernetes pod agent template in declarative pipeline

My goal is to set up jenkins agent pod in kubernetes cluster for which the docker image is needed to be pulled from a private registry. I cannot provide the credentials in source control. Is there any possible way to fetch credentials from jenkins secrets rather than providing a kubernetes secret in podSpec?
I've done this before when the images were stored in Azure Container Registry (ACR). In that case we used the "with credentials" plugin combined with the "Azure CLI" plugin to push/pull the images from ACR.
Here is a similar example, but using docker hub instead of ACR as the private registry:

How to connect on premise kubernetes cluster using Jenkins File

I am trying to deploy application on kubernetes cluster by using jenkins multi branch pipeline and "Jenkins file" but unable to make connection between Jenkins and Kubernetes. From code side I can't share more details here.
I just want to know if there is any way to make this connection (Jenkins and Kubernetes) using Jenkins file so that I will use it to deploy the application on Kubernetes.
Following is the technology stack that might clear my issue:
Jenkins file is kept at root location of project in git hub.
Separate jenkins server where pipeline is created to deploy the application on Kubernetes.
On premise kubernetes cluster.
You need credentials to talk to Kubernetes. When you have automation like Jenkins running jobs, it's best to create a service account for Jenkins, look here for some documentation. Once you create the Jenkins service account, you can extract an authentication token for that account, which you put into Jenkins. What I would recommend doing, since your Jenkins is not a pod inside your Kubernetes cluster is to upload a working kubectl config as a secret file in the Jenkins credential manager.
Then, in your Jenkins job configuration, you can use that secret. Jenkins can put the file somewhere for your job to access, then in your Jenkinsfile, you can run commands with "kubectl --kubeconfig= ...".